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Dual Pricing At Saphan In


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just a heads up. The major outdoor seafood restaurant(mostly made in bricks with a big projector screen) at the entry next to the roundabout has 2 menus. Both of them are in thai and in english but one of them has not a 30-50% increase but a 100%+ increase.

Its a major restaurant so tell your friends and visiting family members.

Edited by thaiIand
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Happens all the time in Phuket and Khaolak. My wife ( Thai ) and her Thai friends went to Rayaa restaurant and paid for the crab curry with noodles 200 Baht less than what we normally have to pay when i tag along. They always double or sometimes triple the price to welcome the tourists here.

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There is dual pricing here and in other Asian and western countries

But if you are a regular customer of a business you get Thai price

A good example is when my parents had a holiday in Ireland they

were in a tourist shop the owners asked them to hurry with there

purchases as there was a bus load of American tourists due

The shop doubled there prices

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^Not only Asia - I was looking through a bric-a-brac shop in Port Vila (Vanuatu) one time when suddenly, all the price tags were changed (although they assured me I could purchase at the 'old' prices). Reason? A cruise ship was arriving.

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^Not only Asia - I was looking through a bric-a-brac shop in Port Vila (Vanuatu) one time when suddenly, all the price tags were changed (although they assured me I could purchase at the 'old' prices). Reason? A cruise ship was arriving.

I was just about to chip in with more anecdotal waffle when I realised the OP was taking about Lalaland and not anywhere else in the world. Funny that.

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Never mind Billy - I'm used to your waffle ;)


Oh, I see, all gang up on the little guy because he can't flash the free bus-pass and buy one-get one free catheter bag voucher :angry: ....huh, I can take it, but if you persist with this abuse I'll come round and stick a fruit bat up ya night dress. :shock1: Talking of coming round, I'll be on the island for a few days this Kitamah in my capacity as an International Restaurant Reviewer for the Bogtrotter Bugle, to follow up rumours that you may be able to get something decent to eat there. Should be an interesting few days and I'm hoping to trump the sea food platter I was served in Patong whereupon the lobster wasn't actually dead.:licklips:

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I used to work in a table dancing club in Kings Cross Sydney from 1997-1999 and the cover charge was $15. But when Japanese or Koreans lined up at the door we charged $25 because they were an easy mark. If people are stupid enough to get ripped off then....som num na

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I used to work in a table dancing club in Kings Cross Sydney from 1997-1999 and the cover charge was $15. But when Japanese or Koreans lined up at the door we charged $25 because they were an easy mark. If people are stupid enough to get ripped off then....som num na

Were you a table dancer or a doorman :)

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I used to work in a table dancing club in Kings Cross Sydney from 1997-1999 and the cover charge was $15. But when Japanese or Koreans lined up at the door we charged $25 because they were an easy mark. If people are stupid enough to get ripped off then....som num na

Were you a table dancer or a doorman :)

Everyone asks that...rolleyes.gif I was a bartender

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:lol: dont blame Thailand for dual pricing,ive been in the tourist industry all my life,go to the uk,europe etc..you have the best price fixers in the world and can never tell they are doing it....the Thais are not clever enough to hide it,thats why you know about it....but dont forget its ...UP TO YOU :ph34r:
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