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Internet In Village Without Landline


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I use a dongle with 12 Call.. About 375 Baht for 100 hours for 30 day's. Works ok but at times very very slow. Cannot look at videos as it take forever to download. If there is something faster out there I would like to now as well....

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I use a dongle with 12 Call.. About 375 Baht for 100 hours for 30 day's. Works ok but at times very very slow. Cannot look at videos as it take forever to download. If there is something faster out there I would like to now as well....

There have been several threads about this, you might look at Internet/computers forum as well.

I tried all the options I could come up with, satellite with TOT through Ipstar was very unreliable in bad weather, AIS aircards were excruciatingly slow. Depending on where you are, you can get CAT and a pretty good connection (look for the threads on that), but I got very lucky with TOT about a year ago.

They came to our village and offered to erect a wireless tower if 16 customers would commit. We have several Thai teachers around here (near Prasat) that wanted internet, so that wasn't a problem. TOT put up the tower about 1 1/2 years ago, ran an ADSL line to our house and I get great, almost perfect internet service with download speeds usually exceeding 500-600 Kbps. WOW!!! what a difference.

Internet in Thailand has been a problem for a long time, but it is improving. Make some calls to TOT, check CAT for towers you can see, and look through some of the different forums. It can be found.

Good luck


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Everything depends on what is the nearest and best server for your village, be it AIS, DTAC,True, TOT, TT&T or whoever.

I used to have TT & T landline when they provided Maxnet. Then it became 3BB. One year ago 3BB pulled the plug with T T & T and discontinued our service. TOT don't have lines to the village so I'm reduced to CAT CDMA (so called 3G - ha ha!) with dongle and outside antenna. Speed is about 250kbs down late night and mornings until midday - then it's useless. I'm only about 3 km from the tower but demand outstrips supply. And they dare to charge about 800 baht per month unrestricted. If anyone knows of another internet company using TT & T lines I'd love to hear of it.
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I installed CAT about 18 months ago. They erected a TV type antenna on a long pole. By memory all up it cost me about 6,000bht and about 700 per month. It's pretty slow and intermittent.

With ever changing technology I'm interested to know what else is available.

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A mate of mine had TOT come round and erect an antenna. It goes very high.

He gets speeds of around 6mb. Cost him about 14000 for intallation including a wifi router. Now pays about 1000 a month unlimited. Also gets UBC platinum package thrown in.

Unfortunately he his back in England at the moment. I will try to contact him and post more info.

Watch this space.

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What this subject is concerned: I will eventually end up in the madhouse. I have several suppliers of wireless internet connections here. Of course, everyone claims to be the best. Not even asking where the nearest "tower" is. (And this is not the only criteria, that is of relevance to the quality of reception, right ?) I mainly need a clean Skype connection.

Of course , there is always the offer of installing a "private-tower". = At a cost, of course, but even then, I get no guarantee whatsoever, what the quality of reception is concerned.

I would be paying 15'000 Bht and act as a "Guinee-Pig" at the same time. If it doesent work = No refund ????

Dongle in General: Worked allright in the past as long I used it in major tourist-hubs. Until the day, when a message popped up in my computer that said "an other user is already logged in and you have therefore no access no more." Went to the nearest AIS and mentioned the problem. Answer: To avoid this, you have to "personalise" your access to AIS. When I asked "how do I "personalise" my Dongle to avoid mis-use, there was noboby in the place, that could tell me how to do this.

As I said before, I will probably end up in a madhouse because of this. (Althoug, the assurance, that they have good internet connections in any sort of madhouse in Thailand, already makes me feel better.)


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There are lots of things to think about and consider before you settle in Thailand, if you want your home comforts, eg, mains power,piped water, sewerage, provision shops,cable/sat TV, land line telephone, and internet, life here is so much easier if you have these things, i do, and i live in Namsom, a small town of 8.500, [registed people] who knows when these services will reach out into the small villages and hamlets?

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Unless you get fixed line and ADSL next best bet is CAT CDMA until GSM 3G catches on (if it ever does in the remote areas).

Sorry, as a true amateur I must ask: What is CAT CDMA ? Who privides it ? Cost ?

Thanks & cheers.


Thanks Jezz. This helps.

You're welcome, but as I said in an earlier comment, CAT can be very up and down. Usually good in the mornings and late night for downloading, very slow the rest of the time. Depends how close you are to a tower.

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