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Any Alternative To True For Satelite Tv?

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I have a much easier and cheaper solution. Bit torrents. I use my older Apple laptop for my player connected to my TV and my network to grab files and my newer MacBook Pro connected to a 2 TB firewire 800 hard drive and the internet constantly downloading. When It starts to fill up I transfer the files to one of my 2 TB USB drives for archive. I have complete TV series, and any movie I can think of... Free, other than the hard drives... I did see a box, I think it was by Netgear that might be good. It has HDMI and analog outputs and it connects to your wifi. You can plug a USB drive into it also. I think it was about $100. So you can stream from your computer to it, use it to stream off the internet or just plug a 2 TB drive in and enjoy. By the way, Pan Am was canceled. I've already watched all of the episodes. I'm re watching NCIS from the beginning and am on the third year and have all of the seasons up to season 9 episodes that have aired. Plus classic TV series like Rawhide, Dick Van Dyke, My Three Sons, Gunsmoke, etc, etc. I've found streaming sports to be a bit iffy, with the internet here. I have 2 ISPs and I'm not sure if it's the source or my internet, but the stream seems pretty choppy at times. Plus the games are on at 1 AM and 4 AM, but sometimes I can even find them in a couple of days on bit torrents.

Torrents of course are only for past events, not live. True Sports has virtually all of the English Premier League live, and on Saturdays, 3 matches in HD (1245, 1500, 1715). Apple TV is good for streaming from your computer to TV, wireless from your computer's iTunes Library to AP, then HDMI to TV. However, you do have to convert all of your files to mp4 format (for iTunes), but that's not really an issue using Handbrake, just time consuming.

I could care less about soccer. Truevisions didn't have last years NBA and dropped ASN so to me they are useless! I had them for over 5 years, paying over 2,000 Baht a month for constant repeats and shows that were the previous seasons. I don't have to convert any files now. I used to use handbrake to convert avi and mvk files for my iPad and iPod touch. But now there is Flexplayer that is free and will play both without converting to MP4V. I use VLC and MPlayer on my computers, so again, no conversion needed, unless I want to burn a DVD. There is also a cable available for the iPad and iPod touch to analog component video out or HDMI so you can use them instead of another computer. I don't see any use for Apple TV at all! I have been using Apple products for almost 20 years and have found work arounds to their protectionism. It looks like there are other boxes that do way more than Apple TV for the same price. Apple and iTunes these days is about copyright protection and paying royalties that Apple had aquired.. Look what they did to Final Cut Pro. It was great, now crap!

Huh, just completed downloading the entire Get Smart series, that will be fun.

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True is much better for the premierleague

I dont agree.

I switched to Astro a month ago..... far better than True.

I no longer have to listen to 3 clueless muppets rabbiting on in Thai.

With Astro, at least you have professionals discussing the football in English.

Watching football in HD is also far better.

True Sports HD is all in english

Plus they show 90% of all the live games compared to about 30% on Astro

Remember the last World Cup? True only bought the video rights, not the audio. So it was only in Thai!


I could care less about soccer. Truevisions didn't have last years NBA and dropped ASN so to me they are useless! I had them for over 5 years, paying over 2.000 Baht a month for constant repeats and shows that were the previous season. I don't have to convert any files now. I used to use handbrake to convert avi and mvk files for my iPad and iPod touch. But now there is Flexplayer that is free and will play both without converting to MP4V. There is also a cable available for the iPad and iPod touch to analog component video out or HDMI so you can use them instead of another computer. I don't see any use for Apple TV at all! I have been using Apple products for almost 20 years and have found work arounds to their protectionism. It looks like there are other boxes that do way more than Apple TV for the same price. Apple and iTunes these days is about copyright protection and paying royalties that Apple had aquired.. Look what they did to Final Cut Pro. It was great, now crap!

I agree with most of your comments, however, painful though it might be, NBA is quite a minority interest sport (in global terms), hence the lack of take up from non-US broadcasters. Tongue in cheek comment, however, I'm curious about what you're using to get your media from computer to TV. I was using a MacBook Pro (DVI to HDMI, + audio cable), but it collapsed on me, and I'm afraid I'm not prepared to pay the 45,000 baht estimate to replace it's logic board. So, looking at how I can send wirelessly my media to my TV, I'm not finding anything other than Apple TV. Great if you can offer me an alternative, and I'd appreciate your advice.

P.S. Don't forget to download the next episode of 'Boardwalk Empire' tomorrow morning! I usually see it around 11 a.m., which is probably about 1 hour after it's aired in the US.


Currently i am using an old G4 Titanium laptop as it has a S-video output and an adaptor to composite analog video.I put in the max 1Gig RAM and the max 120 GB hard drive that it will recognize. I am looking at a box that's made I think by Netgear, that I described in a previous post. I haven't seen it here, but I expect a friend or two arriving in the next two months and I may have them pick me up one. Also i described in my prior post about a cable I can buy for my 64 GB iPod Touch and/or iPad that will plug into a TV. They have your choice of component analog, composite analog or digital HDMI outputs... Since I don't really watch that much TV and my TVs are around 5 years old and analog, my old G4 laptop's output looks better than Truevision's non HD channels when i play avi files. If I want 720P I need to buy the iPad/ iPod cable or check out the NetGear box or buy a new TV and use my MacBook Pro or one of the two other previously described methods. I have the mini video port to DVI and adaptors to HDMI and VGA for my MacBook Pro, but really don't want to use it as my media player...


True is much better for the premierleague

I dont agree.

I switched to Astro a month ago..... far better than True.

I no longer have to listen to 3 clueless muppets rabbiting on in Thai.

With Astro, at least you have professionals discussing the football in English.

Watching football in HD is also far better.

True Sports HD is all in english

Plus they show 90% of all the live games compared to about 30% on Astro

Remember the last World Cup? True only bought the video rights, not the audio. So it was only in Thai!

True Sports HD was all in English for the world cup and still is. That is one of the benefits of True Sports HD.....


I just plug my external hard-drive into the USB port on my TV. As long as the file is avi or divx there is no problem.

Ah, new technology! What TV do you have?


I just plug my external hard-drive into the USB port on my TV. As long as the file is avi or divx there is no problem.

Ah, new technology! What TV do you have?

LG and I've had it for at least two years now.


True Sports HD was all in English for the world cup and still is. That is one of the benefits of True Sports HD.....

Not according to this article: http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry3693124

Hmmm, I thought it was in English at that point but in fairness i didn't have it then.

Anyhow it's in English now on the HD channels but not on the SD channels.

It is in English on all channels, except for the pre and post match blabla.


True Sports HD was all in English for the world cup and still is. That is one of the benefits of True Sports HD.....

Not according to this article: http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry3693124

Hmmm, I thought it was in English at that point but in fairness i didn't have it then.

Anyhow it's in English now on the HD channels but not on the SD channels.

It is in English on all channels, except for the pre and post match blabla.

The pre and post match blabla is in english on the HD channels, that's what I meant


I just plug my external hard-drive into the USB port on my TV. As long as the file is avi or divx there is no problem.

Ah, new technology! What TV do you have?

LG and I've had it for at least two years now.

Works with USB drives as well although of course they cannot store as much. The newer TVs play more formats including mkv which is generally a good quality format i.e 720p


Al Jazeerah news is not only biased, but boring. BBC (just for one) is much better, but to each his own. :unsure:

Its just biased the opposite way to most of the others

check Russia Today for an excellent anti-anglo-American slant.


If you use the internet connection and get VPN,

Then a TV box sending it to your TV.

Often you can download program for free or for a small fee get it directly or save it, for you to decide when you like to watch it, when you wanted.

Even on a tablet if that is better for you....

Find a computer friend to set it up for you, if you don`t feel you can do it...

VPN is only the conduit by which to receive, in this case, an internet media connection. Doesn't solve the problem of the actual source finding though, which can be expensive if talking about say 'Slingbox' routing (as an example) Sky TV from the UK. Additionally, though these systems do work, they're dependent on consistent internet reception quality.

For all of it's sins, True still offers the broadest range of programming and quality in Thailand (don't know where the original OP gets his on-screen ads from, because the only 'in programme' advertising that I've ever seen are actually from the US originating channels such as Fox etc). I never get them in any of the core movie channels such as 42,43,44,45 and 121). Incidentally, Formula 1 racing has been shown consistently on Channel 108 (ESPN).

True certainly isn't perfect, but for the broad (and Thai) content, consistency (i.e. no mid programme channel changes as frequently happens in cable), and quality of reception (particularly with the HD channels available), it's the best of what's not a very good deal.

If you have a source of good quality downloaded TV and films to watch as a back up, it's as good as it gets. The best media is available for free.

is there any rugby, apart from the world cup, on it though?


Works with USB drives as well although of course they cannot store as much. The newer TVs play more formats including mkv which is generally a good quality format i.e 720p

I have 2 Tera Byte USB drives, there are 3 TB available now... So I'm not sure what you're talking about...


Works with USB drives as well although of course they cannot store as much. The newer TVs play more formats including mkv which is generally a good quality format i.e 720p

I have 2 Tera Byte USB drives, there are 3 TB available now... So I'm not sure what you're talking about...

You are talking about external HDDs which are extremely expensive now due to the shortage from the floods. I was talking about thumb drives.


Al Jazeerah news is not only biased, but boring. BBC (just for one) is much better, but to each his own. :unsure:

Its just biased the opposite way to most of the others

check Russia Today for an excellent anti-anglo-American slant.

I have found Al Jajeerah to be far superior to both CNN and BBC for objectivity. The anglo media is just too entrenched with propaganda messages that are all pushing lies for justifying various wars , which the US/ UK media owners profit from quite handsomely.

Thanks for all the responses, seems this is a huge issue and too bad the laws in Tland have made it possible for True to have an absolute monopoly on English programing via satelite.

I do not have a land line and use about the crappiest internet connection ever, a CAT air card which has me constantly in frustration. So I take it Astro is my only other choice for satellite . What about cable?


Al Jazeerah news is not only biased, but boring. BBC (just for one) is much better, but to each his own. :unsure:

Its just biased the opposite way to most of the others

check Russia Today for an excellent anti-anglo-American slant.

I have found Al Jajeerah to be far superior to both CNN and BBC for objectivity. The anglo media is just too entrenched with propaganda messages that are all pushing lies for justifying various wars , which the US/ UK media owners profit from quite handsomely.

Thanks for all the responses, seems this is a huge issue and too bad the laws in Tland have made it possible for True to have an absolute monopoly on English programing via satelite.

I do not have a land line and use about the crappiest internet connection ever, a CAT air card which has me constantly in frustration. So I take it Astro is my only other choice for satellite . What about cable?

I have cable, which provides one of my internet services. The one I use to download all the shows I watch. I also have 3BB for when the cable internet goes out. They both run different types of cable to your house and all I paid for installation was the bit of cable that was over their normal install length from the closest power pole to my house and some other small install fee. In each case they had to run almost a KM of cable, but I only paid a few hundred Baht. There's not that much in English on the actual cable TV. BBC, Fox News, Aljazera English news, Universal, CI, Sony Entertainment, Golf Channel, 2 Astro Sports channels, Euro Sports and a few more... Not the best quality video though. But it's only 350 Baht a month, for the TV. Another 500 Baht for the internet, which sounds like it would be a hugh improvement over what you're using. It depends on where you live, if it's available.


Is HBO HD movies not widely respected as one of the best dedicated movie channels in the world? I don't think you will find better with an alternative providor...

A general guide to the farang Phuket cable channels


But the HBO channel in Thailand is censored so much you lose most of the story lines/ key scenes,


Thanks for that, and the name of your cable company, please?

I have cable, which provides one of my internet services. The one I use to download all the shows I watch. I also have 3BB for when the cable internet goes out. They both run different types of cable to your house and all I paid for installation was the bit of cable that was over their normal install length from the closest power pole to my house and some other small install fee. In each case they had to run almost a KM of cable, but I only paid a few hundred Baht. There's not that much in English on the actual cable TV. BBC, Fox News, Aljazera English news, Universal, CI, Sony Entertainment, Golf Channel, 2 Astro Sports channels, Euro Sports and a few more... Not the best quality video though. But it's only 350 Baht a month, for the TV. Another 500 Baht for the internet, which sounds like it would be a hugh improvement over what you're using. It depends on where you live, if it's available.


Thanks for that, and the name of your cable company, please?

I have cable, which provides one of my internet services. The one I use to download all the shows I watch. I also have 3BB for when the cable internet goes out. They both run different types of cable to your house and all I paid for installation was the bit of cable that was over their normal install length from the closest power pole to my house and some other small install fee. In each case they had to run almost a KM of cable, but I only paid a few hundred Baht. There's not that much in English on the actual cable TV. BBC, Fox News, Aljazera English news, Universal, CI, Sony Entertainment, Golf Channel, 2 Astro Sports channels, Euro Sports and a few more... Not the best quality video though. But it's only 350 Baht a month, for the TV. Another 500 Baht for the internet, which sounds like it would be a hugh improvement over what you're using. It depends on where you live, if it's available.

KPP Rawai.


I just plug my external hard-drive into the USB port on my TV. As long as the file is avi or divx there is no problem.

Ah, new technology! What TV do you have?

LG and I've had it for at least two years now.

Me too, Its easily the best way, the other thing I sometimes do is plug my macbook into the tv with a HDMI to mini HDMI and stream directly using my magic trackpad as the control. For my old tv in the bedroom I have an iomega screenplay, which is a small box that connects straight to the red white and yellow analogue ports, you can the plug the hard drive into that and It comes with a remote control. Its a bit slow to start up but plays everything ok.

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