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Road Rage In Thailand


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The total lack of courtesy and consideration for others is what really infuriates me. No road manners and a total lack of common sense. ..........

Blatant nonsense.

Drive on N 1095 from Mae Malai (North of CM) to Mae Hong Son and you will recognize your error.

The driver in front of you gives you a sign by a right or left blinker, when the street is free for overtaking or not. Here it's normal, in Europe barley seen.

'grid lock' due to people blocking intersections

Normal in Europe, too. At least not unusual.

Meanwhile you are surrounded by impatient people on motorcycles squeezing through gaps that dont exist!!!

A problem of or for roade rage :shock1:

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I've had to drive in lots of places and one of the worst is the Middle East as anyone that has lived there will tell you...in the west there is no excuse for inconsiderate driving and the question of 'deliberate disrespect' comes into play and the associated 'road rage'...

as a westerner who is used to courtesy from other drivers one of the hardest things to get used to in the third world are the local driving habits which do not incorporate western expectations; people simply are bad drivers, wandering all over the road, not signalling, squeezing in if there is a space (sometimes when there is not)...basic dumbshits...but, one must realise that they do not intend to be deliberately disrespectful or unsafe: they simply don't know any better...

on the other hand, there is no question about disrespect when someone gives you the finger...lucky not to get shot...

If an accident happens in the Middle East it's the will of God. So accidents will happen regardless of driving behaviour. Much the same as in Thailand I think. Go to the temple, make merit, but some amulets and your be safe at 160 km/h in the rain on the footpath..

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A much better way to piss off tailgaters is to slow down and then when they try to undertake you ( with no signal to tell you this) you give a signal and doubly piss them off as you move into the lane they want to undertake in, its even more sttisfying if they then get stuck behind you as all other traffic now passes freely in the outside lane.

This involves no finger waving or anything and is nicely effective at winding them up.

This only 'works' if you're in a car - if you're on a motorbike you'll end up dead....

I refuse to drive a car here as I feel too safe - so tend to not pay the attention needed at all times on the roads here.

Having ridden a motorbike (scooter) for a number of years, I find Thais on motorbikes far better than foreigners. The locals have ridden them since they were around 7 - so are v adept at getting themselves out of trouble. Foreigners on the other hand are either tourists and complete idiots on 'bikes - or have lived here 'too' long and are paying no attention at all! Its only a minority that are still driving as if they were in the West.

Incidentally, has anybody noticed how those on the new Honda PCX are driving like maniacs?? They're still pretty new so I haven't seen many, but.... they have all been idiots apart from one Thai woman that I came across.

It looks as if its a good 'bike and I was thinking about getting one, until I realised they are the scooter equivalent of BMW drivers :o!

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I find repeating "<deleted>" under my breath very therapeutic and calming.

Thats so funny as I do exactly the same.... in fact i yak yak with the stupid drivers on the road.. guy pulls out right in front of me I mutter to myself " Now somchai that was rather stupid wasn't it" Sound crazy but it does relieve stress.

No doubt Ill get flamed about reference to all Thais are bad drivers, no they are not, its just that a high percentage of Thai's are poor drivers. Full stop, fact.

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I'll be happy when they begin to stop for a red light at the zebra crossing with traffic lights outside my house in BKK to let the children cross the road. It's as if they think because they are driving they are more important than pedestrians. Again in Thailand they have things completely ar*e about face.

You can see what the Thais are really like behind the wheel of a car and it's not pleasant. I gave up driving here a couple of years ago but ultimately I cannot win; regularly I get in taxis or on buses where the drivers are complete idiots, dangerous and under the influence of drugs/alcohol.

It's something you cannot avoid living in Thailand unfortunately.

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A much better way to piss off tailgaters is to slow down and then when they try to undertake you ( with no signal to tell you this) you give a signal and doubly piss them off as you move into the lane they want to undertake in, its even more sttisfying if they then get stuck behind you as all other traffic now passes freely in the outside lane.

This involves no finger waving or anything and is nicely effective at winding them up.

This only 'works' if you're in a car - if you're on a motorbike you'll end up dead....

I refuse to drive a car here as I feel too safe - so tend to not pay the attention needed at all times on the roads here.

Having ridden a motorbike (scooter) for a number of years, I find Thais on motorbikes far better than foreigners. The locals have ridden them since they were around 7 - so are v adept at getting themselves out of trouble. Foreigners on the other hand are either tourists and complete idiots on 'bikes - or have lived here 'too' long and are paying no attention at all! Its only a minority that are still driving as if they were in the West.

Incidentally, has anybody noticed how those on the new Honda PCX are driving like maniacs?? They're still pretty new so I haven't seen many, but.... they have all been idiots apart from one Thai woman that I came across.

It looks as if its a good 'bike and I was thinking about getting one, until I realised they are the scooter equivalent of BMW drivers :o!

I think you'll find 13000 of those motorcycles actually DONT get out of trouble here each year and end up "brown bread" ( work it out)

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A much better way to piss off tailgaters is to slow down and then when they try to undertake you ( with no signal to tell you this) you give a signal and doubly piss them off as you move into the lane they want to undertake in, its even more sttisfying if they then get stuck behind you as all other traffic now passes freely in the outside lane.

This involves no finger waving or anything and is nicely effective at winding them up.

this is the best way to avoid getting angry at the wheels. I too play sort of a similar game where i force crazy drivers to get angry and most of the time i manage to get them stuck 10-30 cars behind me in the traffic. Always a little pissed when once manages to drive through the motorbike/parking lane and gets to the front, its kind of a failure from me haha.

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A much better way to piss off tailgaters is to slow down and then when they try to undertake you ( with no signal to tell you this) you give a signal and doubly piss them off as you move into the lane they want to undertake in, its even more sttisfying if they then get stuck behind you as all other traffic now passes freely in the outside lane.

This involves no finger waving or anything and is nicely effective at winding them up.

this is the best way to avoid getting angry at the wheels. I too play sort of a similar game where i force crazy drivers to get angry and most of the time i manage to get them stuck 10-30 cars behind me in the traffic. Always a little pissed when once manages to drive through the motorbike/parking lane and gets to the front, its kind of a failure from me haha.

I tried that once, but I ended up feeling really guilty about the bloke the idiot drove into, and the repair crew that had to be called out. The idiot can't help his personality shortcomings, but we should know better than to wind them up.


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Blatant nonsense.

Drive on N 1095 from Mae Malai (North of CM) to Mae Hong Son and you will recognize your error.

The driver in front of you gives you a sign by a right or left blinker, when the street is free for overtaking or not. Here it's normal, in Europe barley seen.

It is actually universally practised by professional drivers (large lorry, coach and bus drivers) on UK motorways and dual lane trunk roads. As these vehicles are not allowed to use the outside (third) lane they may overtake slower traffic only by using the middle lane. The procedure is the overtakee indicates to the overtaker that it is safe to do so by putting on a left signal. The overtaker then moves past and when they are clear of the overtakee, a brief flash of the headlights indicates that it is safe to pull back in. The overtaker normally signal their appreciation with a brief use of the 4-ways. This sort of co-operation between drivers is especially useful at night or in poor visibility.

That is the difference between professional and amateur drivers.

Most of the problems in places like Thailand are caused by inadequate training and education. The Thai driving test is a standing joke and the 'mai bpen rai' attitude of the natives does nothing to help matters. My missus wants me to buy her a car but I have told her she must pass her test before I would even consider it. The car remains in the showroom.

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I tought I should reply one last time to clear up what I said in my post.

Where I come from anyone mentions 2 lane road it automatically means 2 lanes each one going in a different direction. A four lane has 2 lanes going in the same direction.A 4 lane can be undivided or divided as most are in Thailand. Now I understand what you meant by 2 lane it is clearer to me what happened and as I mentioned I was trying to picture it. Where I am from the road would have been describe as 4 lane divided. Now i see it as everyone is going in the same direction so changes things a lot. So I see your point now as to the passing. It is common here. We all do it.

As far as getting the finger. Well most of the time I would look at it as someone who is just giving an opinion and leave it at that. I allow people that.

Point taken. Perhaps my bad for indicating 2 lane vs. 4. As for your last paragraph, I am very much in your camp. I may act pissed and offended, but am I really going to go after the guy for being a numbnut? Most likely not. Guys like us have too much to lose and can't really afford to act like they do in the movies. My point is that there are some guys out there who have a short-fuse and can go absolutely psycho at the slightest provocation. I don't want you or anyone else lighting that fuse.

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Kind of a tangent to the thread, but the evening news last night had a story of a 60+ year old fellow who shot dead two of his neighbors (father and son) who were complaining that he was slamming (I'd wager that a good number of folks on TVF are slammers too) the doors too loud and they could hear it two houses down. The shooter waited for the police to arrive, didn't come out of the house, yelled out that he would call his wife first and then kill himself. True to his word, he did.

Well worth it for all parties involved, surely.

I won't be shooting anyone tonight, unless someone who is armed and means my family harm enters my house. Sipping on a Chang 'Export' instead....


Edited by Heng
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I was riding my push bike yesterday on the main road, pick rolls out of a side road, I dont know if he did not look or just he was bigger therefore you stop! So I brake and stop right in front og him and give him the eye, he has now had to wait longer than he would if he had waited, that is my way of dealing with these jerks, why do they always have to be first, need to save a couple of seconds, overtake and then pull up in front of you? Thats what you get with no driving schools and a test thats farcical :o

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It happens to me quite often when I am on my pushbike. I don't know why but assume that either they totally misjudge how fast you are going, or just think that because you are not motorised they have right of way.

I don't do what you do though as it is just not worth it. Simply repeating "<deleted>" under your breath as many times as you want makes everything better. Just think, you know something about the driver that he does not even realize himself and that is, "He is a <deleted>".

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It happens to me quite often when I am on my pushbike. I don't know why but assume that either they totally misjudge how fast you are going, or just think that because you are not motorised they have right of way.

Apart from a few dicey roads best avoided unless you are in an APC, the majority of motorists are pretty courtious towards cyclists round my way - even the truckers.

After all; who wants bits of dead me defacing their shiny new SUV and scratching the paintwork?

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I have a couple of stories to tell, but first let's clear up the terminology. I'm from the UK so we drive on the left - like most of the civilized worldwhistling.gif

In driving terms - and I'm sure there's plenty that don't fit these rules:

A lane is a a piece of road wide enough for a single vehicle (also known as Single Track), these are found in the countryside and have passing places.

A road is exactly that, it has room for two vehicles to pass each other in opposite directions.

A dual carriageway has two or more lanes of traffic in each direction, can be divided (or not) and would be called a 2 lane highway (2 in each direction) or a 3 lane highway (3 in each direction) - though these get ridiculously huge in some places (LA and Suvanabhumi Airport) and go to 10+ each direction..

There are roads with 3 lanes, usually these are divided by double solid white lines so that only vehicles on the correct (notice I didn't say right) may use the middle lane. Before the UK had double White lines and Cat's Eyes- the middle lane was called 'Dead Man's Lane' as it resulted in head on collisions.

There are also 'shoulders' on many roads and motorways, in the UK these are not allowed to be used unless you've broken down (Urban Clearway - blue background, red circle and cross).

In Thailand these may be used at any time and by any vehicle travelling in whatever direction they want and as an excuse to pull out without looking, on divided dual carriageways, there are small 'shoulders' in the middle to be used by slow moving vehicles attempting to U Turn.

My stories:

A road, with shoulders, following 2 pick-up trucks, both travelling at 60kmh, 2nd truck has 3 clear opportunities to overtake - open road, plenty of visibility and nothing coming the other direction. I assume that he's happily travelling at that speed and so at the next opportunity, I accelerate, pull out, get my rear wheel in front of his front wheel and he decides to side swipe me! Bear in mind I'm in a 19 yoToyota HiAce van. Fortunately only a scrape for me, his front wing was pulverised, probably a 2yo HiLux Pick Up. I'm insured but didn't want the hassle so bunged him 1500 Baht.

A road, no shoulders into a village, I indicate, slow down (probably 5 mph) to take a right turn into a Soi, just as I swing right, two girls (14 & 13) no helmets on a scooter catapult into the drivers door of my van. Fortunately, they stayed upright and crashed into a hedge. One had a fairly severe cut on her forehead and I found out later the other one had broken a toe. I had a big fight with the Mrs (who wasn't there at the time), it's their fault, no license, no helmets, what were they thinking! My wife persuaded me, (whilst wrong, but probably best for me personally) to handover cash for the kids hospital treatment, we fought about the amount, but I gave them 1000 Baht each. I'm sure it would have costed me loads more if the police had got involved!

I can be both a considerate driver as well as an impatient one. If I'm sitting in traffic and somebody is waiting patiently to pull out, I will let them in. If the person behind them then tries to 'rush' the situation, it pisses me off! I don't make deliberately rude hand gestures at people (apart from sarcastic clapping at junctions), but I am a "You f*cking wanke_r' out loud - I assume I can't be heard either in the traffic or at the speed I'm travelling at.

That was a bit long winded - sorry!

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Most Thais wouldn't give a toss about what a Farang does or does not do, they know that most Farangs are absolutely terrified of Thai guys.

Some do, my favourite past time whilst coming home from work is watching my left mirror for Somchai the meat dart attemping a high speed overtake up the left. They shit bricks when I close the gap between me and parked cars............

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The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

Says who?

Not for me its not. I reckon the number one danger for me is accidentally winding up some pissed Scouse bloke or a German, and him passing by one of the stalls that sells big knives on Sukhumvit and thinking "I wonder if that miserable scotch git is still in the beer bar?"


Straying back on topic...

Defensive driving: If you assume other drivers are idiots, then they will accidentally irritate you, rather than deliberately annoying you. If you drive slower than they do, they won't pull out in front of you. There's no point in trying to block someone, You are far safer with an idiot in front of you than behind. If you keep a good space between you and the car in front, you won't need to slow down quickly, so it doesn't matter how close is the guy behind.

I sometimes smile when the chap behind is too close for me to see his flashing headlights. It annoys me when the person behind refuses to overtake, and sometimes slow down to encourage them; though I suppose, on a lot of the roads I drive, there's only one lane going to a particular destination, and if you get stuck in the wrong lane you'll end up somewhere else.

To be fair, driving in Malaysia is, in my opinion, far better than in Thailand, though some of the challenges are the same. The roads are also better laid-out, I think.


Edited by StreetCowboy
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The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

And there's me thinking it was:

1) Scamming Bar Girls

2) Tuk-tuk mafia

3) Jet-ski operators

4) Not enough smiling in LOS


Does that stand for "Eff All Clue, Though"?


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The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

And there's me thinking it was:

1) Scamming Bar Girls

2) Tuk-tuk mafia

3) Jet-ski operators

4) Not enough smiling in LOS


Does that stand for "Eff All Clue, Though"?


Larry's never seen a 10" centipede crawling around his condo - they have no respect for lanes or the highway code!jap.gif

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The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

And there's me thinking it was:

1) Scamming Bar Girls

2) Tuk-tuk mafia

3) Jet-ski operators

4) Not enough smiling in LOS


Does that stand for "Eff All Clue, Though"?


Larry's never seen a 10" centipede crawling around his condo - they have no respect for lanes or the highway code!jap.gif

Better crawling round the condo than up your trouser leg and out your collar


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True, but whilst I wandered off topic - you have now taken the two way high lane on the wrong side of the division (central reservation)! The old song should go - you take the M1 and I'll take the M6 and I'll be in the wrong place before you! I can guarantee that the A1 route as opposed to the M1 route was the quickest way to Scotland (from London) in the late 80's!cool.gif

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The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

Says who?

Not for me its not. I reckon the number one danger for me is accidentally winding up some pissed Scouse bloke or a German, and him passing by one of the stalls that sells big knives on Sukhumvit and thinking "I wonder if that miserable scotch git is still in the beer bar?"


Straying back on topic...

Defensive driving: If you assume other drivers are idiots, then they will accidentally irritate you, rather than deliberately annoying you. If you drive slower than they do, they won't pull out in front of you. There's no point in trying to block someone, You are far safer with an idiot in front of you than behind. If you keep a good space between you and the car in front, you won't need to slow down quickly, so it doesn't matter how close is the guy behind.

I sometimes smile when the chap behind is too close for me to see his flashing headlights. It annoys me when the person behind refuses to overtake, and sometimes slow down to encourage them; though I suppose, on a lot of the roads I drive, there's only one lane going to a particular destination, and if you get stuck in the wrong lane you'll end up somewhere else.

To be fair, driving in Malaysia is, in my opinion, far better than in Thailand, though some of the challenges are the same. The roads are also better laid-out, I think.


completely false. If you have a lot of space in front of you it only means that there isnt space right now for any crazy guy to cut you and stay there. Once im stuck behind someone and keeping my distance it means there is no reason to get in front of them (dangerous to do so/he's traveling at the best speed for the traffic condition, etc etc) So leaving that space will just slow me down and put me in danger because if someone manages to cut me its never with finesse

Edited by thaiIand
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The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

Says who?

Not for me its not. I reckon the number one danger for me is accidentally winding up some pissed Scouse bloke or a German, and him passing by one of the stalls that sells big knives on Sukhumvit and thinking "I wonder if that miserable scotch git is still in the beer bar?"


Straying back on topic...

Defensive driving: If you assume other drivers are idiots, then they will accidentally irritate you, rather than deliberately annoying you. If you drive slower than they do, they won't pull out in front of you. There's no point in trying to block someone, You are far safer with an idiot in front of you than behind. If you keep a good space between you and the car in front, you won't need to slow down quickly, so it doesn't matter how close is the guy behind.

I sometimes smile when the chap behind is too close for me to see his flashing headlights. It annoys me when the person behind refuses to overtake, and sometimes slow down to encourage them; though I suppose, on a lot of the roads I drive, there's only one lane going to a particular destination, and if you get stuck in the wrong lane you'll end up somewhere else.

To be fair, driving in Malaysia is, in my opinion, far better than in Thailand, though some of the challenges are the same. The roads are also better laid-out, I think.


completely false. If you have a lot of space in front of you it only means that there isnt space right now for any crazy guy to cut you and stay there. Once im stuck behind someone and keeping my distance it means there is no reason to get in front of them (dangerous to do so/he's traveling at the best speed for the traffic condition, etc etc) So leaving that space will just slow me down and put me in danger because if someone manages to cut me its never with finesse

Basically you need to drive about 5 kph slower than the surrounding traffic. I'm always surprised by the relative number of people who argue with that approach compared to those that support it. Most of them are driving instructors who make a living from trying to reduce accidents. As professionals in the field, it is almost inevitable that they know less than you or I.

Luckily, my clients don't take that attitude.


EDIT: I suppose, a lot of them do take that attitude. They pay to get an expensive consultant to give them advice, and then ignore it because they know better.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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