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Singaporean Boss Murders Wife's Lover In Bangkok


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Foreign men never learn in Thailand. You never get involved with women here, prostitute or not prostitute.-doesnt matter theyre all the same. I wouldnt be surprised if the Thai man turns out to be her real husband or long term boyfriend. Have they arrested the foreigner ?. I bet she is helping the cops with their enquiries. It doesnt matter how much you spend on a girl. You CANNOT buy love and respect here. I agree with an earlier comment . She will probably head off to a fancy expat Sukhumvit night club- after finished with the cops- and get a new farang sponsor.

Was she a bargirl or are we just assuming that she was/is?

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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

How can you come to such a conclusion from the scant evidence posted here? You know very little about this case and you recommend murder.

Catholic priests take vows of celibacy in front of their 'All-seeing, All-knowing God', yet they stray from time to time. It's human nature.

Thankfully, people such as yourself are limited in their actions to posting dribble on internet forums or writing to the Letters to the Editor section of the local newspaper.

wait a minute before ytou bibble bash people. The man did not murder a man in cold blood the man was having a proper libity taken from him. Everyone has their limits as do priests.

Also killing is killing weather it be a deth penalty imposed by a judge in court or by the man who went out to get his own justice

Allot of people i know are in similar situations out hear. i just know that these ladies and men know exactly what they are doing. 99% of the time they get away with it. or come off richer.

i just hope that there are couples out there who are reading this and thinking about what they are doing and when ever there is an action there is a re-action.\

i have to admitt that i would like to say that if i had been that singaporian i would have done it the same way.

Just wondering if this was a room when the man resides. were there pictures of him with his wife in the room or were they all turned upside down.

i had a simliar problem a while ago long time ago with a lady this yank was proper dis respecting me. i how can i put this. went seeking my own justice but a friend jumped in the way and told me that sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away.

I still regret to this day not seeking my own justice. forget that phylsophical crap it is just crap.

when someone takes a libity they dersve everything they get

Edited by BigC
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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:


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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

Some women are easily influenced and talked into doing things, especially when you set the mood.

Some guys know that a woman is involved and still try to tap it. These types should be shown no mercy.

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why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

Yes, absolutely correct. But I suppose guys are overcome with jealous rage and have the primal instinct to destroy their 'competition'... also guys hate 'losing' their women and instinctively try and 'reposses' them. Sad to see how we are wired and how much agony and suffering we bring upon oursleves and others. Once you slight signs of cheating from a woman just let her go because 'once a cheat always a cheat'... lot easier said then done I suppose...also men are as much cheats as women are so...

70k salary plus condo plus gifts was clearly not enough for this lady...perhaps she was in 'love' with this driver guy or the singaporean was sleeping around. It will be interesting to know why she called him and wanted to break up...

Passion is the true crime...:-)

Many, not all but many affairs are the result of one of the participants being groomed, fact.

Example lady feels shes not getting the attention she thinks she deserves and a so called friend or associate or some other low life scum bag will pick up on this and tell her everything she wants to hear grooming her day in day out almost like a pedophile preying on the vulnerable. It is scum like this that deserve everything they get though it does not excuse the woman she should of kept her knickers on.

It is enough to drive any man to breaking point, some do break others move on with their lives.

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The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

How can you come to such a conclusion from the scant evidence posted here? You know very little about this case and you recommend murder.

Catholic priests take vows of celibacy in front of their 'All-seeing, All-knowing God', yet they stray from time to time. It's human nature.

Thankfully, people such as yourself are limited in their actions to posting dribble on internet forums or writing to the Letters to the Editor section of the local newspaper.

wait a minute before ytou bibble bash people. The man did not murder a man in cold blood the man was having a proper libity taken from him. Everyone has their limits as do priests.

Also killing is killing weather it be a deth penalty imposed by a judge in court or by the man who went out to get his own justice

Allot of people i know are in similar situations out hear. i just know that these ladies and men know exactly what they are doing. 99% of the time they get away with it. or come off richer.

i just hope that there are couples out there who are reading this and thinking about what they are doing and when ever there is an action there is a re-action.\

i have to admitt that i would like to say that if i had been that singaporian i would have done it the same way.

Just wondering if this was a room when the man resides. were there pictures of him with his wife in the room or were they all turned upside down.

i had a simliar problem a while ago long time ago with a lady this yank was proper dis respecting me. i how can i put this. went seeking my own justice but a friend jumped in the way and told me that sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away.

I still regret to this day not seeking my own justice. forget that phylsophical crap it is just crap.

when someone takes a libity they dersve everything they get

And the IQ level in this thread continues to plummet. It takes two to do horizontal folk dancing. Your woman had to have given the green light to the yank and a green light for any guy is hard to ignore especially if he didn't know your woman was your woman. Sounds like you're a real keeper. Bet she's devastated that you're not in her life any more.

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She is a real piece of work and not too smart. She is lucky he did not disfigure her so she would think about her cheating ass every time she looks into a mirror.  In any case she is a Bit$h ! Karma will follow her for sure. Too many Thai ladies play this same game with their cash-cows.


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This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

You watch far too much CSI.

Yeah and not very good at it either, where does it say he was a "drift bike racer" It says "drift race driver" car drifting not motocy...

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One life ended tragically, one life now destroyed. As for the third one - Thai wife - hell, 3-6 months she'll be right back in the game again as if nothing happened. But the condo, BMW & 70k a month? Boy did she ever blow it out her.....

3 - 6 months my patootie. Her arse is probably already down at soi Cowboy to get her locker and number tag. Once a ho, always a ho.

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All I can say is some of the dumbest post I have read here were posted on this thread. Having said that, no woman is worth fighting over or killing someone else over her, especially in Thailand.

rule 1 you never lose your girlfriend just your place in line.

Edited by moe666
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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.

Your rant is out of place in this thread. There are plenty of threads where you can blame the old, bald, fat farang for his own idiocy, but not this thread.

The Singaporean bloke was neither old, fat nor bald. He looked after his "wife", gave her $$, a condo and a Beemer. Her expression of gratitude and devotion to him was to screw around with some street trash. Som nam na to her and her recently deceased gik. Plus, it isn't a JOB when she married the guy. Capiche?

EDIT: remove profanity

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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While we always hear about the "bad ones", as far as I'm concerned, overall they are the minority. At least in my opinion and experience. My own story - I was married for 28 wonderful years to the most incredible woman I've ever known. She died in 1999 of cancer, which left me devastated. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would ever love or marry again.

In 2006 I came to Thailand on vacation, as I'd done before with my wife, but this time came north to Chiang Mai, where I'd never been before. At the hotel where i was staying I met a beautiful woman who, I thought, was about 30, but turned out to be 47, 10 years younger than me. We talked, and when I returned to Arizona, we kept in contact by messenger, emails and phone calls. I made two more trips here to see her over the next 6 months. On the 3rd one we got married and bought a house. I had to go back to the States for a while to straighten some things up with the VA and SS over my pensions, but came back in Jan of 2007 and have been here ever since.

My wife, while lacking a college degree, is one of the top sales reps/agents for Siam Commercial Life in all of Chiang Mai province. We have a beautiful home, car, motorbikes, and everything a man could want or need. We have a marriage, and relationship, that is almost as good as the one I had with my first wife, with respect for each other, as well as total trust in one another. And I'm not alone in this, as I know others who have found their "perfect wife" as well, and couldn't ask for a better life. So, hats off to the good ones we never hear about.

Big difference between a 20-something year old "race queen" from Bangkok and a 47 year old sales lady from Chiang Mai.

Glad thing are going well for you in your new life. Looks like you chose wisely grasshopper.

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.


just cause she needs to do this doesn't mean she enjoys it. And whoever said don't touch another mans woman obviously is lacking a penis. I have done this many a time, including in Thailand. When i know that her man is some fat, ,old, socially inept farang, even better!

If all you can pull is a Thai girl, you really have no reason to complain if she cheats. After all, for you, it's that or nothing.

(20 y/o farang student btw.) I get university girls with charm&humor, have never paid a cent, not even on dinner.

sexpats make me laugh. so does anyone with a thai wife/sponsor period.

Also do you know anything about thai culture? you should expect/ be looking for this any time you are in a relationship with a thai, male or female. especially if you are a foreigner.

Edited by suzukiben
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Rule no. 1 - Never, never, never buy any kind of property and put it in the Thai's name. House, land, condo, car, motorbike, doesn't matter, don't do it!

Rule no. 2 - Never, never, never have a long distance romance. They don't work.

Rule no. 3 - Never let the Thai know your real income or worth.

I could go into all the reasons for these rules but I think everyone here has read the horror stories over and over.

Edited by Trouble
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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.


just cause she needs to do this doesn't mean she enjoys it. And whoever said don't touch another mans woman obviously is lacking a penis. I have done this many a time, including in Thailand. When i know that her man is some fat, ,old, socially inept farang, even better!

If all you can pull is a Thai girl, you really have no reason to complain if she cheats. After all, for you, it's that or nothing.

(20 y/o farang student btw.) I get university girls with charm&humor, have never paid a cent, not even on dinner.

sexpats make me laugh. so does anyone with a thai wife/sponsor period.

Also do you know anything about thai culture? you should expect/ be looking for this any time you are in a relationship with a thai, male or female. especially if you are a foreigner.


There's a lot of truth in what you point out and if indeed you are a 20 y/o farang student it is quite normal to hang with those girls you cite. Should you not be the 20 y/o you say but one of the very same pool of fat, ,old, socially inept, then I can understand your projecting of feelings of inadequacy unto others you wish you were not so similar to.

Although I am no teenager nor do I believe I fit into your resentment category, I have some thoughts about the farang-thai subculture you elude to. It suits many males and many thai females. "cash fee for service", just like the good old days before health insurance tries to deny every penny.

As a 20 y/o university student try to acquire more maturity, wisdom and common sense and less resentment. Try to overcome the insecurity that drives you to proclaim you don't pay for sex. I believe a high % of go go dancers do indeed have thai bf's. Their thai bf's may be young but from what I've seen they tend to also be low end society, low desirability, and often not even objectively good looking by thai or western standards. These guys complement the girls in terms of brain power. IMO, it is better to pursue other interests rather than to finance these girls, even if I be 90 years old, fat and smelly.

On occasion at RCA I have seen young anglo guys such as the way you describe yourself get severely beaten as the result of hitting on NICE thai girls.

If you are not studying the thai language, arts or culture, then why choose education in a country that will put you at academic and political disadvantage in most of the world?

Who cares if those so called guys you talk about pursue their dream albeit a fantasy or illusion.

All the best

Edited by atyclb
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It's obvious she wouldn't have told the 26yr lover about her singaporan cash cow. The guy should have wasted her and and sent the other guy on his way.

You can't say it's the lovers fault for what happened. Hope he has a good lawyer to get him off. Then go after her.

Some people just don't realise how good they have it until it's to late. !!

IMO. :blink:

The full article says the SIN guy employed him as a chauffer. He knew what he was doing, perhaps he paid too high a price, but he took a risk.

She's the one with blood on her hands now.He should have killed her instead.


How about nobody gets killed and Singapore cuts his losses, chalks it up as a lessons learned and goes on with his life

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This made the Thai press a few days ago -- apparently the woman called him in Singapore late at night and told him it was all over, whereupon he flew to Bangkok and committed the crime, stabbing the guy 17 times -- fairly impressive long-term rage.

Well he may have flown back to try and talk her out of leaving him,

got to the apartment, heard noises agonized, hemmed hawed,

and got more upset, finally decided to confront her.

Then the shouting, and bike racer gets in his face.

No saying who HAD the knife, or if it was in apartment kitchen.

A 'drift bike racer' will likely be a Muay Thai guy too and definitely an adrenalin junkie, So no problem jumping in and being very aggressive.

Too much for a SingP salary man to deal with, so he may have grabbed

a kitchen knife in self defense, suddenly realizing he's in over his head.

In any case they are soon in a knock down drag out fight, a knife is produced

and rage carries on past simply surviving/winning.

I suspect from what's stated above, he has a reasonable case for crime of passion, it doesn't say he just jumped in with a plan to stab the guy.

In any case wifey's got blood on her hands, lives ruined and ended

because she wants her cake and to eat the pastry delivery boy too.

I feel bad for the Singapore guy, he may have snapped,

but she put it all in motion.

You watch far too much CSI.

Yeah and not very good at it either, where does it say he was a "drift bike racer" It says "drift race driver" car drifting not motocy...

True. And he got the knife from the apartment. Nonetheless, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it went down exactly like he described it!

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.


just cause she needs to do this doesn't mean she enjoys it. And whoever said don't touch another mans woman obviously is lacking a penis. I have done this many a time, including in Thailand. When i know that her man is some fat, ,old, socially inept farang, even better!

If all you can pull is a Thai girl, you really have no reason to complain if she cheats. After all, for you, it's that or nothing.

(20 y/o farang student btw.) I get university girls with charm&humor, have never paid a cent, not even on dinner.

sexpats make me laugh. so does anyone with a thai wife/sponsor period.

Also do you know anything about thai culture? you should expect/ be looking for this any time you are in a relationship with a thai, male or female. especially if you are a foreigner.

So you don't mind being second choice then!

Edited by metisdead
30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.
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There was a bit in the Thai press about it.

They'd been together for 3 years although the Thai reports seem to describe her more as a mistress/gf than a wife.

The night before the murder (23/11/11) she'd apparently told him over the phone that the relationship was over which enraged him and resulted in him catching a flight from Singapore to BKK and arriving the next day (24/11/11) to confront her.

Apparently he'd set her up in an apartment with an allowance of 70k Baht per month and a BMW 325, so she stood to lose a lot by ending it over the phone, as she claims, if that's what really happened.



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I was married to a Thai woman called (here) 'Ami'. She is a graduate civil engineer and has always professed to be a 'good buddhist'. She left me this year because she 'wanted to be independent' but I found out AFTER the divorce that actually she is a lying a cheating sod. She left me because she was screwing a Thai engineer (here we will call him 'NUT') and before she was seeing a man in London called (here) 'Kevin' whilst living with me in the UK. The whole marriage to me was a total scam designed by her to screw as much money (and handbags) out of me as possible. You can understand the rage that some people feel when you have been in the middle of this situation. I am still hurting and she has very much damaged my life because of her greed. What's more she knows she has done wrong, because she has 'run away' and refuses to tell me WHY she did these things. And that is what I have found out about Thai women. They don't care whom they hurt as long as they get what they want. "Ami" took me for millions. Sadly I totally believed in her and trusted her after 5 years or more of marriage. Do not marry Thai women. Do not trust them. Do not give them money.

MILLIONS of what? I can never understand how men can read ThaiVisa for 6 years(since 2005) and fail to understand what is posted here. It's like every drug addict who thinks he can use without getting addicted. Old cliches seem appropriate. No fool like an old fool, or A fool and his money are soon parted, or Never bet more than you can afford to lose, or Trust but verify, or None so blind as he who will not see. It's a pity. This forum is a goldmine of education for anyone thinking of making a life in Thailand or with a Thai person. Sometimes people would be better off to take advice here to heart. Until then we just live and learn.

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There was a bit in the Thai press about it.

They'd been together for 3 years although the Thai reports seem to describe her more as a mistress/gf than a wife.

The night before the murder (23/11/11) she'd apparently told him over the phone that the relationship was over which enraged him and resulted in him catching a flight from Singapore to BKK and arriving the next day (24/11/11) to confront her.

Apparently he'd set her up in an apartment with an allowance of 70k Baht per month and a BMW 325, so she stood to lose a lot by ending it over the phone, as she claims, if that's what really happened.



not being able to read thai, the googlle translation of those two articles are confusing at best

one could almost read that she is the one that finished him off

oh well,

if you don't want to be cheated on, don't be in a relationship,

and if you want unconditional love, get a canine beyotch, not a human one,,,

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There are so many available women, why go for one that's got a husband??? The guy probably thought he could cheat the woman out of her car and some money. Old saying - Never touch another man's food, or his wife.

Some women just think men can give them everything they want. angry.gif

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If anyone is stupid enough to send money to a Thai girl they get what they deserve. From my experiences, the non-bar girls are no different from the actual bar girls.

I'm fast coming to the same conclusion TBird

Depends on the girl.This was his wife. If you wouldn't send your wife money then you shouldn't marry her in the first place. It's odd that there are so many farangs that come to Thailand to chase Thai women but have no respect for them and no trust. There are many decent women in Thailand, but most of the old and fat farangs don't know where to find them because their social lives revolve around hanging around bargirls. Why shouldn't a bargirl have a young boyfriend on the side. Do you think she enjoys having sex with fat farangs? No. It's a job and she's entitled to have sex with younger and better looking men.


just cause she needs to do this doesn't mean she enjoys it. And whoever said don't touch another mans woman obviously is lacking a penis. I have done this many a time, including in Thailand. When i know that her man is some fat, ,old, socially inept farang, even better!

And whoever said don't touch another mans woman obviously is lacking a penis. After all, for you, it's that or nothing.

(20 y/o farang student btw.) I get university girls with charm&humor, have never paid a cent, not even on dinner.

sexpats make me laugh. so does anyone with a thai wife/sponsor period.

Also do you know anything about thai culture? you should expect/ be looking for this any time you are in a relationship with a thai, male or female. especially if you are a foreigner.

Please share more of you wisdom in post 2 please. Me and my lovely wife who happens to be a very successful attorney have to disagree with you perception of Thai women. Having been in University in the states and dated a few ladies while there it seems that horniness is universal. You are not the only " Romeo" getting laid in University, although apparently you think so. Let me guess, do they call you 'Sexy Boy"? As for bragging about being a lousy date and not buying dinner, your in Uni and your broke! News Flash! People in Uni are horny and broke!

" Look at me i'm in Thai university and i have sex with University students and i don't buy dinner, I'm special!" Good luck in life and hope your travel through puberty is completed soon. As the Thai girls say in Uni." Small is better", and you seem to be quite popular.dry.gif

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I've read only the first two pages of responses, and so far I find the disposition of so many posters here quite amazing.

Infidelity is not uncommon and has varied causes. We are not living in biblical times when adultery was a stonable offense. Why all the vitriol against the woman and her lover? The article reports that she called her husband and told him their relationship was over. He had two - and only two - acceptable choices: try and woo her back, or accept her rejection and move on. He was wrong to stalk her and go into a violent rage. Understandable, but still very, very wrong.

Just because he spent a lot of money on her does not mean he owned her. He acted as if he did.

She is a lying, cheating adulteress. Her lover, a dishonest cad, and her former husband a possessive murderer. There are no nice guys in this story, but there's no moral equivalency either; the husband took a life. What is wrong with so many of you that you do not seem to see the enormity and finality of that?


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