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Thai PM Hospitalised With Food Poisoning


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Doesn't everyone get diahorea from time to time in Thailand? Never knew anyone who had to go to hospital though.

If it was something more embarrassing, such as stress related whatever, do you think they would tell us about it?

Not glad to hear about anybody being ill. However, doesn't change opinions on her initial fitness for her job or her performance in it.

Edited by Jingthing
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Wow! What a bunch of happy guys you are! Happy someone is in hospital, because it is "the enemy"? Too bad it's only food poisoning, huh?! You should be ashamed of yourself, to go that low!

What a wonderful exciting life it must be to scan Tha Visa everyday hoping to find yet another reason to bash the duly elected PM of Thailand. Wow, Diahrrea...lets all celebrate.

"duly elected" ? remotely erected?

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Wow! What a bunch of happy guys you are! Happy someone is in hospital, because it is "the enemy"? Too bad it's only food poisoning, huh?! You should be ashamed of yourself, to go that low!

What a wonderful exciting life it must be to scan Tha Visa everyday hoping to find yet another reason to bash the duly elected PM of Thailand. Wow, Diahrrea...lets all celebrate.

"duly elected" ? remotely erected?

Better to say selected from a tiny pool of close relatives.

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I experienced food poisoning once after eating a dodgy meat pie when I was based in Malta. After what seemed to be a lifetime alternatively sitting on the toilet or honking into it, and wishing that death would come soon, I was transported to the Royal Naval Hospital on a stretcher as I was too weak even to stand. I was on a saline drip for 2 days, to counter the possibility of appendicitis I was told. I was in hospital for 5 days and the RN wasn't in the habit of mollycoddling its sailors. I have no time for the lady and even less for her brother, but I wouldn't wish food poisoning on anybody. I have to say that I am sceptical about the whole thing since I am not ready to believe that she has amazing powers of recovery.

In cases of food poisoning I believe that the proper method of treatment is to put all food on hold and to take on board lots of water to wash out all the nasties thus cleansing the digestive tract. Far too many amateur unqualified doctors here as indeed I am.

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did she eat some food meant for the flood victims?

No, h90, you must be thinking of that consignment of rotten tinned fish that was given to flood victims by Abisit's government a few years back. :whistling:

I don't know if that is true or not....how can tinned fish rotten???

But in fact we didn't get anything in now more than 1 month in the flood from Government.

Check out the case of John West Slamon Tins, where, if i remember correctly, the tins of fish became infected after they were packed due to bad seals on the tins, they were infected with the worst kind of bacterial infection.

1978 Two pensioners in Yardley, South Birmingham, UK die after eating tinned John West Salmon, contaminated with Botulism ( Wickepedia)

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Doesn't everyone get diahorea from time to time in Thailand? Never knew anyone who had to go to hospital though.

I have. The issue is not just the loss of fluids (I drank a lot of water thinking this would be enough), but the electrolyte imbalance. Now, I always keep electrolyte drinks in the house, just in case. It can happen to anyone, even you.

Yes, it's not a big deal if you make sure that you drink enough water with electrolytes. You can either buy rehydration salts in little packets from a pharmacy, or just use salt & sugar and dissolve it in water and then drink it. Hospitalization should not be required. I think it's the people (with diarrhoea) who don't drink electrolytes who suffer from the dehydration and then require hospitalization.

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I supervise over 100 foreign staff. We do not have a month go by that someone isn't hospitalized for food poisoning. I might add that by and large these are 20-30 year old, strong healthy males. Once, at a get together at a restaurant, about 15 people got ill. 3 ended up in the hospital. The rest just had mild symptoms.

If your young and healthy, it's usually just the dehydration that is the major problem. It takes a few days for the body to re-establish it's equilibrium. Fatigue generally lasts a few more days.

I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

Also, several off-topic posts and replies to them have been deleted as well as those containing profanity.

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I supervise over 100 foreign staff. We do not have a month go by that someone isn't hospitalized for food poisoning. I might add that by and large these are 20-30 year old, strong healthy males. Once, at a get together at a restaurant, about 15 people got ill. 3 ended up in the hospital. The rest just had mild symptoms.

You make a valid point about true food poisoning. If it were actual food poisoning, others would be affected, everyone that ate what she ate (oysters) at the seafood restaurant in question would have taken ill. There's no word of that being the case.

Much more likely is gastroenteritis aka stomach flu which is generally self-limiting and fairly quick to recover from with minimal treatment.

Diarrhea is a symptom of both, not a diagnosis. Food poisoning generally has other symptoms as well, other than the "fatigue" the doctors described in the latest article. Vomiting, severe stomach cramps, fever, etc.

In the absence of any report of those more severe problems, it's doubtful that food poisoning is the real diagnosis, although it's commonly ascribed in Thailand by physicians and especially the media....erroneously.

Can diarrhea be serious? Yes. Life-threatening? Yes. Is there any indication that either is the current situation with Yingluck?

Absolutely None.


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I don't wish her to be sick. In another job sure, but not ill.

Certainly diarrhea can be deadly and cause hospitalization. It's happened to me once. Needed an IV of fluids for renal shut down, and that was caused be bad food.

I wonder if they will try to spin this as an attempted assassination at some point? Evidence from her tests; just analyzed! It was a plot! Circle the wagons and declare marshal law, and take total control because this is a crisis.

I mean REALLY, between Jatuporn and Chalerm,

no steaming pile of merde covered words is out of bounds to say...

That was her brothers attempted tactic after the faux bombing attempt on him.

Sympathy for the pretty lady, and a dastardly plot against her,

and the poor people she so adores. Yada yada yada.

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Doesn't everyone get diahorea from time to time in Thailand? Never knew anyone who had to go to hospital though.

If it was something more embarrassing, such as stress related whatever, do you think they would tell us about it?

Not glad to hear about anybody being ill. However, doesn't change opinions on her initial fitness for her job or her performance in it.

I wondered if the flying ambulance had night vision on ?????

anyway my boss used to tell me, we are too busy to be ill boy. A quick check, a couple of Imodium - no food for10 hours, and plenty of warm water to drink.

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If she ate oysters, as has been mentioned, she could have eaten a bad oyster and this could account for her getting sick and not others. This general label of 'food poisoning' includes a wide range of infections and people's immunity is going to vary greatly.

The situation I cited earlier was probably Salmonella. We had people who ate nothing, but drank either water, soft drinks or beer. We had people who used ice and some that did not use ice. The kitchen and the dishes were probably contaminated by improper cleaning. The symptoms varied widely. I, for example, ended up with a very mild upset stomach the following day and would not have thought twice about it except for so many people complaining.

I remember George W. Bush throwing up while on a visit in Japan. Politicians, whether you like them or not, are often under a great deal of stress, they are subjected to eating foods that are not a part of their regular diet. These things can affect the over all ability to fight off an ailment.

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The first excuse for her not to attend the cabinet meeting was her helicopter not being equipped with night vision :blink:

The second excuse for her not to attend the cabinet meeting is because she has food poisoning. :unsure:

I wonder what the next excuse will be....

It is clear that she is insecure and afraid to speak at meetings.

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If she ate oysters, as has been mentioned, she could have eaten a bad oyster and this could account for her getting sick and not others. This general label of 'food poisoning' includes a wide range of infections and people's immunity is going to vary greatly.

The situation I cited earlier was probably Salmonella. We had people who ate nothing, but drank either water, soft drinks or beer. We had people who used ice and some that did not use ice. The kitchen and the dishes were probably contaminated by improper cleaning. The symptoms varied widely. I, for example, ended up with a very mild upset stomach the following day and would not have thought twice about it except for so many people complaining.

I remember George W. Bush throwing up while on a visit in Japan. Politicians, whether you like them or not, are often under a great deal of stress, they are subjected to eating foods that are not a part of their regular diet. These things can affect the over all ability to fight off an ailment.

You mean Bush Senior, now?

And salmonella is likely. Perhaps she kissed Jutaporn.

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Anyone remember SARS -Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome ? It was a killer , people drowned as their lungs filled with goo , at first it was spread through airborne snot droplets then as the virus peaked it was spread through shit in sewerage sytems in blocks of flats . The shit was literally running down the walls . Wash your hands before eating . If you can .

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Wow! What a bunch of happy guys you are! Happy someone is in hospital, because it is "the enemy"? Too bad it's only food poisoning, huh?! You should be ashamed of yourself, to go that low!

I'm quite happy and proud to say that this news made my day!!! :D :D :D

Makes a welcome change from the usual verbal diarrhea. Doing a lot less damage coming out of the other end!

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A post containing an obscene/profane nickname of the PM has been removed. Let me remind some of you of a previous public warning about the usage of childish obscenities:

Three obscenity filled name calling posts have been deleted. You are more than welcome to disapprove of the Prime Minister's policies but you WILL drop the childish obscenities. If you cannot have a discussion in a civil manner you will find your posting rights removed. I do hope this is perfectly clear, the next person to use these kinds of obscenities when referring to the Prime Minister will be suspended for a minimum of a week.

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Grow up. Six hundred dead, thousands in filthy water up to their waist for weeks and she complains of a few skid marks in her panties! Fine way to lead the country.

Gee I wasn't aware she caused the floods, very powerful women? Or prepared the master plan for flood mitigation disaster in Bangkok and surrounding areas that had been put in place prior to her coming to office two months before this catastrophe?

Carbine didn't suggest she was.

He was pointing out that there were so many people affected by the floods (many probably with the same issues as Yingluck is having at the moment), and she has to go off to hospital for it.

Read what carbine was replying too. You seem to construe what you want to believe? I am not doubting her leadership, but as for many people affected by the floods diagnosis like this can be very serious and in some cases life threatening. I just saw the article as highlighting the fact no one is immune. I just thought the comment showed a lot of immaturity when the the first point was 'Grow up'.

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I had food poisoning once here in Thailand, probably some bad mussels. Look at the picture on this wiki page to understand why I now stay away from them :rolleyes: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_mussel )

Had some tablets (a.o. immodium), stayed home near the toilet for two days. Fine although a wee bit weak on day three. Mind you I have a rather 'solid' health. I can understand that the PM is entitled to a bit more care to ensure she's up-and-running again in no time. There's still the flood crisis requiring attention.

I hope the PM also uses the time to reflect on all those poor, fellow Thai with foul water in and around their house for weeks if not months already :ermm:

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So what big decisions will be made whilst she is in Hospital!!!!!

Reminds me of the locked cabinet meeting, when her helicopter could not fly in the evening.

Is this new diarrhea treatment any good, what does it treat? is it like a mud pack treatment?

I get treated for diarrhea!!!!

May be the flood will be over since he can’t make any decision to screw it up

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The first excuse for her not to attend the cabinet meeting was her helicopter not being equipped with night vision :blink:

The second excuse for her not to attend the cabinet meeting is because she has food poisoning. :unsure:

I wonder what the next excuse will be....

It is clear that she is insecure and afraid to speak at meetings.

I think her next excuse could well be that she's on the dark side of the moon>:rolleyes:

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I remember George W. Bush throwing up while on a visit in Japan. Politicians, whether you like them or not, are often under a great deal of stress, they are subjected to eating foods that are not a part of their regular diet. These things can affect the over all ability to fight off an ailment.

hmmmmm - she's Thai - she ate in Thailand - she ate Thai food prepared by Thai cooks - nope, don't see the similarity.

her only stress seems to be coming from having so many puppet masters with their hand up her 'sock' until all heck broke loose.

Mark my words - big brother will be back in the saddle within a fortnight. <_<

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