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Briton Detained After Thai Girlfriend Jumps Off 7th Floor Of Pattaya Hotel


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Although I will be very surprised if she actually did jump by choice. I doubt it, unless she was out of her brain on drugs or something .....

A drug called "love"... would not be surprised at all if she jumped by choice, 22 yr old Pattaya girls can get crazy and do stupid things if they fear loosing their bf-sponsor-nice life ...

disagree with you. only something called "not right in the head full stop" would make a person do such an insane deed.

roy orbison never topped himself and he was always suffering the ol' broken heart syndrome (ok the roy orbison part is a joke but hopefully you'll know what i mean)

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Can't jump (excuse the pun) to conclusions. The full story must be heard before judgements can be made.

Although I will be very surprised if she actually did jump by choice. I doubt it, unless she was out of her brain on drugs or something ..... but I wonder if he was/is "in shock" because she's survived !??


Is it more believable her 'boyfriend' threw her off the balcony???!

I've read news reports of a few jilted thai girls that attemp suicide (mostly succesfully) after the boyfriend/husbands breaks it off with them.

We don't know the full story, but from personal experience I've had 2 exes threaten suicide on breaking up. I realise 'threatening to' and acutally doing it are 2 different things, but for me at least, I find it totally plausible.

Here's hoping she has a full recovery, and that the guy doesn't get stitched up.

i would say FAR more believable he threw her off. extremely egotistical peoples. thai suicide rates are very low...(1/3rd of the world rate) and just a guess that a lot of these deaths reported as suicides were actually murders

Who is/are "extremely egotisitcal peoples"? Did you know the guy? Or you mean Britons? Or foreigners?

he means that Thais are egotistical (hate to lose face) and he is quite right. Thailand has a very low suicide rate compared to western countries.

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surviving a 7 floor fall is pretty impressive, The Buddha must have been looking out for her big time. wonder if she has an lottery numbers?

Surely if he was looking out for her she wouldn't have gone over the railings in the first place? :huh:

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o bloody hell! now Thais are balcony diving as well. All this time I thought it was just a Farang sport :P

Perhaps he sidestepped? :whistling:

that would explain the run up and her landing on the street, somehow the BIB wont be buying that. The guy must be shitting himself about now

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a little bit of advice to mr david john.as soon as the police are happy that you had nothing to do with your telacs suicide attempt you should leave pattaya and finish your holiday in thailand somewhere else (probably alone).these type of bar girls are unstable and you are on a hiding to nothing.

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I have had personal experience of Thais threatening self harm in order to get their way in a perverse kind of emotional blackmail. Thais lack the ability to have rational discussions about problems, so any argument can quickly degenerate.

The ex's preferred cri de coeur was overdosing when it became apparent that the 10 day sulk was not yielding the required result.

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Perhaps if posters read the accompanying article they would see a few extra facts:

There are witnesses who saw her jump, the boyfriend was examined physically for any signs he had been in a fight - nothing found.

The girl survived because her fall was broken by a coconut tree.

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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

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He's being questioned yet when a Farang jumps/falls the GF is always presumed innocent.

Why don't we just wait until the girl wakes up? It's so easy to jump to conclusions. Le't hope that she'll survive. Chances in this country are not too high, Sorry, but I know what I'm talking about. jap.gif

And what makes you think she'll tell the "truth." Revenge seems to be a Thai middle name.

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

Edited by thejcb
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Can't jump (excuse the pun) to conclusions. The full story must be heard before judgements can be made.

Although I will be very surprised if she actually did jump by choice. I doubt it, unless she was out of her brain on drugs or something ..... but I wonder if he was/is "in shock" because she's survived !??

Do What????????????????????? How long have you been here. A thai girl that think she is losing her meal ticket will do ANYTHING. Attempted suicide is just one of the thing that can happen. It took me 15 years to learn, and now 10 years later I would trust anything that come out of a Thai BG head.

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

Post of the year!

<deleted> would you come here as you bloke unless you look like your head caught fire and was put out using a chain. You need to be seriously ugly under 30 to have to get your rocks off in Pattaya.

Up to the age of 40 I had several farang girl friends in the early 20's.

Go home young people and enjoy the young ladies with milky white skin and big tits

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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

So many reasons here in Thailand, and a high percentage of Thais who - in the state of mind they get into at times- can easily do things such as this--they easily selfinflict injuries in situations that they don't like, (boys the same). When they make their minds up to do something they have difficulty to change it, they get into a frenzy.

I have experienced this in Issan where locals, usually after drink OR--- they have to be taken to a local temple to calm them down....................We have the favourite situations==broken/ended relationship==not enough money given==refusal to marry===alcohol==drugs==She found out that he hasn't got an ATM card===He found out==or she found out ==that the other one had been with someone else. Will be interesting to know who did what-she jumped or he pushed.

OR a complete accident, fell over when taking a photo ???

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Just think how many times you've been in a situation where a Thai "hustler" has an opportunity to connect the dots on a paycheck. Then on top of that you're at the mercy of the Thai justice system and the Thai hustler combining forces under the table. Looks like heavy house odds here.

I can't recall a single incident in 9 years.

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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

Maybe not so lucky. A fall from that height usually is accompanied by massive bone fractures including the spine.

Im not surprised by the jump, Bg"s are very much into self harm you only need to see the scars all over the arms and body.

Lets just hope the best for her. I know a girl jumped out of the 6th floor when she was 21 years old. It was one day after we

came back from Sri Lanka and until today she swears she doesnt even know why she jumped. She told us she wake up in the middle

of the night 2 o clock in the morning, opended the bathroomwindow and just jumped. She was in ICU for 3 weeks and in coma

for 2 except a broken Legbone she was totally fine...a wonder after a 18meter free fall. :jap:

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i would say FAR more believable he threw her off. extremely egotistical peoples. thai suicide rates are very low...(1/3rd of the world rate) and just a guess that a lot of these deaths reported as suicides were actually murders

Who is/are "extremely egotisitcal peoples"? Did you know the guy? Or you mean Britons? Or foreigners?

he means that Thais are egotistical (hate to lose face) and he is quite right. Thailand has a very low suicide rate compared to western countries.

So a thai would be less likely to commit suicide for fear of losing face??! I don't buy that. Loss of face wouldn't be a concern if they plan to die.


A thai could contemplate suicide due to the "loss of face" from being dumped or left for another women.

The report said they were out for a drink and started arguing. Went back to the room and she jumped. No marks on the guy, or in the room to indicate a struggle.

I dont contest that thai suicide rates are lower. But they aren't zero.

I do contest that a hysterical drunk 22 year old thai girl is more likely to jump than be thrown off a balcony by her bf without any struggle.

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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

Maybe not so lucky. A fall from that height usually is accompanied by massive bone fractures including the spine.

Im not surprised by the jump, Bg"s are very much into self harm you only need to see the scars all over the arms and body.

She was/is a bargirl?

I didn't see that anywhere in the article.

Can you provide your source please?


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He's being questioned yet when a Farang jumps/falls the GF is always presumed innocent.

Why don't we just wait until the girl wakes up? It's so easy to jump to conclusions. Le't hope that she'll survive. Chances in this country are not too high, Sorry, but I know what I'm talking about. jap.gif

Of course we will get the truth from her when she wakes.....not likely. It is more likely she will generate something more imaginative to make a point. Her point, whatever it was when she jumped.

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

:cheesy: Great rant mate!

I know you weren't seriously looking for explanations but had you wanted one then just hang around the average British high street pub at midnight on a Friday and see the quality of gobsh_te 'lady' that the ole country is breeding these days (have heard ozees say the same about theirs). Give me a Thai any day of the week and perhaps the younger generation are also cottoning on.

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