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Briton Detained After Thai Girlfriend Jumps Off 7th Floor Of Pattaya Hotel


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Can't jump (excuse the pun) to conclusions. The full story must be heard before judgements can be made.

Although I will be very surprised if she actually did jump by choice. I doubt it, unless she was out of her brain on drugs or something ..... but I wonder if he was/is "in shock" because she's survived !??


Is it more believable her 'boyfriend' threw her off the balcony???!

I've read news reports of a few jilted thai girls that attemp suicide (mostly succesfully) after the boyfriend/husbands breaks it off with them.

We don't know the full story, but from personal experience I've had 2 exes threaten suicide on breaking up. I realise 'threatening to' and acutally doing it are 2 different things, but for me at least, I find it totally plausible.

Here's hoping she has a full recovery, and that the guy doesn't get stitched up.

i would say FAR more believable he threw her off. extremely egotistical peoples. thai suicide rates are very low...(1/3rd of the world rate) and just a guess that a lot of these deaths reported as suicides were actually murders

Since you are positing your thoughts, it seems likely she jumped because she found out he was a Brit.

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It is acutally illegal to try and commit suicide in England. There hasnt been a conviction for 40+ years. (Stop with the smiles, of course its not because they have got better ways to kill themselves).

Not true. Suicide in the UK was decriminalised by the Suicide Act of 1961.

Yep see this link http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Eliz2/9-10/60

1 Suicide to cease to be a crime.

The rule of law whereby it is a crime for a person to commit suicide is hereby abrogated.

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It is acutally illegal to try and commit suicide in England. There hasnt been a conviction for 40+ years. (Stop with the smiles, of course its not because they have got better ways to kill themselves).

Assuming she jumped of her own accord, I believe the only countries who now regard attempted suicide as a crime in India and Singapore, so she should have no reason to lie.

Unless if course she is filled for hatred for the guy and wants to stitch him up.

Yeah, its illegal and the punishment if convicted is death.

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I've just had a thought about witnesses and apologize if it has already been said. There maybe witnesses there maybe not I don't want to get into that but consider this:

How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony. There maybe some witness who saw her as she fell, attracted to the incident by screams or shouts. There maybe witnesses who saw her land. There is I'm sure plenty of witnesses who saw her on the ground prior to her being taken to hospital. But was there or could there be anyone who witnessed that exact moment of her leaving the 7th story balcony. Without there being some reason to be staring up at that particular balcony I very much doubt it.

Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

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I've just had a thought about witnesses and apologize if it has already been said. There maybe witnesses there maybe not I don't want to get into that but consider this:

How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony. There maybe some witness who saw her as she fell, attracted to the incident by screams or shouts. There maybe witnesses who saw her land. There is I'm sure plenty of witnesses who saw her on the ground prior to her being taken to hospital. But was there or could there be anyone who witnessed that exact moment of her leaving the 7th story balcony. Without there being some reason to be staring up at that particular balcony I very much doubt it.

Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

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I suppose that explains away why no one has been convicted in 40 years +

I accept the correction to my post from the right honourabe gentleman.

It is acutally illegal to try and commit suicide in England. There hasnt been a conviction for 40+ years. (Stop with the smiles, of course its not because they have got better ways to kill themselves).

Not true. Suicide in the UK was decriminalised by the Suicide Act of 1961.

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It is acutally illegal to try and commit suicide in England. There hasnt been a conviction for 40+ years. (Stop with the smiles, of course its not because they have got better ways to kill themselves).

Assuming she jumped of her own accord, I believe the only countries who now regard attempted suicide as a crime in India and Singapore, so she should have no reason to lie.

Unless if course she is filled for hatred for the guy and wants to stitch him up.

Yeah, its illegal and the punishment if convicted is death.

Suicide is NOT illegal in Britain and Britain no longer has the death penalty......double wrong....

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Well would you want to live here.

Can't jump (excuse the pun) to conclusions. The full story must be heard before judgements can be made.

Although I will be very surprised if she actually did jump by choice. I doubt it, unless she was out of her brain on drugs or something ..... but I wonder if he was/is "in shock" because she's survived !??


Is it more believable her 'boyfriend' threw her off the balcony???!

I've read news reports of a few jilted thai girls that attemp suicide (mostly succesfully) after the boyfriend/husbands breaks it off with them.

We don't know the full story, but from personal experience I've had 2 exes threaten suicide on breaking up. I realise 'threatening to' and acutally doing it are 2 different things, but for me at least, I find it totally plausible.

Here's hoping she has a full recovery, and that the guy doesn't get stitched up.

i would say FAR more believable he threw her off. extremely egotistical peoples. thai suicide rates are very low...(1/3rd of the world rate) and just a guess that a lot of these deaths reported as suicides were actually murders

Since you are positing your thoughts, it seems likely she jumped because she found out he was a Brit.

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It is acutally illegal to try and commit suicide in England. There hasnt been a conviction for 40+ years. (Stop with the smiles, of course its not because they have got better ways to kill themselves).

Assuming she jumped of her own accord, I believe the only countries who now regard attempted suicide as a crime in India and Singapore, so she should have no reason to lie.

Unless if course she is filled for hatred for the guy and wants to stitch him up.

Yeah, its illegal and the punishment if convicted is death.

Suicide is NOT illegal in Britain and Britain no longer has the death penalty......double wrong....

That maybe true, but the punishment for you not realising I was being sarcastic is public ridicule on a web forum.

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I've just had a thought about witnesses and apologize if it has already been said. There maybe witnesses there maybe not I don't want to get into that but consider this:

How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony. There maybe some witness who saw her as she fell, attracted to the incident by screams or shouts. There maybe witnesses who saw her land. There is I'm sure plenty of witnesses who saw her on the ground prior to her being taken to hospital. But was there or could there be anyone who witnessed that exact moment of her leaving the 7th story balcony. Without there being some reason to be staring up at that particular balcony I very much doubt it.

Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

Balconies are not inside other people's property. They are attached to the outside of it in public view. Do you seriously expect us to believe you avoid looking at balconies that are in your pain line of sight? Thats slightly odd. If she jumped from a building in a highly populated area at a time of day when the majority of people are awake it is highly likely that someone was there the time she jumped.

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I might be able to find a witness for 10,000 THB. 250,000 THB for a reliable witness. 1 million THB, I can even get the girl to say she jumped herself and her boyfriend was a was innocent. For 20 million THB, the girl will even say KKK pushed her. lol

I've just had a thought about witnesses and apologize if it has already been said. There maybe witnesses there maybe not I don't want to get into that but consider this:

How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony. There maybe some witness who saw her as she fell, attracted to the incident by screams or shouts. There maybe witnesses who saw her land. There is I'm sure plenty of witnesses who saw her on the ground prior to her being taken to hospital. But was there or could there be anyone who witnessed that exact moment of her leaving the 7th story balcony. Without there being some reason to be staring up at that particular balcony I very much doubt it.

Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

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I've read news reports of a few jilted thai girls that attemp suicide (mostly succesfully) after the boyfriend/husbands breaks it off with them.

did they successfully attempt.....i.e. live


successfully suicide...i.e. die

Can't quite be sure from the way it is written..I after 30 years here have only heard of one case...He shot his two-timing boyfriend and then himself..both fatally..he was a waiter at a very popular British Food restaurant...

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That maybe true, but the punishment for you not realising I was being sarcastic is public ridicule on a web forum.

Sorry but as has been said many times on this forum sarcasm is mostly a waste of time as many, like me, do not understand it...you may think it clever but many do not....especially as your post comes way after it has already been shown to be NOT illegal....so your timing was way off...

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I've just had a thought about witnesses and apologize if it has already been said. There maybe witnesses there maybe not I don't want to get into that but consider this:

How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony. There maybe some witness who saw her as she fell, attracted to the incident by screams or shouts. There maybe witnesses who saw her land. There is I'm sure plenty of witnesses who saw her on the ground prior to her being taken to hospital. But was there or could there be anyone who witnessed that exact moment of her leaving the 7th story balcony. Without there being some reason to be staring up at that particular balcony I very much doubt it.

Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

Balconies are not inside other people's property. They are attached to the outside of it in public view. Do you seriously expect us to believe you avoid looking at balconies that are in your pain line of sight? Thats slightly odd. If she jumped from a building in a highly populated area at a time of day when the majority of people are awake it is highly likely that someone was there the time she jumped.

balconies form part of the property just as my front garden is part of my property. So to stare into it is to stare into their property. It may be in public view but it is not public. Do you not see peoples right to some privacy. And yes I avoid looking at other peoples balconies, I look at whoever is with me or the book I'm reading....I'm not nosy and want to see what everybody else is doing.....I have respect for other peoples privacy as I hope they would respect mine.....

So I still contend that there probably isn't an outside witness of the exact moment she left the balcony unless of course your contention that everybody goes around staring into other peoples property is correct. And If that is so why are there no witnesses for the many Farang who also use the quick way to the ground floor. I'm sure that many families of the Farang would compensate any witness who could say that their beloved one was or was not pushed....

Edited by KKK
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Ok.. Ive been in Thailand for over 10 years and been in and out of relationships, all but 1 have threatened to kill themselves and 2 actual attempts. Sorry but most of these girls are damaged goods before they even get here, even the sane ones turn out to be mad. Life is just not held in such high regard as with westerners....If hes innocent then i feel for this guy, this will also scar him for life..

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I might be able to find a witness for 10,000 THB. 250,000 THB for a reliable witness. 1 million THB, I can even get the girl to say she jumped herself and her boyfriend was a was innocent. For 20 million THB, the girl will even say KKK pushed her. lol

I've just had a thought about witnesses and apologize if it has already been said. There maybe witnesses there maybe not I don't want to get into that but consider this:

How many of you go about your daily business staring at 7th floor balconies to witness whether a person jumped, was pushed or fell from it to the ground. And at 7 stories could you be absolutely sure and identify later who was on that balcony. There maybe some witness who saw her as she fell, attracted to the incident by screams or shouts. There maybe witnesses who saw her land. There is I'm sure plenty of witnesses who saw her on the ground prior to her being taken to hospital. But was there or could there be anyone who witnessed that exact moment of her leaving the 7th story balcony. Without there being some reason to be staring up at that particular balcony I very much doubt it.

Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

all speculation of course...no element of truth to it at all. For 20 mill I might even be prepared to say I did it..I'm guessing about half might buy me a get out of jail card....

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That maybe true, but the punishment for you not realising I was being sarcastic is public ridicule on a web forum.

Sorry but as has been said many times on this forum sarcasm is mostly a waste of time as many, like me, do not understand it...you may think it clever but many do not....especially as your post comes way after it has already been shown to be NOT illegal....so your timing was way off...

I said the punishment for suicide is death and you thought I was serious? LOL!

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Unless you were on another balcony in another building. Entirely feasible that you would see the person jump if you were. Many buildings have 7 floors and many of those buildings have balconies, and many people use those balconies.

That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

Balconies are not inside other people's property. They are attached to the outside of it in public view. Do you seriously expect us to believe you avoid looking at balconies that are in your pain line of sight? Thats slightly odd. If she jumped from a building in a highly populated area at a time of day when the majority of people are awake it is highly likely that someone was there the time she jumped.

balconies form part of the property just as my front garden is part of my property. So to stare into it is to stare into their property. It may be in public view but it is not public. Do you not see peoples right to some privacy. And yes I avoid looking at other peoples balconies, I look at whoever is with me or the book I'm reading....I'm not nosy and want to see what everybody else is doing.....I have respect for other peoples privacy as I hope they would respect mine.....

So you never look at other buildings? Ever? I don't believe you.

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Ok.. Ive been in Thailand for over 10 years and been in and out of relationships, all but 1 have threatened to kill themselves and 2 actual attempts. Sorry but most of these girls are damaged goods before they even get here, even the sane ones turn out to be mad. Life is just not held in such high regard as with westerners....If hes innocent then i feel for this guy, this will also scar him for life..

Yes its true a lot are damaged, with farangatangs doing most of the damage.

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That may be true but I don't go around staring into other peoples property......unless there was a lot of noise (an argument say) that attracted me to it.....and even then it is none of my business so I'd tend to ignore it..

My doubts still exist about there being an outside witness of the exact moment of departure from the balcony and how it was she came to depart that way.....

Balconies are not inside other people's property. They are attached to the outside of it in public view. Do you seriously expect us to believe you avoid looking at balconies that are in your pain line of sight? Thats slightly odd. If she jumped from a building in a highly populated area at a time of day when the majority of people are awake it is highly likely that someone was there the time she jumped.

balconies form part of the property just as my front garden is part of my property. So to stare into it is to stare into their property. It may be in public view but it is not public. Do you not see peoples right to some privacy. And yes I avoid looking at other peoples balconies, I look at whoever is with me or the book I'm reading....I'm not nosy and want to see what everybody else is doing.....I have respect for other peoples privacy as I hope they would respect mine.....

So you never look at other buildings? Ever? I don't believe you.

Well I can't say never but I can say very infrequently and not certainly not with any intention of doing so. I have no interest in other peoples lives/business. It is bad enough that we live in such close proximity to each other due to overcrowding and overpopulation but we do not have to go around sticking our noses into what other people are doing....

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That maybe true, but the punishment for you not realising I was being sarcastic is public ridicule on a web forum.

Sorry but as has been said many times on this forum sarcasm is mostly a waste of time as many, like me, do not understand it...you may think it clever but many do not....especially as your post comes way after it has already been shown to be NOT illegal....so your timing was way off...

I said the punishment for suicide is death and you thought I was serious? LOL!

I read what was written unlike some who read what is not written and then misquote it....

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Balconies are not inside other people's property. They are attached to the outside of it in public view. Do you seriously expect us to believe you avoid looking at balconies that are in your pain line of sight? Thats slightly odd. If she jumped from a building in a highly populated area at a time of day when the majority of people are awake it is highly likely that someone was there the time she jumped.

balconies form part of the property just as my front garden is part of my property. So to stare into it is to stare into their property. It may be in public view but it is not public. Do you not see peoples right to some privacy. And yes I avoid looking at other peoples balconies, I look at whoever is with me or the book I'm reading....I'm not nosy and want to see what everybody else is doing.....I have respect for other peoples privacy as I hope they would respect mine.....

So you never look at other buildings? Ever? I don't believe you.

Well I can't say never but I can say very infrequently and not certainly not with any intention of doing so. I have no interest in other peoples lives/business. It is bad enough that we live in such close proximity to each other due to overcrowding and overpopulation but we do not have to go around sticking our noses into what other people are doing....

So by your definition, if I am sat on my balcony and I accidentally glance at another building's facade I am sticking my nose into what other people are doing? Because thats all ONE person in this overcrowded and over populated place (your definition) would have had to have done to see this girl jump off.

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Ok.. Ive been in Thailand for over 10 years and been in and out of relationships, all but 1 have threatened to kill themselves and 2 actual attempts. Sorry but most of these girls are damaged goods before they even get here, even the sane ones turn out to be mad. Life is just not held in such high regard as with westerners....If hes innocent then i feel for this guy, this will also scar him for life..

Yes its true a lot are damaged, with farangatangs doing most of the damage.

The rain forest has been destroyed because it was there .. we didn't build it first so we could knock it down....this is a bit of a chicken - egg thing....

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That maybe true, but the punishment for you not realising I was being sarcastic is public ridicule on a web forum.

Sorry but as has been said many times on this forum sarcasm is mostly a waste of time as many, like me, do not understand it...you may think it clever but many do not....especially as your post comes way after it has already been shown to be NOT illegal....so your timing was way off...

I said the punishment for suicide is death and you thought I was serious? LOL!

I read what was written unlike some who read what is not written and then misquote it....

Of course you read what was written, you can read. Where your limited mental capacity lets you down is being unable to identify the context of reading what was written. It's ok, you didnt understand and made a mistake in your reply. You've previously admitted to making mistakes so it comes as no surprise you've made yet another.

Edited by Kananga
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Ok.. Ive been in Thailand for over 10 years and been in and out of relationships, all but 1 have threatened to kill themselves and 2 actual attempts. Sorry but most of these girls are damaged goods before they even get here, even the sane ones turn out to be mad. Life is just not held in such high regard as with westerners....If hes innocent then i feel for this guy, this will also scar him for life..

It's amazing that farangs seem to find these psycho women so frequently. A woman who threatens or carries out with a suicide attempt is damaged mentally. Has nothing to do with love or anything else. This is not the behavior of a normal person. And it has nothing to do with how Thais regard life (where did that come from?). If that were the case, Thais would be flying off of buildings like confetti on a daily basis. Let's face it--farangs attract the worse of what Thailand has to offer much of the time.

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Ok.. Ive been in Thailand for over 10 years and been in and out of relationships, all but 1 have threatened to kill themselves and 2 actual attempts. Sorry but most of these girls are damaged goods before they even get here, even the sane ones turn out to be mad. Life is just not held in such high regard as with westerners....If hes innocent then i feel for this guy, this will also scar him for life..

It's amazing that farangs seem to find these psycho women so frequently. A woman who threatens or carries out with a suicide attempt is damaged mentally. Has nothing to do with love or anything else. This is not the behavior of a normal person. And it has nothing to do with how Thais regard life (where did that come from?). If that were the case, Thais would be flying off of buildings like confetti on a daily basis. Let's face it--farangs attract the worse of what Thailand has to offer much of the time.

And Thailand often seems to attract the worst of what foreigners have to offer...

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