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Bad Drivers Phuket

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Let's not even talk about the samlors, motorbikes ( and sometimes cars) that drive the wrong way, forcing everyone to move to the right causing accidents. Why are people so lazy and jai ron that they can't wait 20 seconds to cross to the correct side of the road to make their 3K journey?

My reason for doing so ( on a scooter) ; Because to travel 3 k the wrong way, and then try to make a U turn across 4 lanes of traffic traveling at 120 KPH is far more dangerous than cautiously creeping up the shoulder, giving way to all coming at you.

It's a real pity dirt poor locals have to spend money buying a motorbike before they spend their meager funds on food or decent accommodation for their families.

If you really think accommodation or food is in Thailand more important than a motorbike I'm afraid you don't understand much about it's people.

By partially quoting my post and leaving out the important part about prefering to see a bus service, you twisted the meaning.

You don't understand much about forum etiquite.

My apologies, I should have used 'snip' before and after the quote.

The meaning of your quote nor the intention has been changed by this though.


prob me, i hit a farang's bike on the bypass few months ago when he wasnt in the shoulder and i was trying to pass someone by the left lane because he was going 40 in the right lane as they always do

Tanuki. Drive faster or further left and if you see an obstacle then stop and wait for cars to pass you if you're a slow driver. If you'Re trying to do a uturn on the right side of the road, wait untill you are next to the uturn lane before switching from the shoulder to the middle lanes instead of pissing off everyone driving at 30kph in the fast lane.

If you follow those simple rules, you wont ever be too close to a moving car.

That thing near your foot is called a brake. Try using it some time. Sideswipe me and youll be looking under your car for your teeth.


prob me, i hit a farang's bike on the bypass few months ago when he wasnt in the shoulder and i was trying to pass someone by the left lane because he was going 40 in the right lane as they always do

Tanuki. Drive faster or further left and if you see an obstacle then stop and wait for cars to pass you if you're a slow driver. If you'Re trying to do a uturn on the right side of the road, wait untill you are next to the uturn lane before switching from the shoulder to the middle lanes instead of pissing off everyone driving at 30kph in the fast lane.

If you follow those simple rules, you wont ever be too close to a moving car.

Did you deliberately hit the motorcycle because he wasn't riding to your standards and he pissed you off, or because of your poor driving skills? I hope you stopped and explained your rules to him as he was on your road..

Next thing you the Aussie Boyh will be asking if you still beat your wife!

Cut the sarcasm. Aussiebrain's point is a very valid one.

It's a real pity dirt poor locals have to spend money buying a motorbike before they spend their meager funds on food or decent accommodation for their families.

If you really think accommodation or food is in Thailand more important than a motorbike I'm afraid you don't understand much about it's people.

By partially quoting my post and leaving out the important part about prefering to see a bus service, you twisted the meaning.

You don't understand much about forum etiquite.

My apologies, I should have used 'snip' before and after the quote.

The meaning of your quote nor the intention has been changed by this though.

OK, assuming you're right and the meaning wasn't twisted (after all Kazza backed you up and and it probably had nothing to do with the animosity she often directs at me), do you think your conclusion, based on that one throwaway line, that I don't understand the people here, is reasonable?

It suggests that you're an expert on all things Thai as well as having a thorough knowledge of my state of mind and intelligence, and it was off the topic about bad driving.

I'd let you know what it tells me about you, but LIK would have his finger hovering over the button.



OK, assuming you're right and the meaning wasn't twisted (after all Kazza backed you up and and it probably had nothing to do with the animosity she often directs at me), do you think your conclusion, based on that one throwaway line, that I don't understand the people here, is reasonable?

It suggests that you're an expert on all things Thai as well as having a thorough knowledge of my state of mind and intelligence, and it was off the topic about bad driving.

I'd let you know what it tells me about you, but LIK would have his finger hovering over the button.


That's why I said 'if you really think'.

But I think we're getting OT here.


Let's not even talk about the samlors, motorbikes ( and sometimes cars) that drive the wrong way, forcing everyone to move to the right causing accidents. Why are people so lazy and jai ron that they can't wait 20 seconds to cross to the correct side of the road to make their 3K journey?

My reason for doing so ( on a scooter) ; Because to travel 3 k the wrong way, and then try to make a U turn across 4 lanes of traffic traveling at 120 KPH is far more dangerous than cautiously creeping up the shoulder, giving way to all coming at you.

Which 4 lane road with everyone traveling at 120 kph do you ride against traffic the wrong way for 3K are you referring to?

>>cautiously creeping up the shoulder, giving way to all coming at you.

You must be the only one on the island that does this cautiously giving way to everyone else and not forcing people out into traffic!


Just adapt and go with the flow...imposing western style driving techniques won't fix anything...do you want to live in a nanny state...try driving in Australia these days


^^ Steelpulse

Route 402 for one. When I need to head south. I can go north up 3 k to the next U turn or go about 200 meters south on the extreme shoulder against traffic. And not sure of what you're asking, or implying with the sarcasm- but I am considerate and safe when I do this, ( I'm sure there's at least a few other safety minded drivers that do it, too ) and I find it far less dangerous than the lawful alternative.

Aside from the macho man Formula 1 style cutting of corners, the single worse habit is the turning out to the left with nary a glance to see about traffic approaching from the right.

Also incredibly selfish are the cars that do this but then stop just short of the two lane road forcing me to either stop or commit a dangerous swerve if there is fast moving traffic coming up behind, .

I think I look in my RV mirrors almost as much as in front of me. You really have to always prepare an "out", especially on the scooter.

The one accident I had was getting hit from behind by a souped up CBR by a boy driving way too fast. He claimed to have seen my signal turning left but had already started to go around on the left. Just clipped me and I wrenched my back a bit and now sport the road rash scar on the outside of the knee . He went down hard and into a clay flower pot on someone's porch getting a nasty gash very close to his eye. His Mother arrived and apologized to me, " He always drives too fast.." No helmet , no mirrors even.

The cop actually tried to get me to pay for his damage. It really was a bitch not having use of my scooter for 5 days as they hauled it away. I signed a ticket not realizing I'd been assigned some blame, though I put in a statement next to my signature denying this.

I rode scooters for along time in the US, too and is was a factor in choice of a new home. I lived in a resort town where drinking tourists in large cars were the worst hazard, they simply were not capable of seeing scooters. Wearing a helmet was not mandatory then ( or now ) I never did and only the worst geeks used them. Only a horse riding fall where a helmet saved my neck did I really always use them here, even.

I really feel safer here but also, it is westerners in Fortuners that cut close to me, much more so than Thais.


In 2 1/2 years driving here I have never had a problem, I adapt to the conditions and show consideration and extreme patience, I am not in a great hurry to go any where, I am certainly not a slow driver, if I am in the fast lane and a faster car is coming from behind I move over, I am aware that bikes and cars can come at you from the wrong way which is not a problem because I am aware of it, the only problem I have here is with the idiot drivers who think it is funny to drive like a moron to get 100 mtrs further up the road 30 seconds quicker, you need to show patience,consideration even to people you feel are are driving badly, slow down and stop behaving like I am the big man with lots of money so get out of my way!!! get to where you are going safely especially if you have your family in the car!!


prob me, i hit a farang's bike on the bypass few months ago when he wasnt in the shoulder and i was trying to pass someone by the left lane because he was going 40 in the right lane as they always do

Tanuki. Drive faster or further left and if you see an obstacle then stop and wait for cars to pass you if you're a slow driver. If you'Re trying to do a uturn on the right side of the road, wait untill you are next to the uturn lane before switching from the shoulder to the middle lanes instead of pissing off everyone driving at 30kph in the fast lane.

If you follow those simple rules, you wont ever be too close to a moving car.

That thing near your foot is called a brake. Try using it some time. Sideswipe me and youll be looking under your car for your teeth.

I have said this before, any arse hole driver here that causes an accident and injures any of my family will need to be a very fast runner, there teeth will be the least of there worries!!!


I think we all agree, there are some shocking drivers/riders here both Thai and Farang

If you drive thinking all other drivers are idiots and take the necessary precautions

you will keep out of trouble, i see people doing stupid things every time i drive


when you hit 1 of them you pay pay big they know how to fall on them bikes seen it nothing wrong with them you give money to them fix bike and hospital,then keep reg of car his sister next day she say you hit bike she,cope on dont rent walk or get 100% insurance in all of thailand ,little scammers every where,ps not only thais us,uk,russians,plus from bleeding every where,


when you hit 1 of them you pay pay big they know how to fall on them bikes seen it nothing wrong with them you give money to them fix bike and hospital,then keep reg of car his sister next day she say you hit bike she,cope on dont rent walk or get 100% insurance in all of thailand ,little scammers every where,ps not only thais us,uk,russians,plus from bleeding every where,

Translation please.


prob me, i hit a farang's bike on the bypass few months ago when he wasnt in the shoulder and i was trying to pass someone by the left lane because he was going 40 in the right lane as they always do

Tanuki. Drive faster or further left and if you see an obstacle then stop and wait for cars to pass you if you're a slow driver. If you'Re trying to do a uturn on the right side of the road, wait untill you are next to the uturn lane before switching from the shoulder to the middle lanes instead of pissing off everyone driving at 30kph in the fast lane.

If you follow those simple rules, you wont ever be too close to a moving car.

That thing near your foot is called a brake. Try using it some time. Sideswipe me and youll be looking under your car for your teeth.

Stay out of the right lane and you should be OK.

Drift over and its your fault if you get swiped and left grazed and bruised.

The rules should be, keep left if you don't intend to go over 80kph. Simple.


prob me, i hit a farang's bike on the bypass few months ago when he wasnt in the shoulder and i was trying to pass someone by the left lane because he was going 40 in the right lane as they always do

Tanuki. Drive faster or further left and if you see an obstacle then stop and wait for cars to pass you if you're a slow driver. If you'Re trying to do a uturn on the right side of the road, wait untill you are next to the uturn lane before switching from the shoulder to the middle lanes instead of pissing off everyone driving at 30kph in the fast lane.

If you follow those simple rules, you wont ever be too close to a moving car.

Did you deliberately hit the motorcycle because he wasn't riding to your standards and he pissed you off, or because of your poor driving skills? I hope you stopped and explained your rules to him as he was on your road..

Next thing you the Aussie Boyh will be asking if you still beat your wife!

Cut the sarcasm. Aussiebrain's point is a very valid one.

Thanks for your support silsburyhill. I would have liked an answer from Thailand which I never got. The amazing thing is either, he deliberately tried to hit the bike and succeeded, potentially killing or possibly severely injuring the rider. Why, because, "Thailand" was pissed off the rider wasn't riding to his rules. Motorcycle riders are far more vulnerable than himself, sitting in his tin top with more testosterone pumping than some young pubescent schoolboy and should receive the highest condemnation from the moderator and other posters OR he was driving far to fast for his poor driving skills not taking into account any other road users. Driving and riding in Thailand is totally different to his home country. If the latter is the truth, he should be highly embarrassed to this fact. Instead "Thailand" seems to be proud he hit him. If people are riding too slow, this does not give someone the right to run them off the road or kill them. I also asked "Thailand if he stopped after he hit him".

I ride a big bike and would never be accused of traveling too slow, but will always try to travel at a sensible speed, allowing for other road users, that will enable me avoid a collision. It is total insanity when someone thinks that a rider needs to be taught a lesson by either nearly hitting someone, running them off the road or as in "Thailands" case actually hitting them.

Maybe this rider was actually in the right lane about to make a right turn or a u turn. The OP wouldn't acknowledge this fact because he thinks that he was in the right lane travelling at 40, like they always do.


when you hit 1 of them you pay pay big they know how to fall on them bikes seen it nothing wrong with them you give money to them fix bike and hospital,then keep reg of car his sister next day she say you hit bike she,cope on dont rent walk or get 100% insurance in all of thailand ,little scammers every where,ps not only thais us,uk,russians,plus from bleeding every where,

Translation please.

Translation: If you hit someone, they are gonna try and f*** ya.


when you hit 1 of them you pay pay big they know how to fall on them bikes seen it nothing wrong with them you give money to them fix bike and hospital,then keep reg of car his sister next day she say you hit bike she,cope on dont rent walk or get 100% insurance in all of thailand ,little scammers every where,ps not only thais us,uk,russians,plus from bleeding every where,

Translation please.

Translation: If you hit someone, they are gonna try and f*** ya.

Remedy: Keep driving and ignore the wreckage in the rear view mirror.


Agree completely with your post and a very good summation of the greed and selfishness of many drivers in Thailand, and elsewhere.

No one has a complete right to the road it is shared and there is no excuse for endangering others, ever.

Thanks for your support silsburyhill. I would have liked an answer from Thailand which I never got. The amazing thing is either, he deliberately tried to hit the bike and succeeded, potentially killing or possibly severely injuring the rider. Why, because, "Thailand" was pissed off the rider wasn't riding to his rules. Motorcycle riders are far more vulnerable than himself, sitting in his tin top with more testosterone pumping than some young pubescent schoolboy and should receive the highest condemnation from the moderator and other posters OR he was driving far to fast for his poor driving skills not taking into account any other road users. Driving and riding in Thailand is totally different to his home country. If the latter is the truth, he should be highly embarrassed to this fact. Instead "Thailand" seems to be proud he hit him. If people are riding too slow, this does not give someone the right to run them off the road or kill them. I also asked "Thailand if he stopped after he hit him".

I ride a big bike and would never be accused of traveling too slow, but will always try to travel at a sensible speed, allowing for other road users, that will enable me avoid a collision. It is total insanity when someone thinks that a rider needs to be taught a lesson by either nearly hitting someone, running them off the road or as in "Thailands" case actually hitting them.

Maybe this rider was actually in the right lane about to make a right turn or a u turn. The OP wouldn't acknowledge this fact because he thinks that he was in the right lane travelling at 40, like they always do.


That thing near your foot is called a brake. Try using it some time. Sideswipe me and youll be looking under your car for your teeth.

Stay out of the right lane and you should be OK.

Drift over and its your fault if you get swiped and left grazed and bruised.

The rules should be, keep left if you don't intend to go over 80kph. Simple.

ok, previously today i have been a go with the flow biker in most post, and now a I am a car driver or Ninja rider, what the f-ck are you doing in the right lane below 120kmh, and at 120kmh you better glue your eyes at the rearview mirror, cause any convoy keeps 160kmh


Any one that drives like an arse wipe and causes an accident then finds it clever to drive off in to the distance because he is a coward to own up to what he has done is an inconsiderate piece of <deleted>!!!

All the decent people on hear should remember that certain individuals put forward a completely different persona to what they are in real life, yes it is very sad and these people should be pitied!!!


Agree completely with your post and a very good summation of the greed and selfishness of many drivers in Thailand, and elsewhere.

No one has a complete right to the road it is shared and there is no excuse for endangering others, ever.

Thanks for your support silsburyhill. I would have liked an answer from Thailand which I never got. The amazing thing is either, he deliberately tried to hit the bike and succeeded, potentially killing or possibly severely injuring the rider. Why, because, "Thailand" was pissed off the rider wasn't riding to his rules. Motorcycle riders are far more vulnerable than himself, sitting in his tin top with more testosterone pumping than some young pubescent schoolboy and should receive the highest condemnation from the moderator and other posters OR he was driving far to fast for his poor driving skills not taking into account any other road users. Driving and riding in Thailand is totally different to his home country. If the latter is the truth, he should be highly embarrassed to this fact. Instead "Thailand" seems to be proud he hit him. If people are riding too slow, this does not give someone the right to run them off the road or kill them. I also asked "Thailand if he stopped after he hit him".

I ride a big bike and would never be accused of traveling too slow, but will always try to travel at a sensible speed, allowing for other road users, that will enable me avoid a collision. It is total insanity when someone thinks that a rider needs to be taught a lesson by either nearly hitting someone, running them off the road or as in "Thailands" case actually hitting them.

Maybe this rider was actually in the right lane about to make a right turn or a u turn. The OP wouldn't acknowledge this fact because he thinks that he was in the right lane travelling at 40, like they always do.

good one brian

the thais say "share the road"


Any one that drives like an arse wipe and causes an accident then finds it clever to drive off in to the distance because he is a coward to own up to what he has done is an inconsiderate piece of <deleted>!!!

and really needs a coffin


ok, previously today i have been a go with the flow biker in most post, and now a I am a car driver or Ninja rider, what are you doing in the right lane below 120kmh, and at 120kmh you better glue your eyes at the rearview mirror, cause any convoy keeps 160kmh

I go up the by pass road many times and rarely does any one pass me, I travel between 100 kph and 120 kph conditions and traffic permitting, yes there are a few that do more than this but in my experience not that many!!


I go up the by pass road many times and rarely does any one pass me, I travel between 100 kph and 120 kph conditions and traffic permitting, yes there are a few that do more than this but in my experience not that many!!

bypass road is a few km long, I am talking real highways and expressways where drivers think they can use right lane cause their at 120kmh. Thai law is clear, keep left except at moment of overtaking


Sometimes it's unavoidable for small motorbikes to move into the right hand lane, mainly to turn right, or, forced to do a U-turn.

I make sure it's clear behind me, indicate well before I actually maneuver and hug the extreme right-hand side of the right lane. Probably the most nerve wracking thing you can do on a small bike.


Sometimes it's unavoidable for small motorbikes to move into the right hand lane, mainly to turn right, or, forced to do a U-turn.

I make sure it's clear behind me, indicate well before I actually maneuver and hug the extreme right-hand side of the right lane. Probably the most nerve wracking thing you can do on a small bike.

just as nerve wrecking on big bike. drivers with one head in the phone and one in the dvdsystem dont give a shit, and sure dont notice any indicator. only fix is to be faster than all,


Sometimes it's unavoidable for small motorbikes to move into the right hand lane, mainly to turn right, or, forced to do a U-turn.

I make sure it's clear behind me, indicate well before I actually maneuver and hug the extreme right-hand side of the right lane. Probably the most nerve wracking thing you can do on a small bike.

It can be nerve wracking making this maneuver I do it every morning with my 10 yr old daughter on the back, as you say keep checking the mirror in order to stay safe,


Stay out of the right lane and you should be OK.

Drift over and its your fault if you get swiped and left grazed and bruised.

The rules should be, keep left if you don't intend to go over 80kph. Simple.

Remedy: Keep driving and ignore the wreckage in the rear view mirror.

"THE RULES SHOULD BE." They aren't !!!!! And; "Keep driving and ignore the wreckage in the rear view mirror."

Unbelievable! I can't understand people who have this type of self entitlement mentality... bah.gif

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