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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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Im constantly seeing people (myself inc) being slandered by others on tv about getting involved with an x bar girl or a poor farm girl, my wife is both btw, yes we do have our fallouts etc and yes she does have one hell of a fiery temper when she gets started but really deep down she is the most beautifull kind hearted honest person / woman i have ever met, loving mother to my daughter and also the most faithfull loyal woman i have ever been with TRUTH!! People say " you can take the girl out of the bar but you cant take the bar out of the girl ) b*********t, i think yes that many girls who have worked in a bar do have some psycological after effects but not all. My wife suffers from angry mood swings and i have to run and hide when i, in her words " break her temple " :lol: but all in all she is happy go lucky, loves a good joke and has that impish bar girl sense of humour that attracted me to her in the first place.

so come on guys im sick of hearing all the bluffers out there who met their tee rak in the local government office blah blah blah, grow a set of b***s and put your hand up if you met her in the bar.

Another reason why i ask is this, back in uk my wife has had lots of thai friends, maybe 50-60 girls she has come across or had a night out with, out of them girls i have met only 1who admitted she worked in a bar ( respect to her )

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Let me praise you on your honesty, my girlfriend gave me a massage on the beach (sounds wrong) anyway she was a hotel employee.

My friend in the UK took a bar girl to the UK and she is doing very well as an escort now she has done her visa time with my mate and acquired a settlement visa. There is only one problem for me with men who fall for bar girls and it's the ones who's wives left school at twelve and are twenty years their junior.

Whoops that's just alienated the bar girl husbands on here :jap:.

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I quote you " Another reason why i ask is this, back in uk my wife has had lots of thai friends, maybe 50-60 girls she has come across or had a night out with, out of them girls i have met only 1who admitted she worked in a bar "

Admitted to who ?

We falang are often naive and ignorant of a lot of things related to Thailand. But I don't think a Thai can be fooled, that's why I ask the question.

Edited by JurgenG
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I don't have a problem with it. However, it's usually unlikely to work out. Keep us informed of how things go.

Your right it is unlikely to work out that's becasue from what I've seen why it doesn't work out is becasue the man has lied about what he is worth, given the woman false hope, treated her like dirt and generally just behaves like an complete and utter ar#hol#.

Those on the other hand that were honest from day one whether they have money or not (because that really doesn't matter) treats the woman with respect and doesn't continually ring her phone when hes at work "where are you? what are you doing? your no good etc etc" chances are it will work out.

Unfortunately those type of folk are far and few between over here all I see is plane load after plane load of insecure childish grown men that haven't got a chance in hell of ever having a proper relationship with any woman from any county and from any walk of life bg or not.

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I quote you " Another reason why i ask is this, back in uk my wife has had lots of thai friends, maybe 50-60 girls she has come across or had a night out with, out of them girls i have met only 1who admitted she worked in a bar "

Admitted to who ?


We falang are often naive and ignorant of a lot of things related to Thailand. But I don't think a Thai can be fooled, that's why I ask the question.


"a thai cant be fooled" Just tell them that santa clause is real then wait for the reply ok :-)

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

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Thailand - You seem to know all about bar girls and their less than attractive attributes, yet you say you would never date one which suggests you never have! So where does your highly comprehensive insight come from? There are too many who seem to think it is fashionable to decry bargirls without having met any, I suspect you are one of those. Sad really

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Complete and utter bul******t, my wife does not drink or smoke and never has done so, "spreading her legs for money" such a way with words havent you? says a lot for your " character " DOESNT IT? also she has never hit or slapped my baby girl and god forbid the day she ever does. Just goes to show how many small minded pea brained people on tv who generalise thai bar girls. Did it ever cross your small mind that my wifes family were very very poor, she didnt have an option wether to have chicken or beef for her dinner let alone a pair of shoes on her feet, talking of shoes, put the shoes on your feet, what would you do?

where did you meet your tee rak btw, or is that none of my business lol lol. I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

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I hope there can be some sort of "informed debate" before this topic is closed.

Personally, I think there are two types of BG.

The first is the hardened, lazy, party-girl...chances of a successful relationship with one like this are slim.

The second are the ones who "drift into" the industry. Poor, uneducated, perhaps with a kid or two they convince themselves they're not really "working" and hope to meet a nice guy to improve their lot.

I've heard some horror stories from girls...so some deserve a bit of luck :thumbsup:


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I don't have a problem with it. However, it's usually unlikely to work out. Keep us informed of how things go.

Your right it is unlikely to work out that's becasue from what I've seen why it doesn't work out is becasue the man has lied about what he is worth, given the woman false hope, treated her like dirt and generally just behaves like an complete and utter ar#hol#.

Those on the other hand that were honest from day one whether they have money or not (because that really doesn't matter) treats the woman with respect and doesn't continually ring her phone when hes at work "where are you? what are you doing? your no good etc etc" chances are it will work out.

Unfortunately those type of folk are far and few between over here all I see is plane load after plane load of insecure childish grown men that haven't got a chance in hell of ever having a proper relationship with any woman from any county and from any walk of life bg or not.

:clap2: I don't agree but I love this rant.

Welcome Newbie - you'll fit in perfectly here

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Christ almighty.....tell us your story mate?

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I have to applaud those who tout their success after marrying a bar girl/ prostitute/ even a lady boy. Still I kind of equate them to the born again Christians on death row, who are appealing the death sentence. It would be interesting to do research and see the odds on either ones success, in the long term.

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I quote you " Another reason why i ask is this, back in uk my wife has had lots of thai friends, maybe 50-60 girls she has come across or had a night out with, out of them girls i have met only 1who admitted she worked in a bar "

Admitted to who ?


We falang are often naive and ignorant of a lot of things related to Thailand. But I don't think a Thai can be fooled, that's why I ask the question.


"a thai cant be fooled" Just tell them that santa clause is real then wait for the reply ok :-)

What is up with this? I was speaking with someone rhe other day and i was joking around that I had grown a beard ala Santa (she hates beards and I was mucking around). Next thing I know she is saying "teerak I want see santa claus jing jing".

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Wife wife is a <deleted>. Perhaps I should have married a bar girl

My x farang wife was mate, thats why i ended up with a thai bar girl, wouldn't look back B)

To the OP, i have to say though that every farang man married to a younger (10+ years) ex bargirl couple i have come across , the wife has been sleeping around behind the hubbies back. And in some of those cases, the husband was 100% convinced that his wife was a faithful 'naughty' girl turned good.

Before i was married, I used to stay in fairly upscale condo with alot of expat package folks and there were a number of oil and gas expat farangs married to ex bargirls, those girls were sleeping around with the single expats living there like there was no tomorrow. And bare in mind that these wives were well taken care of (cars, shopping every day etc), the key factor is i think age difference, younger ex bargirls who like the party life just find older farang men a bit boring, that's the reality.

(dont shoot the messenger :-)

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Wife wife is a <deleted>. Perhaps I should have married a bar girl

My x farang wife was mate, thats why i ended up with a thai bar girl, wouldn't look back B)

To the OP, i have to say though that every farang man married to a younger (10+ years) ex bargirl couple i have come across , the wife has been sleeping around behind the hubbies back. And in some of those cases, the husband was 100% convinced that his wife was a faithful 'naughty' girl turned good.

Before i was married, I used to stay in fairly upscale condo with alot of expat package folks and there were a number of oil and gas expat farangs married to ex bargirls, those girls were sleeping around with the single expats living there like there was no tomorrow. And bare in mind that these wives were well taken care of (cars, shopping every day etc), the key factor is i think age difference, younger ex bargirls who like the party life just find older farang men a bit boring, that's the reality.

(dont shoot the messenger :-)

so as long as the OP isn't an oil/gas expat who works off shore he should be OK?

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I have to applaud those who tout their success after marrying a bar girl/ prostitute/ even a lady boy. Still I kind of equate them to the born again Christians on death row, who are appealing the death sentence. It would be interesting to do research and see the odds on either ones success, in the long term.

Must agree.

My pal married a bar girl 14 years back. Took her off the bar room floor sleeping quarters, housed her mum, bought a nice house in Los etc, even got her a UK passport. :huh:

She took up the trade again in farang land and LoS looking for more cash to pay off gambling debts etc.

He has had enough and is bailing out but the lady is now using threats from her ''heavy'' chums to frighten him off and is taking all the Thai assets that HE bought. He is happy to lose his investments to start a new life. :)

Worse thing that can happen is a Thai lady in farang land meets up with other Thais, BIG problem about talk show and someone has more than another. :rolleyes:

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Complete and utter bul******t, my wife does not drink or smoke and never has done so, "spreading her legs for money" such a way with words havent you? says a lot for your " character " DOESNT IT? also she has never hit or slapped my baby girl and god forbid the day she ever does. Just goes to show how many small minded pea brained people on tv who generalise thai bar girls. Did it ever cross your small mind that my wifes family were very very poor, she didnt have an option wether to have chicken or beef for her dinner let alone a pair of shoes on her feet, talking of shoes, put the shoes on your feet, what would you do?

where did you meet your tee rak btw, or is that none of my business lol lol. I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

My wife's parent lost everything when she was in her teens and they were really dirt poor. When i met her she was making enough to live comfortably working for large companies and then owning her own small shop.

It's called working part time and going to school for a better life. All thais have a choice, the 'i had to sleep with men for money' is complete bullshit. The real thing to say is 'I was not resourceful and did not have the mental capability to make it without boning old men for money'

Obviously men who come here and marry a prostitute are people who could not find a decent woman in the west because of their personality and looks so i wont expect you to understand all of this. Why cant you just be happy that you can get someone in this country without raving about how prostitutes are great? keep it for yourself.

Edited by thaiIand
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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

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I have to applaud those who tout their success after marrying a bar girl/ prostitute/ even a lady boy. Still I kind of equate them to the born again Christians on death row, who are appealing the death sentence. It would be interesting to do research and see the odds on either ones success, in the long term.

Must agree.

My pal married a bar girl 14 years back. Took her off the bar room floor sleeping quarters, housed her mum, bought a nice house in Los etc, even got her a UK passport. :huh:

She took up the trade again in farang land and LoS looking for more cash to pay off gambling debts etc.

He has had enough and is bailing out but the lady is now using threats from her ''heavy'' chums to frighten him off and is taking all the Thai assets that HE bought. He is happy to lose his investments to start a new life. :)

Worse thing that can happen is a Thai lady in farang land meets up with other Thais, BIG problem about talk show and someone has more than another. :rolleyes:

your mates missus could be from anywhere with whats happened....if its not gambling debts then its credit cards or catalogues and instead of loan sharks it would be bailiffs, if you picked a wrong un as your 'mate' obviously did then you picked a wrong un...simple as that!

I am curious as to whether when she arrived in the U.K did she have any plans about bettering herself, making herself financially independent and actually have a life rather than just be a trophy on his arm, with expectations of staying at home to wash-cook-clean for him like a maid who shares his bed? If she didn't have any ambition then that would be a red flag to anyone with a clue and shouldn't take 14 years to work out.

From what I have witnessed those women who have been kept like that regardless of where they come from and no matter how much they get showered with gifts and cash will always be wrong uns...:whistling:

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It's called working part time and going to school for a better life. All thais have a choice, the 'i had to sleep with men for money' is complete bullshit. The real thing to say is 'I was not resourceful and did not have the mental capability to make it without boning old men for money'


The mental capacity part is what really holds many of them back.

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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

They are teachers, mostly new ones at it, not 'business types' at all.

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Three of my friends have married Ex BGs and have been with them for years, two live in Pattaya and one in London with his Thai wife. These fellows are retired, not rich but level headed, financially secure types who don't drink much and do not cavort with other women. Their wives all work, the one in the UK as a cleaner and the two in Pattaya as a seamstress and dressmaker and the other has a modest food stall. I know them quite well and they are all happy in their relationships.

I have other friends who have married or lived with TGs but cannot resist the temptations Pattaya has to offer. These relationships have already foundered or are in the process of doing so. TGs and Falangs alike will often stray if given the chance but faithfulness, loyalty and trust are key factors in any relationship anywhere not just the LOS. From what I've seen most TGs work the bars in the hope of meeting a fellow who will take care of them, those who are lucky normally are only too pleased to play the game and settle down.

What can be disastrous is when a TG gets 'educated' in Falangland and the legal vultures get called in so it's best to stay in Thailand with them if you have the money.

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Three of my friends have married Ex BGs and have been with them for years, two live in Pattaya and one in London with his Thai wife. These fellows are retired, not rich but level headed, financially secure types who don't drink much and do not cavort with other women. Their wives all work, the one in the UK as a cleaner and the two in Pattaya as a seamstress and dressmaker and the other has a modest food stall. I know them quite well and they are all happy in their relationships.

I have other friends who have married or lived with TGs but cannot resist the temptations Pattaya has to offer. These relationships have already foundered or are in the process of doing so. TGs and Falangs alike will often stray if given the chance but faithfulness, loyalty and trust are key factors in any relationship anywhere not just the LOS. From what I've seen most TGs work the bars in the hope of meeting a fellow who will take care of them, those who are lucky normally are only too pleased to play the game and settle down.

What can be disastrous is when a TG gets 'educated' in Falangland and the legal vultures get called in so it's best to stay in Thailand with them if you have the money.

Agree with the above, the bit about the legality in farangland is spot on but again that applies to everyone-thai through to western woman, gold diggers come in all nationalities...if you marry and bring your partner home and the first and only thing she wants to do is pop a baby out then be concerned...

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Wife wife is a <deleted>. Perhaps I should have married a bar girl

My x farang wife was mate, thats why i ended up with a thai bar girl, wouldn't look back B)

To the OP, i have to say though that every farang man married to a younger (10+ years) ex bargirl couple i have come across , the wife has been sleeping around behind the hubbies back. And in some of those cases, the husband was 100% convinced that his wife was a faithful 'naughty' girl turned good.

Before i was married, I used to stay in fairly upscale condo with alot of expat package folks and there were a number of oil and gas expat farangs married to ex bargirls, those girls were sleeping around with the single expats living there like there was no tomorrow. And bare in mind that these wives were well taken care of (cars, shopping every day etc), the key factor is i think age difference, younger ex bargirls who like the party life just find older farang men a bit boring, that's the reality.

(dont shoot the messenger :-)

so as long as the OP isn't an oil/gas expat who works off shore he should be OK?

You forgot old.

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