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Thai PM Yingluck Cancels Events After Falling Sick


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Isn't there an age regulation for posting on TV?

Some of you guys are clearly not mature enough to post here!

What about closing threads like this one?

a) I really don't see, why anyone would discuss anybody else bowel movements.

b ) Reading 90% of the posts, the diarrhea that some folks have writing wise, is far worse than whatever the PM can ever have!

Wishing anyone and having a ball about anyones sicknesses is really a very, very low form of Schadenfreude.

No matter how much you "hate" a person, how he or she has done wrong or how much of an political opponent she/he is.

The whole display of discussion here is just very, very sad!

You just don't get this forum do you.

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I'd like to express a thought.

Suppose, just suppose now, that this is the start of an elaborate ploy. Last week she had food poisoning, possibly missing some important meetings and governing duties, Some few days later she has another attack of whatever, and has to miss additional time from meetings and work.

Fact be known, there is no mystery that many of her party are trying, very hard, to restore all that was lost from the Shin Family. There has been much talk about trying to obtain a pardon or amnesty for big brother, and having him free to return to Thailand. That group is not beyond game playing ploys such as the debacle two weeks ago of having her away in the Northeast and suddenly a deputy PM calls a meeting to format a rushed pardon program that just by slight alteration will also benefit Kn. Thaksin.

Consider the possibility that Ms Yingluck has now completed her desiginated roll in being the pretty face, the sweet person, and most importantly the closest of Thaksin links, in getting the PT party as winners of the election. Maybe that was her real role. Too many people think that she is in no way strong enough, or with enough savey to really be the true PM. But think about the above stated role for her to just get the group in the door, get all the key players in their designated positions, Army Head, Police Chief, Foreigh Minist, , Defense Mn, and so on. Put other strong like minded [thats Thaksin like minded] people in power positions, ala deputy PM's and then have her complete her given role by becoming or feigning illness to show that the job was too much for her and thus have a graceful way out by resigning her office. Some might think of it as a noble deed by her goodself after giving all she could for the good of the country , then being too ill and weak to continue in office with the graceful out being one of health.

One may be forgiven to think of a certain Dep PM who might just be prodded into the PM slot in her vacancy. ..... and what better time. ......big brother is chomping at the bit to get back...... the daughters wedding story,,,,, the amnesty/pardon program, the new passport ploy,,,,,, all being part of the stage play to say who better than the one and only to come back on a white horse to save the country.... oh yes and probably a lot more and violent strife could be scheduled in the very, very near future to facilitate the hero's return to save the day.....

Just some thoughts.....dry.gif

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I'd like to express a thought.

Suppose, just suppose now, that this is the start of an elaborate ploy. Last week she had food poisoning, possibly missing some important meetings and governing duties, Some few days later she has another attack of whatever, and has to miss additional time from meetings and work.

Fact be known, there is no mystery that many of her party are trying, very hard, to restore all that was lost from the Shin Family. There has been much talk about trying to obtain a pardon or amnesty for big brother, and having him free to return to Thailand. That group is not beyond game playing ploys such as the debacle two weeks ago of having her away in the Northeast and suddenly a deputy PM calls a meeting to format a rushed pardon program that just by slight alteration will also benefit Kn. Thaksin.

Consider the possibility that Ms Yingluck has now completed her desiginated roll in being the pretty face, the sweet person, and most importantly the closest of Thaksin links, in getting the PT party as winners of the election. Maybe that was her real role. Too many people think that she is in no way strong enough, or with enough savey to really be the true PM. But think about the above stated role for her to just get the group in the door, get all the key players in their designated positions, Army Head, Police Chief, Foreigh Minist, , Defense Mn, and so on. Put other strong like minded [thats Thaksin like minded] people in power positions, ala deputy PM's and then have her complete her given role by becoming or feigning illness to show that the job was too much for her and thus have a graceful way out by resigning her office. Some might think of it as a noble deed by her goodself after giving all she could for the good of the country , then being too ill and weak to continue in office with the graceful out being one of health.

One may be forgiven to think of a certain Dep PM who might just be prodded into the PM slot in her vacancy. ..... and what better time. ......big brother is chomping at the bit to get back...... the daughters wedding story,,,,, the amnesty/pardon program, the new passport ploy,,,,,, all being part of the stage play to say who better than the one and only to come back on a white horse to save the country.... oh yes and probably a lot more and violent strife could be scheduled in the very, very near future to facilitate the hero's return to save the day.....

Just some thoughts.....dry.gif

You're right.

Yingluk's role was to win the election with a pretty face and pie-in-the sky promises. She fulfilled that duty,but now things are turning out be harder than expected what with the floods, she may want to call it a day. Note how she avoids nearly all questions about current issues, a PM can only do that for so long.

But who can Thaksin replace her with? There's little choice in the mediocre band of Pheua Thai MPs and I don't think Thaksin wants Chalerm in the chair!

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Last trip handing out relief goods I was on antibiotics since I had throat-infection, cough and pain, and spent 12h packing goods, dragging boat through deep water and transporting the items before handing them out. Just saying.

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P.M. Yingluck is a great P.M. and is loved and respected. Peoples' comments in bad taste about Thailand's P.M. show the pathetic lack of class that is common here.

What's so great about her?

She looks great!

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday developed a headache and nausea following her visit to a flooded area in Nonthaburi at around noon, forcing her to cancel her workload for the rest of the day.

According to a source close to the prime minister, Yingluck appeared faint, complained of a headache and vomited during a lunch break at Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi. She had earlier inspected a flooded area of Pak Kret district of the province north of Bangkok for almost two hours.

She did not look well and her smiles to welcoming local residents appeared forced.

That was yesterday.....And today, in yet another remarkable display of her recuperative abilities reminiscent of her earlier astoundingly rapid recovery...


Yingluck has bounced back yet again and flew to Hat Yai... and looking just fine...

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, center, is handed with welcoming flowers as she pays a visit to a Muslim community in Had Yai district of Songkhla province, southern Thailand Friday, Dec. 2, 2011.

Once again, I hope she and her doctors would share the secret behind her miraculous ability for healing.


Edited by Buchholz
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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday developed a headache and nausea following her visit to a flooded area in Nonthaburi at around noon, forcing her to cancel her workload for the rest of the day.

According to a source close to the prime minister, Yingluck appeared faint, complained of a headache and vomited during a lunch break at Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi. She had earlier inspected a flooded area of Pak Kret district of the province north of Bangkok for almost two hours.

She did not look well and her smiles to welcoming local residents appeared forced.

That was yesterday.....And today, in yet another remarkable display of her recuperative abilities reminiscent of her earlier astoundingly rapid recovery...


Yingluck has bounced back yet again and flew to Hat Yai... and looking just fine...

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, center, is handed with welcoming flowers as she pays a visit to a Muslim community in Had Yai district of Songkhla province, southern Thailand Friday, Dec. 2, 2011.

Once again, I hope she and her doctors would share the secret behind her miraculous ability for healing.


Get over yourself, what does it matter?

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday developed a headache and nausea following her visit to a flooded area in Nonthaburi at around noon, forcing her to cancel her workload for the rest of the day.

According to a source close to the prime minister, Yingluck appeared faint, complained of a headache and vomited during a lunch break at Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi. She had earlier inspected a flooded area of Pak Kret district of the province north of Bangkok for almost two hours.

She did not look well and her smiles to welcoming local residents appeared forced.

That was yesterday.....And today, in yet another remarkable display of her recuperative abilities reminiscent of her earlier astoundingly rapid recovery...


Yingluck has bounced back yet again and flew to Hat Yai... and looking just fine...

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, center, is handed with welcoming flowers as she pays a visit to a Muslim community in Had Yai district of Songkhla province, southern Thailand Friday, Dec. 2, 2011.

Once again, I hope she and her doctors would share the secret behind her miraculous ability for healing.

what does it matter?

She could advance medical science tremendously, and the whole world by extension, if she would share her secret of how she is able to recuperate so inordinately fast time and time again.


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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday developed a headache and nausea following her visit to a flooded area in Nonthaburi at around noon, forcing her to cancel her workload for the rest of the day.

According to a source close to the prime minister, Yingluck appeared faint, complained of a headache and vomited during a lunch break at Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi. She had earlier inspected a flooded area of Pak Kret district of the province north of Bangkok for almost two hours.

She did not look well and her smiles to welcoming local residents appeared forced.

That was yesterday.....And today, in yet another remarkable display of her recuperative abilities reminiscent of her earlier astoundingly rapid recovery...


Yingluck has bounced back yet again and flew to Hat Yai... and looking just fine...

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, center, is handed with welcoming flowers as she pays a visit to a Muslim community in Had Yai district of Songkhla province, southern Thailand Friday, Dec. 2, 2011.

Once again, I hope she and her doctors would share the secret behind her miraculous ability for healing.

what does it matter?

She could advance medical science tremendously, and the whole world by extension, if she would share her secret of how she is able to recuperate so inordinately fast time and time again.


The level of scrutiny aimed at Yingluck is extraordinary, there are far more important matters at hand than the recovery time from minor ailments. I think we've all had female partners that can feel dreadful in the morning and fine in the afternoon. This is a non-news unimportant issue.

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Nope. Any countries leader showing a pattern now of being unable to fulfill her job duties due to illness or other excuses like helicopter radar is most definitely news! Also, please stop with the sexist crap about special problems with women. It's not that she's a woman. It's about her specifically as a leader.

Edited by Jingthing
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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday developed a headache and nausea following her visit to a flooded area in Nonthaburi at around noon, forcing her to cancel her workload for the rest of the day.

According to a source close to the prime minister, Yingluck appeared faint, complained of a headache and vomited during a lunch break at Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi. She had earlier inspected a flooded area of Pak Kret district of the province north of Bangkok for almost two hours.

She did not look well and her smiles to welcoming local residents appeared forced.

That was yesterday.....And today, in yet another remarkable display of her recuperative abilities reminiscent of her earlier astoundingly rapid recovery...


Yingluck has bounced back yet again and flew to Hat Yai... and looking just fine...

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, center, is handed with welcoming flowers as she pays a visit to a Muslim community in Had Yai district of Songkhla province, southern Thailand Friday, Dec. 2, 2011.

Once again, I hope she and her doctors would share the secret behind her miraculous ability for healing.


Surely she was in a public hospital under the 30 Baht treatment. I got told it works miraculous.

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she could well be verging on having a breakdown... rather sad if that is the case

On the other hand she could be suffering from a headache and nausea, and taking it easy for a couple of days on the advice of her doctors. You never know.... :rolleyes:

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Nope. Any countries leader showing a pattern now of being unable to fulfill her job duties due to illness or other excuses like helicopter radar is most definitely news! Also, please stop with the sexist crap about special problems with women. It's not that she's a woman. It's about her specifically as a leader.

It's nothing to do with sexist, it's a statement of ( in my experience ) fact. If your experience is different then up to you jap.gif

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she could well be verging on having a breakdown... rather sad if that is the case

why sad she and her brother are determined to totally ruin Thailand so I have absolutely no sympathy for evil nasty despots however pretty some people think she is when will ops wake up and smell coffee seems never or not until this bunch of robber barons bring Thailand to its knees and laugh all way to bak

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We all knew the pressure would be too much for her. Don't worry though, big brother is to the rescue soon!

let us hope he returns soon , :jap:

whilst there is still flood water ,

for the great man , to walk on .


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Isn't there an age regulation for posting on TV?

Some of you guys are clearly not mature enough to post here!

What about closing threads like this one?

a) I really don't see, why anyone would discuss anybody else bowel movements.

b ) Reading 90% of the posts, the diarrhea that some folks have writing wise, is far worse than whatever the PM can ever have!

Wishing anyone and having a ball about anyones sicknesses is really a very, very low form of Schadenfreude.

No matter how much you "hate" a person, how he or she has done wrong or how much of an political opponent she/he is.

The whole display of discussion here is just very, very sad!

Oh come on!!!!!!

She's hardly in a life threatening situation is she!!!! It's about time she suffered for all the damage she had done and those extra unnecessary lives lost through her negligence of duty. At least she will get over it and I'm sure she is being well looked after as she can afford it - unlike her minion peasants who ARE suffering and have lost loved ones!!!!:unsure:.

I'm sick to the teeth of her sickly "forced smile" as all she cares about and is concentrated on is getting her brother back to Thailand despite her protestations (blatant lies) otherwise!!!

Don't get well soon Yingluck - suffer some more as it will do you good!!!!

I suspect we will see more minor illnesses and excuses for not attending Cabinet meetings, and other appearances connected with her Prime Ministerial State Duties, and decision making etc.

She is way out of her depth, and it shows up very badly, and dodging the issues to save “face” will not work, “face” has already long departed. The Political Honeymoon was over,very quickly. And her purpose was IMO fulfilled shortly after the Vote counting had ended.

Expect more of the same.

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Isn't there an age regulation for posting on TV?

Some of you guys are clearly not mature enough to post here!

What about closing threads like this one?

a) I really don't see, why anyone would discuss anybody else bowel movements.

b ) Reading 90% of the posts, the diarrhea that some folks have writing wise, is far worse than whatever the PM can ever have!

Wishing anyone and having a ball about anyones sicknesses is really a very, very low form of Schadenfreude.

No matter how much you "hate" a person, how he or she has done wrong or how much of an political opponent she/he is.

The whole display of discussion here is just very, very sad!

You just don't get this forum do you.

So share your wisdome with me then!


Why is it important to anyone to discuss a politicians state of health, when it is obviously a minor sickness?

Thank god the woman hasn't got cancer- I can not even imagine how some of the "wellwishers" here would have a ball!

Secondly, I still stick to my words, that I find it disgusting to wish anyone to be sick!

You just don't do that, if you are calling yourself "civilized"!


It's not a matter of "forum or not forum"- it should be a standard in human relations.

'nuff said!

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Isn't there an age regulation for posting on TV?

Some of you guys are clearly not mature enough to post here!

What about closing threads like this one?

a) I really don't see, why anyone would discuss anybody else bowel movements.

b ) Reading 90% of the posts, the diarrhea that some folks have writing wise, is far worse than whatever the PM can ever have!

Wishing anyone and having a ball about anyones sicknesses is really a very, very low form of Schadenfreude.

No matter how much you "hate" a person, how he or she has done wrong or how much of an political opponent she/he is.

The whole display of discussion here is just very, very sad!

You just don't get this forum do you.

So share your wisdome with me then!


Why is it important to anyone to discuss a politicians state of health, when it is obviously a minor sickness?

Thank god the woman hasn't got cancer- I can not even imagine how some of the "wellwishers" here would have a ball!

Secondly, I still stick to my words, that I find it disgusting to wish anyone to be sick!

You just don't do that, if you are calling yourself "civilized"!


It's not a matter of "forum or not forum"- it should be a standard in human relations.

'nuff said!

Problem--get it--posters doubt if it was a genuine case of sickness-or an excuse. Of course no one wishes anyone bad health--in this case the reason looks suspicious as the 4 months of her history has given doubt. The P.M. has made the doubt herself in her own dubious actions.

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she could well be verging on having a breakdown... rather sad if that is the case

Sad for her as an individual, but possibly better for the country if she steps down as a result.

Yeah, let's crank up that rumor-mill boys and girls! Sometimes if you repeat a rumor often enough, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy! whistling.gif

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Isn't there an age regulation for posting on TV?

Some of you guys are clearly not mature enough to post here!

What about closing threads like this one?

a) I really don't see, why anyone would discuss anybody else bowel movements.

b ) Reading 90% of the posts, the diarrhea that some folks have writing wise, is far worse than whatever the PM can ever have!

Wishing anyone and having a ball about anyones sicknesses is really a very, very low form of Schadenfreude.

No matter how much you "hate" a person, how he or she has done wrong or how much of an political opponent she/he is.

The whole display of discussion here is just very, very sad!

You just don't get this forum do you.

So share your wisdome with me then!


Why is it important to anyone to discuss a politicians state of health, when it is obviously a minor sickness?

Thank god the woman hasn't got cancer- I can not even imagine how some of the "wellwishers" here would have a ball!

Secondly, I still stick to my words, that I find it disgusting to wish anyone to be sick!

You just don't do that, if you are calling yourself "civilized"!


It's not a matter of "forum or not forum"- it should be a standard in human relations.

'nuff said!

Problem--get it--posters doubt if it was a genuine case of sickness-or an excuse. Of course no one wishes anyone bad health--in this case the reason looks suspicious as the 4 months of her history has given doubt. The P.M. has made the doubt herself in her own dubious actions.

"Don't get well soon Yingluck - suffer some more as it will do you good!!!!"


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Isn't there an age regulation for posting on TV?

Some of you guys are clearly not mature enough to post here!

What about closing threads like this one?

a) I really don't see, why anyone would discuss anybody else bowel movements.

b ) Reading 90% of the posts, the diarrhea that some folks have writing wise, is far worse than whatever the PM can ever have!

Wishing anyone and having a ball about anyones sicknesses is really a very, very low form of Schadenfreude.

No matter how much you "hate" a person, how he or she has done wrong or how much of an political opponent she/he is.

The whole display of discussion here is just very, very sad!

Oh come on!!!!!!

She's hardly in a life threatening situation is she!!!! It's about time she suffered for all the damage she had done and those extra unnecessary lives lost through her negligence of duty. At least she will get over it and I'm sure she is being well looked after as she can afford it - unlike her minion peasants who ARE suffering and have lost loved ones!!!!:unsure:.

I'm sick to the teeth of her sickly "forced smile" as all she cares about and is concentrated on is getting her brother back to Thailand despite her protestations (blatant lies) otherwise!!!

Don't get well soon Yingluck - suffer some more as it will do you good!!!!

I suspect we will see more minor illnesses and excuses for not attending Cabinet meetings, and other appearances connected with her Prime Ministerial State Duties, and decision making etc.

She is way out of her depth, and it shows up very badly, and dodging the issues to save "face" will not work, "face" has already long departed. The Political Honeymoon was over,very quickly. And her purpose was IMO fulfilled shortly after the Vote counting had ended.

Expect more of the same.

Quite agree, she is the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time - other than that she is the perfect choice!!!!:jap:.

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...Yesterday morning, the prime minister presided over a ceremony at Government House where state officials gathered and vowed to serve honestly, as part of the celebrations of His Majesty the King's birthday this month. Participating in the ceremony were Cabinet members, military commanders, senior bureaucrats and civil servants, and representatives of state enterprises...nationlogo.jpg

-- The Nation 2011-12-02

"vowed to serve honestly" rolleyes.gif

Considering most of the participants, it must have been a 'lie-in',

like a 'sit-in' but truth is optional. jap.gif

Say what's expected, do what you can get away with.

Same same!

Edited by animatic
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Docn #56

your comments-re cancer -immature.

You are the one that seems not to be mature, my comments agreed with you as far as genuine sickness is concerned, Your cancer comment is showing the OTT suggestion. If you read posters comments, and see what they are hinting at-instead you have your answer ready before reading as you will not have it that something smells with this government.

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We all knew the pressure would be too much for her. Don't worry though, big brother is to the rescue soon!

She did not look well and her smiles to welcoming local residents appeared forced.

She never really smiled and she'll never really smile in the LOS. The clone is a forced clone....laugh.gif

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