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Why Does Fox `news` Operate In Thailand?

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first off to the OP.

FOX news does not operate in or out of Thailand.

With advanced Technology of internet and Satellite communication, information from around the globe is Readily Available.

Just as with the BBC, CNN, CNBC, al Jazera etc.

If you don't like it, don't watch it and change the channel.

All news agencies (yes even from the USA) are slanted to reporting it "Their Way".

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Watched Fox news this morning. Perhaps the answer to why it 'broadcasts' globally including in Thailand is simple.

It's gawd's channel of choice :whistling:


FOX News is the equivalent of fake wrestling.

The news is the same news as on every other major network.


Yesterday Fox News showed footage of the riots in Greece a few weeks ago and passed it off as footage of people rioting in Moscow after the Russian elections! Check it out on youtube before Fox gets it taken off. Fox News is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the warmongering looney tunes in the Pentagon. Fair and balanced my arse!


There have been a number of inaccuracies and outright lies posted on this thread about Fox News. If what you say is true, how about providing a link to prove it :whistling:


There have been a number of inaccuracies and outright lies posted on this thread about Fox News. If what you say is true, how about providing a link to prove it :whistling:

never mind


There have been a number of inaccuracies and outright lies posted on this thread about Fox News. If what you say is true, how about providing a link to prove it :whistling:

never mind

Search Fox News lie about Russia. www.youtube.com/watch?v==c4CG9jH-OBW. Sorry, i am not computer literate enough to actually post the link for you to click on. I actually saw this last night on Fox News OWN website, but of course they have now taken it off. Many links in several UK newspapers. It was broadcast, get over it.


That window they have behind the presenters in one of the studios where people come and peer from the pavement....I've been dying for someone to chuck a hand grenade through it.


That window they have behind the presenters in one of the studios where people come and peer from the pavement....I've been dying for someone to chuck a hand grenade through it.

Interesting. Usually people who support terrorists are more discreet about it.


That window they have behind the presenters in one of the studios where people come and peer from the pavement....I've been dying for someone to chuck a hand grenade through it.

Interesting. Usually people who support terrorists are more discreet about it.



There have been a number of inaccuracies and outright lies posted on this thread about Fox News. If what you say is true, how about providing a link to prove it :whistling:

Oh boy! Can I ever help you out in researching Fox News inaccuracies! Try this:


News Hounds

We watch FOX so you don't have to


There have been a number of inaccuracies and outright lies posted on this thread about Fox News. If what you say is true, how about providing a link to prove it :whistling:

Oh boy! Can I ever help you out in researching Fox News inaccuracies! Try this:


News Hounds

We watch FOX so you don't have to

Another interesting site for exposing Fox News lies is 'Veterans Today', which i assume is a site for American ex servicemen. Search 'Veterans Today phony Letterman threat'. The Murdoch Machine undermining democracy just like they have been doing in the UK for years. Thankfully they have pushed things too far there and are now in deep s--t.


Oh boy! Can I ever help you out in researching Fox News inaccuracies! Try this:


Inaccuracies? More like silly, nitpicking spin. Websites like this distort the facts and have a lot more inaccuracies than Fox will ever have, but the purported "defenders of truth" use them as "evidence". :rolleyes:


That window they have behind the presenters in one of the studios where people come and peer from the pavement....I've been dying for someone to chuck a hand grenade through it.

Interesting. Usually people who support terrorists are more discreet about it.


Of course, I also detest Fox "News" but the only thing I want to see bomb is their ratings!


So the US Fox can broadcast in Canada despite it's supposed "lies", but they can not have a Canadian Network? Sorry, but Sun TV is very simular to Fox and broadcasts in Canada, but they have Canadian owners which gets around the real problem.

Faux don't broadcast in Canada, their feed is shown but they don't broadcast as a Canadian entity.

And why doesn't Faux News have a license to broadcast in Canuck land? Because the Canadian government won't issue them a broadcast license. And why would that be the case? :whistling:


Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast ... any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom.


So the US Fox can broadcast in Canada despite it's supposed "lies", but they can not have a Canadian Network? Sorry, but Sun TV is very simular to Fox and broadcasts in Canada, but they have Canadian owners which gets around the real problem.

Faux don't broadcast in Canada, their feed is shown but they don't broadcast as a Canadian entity.

And why doesn't Faux News have a license to broadcast in Canuck land? Because the Canadian government won't issue them a broadcast license. And why would that be the case? :whistling:


Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast ... any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom.

Thank you


And why doesn't Faux News have a license to broadcast in Canuck land?

Because they do not have Canadian owners - as has already been brought up. Sun TV is very similar to Fox, but has Canadian owners and they do have a Canadian broadcast license.

Fox News USA do broadcast in Canada so the BS about then not being able to get a license in Canada because of "lying" is a blatant lie that is all over the Internet on dishonest, loony websites and being promoted here.


There have been a number of inaccuracies and outright lies posted on this thread about Fox News. If what you say is true, how about providing a link to prove it :whistling:

never mind

Cat got your tongue Orac?


If the fairness in broadcsting law hadn't been repealed, FOX would be out of business.

Personally, I think they should be able to say anything they want.

My gripe is they are posing as a news organization, fooling a bunch of nitwits into thinking they are informed, when in fact, it is a 24/7 GOP infomercial.

The purpose of the program is to promote the GOP & get around election law funding. no?


(I watch Fox News once or twice a week, ~ 7 PM - 9 PM so 7 AM - 9 AM EST, so just the comedy show Fox & Friends. But the editorial bias leaks all over this entertainment show; they are currently on their anti-secular Christmas attacks now. I also follow their gaffes on a variety of websites and of course, The Daily Show and that French show, The Colbert Report. See Papa Bears recent interview with M. Colbert.)

Based in their demographics, FNC seems to appeal to angry, older, frightened, white, male, registered Republicans. They are frightened of losing their majority, and of any changes in their view of the American Dream. Fear breeds ignorance and intolerance. FNC exploits this fear. These folks need their own news outlet and that is fine; they should have it. It is perfectly acceptable that FNC is biased. It is fairly obvious to anyone who watches that FNC has daily talking points that are reiterated and repeated throughout the day and a particular news-cycle. Different on-air personalities use the exact same phrases, and amazingly these are also used by Republicans. The coordination is admirable.

To quote a John Moody, Sr. VP FNC, memo of the day (referring to Judicial nominees and how the stand on one issue: Abortion):

“This should be a trademark issue for FNC today and in the days to come.”

33 Internal Fox Memos

Nothing like reinforcing racial stereotypes to whip up the scared white folks…

Obama’s Hip-Hop BBQ Didn’t Create Jobs

(Note the URL, ends with “while rome burns”.)

Often when showing a video of President Obama watch the news crawl below the image, they often use words like “Muslim” and “Terrorist” in the “breaking news”.

Again, I think this is fine. Everyone should have a news outlet which addresses their concerns.

There are some in the News Corp. organization who are not happy with the editorial policy at FNC. It is safe to assume that once Mr. Ailes retires things may change?


(I watch Fox News once or twice a week, ~ 7 PM - 9 PM so 7 AM - 9 AM EST, so just the comedy show Fox & Friends. But the editorial bias leaks all over this entertainment show; they are currently on their anti-secular Christmas attacks now. I also follow their gaffes on a variety of websites and of course, The Daily Show and that French show, The Colbert Report. See Papa Bears recent interview with M. Colbert.)

Based in their demographics, FNC seems to appeal to angry, older, frightened, white, male, registered Republicans. They are frightened of losing their majority, and of any changes in their view of the American Dream. Fear breeds ignorance and intolerance. FNC exploits this fear. These folks need their own news outlet and that is fine; they should have it. It is perfectly acceptable that FNC is biased. It is fairly obvious to anyone who watches that FNC has daily talking points that are reiterated and repeated throughout the day and a particular news-cycle. Different on-air personalities use the exact same phrases, and amazingly these are also used by Republicans. The coordination is admirable.

To quote a John Moody, Sr. VP FNC, memo of the day (referring to Judicial nominees and how the stand on one issue: Abortion):

"This should be a trademark issue for FNC today and in the days to come."

33 Internal Fox Memos

Nothing like reinforcing racial stereotypes to whip up the scared white folks…

Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ Didn't Create Jobs

(Note the URL, ends with "while rome burns".)

Often when showing a video of President Obama watch the news crawl below the image, they often use words like "Muslim" and "Terrorist" in the "breaking news".

Again, I think this is fine. Everyone should have a news outlet which addresses their concerns.

There are some in the News Corp. organization who are not happy with the editorial policy at FNC. It is safe to assume that once Mr. Ailes retires things may change?

A very interesting post with some fascinating observations. I think maybe you are being too kind to Fox though by referring to untruths and misinformation as gaffes! But i shall be watching now with greater insight. Thank you.


I dont know maybe some of what is being said about who FN targets is true but I would like to say it is not only white people that they are speaking to. My father and mother were both people of color. my father was an immigrant from mexico and I hear a good amount of reporting about illegal immigration, I understand the over all negative opinion towards "wet backs", that image carries on to all mexicans, so should I be like my mother and be a blind democrat? foolishly thinking that being a Democart will make me stronger. I am republican, why because I saw how little my mother and father profited by working for other people. I made the choice to work for myself early in life and by doing that I have had to live on next to nothing many times, worked 90 hr weeks, and been broke more times then i can remember. I never asked the govt for a dime 1x, and never expected the govt to do anything for me and the govt never offered either. Having said this, as soon as I made some money it was the govt who was 1st in line for my money, why? because i had the opportunity to take a risk and make some cash in the American business system. Ok fair enough, but i am not the only person who has the opportunity to earn money, the blacks, gays, bi's, trans, muslims, asians, africans, big, tall, skinny, fat, everyone who wants to make a buck can in america, so why do I need to support any of them with my tax dollars? if the govt is taking my money why do i need to be happy about when they are supporting self proclaimed victims? I would much rather see the money go on military spending which creates jobs then to some pitty pot group of people who demand a "fair share". Yes I like fox news and I like having a news station that promotes the old school beliefs i was raised with i.e. if you want to eat, work.


That window they have behind the presenters in one of the studios where people come and peer from the pavement....I've been dying for someone to chuck a hand grenade through it.

If it makes you that angry, then don't watch it.

Many of us find FN ridiculously biased and 'look on' in amazement at those that consider the channel 'fair and balanced' :lol: but, it is probably the best known channel in the world for being outrageously biased!

Those who continue to watch it, do so to have their biases confirmed. And we all do that.


I dont know maybe some of what is being said about who FN targets is true but I would like to say it is not only white people that they are speaking to. My father and mother were both people of color. my father was an immigrant from mexico and I hear a good amount of reporting about illegal immigration, I understand the over all negative opinion towards "wet backs", that image carries on to all mexicans, so should I be like my mother and be a blind democrat? foolishly thinking that being a Democart will make me stronger. I am republican, why because I saw how little my mother and father profited by working for other people. I made the choice to work for myself early in life and by doing that I have had to live on next to nothing many times, worked 90 hr weeks, and been broke more times then i can remember. I never asked the govt for a dime 1x, and never expected the govt to do anything for me and the govt never offered either. Having said this, as soon as I made some money it was the govt who was 1st in line for my money, why? because i had the opportunity to take a risk and make some cash in the American business system. Ok fair enough, but i am not the only person who has the opportunity to earn money, the blacks, gays, bi's, trans, muslims, asians, africans, big, tall, skinny, fat, everyone who wants to make a buck can in america, so why do I need to support any of them with my tax dollars? if the govt is taking my money why do i need to be happy about when they are supporting self proclaimed victims? I would much rather see the money go on military spending which creates jobs then to some pitty pot group of people who demand a "fair share". Yes I like fox news and I like having a news station that promotes the old school beliefs i was raised with i.e. if you want to eat, work.

Hear, hear! :thumbsup:


I dont know maybe some of what is being said about who FN targets is true but I would like to say it is not only white people that they are speaking to. My father and mother were both people of color. my father was an immigrant from mexico and I hear a good amount of reporting about illegal immigration, I understand the over all negative opinion towards "wet backs", that image carries on to all mexicans, so should I be like my mother and be a blind democrat? foolishly thinking that being a Democart will make me stronger. I am republican, why because I saw how little my mother and father profited by working for other people. I made the choice to work for myself early in life and by doing that I have had to live on next to nothing many times, worked 90 hr weeks, and been broke more times then i can remember. I never asked the govt for a dime 1x, and never expected the govt to do anything for me and the govt never offered either. Having said this, as soon as I made some money it was the govt who was 1st in line for my money, why? because i had the opportunity to take a risk and make some cash in the American business system. Ok fair enough, but i am not the only person who has the opportunity to earn money, the blacks, gays, bi's, trans, muslims, asians, africans, big, tall, skinny, fat, everyone who wants to make a buck can in america, so why do I need to support any of them with my tax dollars? if the govt is taking my money why do i need to be happy about when they are supporting self proclaimed victims? I would much rather see the money go on military spending which creates jobs then to some pitty pot group of people who demand a "fair share". Yes I like fox news and I like having a news station that promotes the old school beliefs i was raised with i.e. if you want to eat, work.

I wonder on the Fox "news" did they mention that the Wallmart family heirs alone holds the same wealth as THIRTY percent of the ENTIRE American population? These same people have effectively lobbied the government to reduce THEIR taxes and also to change the estate tax laws (which impact the SUPER rich only) in their favor.

I suggest Fox change their name to the One Percent Network because that's the interest they work on 24/7, preserving massive economic equality and making it even worse.

Often Latino Americans vote republican because they can relate to the "family values" (translation: hate the gays) rhetoric of that party. But still it was a strong Latino showing that propelled Obama in 2008 and I trust that will happen again.


I dont know maybe some of what is being said about who FN targets is true but I would like to say it is not only white people that they are speaking to. My father and mother were both people of color. my father was an immigrant from mexico and I hear a good amount of reporting about illegal immigration, I understand the over all negative opinion towards "wet backs", that image carries on to all mexicans, so should I be like my mother and be a blind democrat? foolishly thinking that being a Democart will make me stronger. I am republican, why because I saw how little my mother and father profited by working for other people. I made the choice to work for myself early in life and by doing that I have had to live on next to nothing many times, worked 90 hr weeks, and been broke more times then i can remember. I never asked the govt for a dime 1x, and never expected the govt to do anything for me and the govt never offered either. Having said this, as soon as I made some money it was the govt who was 1st in line for my money, why? because i had the opportunity to take a risk and make some cash in the American business system. Ok fair enough, but i am not the only person who has the opportunity to earn money, the blacks, gays, bi's, trans, muslims, asians, africans, big, tall, skinny, fat, everyone who wants to make a buck can in america, so why do I need to support any of them with my tax dollars? if the govt is taking my money why do i need to be happy about when they are supporting self proclaimed victims? I would much rather see the money go on military spending which creates jobs then to some pitty pot group of people who demand a "fair share". Yes I like fox news and I like having a news station that promotes the old school beliefs i was raised with i.e. if you want to eat, work.

I wonder on the Fox "news" did they mention that the Wallmart family heirs alone holds the same wealth as THIRTY percent of the ENTIRE American population? These same people have effectively lobbied the government to reduce THEIR taxes and also to change the estate tax laws (which impact the SUPER rich only) in their favor.

I suggest Fox change their name to the One Percent Network because that's the interest they work on 24/7, preserving massive economic equality and making it even worse.

Often Latino Americans vote republican because they can relate to the "family values" (translation: hate the gays) rhetoric of that party. But still it was a strong Latino showing that propelled Obama in 2008 and I trust that will happen again.

IMO some groups take themselves too seriously several members in my family think of sexual preference as a personal choice not a badge of honour or something that needs to be justified.


IMO some groups take themselves too seriously several members in my family think of sexual preference as a personal choice not a badge of honour or something that needs to be justified.

It's not a choice but that is a very republican way to think about it. Is being born Latino a choice too?

IMO some groups take themselves too seriously several members in my family think of sexual preference as a personal choice not a badge of honour or something that needs to be justified.

It's not a choice but that is a very republican way to think about it. Is being born Latino a choice too?

No being a victim because of it is. that whole 1/99 bs is exactly that a vicitm montra! I dont make enough! give me what you have! I deserve it! What? Why? BTW 250k income b4 taxes is not worthy of being considered rich or put into a class warfare hell 250k after taxes for a self employeed person is still not much considering the hard work and risk. I am about to return to the states nd guess what I have a wife and 2 boys. What am I going to do for money? I dont know but I know one thing for sure I will do what ever I need too, if that means driving a taxie, workings security, and flipping burgers I will, I am willing to work 3 jobs or risk all my money on an opportunity but I am not going to be sitting around telling anyone they owe me anything, or shouting 1%. I can make better use of my time. but then again thats just me a old, uneducated, spic, from kansas.

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