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Why Does Fox `news` Operate In Thailand?


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I dont know maybe some of what is being said about who FN targets is true but I would like to say it is not only white people that they are speaking to. My father and mother were both people of color. my father was an immigrant from mexico and I hear a good amount of reporting about illegal immigration, I understand the over all negative opinion towards "wet backs", that image carries on to all mexicans, so should I be like my mother and be a blind democrat? foolishly thinking that being a Democart will make me stronger. I am republican, why because I saw how little my mother and father profited by working for other people. I made the choice to work for myself early in life and by doing that I have had to live on next to nothing many times, worked 90 hr weeks, and been broke more times then i can remember. I never asked the govt for a dime 1x, and never expected the govt to do anything for me and the govt never offered either. Having said this, as soon as I made some money it was the govt who was 1st in line for my money, why? because i had the opportunity to take a risk and make some cash in the American business system. Ok fair enough, but i am not the only person who has the opportunity to earn money, the blacks, gays, bi's, trans, muslims, asians, africans, big, tall, skinny, fat, everyone who wants to make a buck can in america, so why do I need to support any of them with my tax dollars? if the govt is taking my money why do i need to be happy about when they are supporting self proclaimed victims? I would much rather see the money go on military spending which creates jobs then to some pitty pot group of people who demand a "fair share". Yes I like fox news and I like having a news station that promotes the old school beliefs i was raised with i.e. if you want to eat, work.

I wonder on the Fox "news" did they mention that the Wallmart family heirs alone holds the same wealth as THIRTY percent of the ENTIRE American population? These same people have effectively lobbied the government to reduce THEIR taxes and also to change the estate tax laws (which impact the SUPER rich only) in their favor.

I suggest Fox change their name to the One Percent Network because that's the interest they work on 24/7, preserving massive economic equality and making it even worse.

Often Latino Americans vote republican because they can relate to the "family values" (translation: hate the gays) rhetoric of that party. But still it was a strong Latino showing that propelled Obama in 2008 and I trust that will happen again.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you mean "massive economic inequality". :D

As for the Waltons, (owners of Wallmart), it's high time the US government said "Goodnight" to their greed, once and for all. Whoever would have thought that Johnboy, JimBob, and the rest would grow up to be such capitalist barstewards ?


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As for the Waltons, (owners of Wallmart), it's high time the US government said "Goodnight" to their greed, once and for all. Whoever would have thought that Johnboy, JimBob, and the rest would grow up to be such capitalist barstewards ?


So, what would you have the US g;ment do, nationalize Walmart?

What's next, all the companies in the S&P 500?

Slippery slope.

The truth is that Walmart has only provided what the general public wants, which is cheap goods. Fueled by the exponential growth in labor-intensive industrial capacity in China at low costs. The Waltons leveraged this capacity to supply their stores with tough price negotiations with vendors. If Sam Walton had not had the vision, someone else would have. The estate taxes will reclaim the bulk of this wealth over the next few generations.

The US government has attempted to replicate the Walmart model, except they give the shtite away.

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I wonder on the Fox "news" did they mention that the Wallmart family heirs alone holds the same wealth as THIRTY percent of the ENTIRE American population? These same people have effectively lobbied the government to reduce THEIR taxes and also to change the estate tax laws (which impact the SUPER rich only) in their favor.

So what?

As Margaret Thatcher famously said, "...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."

You can see the reality in Europe, coming soon to the USA unless things change.

I suggest Fox change their name to the One Percent Network because that's the interest they work on 24/7, preserving massive economic equality and making it even worse.

Nonsense. That's all the response that "feel good" assertion deserves.

Often Latino Americans vote republican because they can relate to the "family values" (translation: hate the gays) rhetoric of that party. But still it was a strong Latino showing that propelled Obama in 2008 and I trust that will happen again.

Many vote Republican because they've lived under fascist or communist regimes, e. g., the Cubans. They know what that's really like.

The leftist latinos were brainwashed in their native countries; many are Catholics, a leftist, authoritarian religion; and they figure the Democrats are going to be soft on immigration, i.e., their friends and relatives and potential additions to their political leverage.

It's ironic, as the Democrats would ultimately just usher in another Cuban-style government from which many had earlier fled. Many latinos don't realize this.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you mean "massive economic inequality". :D

As for the Waltons, (owners of Wallmart), it's high time the US government said "Goodnight" to their greed, once and for all. Whoever would have thought that Johnboy, JimBob, and the rest would grow up to be such capitalist barstewards ?


And who cares? Good for them.

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  • 3 weeks later...


<deleted> is dennis miller doing on fox

Oh yeah, Dennis Miller who, in the 1980s, chided the SNL audience for cheering Reagen's bombing of Libya.

"I care!" quoth he.

After 9/11, and Bill Maher's unpopular remark that caused his nightly TV show to be immediately cancelled, a lot of these show biz folks immediately started waving the flag. MIller displayed all the zeal of the convert, and is regularly seen on O'Reilly smooching the royal hindquarters.

I'm watching more FN these days, watching the right tear each other up. I understanding the difference between conservatives and the GOP agenda, FN is clearly beating the drum for the latter. I'm hoping the Tea Party types will realize this.

IMO, critical mass will be reached when the Tea Party and the Occupy movemnt realize they are on the same side.

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I found Al Jazeera head and shoulders above the rest during the violent Bangkok protests last year.

They gave equal air time to spokespersons from both sides of the equation.

I have to agree they are much better at unbaised reporting, BBC are terrible and Fox........ jeez

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Worthy of mention is the Australian channel, which would take the top award for being PC any time. I have to limit my viewing on that channel, lest I cut my throat for being a caucasian man, and therefore automatically ignorant, violent and not fit to kiss the feet of women.

Like it or not, F N is giving the best coverage of the Republican primaries. Rather important if you want to see what the man that will be the most powerful in the world after November is like.

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<deleted> is dennis miller doing on fox

Oh yeah, Dennis Miller who, in the 1980s, chided the SNL audience for cheering Reagen's bombing of Libya.

"I care!" quoth he.

After 9/11, and Bill Maher's unpopular remark that caused his nightly TV show to be immediately cancelled, a lot of these show biz folks immediately started waving the flag. MIller displayed all the zeal of the convert, and is regularly seen on O'Reilly smooching the royal hindquarters.

I'm watching more FN these days, watching the right tear each other up. I understanding the difference between conservatives and the GOP agenda, FN is clearly beating the drum for the latter. I'm hoping the Tea Party types will realize this.

IMO, critical mass will be reached when the Tea Party and the Occupy movemnt realize they are on the same side.

I wish Dennis had his own show on Fox. It's disappointing only being able to see him for a few minutes occasionally. He's EXCELLENT!

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I wish Dennis had his own show on Fox. It's disappointing only being able to see him for a few minutes occasionally. He's EXCELLENT!

His humor doesn't make it on Fox, too intelligent, no one gets it.

Like in they kept telling the Steve Martin character LA Story: "too high-brow!"

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