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How Many Beers Can You Pound?


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My life has gone downhill...i used to do 24-30/day as late as 2-3 years ago, but lately i get such horrific headache so i give in at 5 bottles :(

and even refrain from drinking at all most days of the week.

I dont even bother going out because i know i'm done pretty much when i just sat down

Edited by poanoi
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My life has gone downhill...i used to do 24-30/day as late as 2-3 years ago, but lately i get such horrific headache so i give in at 5 bottles :(

and even refrain from drinking at all most days of the week.

I dont even bother going out because i know i'm done pretty much when i just sat down

Wow you had a great life when you was drinking 30 bottles of beer in a day, what a great thread this is, NOT :(

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24 to 30 a day?? You must be kidding. Assuming it takes 15 minutes to sink one, and I take more than that, that's 6 to 7.5 hours a day just drinking, and about 7 litres of liquid. Beer being a diuretic, would require at least one trip to the toilet per bottle, and more likely more than that, so at a couple of minutes per trip, that's another hour. How do you find the time? What else do you achieve for the day? I'm not judging you, but it seems like an appalling waste of time to me.

I guess I'm fortunate in that I get tipsy after about three, and sick after five to six. I don't like being sick, so two to three is my absolute limit.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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24 to 30 a day?? You must be kidding. Assuming it takes 15 minutes to sink one, and I take more than that, that's 6 to 7.5 hours a day just drinking, and about 7 litres of liquid. Beer being a diuretic, would require at least one trip to the toilet per bottle, and more likely more than that, so at a couple of minutes per trip, that's another hour. How do you find the time? What else do you achieve for the day? I'm not judging you, but it seems like an appalling waste of time to me.

I guess I'm fortunate in that I get tipsy after about three, and sick after five to six. I don't like being sick, so two to three is my absolute limit.

30 bottles would mean you are dependent on alcohol, it's the culture where a group of men have a drinking contest to see who can fall over first, in the UK people who do this go on to smash bus shelters and vandalize cars just because it's fun, it only takes a couple of bottles to get me tipsy and feeling unwell after 4, why would you abuse your body with this much alcohol unless you are an alcoholic!!

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Enough to quench my thirst nowadays. Them times of necking 'em fast are behind me thankfully. Well mostly....biggrin.gif

6-8 cans is enough for me,when i played darts i needed 6-8pints just to calm my nerves when i had about 15 the darts used to go where i wanted them,by the time i got to 20 then they missed the target,but they were the days up and down the country.:unsure:

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24 to 30 a day?? You must be kidding. Assuming it takes 15 minutes to sink one, and I take more than that, that's 6 to 7.5 hours a day just drinking, and about 7 litres of liquid. Beer being a diuretic, would require at least one trip to the toilet per bottle, and more likely more than that, so at a couple of minutes per trip, that's another hour. How do you find the time? What else do you achieve for the day? I'm not judging you, but it seems like an appalling waste of time to me.

I guess I'm fortunate in that I get tipsy after about three, and sick after five to six. I don't like being sick, so two to three is my absolute limit.

Assume 5 min/bottle in my case, at least to bottle No 10., back then.

Also assume 6-8 bottle/trip to toilet, -it turned out that i have in built diverter system, after 4 days worth of drinking, i had a diarrhea not seen among man kind, until Norfloxacin fixed me up for another round.

The only other thing i achieved was tipping go-go girls, i guess

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I prefer to sup rather than pound although I occasionally quaff and often kneck . My rate of consuption is the sum of multiple factors including , the number of kilometers ridden to find , the patter , and the musak .

eg ; Luke rides 60km on an old honda daleam to his favoured watering hole , the bar lord and one other customer and a mangy old soi dog are confiding , there is an 80's compilation cd playing . Does he sup , quaff or Kneck .

jeezuz it's a bit early .

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I like this thread (though Ken999 would prefer it in the (I'm not an) alcoholics forum)!

'Pounding' is not a familiar term! Drinking with the atmosphere, setting and company is fine!

I don't seem to have any problems with 18 large Singha's over 36 hours, after all it's only 1/2 pint an hour!

I save 8 hours sleep and then have an extra 4 the next day! It's economics!jap.gif

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I like this thread (though Ken999 would prefer it in the (I'm not an) alcoholics forum)!

'Pounding' is not a familiar term! Drinking with the atmosphere, setting and company is fine!

I don't seem to have any problems with 18 large Singha's over 36 hours, after all it's only 1/2 pint an hour!

I save 8 hours sleep and then have an extra 4 the next day! It's economics!jap.gif

I have never understood the I can drink 30+ bottles of beer can you mentality !! never have I or could I drink the amounts stated so far in this thread nor would I want to!! as you say drinking with the atmosphere, setting and company is the way forward!! :)

Edited by kenny999
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I like this thread (though Ken999 would prefer it in the (I'm not an) alcoholics forum)!

'Pounding' is not a familiar term! Drinking with the atmosphere, setting and company is fine!

I don't seem to have any problems with 18 large Singha's over 36 hours, after all it's only 1/2 pint an hour!

I save 8 hours sleep and then have an extra 4 the next day! It's economics!jap.gif

I have never understood the I can drink 30+ bottles of beer can you mentality !! never have I or could I drink the amounts stated so far in this thread nor would I want to!! as you say drinking with the atmosphere, setting and company is the way forward!! :)

I'd like to add, I would have missed 1/3rd of my adult life without chemical assistanceermm.gif Much less than the rest of the worldblink.gif

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Sounds like a person I left the UK to get away from,

Not everyone that drinks is a bad person, however those who have been abused by drunks that get violent have this universal perception.

I'm a happy drunk.:burp:

Sometimes a shitfaced drunk :drunk:

Sometimes a crazy drunk :crazy:

But never violent when i get drunk :sorry:

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Sounds like a person I left the UK to get away from,

Not everyone that drinks is a bad person, however those who have been abused by drunks that get violent have this universal perception.

I'm a happy drunk.:burp:

Sometimes a shitfaced drunk :drunk:

Sometimes a crazy drunk :crazy:

But never violent when i get drunk :sorry:

The happy drunk and the never get violent quotes makes what you do okay, I have never been abused by drunks but I just hate drunks that create havoc once the drink takes over!! 4 beers and I have had enough!! :)

Edited by kenny999
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Sounds like a person I left the UK to get away from,

Not everyone that drinks is a bad person, however those who have been abused by drunks that get violent have this universal perception.

I'm a happy drunk.:burp:

Sometimes a shitfaced drunk :drunk:

Sometimes a crazy drunk :crazy:

But never violent when i get drunk :sorry:

The happy drunk and the never get violent quotes makes what you do okay, I have never been abused by drunks but I just hate drunks that create havoc once the drink takes over!! 4 beers and I have had enough!! :)

So then tell us then , what makes it wrong?...and what gives a person like you the authority to judge?

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Sounds like a person I left the UK to get away from,

Not everyone that drinks is a bad person, however those who have been abused by drunks that get violent have this universal perception.

I'm a happy drunk.:burp:

Sometimes a shitfaced drunk :drunk:

Sometimes a crazy drunk :crazy:

But never violent when i get drunk :sorry:

The happy drunk and the never get violent quotes makes what you do okay, I have never been abused by drunks but I just hate drunks that create havoc once the drink takes over!! 4 beers and I have had enough!! :)

So then tell us then , what makes it wrong?...and what gives a person like you the authority to judge?

Nothing makes it wrong. If someone wants to drink themselves into oblivion and not bother anyone else, that's a laudable goal. For some people it might not be the best retirement plan though.

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24 to 30 a day?? You must be kidding. Assuming it takes 15 minutes to sink one, and I take more than that, that's 6 to 7.5 hours a day just drinking, and about 7 litres of liquid. Beer being a diuretic, would require at least one trip to the toilet per bottle, and more likely more than that, so at a couple of minutes per trip, that's another hour. How do you find the time? What else do you achieve for the day? I'm not judging you, but it seems like an appalling waste of time to me.

I guess I'm fortunate in that I get tipsy after about three, and sick after five to six. I don't like being sick, so two to three is my absolute limit.

you must have ben a maths teacher in another life. james :rolleyes:

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So how many can you pound down? I lose count around 12 small bottles, not that im drunk (well err yeah im lying), just too lazy to keep counting.

Sort of elitist to drink from bottles, isn't it? Real men drink from funnels.

Real men drink from whatever they can get.

Priorities, man!


EDIT deleted for ridiculousnous (Oh - if only I'd thought of that earlier!)

Edited by StreetCowboy
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So how many can you pound down? I lose count around 12 small bottles, not that im drunk (well err yeah im lying), just too lazy to keep counting.

Sort of elitist to drink from bottles, isn't it? Real men drink from funnels.

Real men drink from whatever they can get.

Priorities, man!


EDIT deleted for ridiculousnous (Oh - if only I'd thought of that earlier!)

Don't give the game away so readily SC....

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So how many can you pound down? I lose count around 12 small bottles, not that im drunk (well err yeah im lying), just too lazy to keep counting.

Sort of elitist to drink from bottles, isn't it? Real men drink from funnels.

ehhhh...real men just poke a hole in the side of the can with a ball point pen and shotgun the whole dam_n thing.

Which brings me to my next point, Chang Export is great for shotgunning beers ! finally a beer worthy that isn't as expensive as Heineken. :w00t:

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Excuse my ignorance but what is shot gunning beer?

I know the term is applicable to certain substances that upon inhalation are blown out back into the mouth of your partner but I can’t really fancy this with Chang or any other beer for that matter. :D

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So how many can you pound down? I lose count around 12 small bottles, not that im drunk (well err yeah im lying), just too lazy to keep counting.

Sort of elitist to drink from bottles, isn't it? Real men drink from funnels.

Real men drink from whatever they can get.

Priorities, man!


EDIT deleted for ridiculousnous (Oh - if only I'd thought of that earlier!)

Don't give the game away so readily SC....

Real men drink from an old sock


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Excuse my ignorance but what is shot gunning beer?

I know the term is applicable to certain substances that upon inhalation are blown out back into the mouth of your partner but I can't really fancy this with Chang or any other beer for that matter. :D

It's an old school thing. You cut a small hole in near the bottom of the can with a penknife or punch it with a ballpoint pen as mentioned before, put the hole in the can to your mouth, hold the beer upright, pull the tab on the top of the can and squeeze the can as hard as you can, and inhale the beer. At least that's the way that it was taught to us in college back in the 70's. Frat buys who practiced that trick all the time could generally sink a 12 ounce beer by that method in 1 to 2 seconds; once saw a 32 ounce Fosters can sunk in well under 2 seconds by that method too.

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Excessive drinking is ok as long as the only person the imbiber harms is himself.

To me it is a great release from thoughts of mortality and even some of the everyday worries become less. I find I get more optimistic at a certain level of intake. Some of the best decisions that I have made in my longish life have been with the aid of alcohol as, indeed, have some of the worst.

For every high with any drug, there is a low however. If I have too many, then the next day my problems are magnified and depression sets in big-time.

I therefore adjust accordingly. This problem has increased with age.

We are all different and have to work out our own tactics for the best way of dealing with life's problems and life itself.

Whether these be through alcohol or exercise, the cardinal rule is that self-respect and decent behaviour should be paramount.

I do not particularly believe in treating the body as a shrine (that bus is always waiting to run me over,) but we all have a brain in our heads and should work out the acceptable levels of abuse that we are prepared to subject it to.

Additionally, "One man's meat is another man's poison," ie. some people can consistently out-drink a fish and their bodies show few ill-effects whilst others can succumb to disease with much less abuse. Something to do with genes we are told.

When the centurian old boy was asked the reason for his longevity, his reply was, "It is because I never drank, never smoked and never went out with women .... until I was fifteen yeras of age."

Some are lucky, some are not. Some are stupid, some are not. Some are in unfortunate, life-controlling situations where booze or otherwise becomes the only way out, some are not. Some are strong, some are not. Generalise at your peril.

Anyhow, why do we always single out booze? I, personally would not touch a Big Mac (or whatever it's called) with a Tuk-Tuk driver's whatsit. By the same token, I wouldn't give that same driver the cap off my latest bottle.

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Excuse my ignorance but what is shot gunning beer?

I know the term is applicable to certain substances that upon inhalation are blown out back into the mouth of your partner but I can't really fancy this with Chang or any other beer for that matter. :D

Simple, you poke a hole into the side of a can close to the bottom, while holding the can sideways and hole facing upwards so you don't spill the elixir of life.

Place mouth over hole, tilt head back then pull the tab up to release a sudden surge of beer, drink quickly and don't try it with Leo, Chang or Singha... it should be gone within 3 seconds if you are a real man...Sissies cough it up and blame their friend for making them try.

No need for funnel.

EDIT: i just saw originalposter beat me to it.

Edited by KRS1
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Excuse my ignorance but what is shot gunning beer?

I know the term is applicable to certain substances that upon inhalation are blown out back into the mouth of your partner but I can't really fancy this with Chang or any other beer for that matter. :D

Simple, you poke a hole into the side of a can close to the bottom, while holding the can sideways and hole facing upwards so you don't spill the elixir of life.

Place mouth over hole, tilt head back then pull the tab up to release a sudden surge of beer, drink quickly and don't try it with Leo, Chang or Singha... it should be gone within 3 seconds if you are a real man...Sissies cough it up and blame their friend for making them try.

No need for funnel.

EDIT: i just saw originalposter beat me to it.

It's refreshing being in Thailand. There were about 30 years between graduation from college and retirement during which doing that type of thing was just not considered to be cool anymore. But now order has been returned to the universe.

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