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Suphoth Ordered To List Assets Robbed From His House


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Suphoth ordered to list assets robbed from his house


The national anti-graft agency yesterday ordered suspended Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom to provide a detailed account of the money and assets stolen from his home last month.

Suphoth would be given 30 days to provide a list to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) as part of its investigation into whether he had falsely reported his financial status to the agency and whether he should be considered "unusually wealthy", NACC spokesman Klanarong Chantik said.

Suphoth could provide the information verbally or in writing, or both, according to the spokesman, who added that the NACC would provide him with the appropriate form on which to list assets involved in the heist at his home.

The NACC would summon Suphoth to ask him for more details if the agency deemed it was necessary, the spokesman said.

According to Klanarong, the NACC's recent search of Suphoth's home in Bangkok's Lat Phrao area turned up "electronic evidence" showing that he had at least Bt28 million in bank accounts. Examination of Bt8 million worth of banknotes confiscated by police from the alleged robbers found 89 currency straps withdrawn from nine banks, according to Klanarong. He said the NACC subcommittee investigating Suphoth's case would contact those banks for details, adding that it would also summon any individuals it believed could assist with its inquiries, including politicians if necessary.

Suphoth last submitted an asset report to the NACC on November 12, when he was appointed a board member of national carrier Thai Airways International, according to the NACC spokesman.

In a related development, the NACC will tomorrow afternoon(Dec 8) disclose at a press conference the results of its investigation into alleged irregularities involving the Klong Dan wastewater treatment project, according to Klanarong.

He said the investigation involved questioning of 140 witnesses, more than 30 people accused of involvement in corruption, and some 17,000 pages of relevant documents.

The huge volume of material explained why the probe was completed later than expected, he said.


-- The Nation 2011-12-07

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If you have things to hide be careful what you report stolen. Its like the guy back in the states who calls in a break in and when the cops arrive the guy is arrested for having a pot farm. Sometimes you just take the loss.

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(Supot making a list) Hmmm. Let's see, I'm required to make a list. Ok, here goes;

>>>> boxes of papers. I think they were paper money, but I can't be sure. Naw, maybe not money, maybe they were invitations for my daughter's wedding. Who can say?


>>>> more boxes of papers, but not sure. Need to talk to the maid - it's hard to get good help nowadays. Maybe I should raise her pay from Bt.150 to Bt.170 per day.

Sorry, got to go play golf now. What's that you say - no golfing at Don Muang golf course? No problem, I'll just a helicopter to somewhere else. And by the way, why didn't anyone call me ahead of this pesty police search? I could have moved some boxes out to a safer place. Jeez, where's a corrupt cop when you need one?

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(Supot making a list) Hmmm. Let's see, I'm required to make a list. Ok, here goes;

>>>> boxes of papers. I think they were paper money, but I can't be sure. Naw, maybe not money, maybe they were invitations for my daughter's wedding. Who can say?


>>>> more boxes of papers, but not sure. Need to talk to the maid - it's hard to get good help nowadays. Maybe I should raise her pay from Bt.150 to Bt.170 per day.

Sorry, got to go play golf now. What's that you say - no golfing at Don Muang golf course? No problem, I'll just a helicopter to somewhere else. And by the way, why didn't anyone call me ahead of this pesty police search? I could have moved some boxes out to a safer place. Jeez, where's a corrupt cop when you need one?

:cheesy: Thank you Maidu, your post made my day.:cheesy:

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Ex-Transport Permanent Sec Postpones Testimony in Controversial Robbery Case

Police say the former transport permanent secretary, who is the victim of a controversial house robbery, has requested to delay his testimony indefinitely.

Meanwhile, there is still no further progress in the hunt for the robbery gang leader, who is reportedly hiding in a neighboring country.

Chief of Wangthonglang Police Station, Police Colonel Thawatch Wongsa-nga said the former Transport Permanent Secretary Supoj Saplom has sent a letter to investigators requesting to postpone his second testimony in the burglary case, in which millions of baht in cash was stolen from his home on November 12.

In his letter, Supoj cited important business matters as the reason for his request, and he did not propose a new date for his testimony.

However, Thawatch believes the former permanent secretary has no intention of avoiding testimony or not cooperating with police.

Thawatch added that the police have yet to fix the time and place where the next testimony will take place.

It could be at his station or another, depending on what is more convenient for the plaintiff.

Meanwhile, Thawatch admitted that no further progress has been made in the hunt for one of the suspects, Weerasak Cheulee, who is reportedly hiding in Laos.

Investigators have found no further traces of two other suspects who are believed to be remaining in Thailand.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-07


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..30 days......................

That is laughable....it's not an order........it's an f'ing month to make up a story, with all the accomplices and corroboration one might need.

To have money that doesn't belong to you...or is of questionable origin...

Never mind to make false declarations.....

(For the average person, this warrants arrest, it would seem)

In this case, 'you have one month to cover your *ss and make up a good story......pathetic, nothing to do with upholding the law or any form of justice...

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Permanent Transport Secretary appointed board member of Thai Airways, is that a conflict of interest, or does this concept not exist in Thailand?

You nailed it, Klaus. This is a glaring conflict of interest that should throw a spotlight on the corrupt practices of enormous corporations which buy their own rules. But it won't , because TiT.

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Permanent Transport Secretary appointed board member of Thai Airways, is that a conflict of interest, or does this concept not exist in Thailand?

You nailed it, Klaus. This is a glaring conflict of interest that should throw a spotlight on the corrupt practices of enormous corporations which buy their own rules. But it won't , because TiT.

Since Thai Airways is a state owned enterprise I assume his position on the board is as a state representative.

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The national anti-graft agency yesterday ordered suspended Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom to provide a detailed account of the money and assets stolen from his home last month.

In his letter, Supoj cited important business matters as the reason for his request, and he did not propose a new date for his testimony.

Suspended from duty but too busy on 'important business matters' to attend to give testimony. What business matters outside his government position is he so wrapped up in ??
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In his letter, Supoj cited important business matters as the reason for his request, and he did not propose a new date for his testimony. Suspended from duty but too busy on 'important business matters' to attend to give testimony.

What business matters outside his government position is he so wrapped up in ??

He was moved to an "InActive Post" in the Prime Ministers Department some weeks ago. I wonder does this entail counting paperclips or is it to allow time to "Bury" his alledged ill gotten gains or to allow time for his co-horts to cover their respective asres?

Reminds me of " Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat and the Fiddle, The Cow Jumped over the Moon, The little laughed - - - - And so did I"


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