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Adsl Experiences In Bangkok


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I will be back in Bkk in Dec and will have to get adsl again. TRUE was ok for me last time, though that was before limiting Bit Torrent.

What is the best service on a TRUE phone line? Or do I need to change to a tot line and use loxinfo?

Are true slowing Bit torrent with packet sniffing or not?


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all the hundreds of times that I have troubled to give answers and help in this forum, and not a single one of you pauses for 2 minutes just to let me know what isp I might use when I get to Bkk.

Thanks a bunch

At 00.51 hours in Thailand, might not some people be sleeping? Come on, give them a chance to have a good night’s rest and wait for them to wake up in the morning.

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I will be back in Bkk in Dec and will have to get adsl again. TRUE was ok for me last time, though that was before limiting Bit Torrent.

What is the best service on a TRUE phone line? Or do I need to change to a tot line and use loxinfo?

Are true slowing Bit torrent with packet sniffing or not?


I'm on true (1/512), have an average of 17KB/s on bitcomet 40 on a good day.

Edited by bangbuathong
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Hi Pandit,

Good to hear you'll be back soon.

This month True had few awful days for me (10 disconnections/hour, very low speed and so on).

It seems to be back to normal, which means very slow eMule, everything else same as when u were there (still don't use BT).

See u soon.

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I'm on TRUE 512/256 . It's ok 95% of the time, but like Yeti, I got a few very bad days lately in November : disconnection every 2 min, from 11:00am to 18:00.

eMule can get only 50+ MB on good days, and usually, it's less.

And I can dl at an average of 5 KB/s with BT, on popular torrents.

Most of time, web & FTP works correctly or even greatly, and 5% of the times, they just sucks, especially in the evening...

Good luck ! :o

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all the hundreds of times that I have troubled to give answers and help in this forum, and not a single one of you pauses for 2 minutes just to let me know what isp I might use when I get to Bkk.

Thanks a bunch

Patience Grasshoppa, some of us were busy this week :o

True seems to go through cycles. I think the bandwidth goes down the toilet as they add customers, then occasionally they buy more bandwidth and the situation improves suddenly...before slowly sinking down the toilet again.

Overall I hate them, but I haven't heard of another company that people are generally happy with. My only comment would be go for the minimum package - 256 - you are wasting your money applying for anything higher than 512 because you just won't get it.

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With what ISP? TRUE?

Yeah. Bit commet works well when you have your ports forwarded to 49152 UPD and TCP. But lately i have been facing complete crisis with TRUE, they seem to lie about their servers not malfunctioning. I wasn't even able to sign into msn messenger! But that's not something surprising, knowing that it happens EVERYTIME.

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all the hundreds of times that I have troubled to give answers and help in this forum, and not a single one of you pauses for 2 minutes just to let me know what isp I might use when I get to Bkk.

Thanks a bunch

Patience Grasshoppa, some of us were busy this week :o

True seems to go through cycles. I think the bandwidth goes down the toilet as they add customers, then occasionally they buy more bandwidth and the situation improves suddenly...before slowly sinking down the toilet again.

Overall I hate them, but I haven't heard of another company that people are generally happy with. My only comment would be go for the minimum package - 256 - you are wasting your money applying for anything higher than 512 because you just won't get it.

there is no other option, even for more money? i'd be more than happy to pay a premium for a business-class DSL service for an apartment if it offered better upstream and downstream... is this even an option, and if so what kind of money would i be looking at ballpark..?

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You can buy more expensive business packages from True, which supposedly have lower share ratios and better performance. However, experience from people here is very mixed and some people on business packages get really crap performance too.

There is no easy answer I'm afraid (if there is, will someone please tell me).

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I refer you all to lomatopo's post earlier in this thread. He and I have had very good experience with CSLoxinfo -- simple setup, reliable performance, excellent English language tech support. About Baht 1,500 per month all in -- ISP plus all ancillary charges.

ALL the Thailand fora are plastered with posts complaining about TRUE. Why would anyone still go there?

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I refer you all to lomatopo's post earlier in this thread.  He and I have had very good experience with CSLoxinfo -- simple setup, reliable performance, excellent English language tech support.  About Baht 1,500 per month all in -- ISP plus all ancillary charges.

ALL the Thailand fora are plastered with posts complaining about TRUE.  Why would anyone still go there?

yes!Why everybody still stay with true?Is the most bad service adsl in thailand!(10 months i use this ghost-service)Thanks for info,sorry but i must to move from BKK to phuket and i'm interesting to buy new telephone line and off course adsl,CSloxinfo what line use?TOT o TT&T?first i must to connect new line telephone and later adsl,so i need to know with what i must to beginning?TOT or TT&T or other?

bye regards

Edited by giulio
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True's business packages used to be very good, excellent actually. Around 80-90% advertised speed, internationally. But the past few months have seen it deteriorate awfully... down to the point where you usually get around 1/5th advertised speed, sometimes worse. Very early mornings you might get a bit better speed, but never the performance that it used to have. I've been quite busy the past month, so I had to put off a switch, but I'll be doing it probably in the next week or so. I really can't tolerate paying a high premium for slow speeds.

The home package, OTOH, has seen no improvement. I've recently visited a friend's place, which has the True 2mbits home package installed. It's as lousy as ever, averaging around 50k.

Keep in mind that the phone line quality has absolutely *nothing* to do with the bad speeds. Why? Because local sites (like True's own) can be accessed at full speeds. If the phone line quality were the culprit, every site would be affected.

CSLox has few users, but it also has its own share of complainers. You just don't see the complaints as much, as the user base is so small. Don't be surprised if it turns out to be the same (or worse) than True.

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True's business packages used to be very good, excellent actually.  Around 80-90% advertised speed, internationally.  But the past few months have seen it deteriorate awfully... down to the point where you usually get around 1/5th advertised speed, sometimes worse.  Very early mornings you might get a bit better speed, but never the performance that it used to have.  I've been quite busy the past month, so I had to put off a switch, but I'll be doing it probably in the next week or so.  I really can't tolerate paying a high premium for slow speeds.

Hey there.

We have a TRUE ADSL Small business package (1M/500k) at work and I've been reasonably happy with the service (although it is expensive) . It can get a bit slow around lunchtime but I usually see steady download speeds of 50Kb/sec to major international sites during office hours . I download a ton of stuff through bittorrent and I generally get about 50% of max speed during office hours, but after hours it generally floods the link at 110Kb/sec (close to 100%). Never had any connection problems in 4 months as well. I've got no idea what the home ADSL is like.

I'd be interested to know what ISP you're thinking of moving to?

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my true 512/256 connection has been woeful for the past couple of weeks with very slow speed and continual disconnections an d the inability of my router to re-connect for hours.

I have rang the true. help line 029009000 regularly and on monday one of their techs tur ed up - my connection obligingly demonstrated the problem several times while he was here , though all he did was hook his handpiece up to the line then headed back to the exchange . yesterday and today it has still been disconnectiong , though not as often and seems to be reconnectiong quickly. the speed has still been woeful , bit at least it works.

I have been running bit torrent with a range of 10 concectutive ports forwarded high up in the range and the client configured accordingly.

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How much are you paying simmo? With bittorrent, on a halfway decent connection, you should be able to get nearly full download speeds. It's just the way bittorrent works. So getting half is a good indication that the link is overloaded on True's side.

Thinking of moving to buddy broadband. Good thing about them is that they have *very* few users.

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How much are you paying simmo?  With bittorrent, on a halfway decent connection, you should be able to get nearly full download speeds.  It's just the way bittorrent works.  So getting half is a good indication that the link is overloaded on True's side.

Thinking of moving to buddy broadband.  Good thing about them is that they have *very* few users.

Well I'm not paying .. the boss is :D

20,000 a month - 1M/512K Business package with 4 fixed ip address's.

I assume they do some kind of rate shaping during office hours which is fair enough I guess.

In Australia all ISP's do a maximum data transfer limit eg 60Gb / month and then shape you down to modem speeds after that or you pay extra per GB after your allowance. I' m really surprised they dont do that here . Giving customers unlimited data usage just encourages the leechers to go crazy and congest the ISP's network.

Anyway I'm enjoying the unlimited transfers. I have torrents going 24 / 7 now and can't watch the movies / tv shows and play the games fast enough to keep up :D . I've cancelled my UBC subscription as I can get all the football / wrestling / tv shows I like a day later through torrents usually in HD format with no ads. If I must see a live game on TV , its down to the bars :o

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For those outside of Bangkok, I've been using Maxnet4life for about half a year now.(only available on TT&T lines)

I pay just over 2500 Baht/month for 512/256 and I pretty much always get over 400 kbps internationally.

I just tested at 18:47, normally a quite busy time and this are the results:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 419 kbps (52.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 199 kbps (24.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Maxnet4life is one step up from the home package (790 Baht/month), supposedly for heavy private use or a very small office.

It does sometimes have problems, mainly being down because they somehow can't get mu username/password veryfied. But seldom more then 2 hours, and on average twice a month...

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Actually they did use to do bandwidth limits. But their limits were pretty ludicrous, around 5GB/month, yet you paid way too much. You also got *cut off* if you exceeded you limit. Very few people put up with it, so they changed to unlimited.

Aus is actually not a good example... they're probably even more backwards, tariff-wise, than Thailand. The norm is to not impose limits, but most countries also monitor your usage for abuse, i.e 200GB download every month, and your subscription gets cancelled. True's a bit stupid to not do this.

But frankly, I am willing to pay a premium, as long as I get premium service, which I'm not. My speeds drop like a rock during the day, and drop even more during the night. I rarely get more than 7-10k on a download, when I used to get 40-50k. I'm not going to keep paying the same amount to get less.

20k/month is ludicrous, if you're still getting slow speeds during the day. I'd pay no more than 5k/month for that kind of service. It would have been OK perhaps 5 years ago, but not now. It was ok 10 years ago to charge 60k/month for a 64k line, but times have changed.

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