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New Thai Airline Launches Maiden Flight With Transsexual Attendants


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I wonder if any airline with such an idea would survive outside of Thailand.

r u crazy that airline will go belly up fast.what a joke.only people that will fly it will be british and germans

Did you actually read his post? Were does he say the airlines will fail?

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change is good, I remember when Bransons virgin commenced flying in OZ, the flights were a crack up lots of jokes by the cabin crew and later a disgruntled personael manager spilled the beans that he was not to hire any hostess above a dress size 8. Most wouldnt have looked out of place in a penthouse Mag and NO attitude!

love this vid from Cebu airlines, who says flights need to be boring? I look forward to a flight on PC

and looking forward to an airline called hooters :)

Edited by Hooters
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I hope they use straight pilots...


Didn't you know? Modern jets no longer have a yoke (steering wheel) to steer it. They are now controlled by joysticks. If that went missing... "Pilot to tower, we seem to have a problem..."

I realize you're kidding here, but given your logic, wouldn't there be same concern with gay male pilots as well as straight female pilots?

Edited by HerbalEd
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What a great marketing novelty in a tough industry. Passengers will try to guess which attendant "is a tranny" and which isn't and improving awarness and understanding with the traveling (mostly tourist) public. The public would welcome a non threatening environment to enjoy the company of a few nice looking trannys. Not everone wants to go to the dangerous and seedy neighborhoods where tranny bars usually are(outside Pattaya). Women would be interested in quality in-flight service from a tranny too. Why would that be so freaky? Keep it short haul flights within the SEA region for maximum profitability. I would pay alittle extra to try this I think.

Passengers will try to guess which is the tranny? No guessing required, you can spot a ladyboy at 300 metres. They way they move, speak, thier bone structures, the makeup and the over exagerated fenimine traits.

that's when you know to make the deal eh?

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As an American, I would take the "third genders" (who work hard to look like a "perfect female") over the unsmiling, granny bully flight attendants they have on Delta and United Airlines.

"GRANNY BULLY" hahaha Ya, I noticed that myself, I thought Delta might be a record holder for oldest average attendant.:yohan:

Air India must come a close second

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What's next, trannies as ice road truckers or deep sea fishermen?- I sense a new reality tv show- thailand's hiddens bitties. Lol.

Will these flight attendants try to fall into you as you walk down the isle to exit?

JT, have you booked a flight to surat yet?

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What's next, trannies as ice road truckers or deep sea fishermen?- I sense a new reality tv show- thailand's hiddens bitties. Lol.

Will these flight attendants try to fall into you as you walk down the isle to exit?

JT, have you booked a flight to surat yet?

Stewardesses-in nurses uniforms-------muscle men to serve ladies and passive men-------- stewards with whips to discipline passengers-------or attendants with numbers to (((( TAKE OFF ))))) extra with Air Asia though...................fondling in 1st class allowed. 555555555 :lol:

Does maiden flight mean virgins only. If so there will be no passengers not in Thailand

Edited by ginjag
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change is good, I remember when Bransons virgin commenced flying in OZ, the flights were a crack up lots of jokes by the cabin crew and later a disgruntled personael manager spilled the beans that he was not to hire any hostess above a dress size 8. Most wouldnt have looked out of place in a penthouse Mag and NO attitude!

love this vid from Cebu airlines, who says flights need to be boring? I look forward to a flight on PC

and looking forward to an airline called hooters :)

Wow! The FA in the foreground is scorching hot. She can attend to me anytime. "Oh Miss .... I can't seem to get my seatbelt to work."

Edited by HerbalEd
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As an American, I would take the "third genders" (who work hard to look like a "perfect female") over the unsmiling, granny bully flight attendants they have on Delta and United Airlines.

:cheesy: Same goes for some of the hard nosed nordic gnomes of SAS and others. They only do the job for the purks. Service is beneath their dignity.

As for the wizzened old rat bags on Air Berlin, I'd much prefer a katoey.

Let us be kind and Love They Neighbor . . .

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So out of 30 FA's, 4 are transgender.. And this is news?

Just about any airline on the planet manages a similar or larger percentages of gay FA's, sometimes quite obviously so. I don't really see why this is news.

I guess these katoeys will put skirts and stilettos.

Why would you guess that? Do the stewardesses you know wear that type of clothing? Why do you feel these professionals would dress that way?

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Moreover of being more beautiful than ladies, the lady-boys for sure have a lot of other qualities :

- lady-boys are working faster than ladies

- lady-boys are much more nice and serviceable than ladies

- lady-boys can afford easier than ladies to be separate of their husband (friend)

- lady-boys don't have menstruation problems

- lady-boys never are pregnant

- lady-boys are speaking softer than ladies

- lady-boys are stronger than ladies

- lady-boys are much more careful than ladies

- lady-boys have much more endurance than ladies

- lady-boys better understand the needs of the passengers than ladies do

- lady-boys radiate more then ladies, as they have permanently to make sure to look same as a lady ... ladies neglect it too easy (I know personally a lady-boy who is teaching a lady to be more female to avoid to loose her husband)

- lady-boys don't need to loose their time with children

- lady-boys always have a nice smile

- lady-boys have more beautiful breasts as it was created and made according to model (please have a look to the breast of ladies after 30 years old or having fed children)

- lady-boys are taller

- lady-boys are feeling better the wishes from both male and female passengers, physically and mentally

- lady-boys are much more clever than ladies

- lady-boys are not fat

- lady-boys don't cry for their mom's

- lady-boys are much more easy-going than ladies

Lady-boys are really the best, and I hope all the companies all over the world will replace their staff by lady-boys, especially the cabin crews.

They are the right the persons on the right place.

Ladies need to stay home and care of their babies, and to educate them a little more, as this will generate some more sociable people for the future !!!

And last but not least they are men in dresses

And, your point is?

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Because ladyboys are usually desparate, that's why.

Why do you feel anyone on an airline might approach you in a sexual manner?

All flights that I know of for any airline always have a gay chief flight attendant for some reason.

For the trannies I dont have anything against them, just dont bother me with sexual approaches.

I am trying to understand what you are implying. Are you saying that you are so undesirable that anyone who makes a pass at you would be considered desperate?

Edited by metisdead
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Nothing new here. It's common practice in most airlines in the world

If 'm not mistaken, the first person on record dying from AIDS was a flight attendant from Air France

Common practice to have gay attendants, but not katoys. In the very early days of AIDS, there was a "male" flight attendant that spread AIDS all around the world. But we'll never know who was the first to die of AIDS.

What about gay ladyboys? If they are the 3rd sex and they like to keep the company of only other ladyboys would that not also make them gay? Then if they are actually men parading as women and like to keep company of other men would they be gay? if they are women are like to keep company of women would they be gay? If they are men parading as women and like to keep company of women are they straight?

When you go out, do you "parade"?

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As an American, I would take the "third genders" (who work hard to look like a "perfect female") over the unsmiling, granny bully flight attendants they have on Delta and United Airlines.

"GRANNY BULLY" hahaha Ya, I noticed that myself, I thought Delta might be a record holder for oldest average attendant.:yohan:

Nope! I think that Trophy belongs to Air Canada. Got to be +65, overweight, and past experience in an SS Camp before you can even apply.

I do hope the administrator removes your insensitive comment about the concentration camps.

I think your comment shows an ignorance of the conditions of Jews in the death camps. Even before arrival, these people had lost their homes, their possestions, everything but themselves. Upon arrival they were separated from family members, and witnessed the death of the same, quickly realizing their own fate. Meanwhile, they were starving, sick, and used as slave labor.

What kind of joking reference could be considered humorous about the people who were just herded from their homes, every posession taken, friends and family members killed in the cattle car ride to the camp, then stripped, tattooed, and put to work digging a pit to toss in the hundreds of friends who were just gassed?

The Nazis made lampshades out of human skin.

Your comments trivialize the suffering of the victims, and diminishes the unparalleled awfulness of the events associated with Hitler's Final Solution.

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Moreover of being more beautiful than ladies, the lady-boys for sure have a lot of other qualities :

- lady-boys are working faster than ladies

- lady-boys are much more nice and serviceable than ladies

- lady-boys can afford easier than ladies to be separate of their husband (friend)

- lady-boys don't have menstruation problems

- lady-boys never are pregnant

- lady-boys are speaking softer than ladies

- lady-boys are stronger than ladies

- lady-boys are much more careful than ladies

- lady-boys have much more endurance than ladies

- lady-boys better understand the needs of the passengers than ladies do

- lady-boys radiate more then ladies, as they have permanently to make sure to look same as a lady ... ladies neglect it too easy (I know personally a lady-boy who is teaching a lady to be more female to avoid to loose her husband)

- lady-boys don't need to loose their time with children

- lady-boys always have a nice smile

- lady-boys have more beautiful breasts as it was created and made according to model (please have a look to the breast of ladies after 30 years old or having fed children)

- lady-boys are taller

- lady-boys are feeling better the wishes from both male and female passengers, physically and mentally

- lady-boys are much more clever than ladies

- lady-boys are not fat

- lady-boys don't cry for their mom's

- lady-boys are much more easy-going than ladies

Lady-boys are really the best, and I hope all the companies all over the world will replace their staff by lady-boys, especially the cabin crews.

They are the right the persons on the right place.

Ladies need to stay home and care of their babies, and to educate them a little more, as this will generate some more sociable people for the future !!!

And last but not least they are men in dresses

And, your point is?

I think his point is they are still men in ladies clothing.


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Nothing new here. It's common practice in most airlines in the world

If 'm not mistaken, the first person on record dying from AIDS was a flight attendant from Air France

Common practice to have gay attendants, but not katoys. In the very early days of AIDS, there was a "male" flight attendant that spread AIDS all around the world. But we'll never know who was the first to die of AIDS.

What about gay ladyboys? If they are the 3rd sex and they like to keep the company of only other ladyboys would that not also make them gay? Then if they are actually men parading as women and like to keep company of other men would they be gay? if they are women are like to keep company of women would they be gay? If they are men parading as women and like to keep company of women are they straight?

When you go out, do you "parade"?

I did once in high school. I was in a marching band. I'm not proud about it but it happened. Haven't paraded since.huh.gif

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Moreover of being more beautiful than ladies, the lady-boys for sure have a lot of other qualities :

- lady-boys are working faster than ladies

- lady-boys are much more nice and serviceable than ladies

- lady-boys can afford easier than ladies to be separate of their husband (friend)

- lady-boys don't have menstruation problems

- lady-boys never are pregnant

- lady-boys are speaking softer than ladies

- lady-boys are stronger than ladies

- lady-boys are much more careful than ladies

- lady-boys have much more endurance than ladies

- lady-boys better understand the needs of the passengers than ladies do

- lady-boys radiate more then ladies, as they have permanently to make sure to look same as a lady ... ladies neglect it too easy (I know personally a lady-boy who is teaching a lady to be more female to avoid to loose her husband)

- lady-boys don't need to loose their time with children

- lady-boys always have a nice smile

- lady-boys have more beautiful breasts as it was created and made according to model (please have a look to the breast of ladies after 30 years old or having fed children)

- lady-boys are taller

- lady-boys are feeling better the wishes from both male and female passengers, physically and mentally

- lady-boys are much more clever than ladies

- lady-boys are not fat

- lady-boys don't cry for their mom's

- lady-boys are much more easy-going than ladies

Lady-boys are really the best, and I hope all the companies all over the world will replace their staff by lady-boys, especially the cabin crews.

They are the right the persons on the right place.

Ladies need to stay home and care of their babies, and to educate them a little more, as this will generate some more sociable people for the future !!!

And last but not least they are men in dresses

And, your point is?

I think his point is they are still men in ladies clothing.

Why would someone point that out?

What he does forget to point out is that ladyboys don't feel like men in female clothing; they feel like women in women's clothing.

With that in mind I find many of the comments rude, mean-spirited and unconscionable.

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That's a fair point JSHORTS the guys may very well feel like a woman but does that make them a woman? I could put on a Doctors coat or a firemans coat and feel like a fireman but does simply dressing up make me either? Yul Brynner dressed up as a Thai (Siamese) did that make him a Thai? The guys are simply role playing as ladies.

Edited by Rooo
Photo removed. From banned film in Thailand.
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I wonder if any airline with such an idea would survive outside of Thailand.

Why are you so ignorant? Does it really matter who's serving you a drink?jap.gif

What makes you think nycpal44 is ignorant. They were only pointing out that outside of Thailand there might be ignorant people which would make this impossible. Mind you in a lot of western countries it would be difficult to discriminate against transgenders when offering employment and rightly so.

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