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Thailand Gives Ex-PM Thaksin Passport Back: Govt


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The army is the only thing standing between Thailand and dictatorship. Personally I thought the last military government was much better behaved than this gang of crooks. More honest too.

your wasting you time a lot here simply do not understand Taksin or what he wants to achieve and the harm he has done and is quite capable of doing which is far far less than any of army coups None so blind as those cant see and when its to late they can go hide in their academic holes and ignorance. Same as supporters of Gaddafi saddam Mugabwie and all rest they cant see it until its to late. I certainly hope the Army again does it duty as one of only hopes to stop this evil monster who is on par with Hitler Pol Pot and rest They will see in time unless Taksin is stopped one way or another

you do realise how gaddafi came into power in the first place don't you?

I know how he was got rid of.

yeah great

but seriously... people comparing thaksin to hitler in this thread


truly delusional

and it's funny that the likes of gaddafi, hitler and saddam all had roots in coups and that poster is calling for one, while comparing them to thaksin.... i'm not trying to relate anything to the thai situation by the fact that those i've mentioned were involved in coups.... because that...... would be INSANE.

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It's no wonder Thais continually tell us that "this is Thailand, you no understand" with the level of ignorance shown on here.


Speak for yourself.

'Us' meaning foreigners, Westerners; farang if you will.

Did my comment about foreigners being ignorant of Thai history strike a nerve?

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People comparing thaksin to hitler in this thread


truly delusional


Here is a complete case of ignorance

If you read German history you would know after World War 1 Germany was Bankrupt

Hitler came along and did great things for Germany

Promised them salvation and make all the people have a good life

Hitler created a wealth powerful Germany

All was great until he got to the stage where he really believed he had all the people behind him and he could do not wrong

It was then that we saw the start of what would shake the whole world for years to come

Does this in any was sound like our dear beloved Thaskin

He really believes he is the Saviour of Thailand and all the Thai people love him

The past is now history, but we need to learn by it

The worry is if Thaskin retakes power, where will it all end

and will the Thai people suffer like the German people did under another saviour

In no way is any one comparing the late days of Hitler with Thaskin

But the early days of Hitler against the early days (today) of thaskin

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Ya gotta hand it to Yingluck's government.

They can lie with straight faces and tell the populace to f*** o** without batting an eye.

Oh dear. You sound a little upset.

Yes, unmitigated bullshit of the highest unprecedented level has that effect.


Not for all it seems. Thaksin's loyal followers seem to, if anything, get off on the bullshit him and his brown nosed clowns dish out - the more bullshit the better.

You might have thought, or at least you might of hoped, that some of the more thinking members of that group of followers, might stop for a minute and consider that for all the distaste and dislike they have for those who brought him down - those whom they consider to be as bad, if not worse than Thaksin himself - that to whoop and hurrah at all this crap, as they do, is just a trifle stupid and childish. Alas... there either are no thinking members, or those that are have bought so deeply into the program, they can no longer think with any degree of sanity or reason. Either way, i find that kind of sad.

I think it has more to do with the caliber of the people you are referring to. Thaksin's family, cronies and lap dogs consider themselves to be above the law as now they control the law enforcement in Thailand. They are blinded by pure greed and misled self righteousness. Throwing reason and common sense to the wind thinking because they are who they are breaking laws and rules is simply at their discretion.

Thaksin did the same thing when he was PM. But power currupts and absloute power corrupts absolutely. This was his downfall before and it will be again. As Albert Einstein once said "the definition of an idiot is someone who keeps doing the same thing and expects different results". So by this definition they are all idiots. Who am I to argue with Einstine?

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People comparing thaksin to hitler in this thread


truly delusional


Here is a complete case of ignorance

If you read German history you would know after World War 1 Germany was Bankrupt

Hitler came along and did great things for Germany

Promised them salvation and make all the people have a good life

Hitler created a wealth powerful Germany

All was great until he got to the stage where he really believed he had all the people behind him and he could do not wrong

It was then that we saw the start of what would shake the whole world for years to come

Does this in any was sound like our dear beloved Thaskin

He really believes he is the Saviour of Thailand and all the Thai people love him

The past is now history, but we need to learn by it

The worry is if Thaskin retakes power, where will it all end

and will the Thai people suffer like the German people did under another saviour

In no way is any one comparing the late days of Hitler with Thaskin

But the early days of Hitler against the early days (today) of thaskin

actually, nothing i said was in ignorance...

but in answer to your post


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It's no wonder Thais continually tell us that "this is Thailand, you no understand" with the level of ignorance shown on here.


Speak for yourself.

'Us' meaning foreigners, Westerners; farang if you will.

Did my comment about foreigners being ignorant of Thai history strike a nerve?

No, it struck a "that's strange, in 15 odd years of discussing Thai history (amongst other topics) with Thai people, in Thai language, not once have i been told that" chord. Far from being an expert, but also far from being ignorant. Obviously can't speak for others, as i can't speak for you.

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I think it has more to do with the caliber of the people you are referring to. Thaksin's family, cronies and lap dogs consider themselves to be above the law as now they control the law enforcement in Thailand. They are blinded by pure greed and misled self righteousness. Throwing reason and common sense to the wind thinking because they are who they are breaking laws and rules is simply at their discretion.

Thaksin did the same thing when he was PM. But power currupts and absloute power corrupts absolutely. This was his downfall before and it will be again. As Albert Einstein once said "the definition of an idiot is someone who keeps doing the same thing and expects different results". So by this definition they are all idiots. Who am I to argue with Einstine?

Wise words.

As for arguing with Einstein, well i'm sure if there are people brave (and stupid) enough to argue for convicted criminals being issued with travel documents, as we have witnessed with our own eyes here, there are people who think they are up to that challenge. Who am i to say, perhaps they could win such a showdown. They do after all say that bullshit baffles brains.

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A convicted criminal who fled the country without doing a day behind bars is sent his new passport in the diplomatic pouch. His sister just happens to be the PM. Is anyone surprised??

"Is anyone surprised??"

Well, apparently a lot of people are surprised and writing about it here.

You would have thought these commenters would know how Thailand works by now. We're not in Kansas now, Dorothy.

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Just for the record, will say that i'm not fond of these "comparisons" discussions either. Not necessarily because there are no comparisons to make, but because they always end up derailing threads and taking us off at a tangent.

of course there are comparisons to make... just like surely you could find comparisons to make with 'good' leaders too, it doesn't make them the same... it's just very silly!!

tho i didn't realise they were just comparing him to 'hitler - the early years' lol

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People comparing thaksin to hitler in this thread


truly delusional


Here is a complete case of ignorance

If you read German history you would know after World War 1 Germany was Bankrupt

Hitler came along and did great things for Germany

Promised them salvation and make all the people have a good life

Hitler created a wealth powerful Germany

All was great until he got to the stage where he really believed he had all the people behind him and he could do not wrong

It was then that we saw the start of what would shake the whole world for years to come

Does this in any was sound like our dear beloved Thaskin

He really believes he is the Saviour of Thailand and all the Thai people love him

The past is now history, but we need to learn by it

The worry is if Thaskin retakes power, where will it all end

and will the Thai people suffer like the German people did under another saviour

In no way is any one comparing the late days of Hitler with Thaskin

But the early days of Hitler against the early days (today) of thaskin

Please do not compare Thakin with Hitler.

Thaksin is far far worst.

Sorry about that, not sure if I agree

But please forgive me

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If Thaksin got a passport or not - is irrelevant. My point is that Surapong lied point blank into cameras, journalists faces etc. when he moaned something of "in two weeks" while the passport was issued six weeks ago. Either he is a complete ignorant not knowing what his many underlings are doing or ...... knowing Thailand ........ he believes that denial makes the issue go away. How cool is this? Remember Clinton and the intern. The issue was not what and if he stained over the poor child's dress, the point was .... that he LIED about it! Poor Thailand, where are you heading?

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Although I am not familiar with the intricacies of Thai law, I cannot understand how a Thai citizen who has avoided a prison term by remaining out of the country and has not offered to return and serve his term would be issued a new passport (by the government that convicted him). It appears to me that it negates the judiciary legal system of the country and is an insult to those on the bench.

If this is illegal, then the governmental person(s) issuing the passport should go to prison serving for the same or more time than that which the criminal was convicted, with a minimum term of 1 year or until the convict is in prison whichever is greater.

Edited by MilesCh
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It's called the rule of law, which is irrelevant where we live: Either there was no legal basis to withdraw the p/p, or there was no legal basis to return it. But it cannot be both ways.

I *believe* that convicts in many countries have their passports pulled. Foreigners undergoing trial in Thailand often have to surrender theirs to the court -- not exactly analogous, I know, but logically related.

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If Thaksin got a passport or not - is irrelevant. My point is that Surapong lied point blank into cameras, journalists faces etc. when he moaned something of "in two weeks" while the passport was issued six weeks ago. Either he is a complete ignorant not knowing what his many underlings are doing or ...... knowing Thailand ........ he believes that denial makes the issue go away. How cool is this? Remember Clinton and the intern. The issue was not what and if he stained over the poor child's dress, the point was .... that he LIED about it! Poor Thailand, where are you heading?

Either that or he is just bad in Maths (as is his English).

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"Is anyone surprised??"

Well, apparently a lot of people are surprised and writing about it here.

You would have thought these commenters would know how Thailand works by now. We're not in Kansas now, Dorothy.

Not surprised, just disgusted, and that would be my feeling no matter who the convicted criminal on the run, having his passport delivered personally, might be. For you, it seems your disgust is dispensed selectively. Unless of course i have somewhere missed your expressed disapproval of all this bullshit.

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The botton line is, what ever does he gain by having his passport, other then to show he still has some control in Thailand.

As far as a passport being a "right", Canada, which as a canadian I would describe as very liberal, will not issue a passport to a person that:

(d) is subject to a term of imprisonment in Canada

Now if you serve your term, it is most likely you will get a passport, but travel would be subject to any country on entry.

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My country of birth does not grant passports to convicted felons who avoid prison sentences. And it is utter Leftist soft brain thinking to believe having one is a "human right." But now what will he do with it? Return? Doubtful for the time being. I suspect the only way he will try it is if he gets complete control of the Army. And, last I recall, they are NOT his friend.

Edited by metisdead
Please do not post in all capital letters, bold, unusual fonts, sizes or colors. It can be difficult to read.
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Although I am not familiar with the intricacies of Thai law, I cannot understand how a Thai citizen who has avoided a prison term by remaining out of the country and has not offered to return and serve his term would be issued a new passport (by the government that convicted him).

But that's the point - he was issued a passport by a different government, one that he has bought and paid for.

I can't believe how many people continue to judge events here by their imported naively idealistic standards. Yes Virginia there is no rule of law here. Rather the rule is

"He who has the gold (to buy the guns) makes the rules."

That's the way it is, it's not going to change even if Thaksin and his gang disappeared overnight - get over it and get back to what you were doing, ranting and raving about principles and law here are completely besides the point.

Now you can argue about **which** mafia you prefer to run the show here, or argue for "reconciliation", IOW "the one on top should try to be somewhat fair about sharing in the spoils of power with the other side and not be too greedy about keeping every last scrap from falling off the table". That was his real "crime", the only real reason he was ousted.

Only naive and idealistic people are using "the greater good of the nation" to mean "what's best for the common people". Those with real wealth and power here are simply angling for the benefit of themselves and their cronies, democratic ideals are given only lip service when it suits them.

And IMO the situation is only slightly better "back home" than it is here, just that "our elites" have at least some connection (a more direct one) to having earned their positions by merit, at least within the past few generations, and work within a system that has at least a little more positive impact on the common people's lot.

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RT @tulsathit: TR @Neaw_NBC: PM on Thaksin passport: I've just learned about it. #smsMCOT

:blink: Does the PM actually know anything thats going on in this country?

Not unless there is a quick buck to be made!

In the end

The PM is responsible for the Government

If she knows or not

The buck stops at her

Ignorance is not an excuse

sorry except in Thailand

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Although I am not familiar with the intricacies of Thai law, I cannot understand how a Thai citizen who has avoided a prison term by remaining out of the country and has not offered to return and serve his term would be issued a new passport (by the government that convicted him).


That's the way it is, it's not going to change even if Thaksin and his gang disappeared overnight - get over it and get back to what you were doing, ranting and raving about principles and law here are completely besides the point.

Now you can argue about **which** mafia you prefer to run the show here, or argue for "reconciliation", IOW "the one on top should try to be somewhat fair about sharing in the spoils of power with the other side and not be too greedy about keeping every last scrap from falling off the table". That was his real "crime", the only real reason he was ousted.

Only naive and idealistic people are using "the greater good of the nation" to mean "what's best for the common people". Those with real wealth and power here are simply angling for the benefit of themselves and their cronies, democratic ideals are given only lip service when it suits them.

And IMO the situation is only slightly better "back home" than it is here, just that "our elites" have at least some connection (a more direct one) to having earned their positions by merit, at least within the past few generations, and work within a system that has at least a little more positive impact on the common people's lot.

well said

Edited by nurofiend
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Thaksin's Passport Reinstated Since Oct 26

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Thani Thongpakdi affirms the Thai passport of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was reinstated since October 26 as he was no longer on the ministry's blacklist.

He said Thaksin had applied for a Thai passport at the Royal Thai Embassy in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on October 25. Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul approved the issuance of the passport and a passport was issued to Thaksin on October 26.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-16


Why are people still discussing thai politics on


There is noting to discuss !

We all know already how it works ,there are no rules,lying is the norm,money wins....

stealing is allowed if you are my friend....etc....

So why are we discussing this soap ?

There is nothing to discuss,and you can't change it either !

Or do you ?

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