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Paradise Turns To Hell When You Learn The Thai Language


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Chonabot thats horrible.

Hope your Son learns that these people are just cowards and idiots, what a shitty thing to go through at 13.

Thanks Stiggy - Kids from the age 12 upwards in the UK have changed beyond recognition - the ones that have been brought up correctly have no chance when

confronted by these pondlife.

For the record I visited the parents of the kids - pretty grim examples - and found that one had been kicked out of 5 schools before the parents

had to move from Scotland....talk about a timebomb.

Sorry for going off topic OP :)

Edited by chonabot
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I learnt Thai and now it's great being able to take the p*ss out of Thai people in their own language :whistling:

Or stand in a lift (elevator) and listen to them talking about you,

then turn round and add your own comment, much to their discomfort.

Learning Thai opened doors for me, closed to the tourist.

I have done this before. Not in Thai, but in Spanish and Portuguese.

The same crap goes on all over the world, not just Thailand. You will find racist, bigoted idiots no matter where you go. Mostly from the lower echelons of the socioeconomic food chain, so consider the source.

You can either let it get to you or you can take a bit of advice from Chopper.

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In my part of the woods, our Thai neighbors gossip about everyone else. That’s always been the way here as far back as I can remember.

I said to my missus, I guarantee that once we are out of earshot they probably gossip about us as well.

So what and who gives a rat’s behind what they say or think? None of them help pay my way and I do not owe nobody anything. If they don’t like my face for any reason I couldn’t give a flying F****.

I have lived here for almost 30 years, been ripped off more times than I could mention, but never been robbed and never had any major confrontations with people. That includes Thais and farangs.

Sorry DiabloJoe, but it appears you cant hack it in Thailand. There is no such place as Utopia and wherever you go you will find that people are all the same.

One has to learn how to stand up for themselves. The people around me know that I am capable of giving back any stick they give to me. It`s called the law of the jungle and that’s life.

Welcome to the real world.

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I live in Bangkok and in our condo you have not only Thais but , Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.,

I find it easy to communicate with my Thai friends , and we have about the same social status.

Maybe they speak bad of me behind my back but why should they, I respect them and we are always polite to each other.

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If the OP thinks Thai people are rude he should move to Korea. If you are with an asian woman some jokers will come up to you and the girl and start berating the young lady for being with someone who is not Korean. Good luck to the Op where ever he lives he needs it.

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I learnt Thai and now it's great being able to take the p*ss out of Thai people in their own language :whistling:

Or stand in a lift (elevator) and listen to them talking about you,

then turn round and add your own comment, much to their discomfort.

Learning Thai opened doors for me, closed to the tourist.

I think its great fun. Was sat in a restaurant with a male friend listening to three women on the next table openly discussing us, found it hard to keep a straight face :D . However it got really funny when the band arrived to set up and one of them whom I hadn't seen for a while came over to me and gave the game away by gleefully pointing out the dismal results of the football team I support, in Thai obviously. As the penny dropped so did the jaws as the women realised their faux pas, they just didn't know where to look. They hadn't even been that disparaging but were obviously mortified. It didn't help matters when I turned to them and said that by the way, I agreed with them about the rather vivid shirt my friend was wearing :) . They were gone by the time I returned from the loo.

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What I don´t understand is the flaming of the OP. I no way did he throw names or demeaning comments about Thais. This happens everyday to a lot of people here even those who actually respect Thais. I wonder if the people who flame the OP are respected at home at all since they can puke such garbage.

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Love it, none of your poncy PC western BS, call a spade a spade.

Yo Fatty go and get me another beer pronto, try that in the Facist west and see and far you get, Fatty gives a smile as she brings another.

For those of a more sensitive disposition try Kalifornia.

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now you've qualified...

"you must just be old, angry and racist"

the first stage of disillusionment - probably hormonal in older guys when they find out that getting regular sex with younger women just isn't enough. .....it is however a symptom of expats - regardless of what country they are in - to criticise their not-so-new home...unfortunately like yourself they fail to dig deep enough and come to the kind of conclusions that result from their own personal limited and distorted experiences. Over the next few years you need to go through the process of putting your own personal experience into perspective - I'd suggest that over 90% of TV posters never get beyond the first stage of disillusionment.........

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I rather suspect this is a bit of a windup, but...

1. I doubt OP has the judgment he thinks he does of Thai people or he wouldn't have such consistently bad results. From the sound of it, not yet far enough away from tourist zones. I don't run into these kinds of behaviours on a routine basis and when I do there is almost always some tourist connection with the person in question.

2. In what universe does the social world of a typical Thai internet cafe (mainly kids and teens) routinely welcome touristy adults into their environment?

3. OP should remember that the 'real world' in Thailand is not comprised of English-speaking tourist-serving types who are trained in being ingratiating while smilingly relieving tourists of money. It is comprised of real people who do tend to have and express their opinions, most of whom will either not care about you at all and a few of whom may even object to your presence (much as the average person may think of foreigners in other countries). A few of them will genuinely like you and/or seek to become friends.

Special note to OP, if he is overweight: Thais do comment on physical size (and other physical attributes such as skin colour) without English cultural restraints. They do it among themselves, as well. It's a cultural difference. You'll either have to get used to it, lose weight, or leave, because they're not going to stop as a special favour.

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As a Thai, I'd say most of my friends and families view foreigners, and a lot of locals for that matter with indifference. For a lot of folks though, that's worse than being disliked or hated.


but isnt that the thai way of saying F U by simply acting as if a person is not there?

I suspect thats where those Westerners who go wrong in Thailand go wrong: Their expectation of the level of treatment they receive by ordinary people is too high.

Why shouldn't Thai's treat us with anything other than indifference? they treat each other with indifference. I expect nothing more or less. However being a Westerner invariably works in our favor. And, being a Westerner with a *handle of the Thai language works greatly in our favor more often than not. But, as the Op has pointed out this is also somewhat of a double edged sword as with any other nationality Thai's love to gossip, the more controversial the better, accuracy, fairness or the moral high-ground rarely take precedence in such conversations.......

*Not picked up in the bar which I believe to be a key issue (there has been a previous thread regarding how Thai's will treat you based on your vocab and accent, make it obvious that your Thai has been picked up in beer bars and you'll not get far, conversely so of well spoken Thai).

Edited by richard_smith237
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As a Thai, I'd say most of my friends and families view foreigners, and a lot of locals for that matter with indifference. For a lot of folks though, that's worse than being disliked or hated.


but isnt that the thai way of saying F U by simply acting as if a person is not there?

I suspect thats where those Westerners who go wrong in Thailand go wrong: Their expectation of the level of treatment they receive by ordinary people is too high.

Why shouldn't Thai's treat us with anything other than indifference? they treat each other with indifference. I expect nothing more or less. However being a Westerner invariably works in our favor. And, being a Westerner with a *handle of the Thai language works greatly in our favor more often than not. But, as the Op has pointed out this is also somewhat of a double edged sword as with any other nationality Thai's love to gossip, the more controversial the better, accuracy, fairness or the moral high-ground rarely take precedence in such conversations.......

*Not picked up in the bar which I believe to be a key issue (there has been a previous thread regarding how Thai's will treat you based on your vocab and accent, make it obvious that your Thai has been picked up in beer bars and you'll not get far, conversely so of well spoken Thai).

Get real. In the small village in the middle of Europe where I come from, when someone has a new haircut, it's the talk of the town for the next week.

As Calvin says, I don't care about being accepted, I'd settle for being ignored

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Thai men don't like me-probably cause their women do. Lol.

I know enough thai to get by but not like one of those geeks that knows every word but hasn't a clue of the 'real world' usage.

You know the types, that walk into 711 and for no apparent reason says "krap pom". Sounds cool in some classroom I guess but you never here a thai use it in such a way.

Back on topic- thai men generally suffer from inferiority complex-especially security guards, motorbike taxis and the like. Hence the predictably 12 year old language and giggles amongst buddies after you walk by.

It used to wind me up (and you don't want to do that) but now I just brush it off knowing that my dick will always be bigger than theirs ;)

Tune in tomorrow when we discuss a hot topic "is your flight attendant a bird, a plane or superman".

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Why shouldn't Thai's treat us with anything other than indifference? they treat each other with indifference. I expect nothing more or less.

Yeah 99% of the time I'm completely ignored by Thais. Which is exactly how I want it.

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Nearly murdered yes that would upset all of us.

500-100 and 2000 bath lent out and never got back, you should know that no reason at all to be upset at all.

Never borrow, if you would like to help give it and never expect to get it back, it makes your life here much easy.

It makes your day happy if ones you get the money back from someone.

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