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Life Coaching Academy - The Life Change People

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I found this company and they have credible broadsheet reviews and I like the sound of their system. It does not sound "woo woo" or pseudo-science.


I'm thinking of doing their 12-week "get your life refocused" 25k Baht coaching.

Anyone in C.M. studied with them and got lasting benefit ?

I'd also love to meet a retired walk-the-talk entrepreneur to get insight into the mindset of success ! Coffee on me.


Make up your mind spend 25,000 to try to refocus your life and the secret to potential financial success is only worth a cup of coffee???


Make up your mind spend 25,000 to try to refocus your life and the secret to potential financial success is only worth a cup of coffee???

A coffee to start, then take it from there.If the person wants a coaching fee I'm fine or I can bring something to the table in the IT /internet marketing realm by way of exchange.


Can think of much better ways to spend 25K, and no it does not

involve women ,drink or drugs....

In my life I have had no one hold my hand ,advise me what to do,

Just take life by the scruff of the neck and give it a kick in the arse,

and get on with it,you most probably only get one, so you better

make the best of it ,just my humble opinion, and at 66 think !

have had enough experience of it,

Live your life to the fullest,have no regrets,thats all folks

regards Worgeordie


Can think of much better ways to spend 25K, and no it does not

involve women ,drink or drugs....

In my life I have had no one hold my hand ,advise me what to do,

Just take life by the scruff of the neck and give it a kick in the arse,

and get on with it,you most probably only get one, so you better

make the best of it ,just my humble opinion, and at 66 think !

have had enough experience of it,

Live your life to the fullest,have no regrets,thats all folks

regards Worgeordie

Great advice for those who can do that Worgeordie but I've tried it myself, no luck.

Need people who can mentor me through my blocks and blindspots and that's the way it is.


Hi Freedomnow I wasNOT trying to put you down, I was just expressing my opinions,and I do realize we are all not the same, and that can only be a good thing, so good luck in your life and I hope you find what you are looking for, worgeordie

Can think of much better ways to spend 25K, and no it does not

involve women ,drink or drugs....

In my life I have had no one hold my hand ,advise me what to do,

Just take life by the scruff of the neck and give it a kick in the arse,

and get on with it,you most probably only get one, so you better

make the best of it ,just my humble opinion, and at 66 think !

have had enough experience of it,

Live your life to the fullest,have no regrets,thats all folks

regards Worgeordie

Great advice for those who can do that Worgeordie but I've tried it myself, no luck.

Need people who can mentor me through my blocks and blindspots and that's the way it is.


Make up your mind spend 25,000 to try to refocus your life and the secret to potential financial success is only worth a cup of coffee???

A coffee to start, then take it from there.If the person wants a coaching fee I'm fine or I can bring something to the table in the IT /internet marketing realm by way of exchange.

Those that are financially successful, I can't see them having the time or inclination to do this for a coaching fee. If you can pay them in an hour more than they can earn themselves in their own endeavours they likely aren't worth listening to.


Make up your mind spend 25,000 to try to refocus your life and the secret to potential financial success is only worth a cup of coffee???

A coffee to start, then take it from there.If the person wants a coaching fee I'm fine or I can bring something to the table in the IT /internet marketing realm by way of exchange.

Those that are financially successful, I can't see them having the time or inclination to do this for a coaching fee. If you can pay them in an hour more than they can earn themselves in their own endeavours they likely aren't worth listening to.

Yes , I was trying to meet a retired business person who wants to share their insight or a semi-retired person who maybe has no web presence and needs that kind of info.My main interest just now was if anyone went through the coaching academy and kept the momentum up from their coaching. I hear so many courses just amp you up then the old blocks can arise soon after but it seems their method sticks from testimonials.


Yes , I was trying to meet a retired business person who wants to share their insight or a semi-retired person who maybe has no web presence and needs that kind of info.My main interest just now was if anyone went through the coaching academy and kept the momentum up from their coaching. I hear so many courses just amp you up then the old blocks can arise soon after but it seems their method sticks from testimonials.

Successful Retired business people are too busy enjoying their retirement and spending their money, Perhaps the life coaching will help with leading a more fulfilling life without the need to be rich?


Hi Freedomnow I wasNOT trying to put you down, I was just expressing my opinions,and I do realize we are all not the same, and that can only be a good thing, so good luck in your life and I hope you find what you are looking for, worgeordie

Can think of much better ways to spend 25K, and no it does not

involve women ,drink or drugs....

In my life I have had no one hold my hand ,advise me what to do,

Just take life by the scruff of the neck and give it a kick in the arse,

and get on with it,you most probably only get one, so you better

make the best of it ,just my humble opinion, and at 66 think !

have had enough experience of it,

Live your life to the fullest,have no regrets,thats all folks

regards Worgeordie

Great advice for those who can do that Worgeordie but I've tried it myself, no luck.

Need people who can mentor me through my blocks and blindspots and that's the way it is.

Yep ,worgeordie never took it in a bad way. Cheers !


I have to add this.....life coaches may help you re-focus but it is usually just the outside viewpoint that makes you think "outside the box". You do not need a "titled" coach, you need an objective observer that has no emotional investment in you (i.e., will tell you the truth and help you explore options) and with whom you are willing to share intimate details about your life.

Speaking of title life coaches, I know of a 50 year old one that

  1. has wife in one country and married mistress in another
  2. claims he has an international job to visit mistress
  3. runs up unnecessary debts on his credit card when he has no income to keep up appearances
  4. has a mortgage that is bankrupting him
  5. increased mortgage (don't ask how) to buy wife a new car
  6. ignores his debts hoping they will go away or he will get a good paying contract to cover minimum payments


I have to add this.....life coaches may help you re-focus but it is usually just the outside viewpoint that makes you think "outside the box". You do not need a "titled" coach, you need an objective observer that has no emotional investment in you (i.e., will tell you the truth and help you explore options) and with whom you are willing to share intimate details about your life.

Speaking of title life coaches, I know of a 50 year old one that

  1. has wife in one country and married mistress in another
  2. claims he has an international job to visit mistress
  3. runs up unnecessary debts on his credit card when he has no income to keep up appearances
  4. has a mortgage that is bankrupting him
  5. increased mortgage (don't ask how) to buy wife a new car
  6. ignores his debts hoping they will go away or he will get a good paying contract to cover minimum payments

Yep, I hear you, the very people we are looking for life direction and skill sets are more screwed up than us !

Do as I say, not as I do.

But after going over their website in detail I like what they are offering and I like there is follow up for 12 weeks after to make the changes stick.

I had just wondered what the word was on the street was, but I guess most of their customers fly in then out after 7 days.

My gut instinct says I'll get something good out of their method.So much pseudo-science out there or woo woo belief systems to filter through.


Is there such a thing as a retired entrepreneur?

Leaving that aside I was wondering is your goal one to make a lot of money.

Or to make you satisfied in your personal day to day living.

I am quite sure that one who has found both would not be to adverse to sharing with you his experiences.

And yes I believe we all need a little help along life's journey.

Looking at their web site I noticed it is only a seven day experience followed up with 12 weeks of email or telephone counseling.

For my money that is not enough time. It is like getting the list of what to do. Real change takes time. Remember you will be dropping some of your life time ideas.


I'm kind of a self-taught person, and have learned most things I need to know from.....the Opera's show, Dr. Phil, Suzy Ozzman, Robert Kiyoski, and Charles Given..

...from Youtube....all FREE! thumbsup.gif

Ok I have to admit that many farang shows are quite crappy, but those are my favorites and I actually got something useful out of them.


These guys look more legit and at a fraction of the price....


I looked at the site and from what I could find it is in Bangkok.

Also did not mention how long a course.

Also could not find a cost.

It did at one point offer a list of free help contacts.

Maybe my mind is trying to tel me something.

I originally wrote curse not course.


I've tried the self-taught path, I rarely finish courses that spike you up then fail to deliver on the snappy sales letters.

Their website seems to say that they have crammed 4-5 months of therapy/coaching into a short period.

I'm looking at the 12-week 2 hours a week 1-2-1 course just now.

Also they say change can happen fast and the belief that change is slow, is one of the common myths according to them.

I hope it is not heavy NLP, I just find that stuff very manipulative .

I read up on NLP so now I know what they are doing when it just seems like a normal conversation.I prefer straight talking to all the NLP conversational wordnosis.


... a fool and his money ...

those that can, do, those that can't, teach,

The fundamentals are always the same,

motivation, prep, engage, follow thru, stay the course,

Self-Help and Diet books / programs, etc,

always make money, ... for those who write them.


... a fool and his money ...

those that can, do, those that can't, teach,

The fundamentals are always the same,

motivation, prep, engage, follow thru, stay the course,

Self-Help and Diet books / programs, etc,

always make money, ... for those who write them.

Yep, cobra unfortunately this fool cannot do it alone so I'll part with the cash for coaching.

I guess no-one has studied with them on the forum.I'll just take the chance and hope I get some permanent change.

Thanks for your opinions.


I have to add this.....life coaches may help you re-focus but it is usually just the outside viewpoint that makes you think "outside the box". You do not need a "titled" coach, you need an objective observer that has no emotional investment in you (i.e., will tell you the truth and help you explore options) and with whom you are willing to share intimate details about your life.

Speaking of title life coaches, I know of a 50 year old one that

  1. has wife in one country and married mistress in another
  2. claims he has an international job to visit mistress
  3. runs up unnecessary debts on his credit card when he has no income to keep up appearances
  4. has a mortgage that is bankrupting him
  5. increased mortgage (don't ask how) to buy wife a new car
  6. ignores his debts hoping they will go away or he will get a good paying contract to cover minimum payments

I make a living as an inspirational speaker too. If anyone want to hire me, you can find me sleeping in my van down by the river.


... a fool and his money ...

those that can, do, those that can't, teach,

The fundamentals are always the same,

motivation, prep, engage, follow thru, stay the course,

Self-Help and Diet books / programs, etc,

always make money, ... for those who write them.

yup it's a catch 22 IQ litmus test. A lot of people want to feel like they are doing something to effect change but really don't want to change. For them books and seminars make them feel hopeful.

Lots of good free videos like Tony Robbins etc online for motivation.

Most people have barriers to success or change in their subconscious minds. Reprogram the subconscious for self worth and success then it's game on.

I personally would pursue yoga, meditation, bio chemistry thru diet/supplementation and even some psychedelics or rituals like fasting, sweat lodges etc to clear out the bad programming.


I like this topic btw, very interesting (well to me atleast). Finally here on Thaivisa, I (as a Thai) can understand and relate to what you're all talking about.

Just a question to the OP…..why do want to only meet a retired walk-the-talk entrepreneur only?

I think those that have the winning success/mindset do come in all ages. Most importantly what is the definition of "SUCCESS" in your own viewpoint anyway?


I like this topic btw, very interesting (well to me atleast). Finally here on Thaivisa, I (as a Thai) can understand and relate to what you're all talking about.

Just a question to the OP…..why do want to only meet a retired walk-the-talk entrepreneur only?

I think those that have the winning success/mindset do come in all ages. Most importantly what is the definition of "SUCCESS" in your own viewpoint anyway?

1) Retirees have way more time.

2) Seasoned.

3) Have the long time period perspective.

1,2,3 recommended by a famous guru.

Yes, young entrepreneurs equally valid but above 3 is why I said retired.

Success = doing something you love and doing it excellently.


Can think of much better ways to spend 25K, and no it does not involve women ,drink or drugs....

regards Worgeordie

Thinking, thinking ......... nope, all my thoughts included women, drink and/or drugs.


1) Retirees have way more time.

2) Seasoned.

3) Have the long time period perspective.

1,2,3 recommended by a famous guru.

Yes, young entrepreneurs equally valid but above 3 is why I said retired.

Success = doing something you love and doing it excellently.

From my viewpoint….

There are many retirees here certainly, but how many are actually successful (or used to be) – that is another question. There are many braggers everywhere, both farangs and of course thais too.

I haven't come across many real successful entrepreneurs with a winning attitude that want to retire, esp if they love what they're doing. These people with that type of mindset are usually keep themselves fairly busy with one preject/or adventure right after another, because their minds are too active and need constant challenges to stay idle for too long.

"3) Have the long time period perspective." ….however I don't necessary agree with this100%.

I think the length of time can helps in accumulating those knowledge and perspectives, but I firmly believe that the strength of knowledge is much more important. Some may claim they have the length, but often there is no or little strength in them.

But of course anybody can brag, if they think you don't know them. But how can you tell the real from the fake, if you're not somewhat a successful person yourself already?


"3) Have the long time period perspective." ….however I don't necessary agree with this100%.

I think the length of time can helps in accumulating those knowledge and perspectives, but I firmly believe that the strength of knowledge is much more important. Some may claim they have the length, but often there is no or little strength in them.

OK agree.

But of course anybody can brag, if they think you don't know them. But how can you tell the real from the fake, if you're not somewhat a successful person yourself already?

Body language,voice strain ,NLP eye access cues and a few other tricks.


You don't need a life coach, you just need to swallow your pride and do what has to be done.

...and save money so you can get there.


You don't need a life coach, you just need to swallow your pride and do what has to be done.

...and save money so you can get there.

Some people just need a skilled coach and after going it alone, I realise that I need one.Already decided, going to do it.

One of the best ROI's you can get is investing in quality education.It is not a cash loss but an investment in moving towards my elusive goals.

Thanks for all input,I got PMd by business owner in C.M. for a chat about biz exp.

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