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How Much Is The Real You?

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An Uncle of min eonce told me, when I was a teenager, and he and I were smoking dope and watching Pink FLoyd´s the Wall on Laser disc, that people are born like rough, uncut diamonds.

To live a "good" life, one should try to polish off as many of the COUNTLESS sides this diamond has, try to refine.

I don´t ever intend nor pretend that I´m a saint, or anything special, and I´m no good at polishing every day of my life, but little by little bit, i HAVE FOUND THE SIDES TO ME i ENJOY BEST, AND TRY TO REFINE THOSE. Sorry for the caps.

I think I have a lot of work to do, especially on the sides of my diamond I have not paid as much attention to, but they are not the parts of me that come out much.

I generally try to be good and fun. I like fun.

I´ve become almost Apolitical since I was in my late teens, and that in itself - the unimportance I attach to siht I can`t change, has allowed me to live much more relaxed, happier.

I have my down sides, and my skeletons, Who doesn´t. I´m probably far more sensitive than I portray on the boards, but then read parts of my blog, and it comes out more there.

Especially the latter chapters.

I think I´m pretty much what you read of me.

. Khall and Kanwin could vouch for that.

Great thread Scamp.

I don`t often give much of my personal self away, but I`ll always answer any questions honestly when asked. I guess it´s a bit like, "Why would I want to bore you about me, unless you are interested.

I listen more to others bore me about themselves. :o

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It all has to be the truth.

Does anybody living in Thailand tell lies? Bar girls never lie. Police officers and politicians never lie. Journalists and second hand car dealers never lie.

I am just like my character of Mighty Mouse. I am a super rodent flying hero. I rescue damsals in distress, in dat dress or in a state of un dress.

I have nothing to hide. Thats why I wear very tight, tiny shorts under my flying cape.

My serious posts in this forum (not that many are serious) contain about 85% of what I honestly believe. The other 15% is what I would like to believe.

Can you believe what I just wrote, am I telling lies, is this the real me? Who cares !!

Do we participate in the forum to gain intimate knowledge of each other or are we here mainly for entertainment value?

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I have noticed, especially having met a lot of ThaiVisa members over the years, that nobody posts in the same way as the next.

Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

The people who seem most themselves are the ones who are the most innocuous and less prolific, as if they are protecting themselves.

Some people are awful online but very nice in real life and others are exactly as they seem.

This thread is inspired by a recent bout of Scamp bashing from these members who find it too confusing that an opinionated yet decent man who loves to get his teeth into a good conversation should find it easier to post in a highly exaggerated, cartoon characature version of himself and so find it much easier to just assume that that is what he is like and follow him around the board with a heavy stick.

Human nature fascinates me. :D

So how much of the real you (the reader/poster) do you reveal?

Do you release your wild side that may be supressed in reality?

Do you release your child side that may be supressed in reality?

Are you yourself or a particular facet of yourself or are you a charicature, or do you simply speak when spoken to and follow the flow.

Whatever you are you have a right to be how you choose to be both in real life and online and there is no right or wrong providing you live and let live in this mini cyberworld we all share which, like the real one, contains a vast myriad of different views and personalities which is what makes life so interesting.

If we were all the same there would never be any need to log on whatsoever.


love me or leave me.

This is what you get. :D

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Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

Actually I think you are pretty similar in real life as you are in your posts - self obsessed, insecure and slightly irrelevant. I still read and posts and meet you for a beer now and then though...

I think your pretty much spot on Blake, he's not a bad guy to have a beer with though :o

I think my online, persona is less argumentitive, loud, sarcastic and self opinanated than my my real life one, the online presona does'nt drink as much as well :D

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Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

This thread is inspired by a recent bout of Scamp bashing from these members who find it too confusing that an opinionated yet decent man who loves to get his teeth into a good conversation should find it easier to post in a highly exaggerated, cartoon characature version of himself and so find it much easier to just assume that that is what he is like and follow him around the board with a heavy stick.

Could this be because Dude, Moog etc post for fun, whereas you take yourself seriously? I think you may bring much of it upon yourself, although that's no excuse for people to be unpleasant or insulting.

Do you release your wild side that may be supressed in reality?

Do you release your child side that may be supressed in reality?

Stop being the amateur psychologist/counsellor/therapist. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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I don't know, until I meet some of you and maybe you give me some feedback. ?

Maybe I'm not qualified.! :o

I'd like to think that I'm being good honest me all the time but, then I might get pissed but, then I'd still be being me just pissed.

Nice one Scamp, I'm in a right puddle now. :D


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'The Gentleman Scamp' is the People's Champ and is a national treasure in much the same ilk as The Queen Mum, Larry Grayson, Ken Dodd, Vera Duckworth or the Wombles.

However I would say that the 'Man behind the Myth' is even more swashbuckling and buccaneering than his online Persona.

He once asked me not to go into the specific details that lead me to make this inferrence, so I will respect his wishes.

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I like Scamp!

This is a very good thread.

Many people on TV have met me, I dont know what people think of me but everbody likes to be "liked" and I would lkie to think that peole think I am an OK guy, and thats good enough for me.

All I can say about myself is that I believe I am honest both here and in the real world, and if I am three sheets to the wind I can post <deleted> on TV and talk <deleted> in person!

I try NOT to get involved in posts which I dont consider myself qualified enough to give a response. I do not often get involved in "Political Threads, as I dont really have any strong opinions on politics.

I have upset a few people when I have been a little worse for wear, but I normally appologise in the morning as I know that I have been talking out of my ar@e.

There are posters who I have not met that I like more than others, but that is human nature, there is nobody I really dislike though, I don't have much hate or anger in me, life is too short and I am too old

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Some of us are very shy in person and averse to social situations. At parties and other gatherings I tend to fade into the background, always thinking that I don't have anything worthwhile to say. I just kind of sit back and listen.

(Event though I was at the last Thai Visa party at the Sin Club for four or five hours, I bet no one who attended remembers seeing me or even knows that I was there. Lucky me, eh Ken!)

But, in this online environment I can replace my rather plain face with an annoying but eye-catching avatar and I can work up the courage to enter in to almost any conversation and say what I please.


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Could this be because Dude, Moog etc post for fun, whereas you take yourself seriously? I think you may bring much of it upon yourself, although that's no excuse for people to be unpleasant or insulting.

I didn't think I did take myself too seriously, however I am defensive and I do take the bait when offered, and yes I do bring it all upon myself but that's what I get for simply being open.

Stop being the amateur psychologist/counsellor/therapist. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

I wanted the nick Think Too Mut but it had been taken already. :o

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Bambina will be this hilarious lady

thanks ka :D

How Much Is The Real You?
Ice Meiden

Some members that talk to me on MSN or whom I exchange a few PM's with get to know me a little better than most but everything I post is actually me and not a fake character.

good girl, i chat with her via msn , love her badly :o

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Scamp. Try some shorter posts. DrPP can help i'm sure.

Yes it's definitely a mood thing for me. My dancing rose avatar is the sunny, flippant and carefree side of me. This side became lost for a long time as I was so much under pressure in a past job. I never had a chance to be me, being in a high-profile public role that mostly squashed my personality and stole my inner-child.

I only ever started posting after that job ended and it took some months in "rehab" before the real me slowly recovered and re-emerged. So basically, most of my early posts came from my rebellious inner child who was dying to run wild and free. Now, feeling "recovered", I post less and maybe a a bit more thoughtfully at times. I'm me, I'm free and I have many sides.... depending on my mood!  :o

So let's see your sexy mood now... :D

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I didn't think I did take myself too seriously, however I am defensive and I do take the bait when offered, and yes I do bring it all upon myself but that's what I get for simply being open.

Lots of people who post on Thaivisa are 'open' but don't get the hammer that you get.

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I didn't think I did take myself too seriously, however I am defensive and I do take the bait when offered, and yes I do bring it all upon myself but that's what I get for simply being open.

Lots of people who post on Thaivisa are 'open' but don't get the hammer that you get.

No one is Scampy either!! :o

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Scamp. Try some shorter posts. DrPP can help i'm sure.
Yes it's definitely a mood thing for me. My dancing rose avatar is the sunny, flippant and carefree side of me. This side became lost for a long time as I was so much under pressure in a past job. I never had a chance to be me, being in a high-profile public role that mostly squashed my personality and stole my inner-child.

I only ever started posting after that job ended and it took some months in "rehab" before the real me slowly recovered and re-emerged. So basically, most of my early posts came from my rebellious inner child who was dying to run wild and free. Now, feeling "recovered", I post less and maybe a a bit more thoughtfully at times. I'm me, I'm free and I have many sides.... depending on my mood!  :D

So let's see your sexy mood now... :D

I don't generally post 'sexy' - same as I don't flaunt myself in life.... but get me behind closed doors on a full moon and LOOK OUT!!! :o

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I didn't think I did take myself too seriously, however I am defensive and I do take the bait when offered, and yes I do bring it all upon myself but that's what I get for simply being open.

Lots of people who post on Thaivisa are 'open' but don't get the hammer that you get.

No one is Scampy either!! :D

Good job too! There's no room for more than one ego that big :o

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Scamp. Try some shorter posts. DrPP can help i'm sure.
Yes it's definitely a mood thing for me. My dancing rose avatar is the sunny, flippant and carefree side of me. This side became lost for a long time as I was so much under pressure in a past job. I never had a chance to be me, being in a high-profile public role that mostly squashed my personality and stole my inner-child.

I only ever started posting after that job ended and it took some months in "rehab" before the real me slowly recovered and re-emerged. So basically, most of my early posts came from my rebellious inner child who was dying to run wild and free. Now, feeling "recovered", I post less and maybe a a bit more thoughtfully at times. I'm me, I'm free and I have many sides.... depending on my mood!  :D

So let's see your sexy mood now... :D

I don't generally post 'sexy' - same as I don't flaunt myself in life.... but get me behind closed doors on a full moon and LOOK OUT!!! :o

You bring the full moon (and stars?) into the room?


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Scamp. Try some shorter posts. DrPP can help i'm sure.
Yes it's definitely a mood thing for me. My dancing rose avatar is the sunny, flippant and carefree side of me. This side became lost for a long time as I was so much under pressure in a past job. I never had a chance to be me, being in a high-profile public role that mostly squashed my personality and stole my inner-child.

I only ever started posting after that job ended and it took some months in "rehab" before the real me slowly recovered and re-emerged. So basically, most of my early posts came from my rebellious inner child who was dying to run wild and free. Now, feeling "recovered", I post less and maybe a a bit more thoughtfully at times. I'm me, I'm free and I have many sides.... depending on my mood!  :D

So let's see your sexy mood now... :D

I don't generally post 'sexy' - same as I don't flaunt myself in life.... but get me behind closed doors on a full moon and LOOK OUT!!! :D

You should get together with Wolfie :o

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Scamp. Try some shorter posts. DrPP can help i'm sure.
Yes it's definitely a mood thing for me. My dancing rose avatar is the sunny, flippant and carefree side of me. This side became lost for a long time as I was so much under pressure in a past job. I never had a chance to be me, being in a high-profile public role that mostly squashed my personality and stole my inner-child.

I only ever started posting after that job ended and it took some months in "rehab" before the real me slowly recovered and re-emerged. So basically, most of my early posts came from my rebellious inner child who was dying to run wild and free. Now, feeling "recovered", I post less and maybe a a bit more thoughtfully at times. I'm me, I'm free and I have many sides.... depending on my mood!  :D

So let's see your sexy mood now... :D

I don't generally post 'sexy' - same as I don't flaunt myself in life.... but get me behind closed doors on a full moon and LOOK OUT!!! :o

You bring the full moon (and stars?) into the room?


The moon, the stars and planet Mars!!!! ............. that's all I have to say about that :D

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I have noticed, especially having met a lot of ThaiVisa members over the years, that nobody posts in the same way as the next. Really

Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

The people who seem most themselves are the ones who are the most innocuous and less prolific, as if they are protecting themselves.

Human nature fascinates me. :D

So how much of the real you (the reader/poster) do you reveal?

"Like this dear boy"

I am not a Fake, I am Win in Kan

Do you release your wild side that may be supressed in reality? Look above

Do you release your child side that may be supressed in reality? Never dear boy only in my heart I do that and in my Photos.

Are you yourself or a particular facet of yourself or are you a charicature, or do you simply speak when spoken to and follow the flow. Go forth and multi-ply.

Whatever you are you have a right to be how you choose to be both in real life  :D  and online  :D and there is no right or wrong providing you live and let live in this mini cyberworld we all share which, like the real one, contains a vast myriad of different views and personalities which is what makes life so interesting.

If we were all the same there would never be any need to log on whatsoever.



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What you see is what you get, unfortunately there are several members and mods out there that dont always like certain styles of posting, so no more posts from me! This is my final post, at least for the time being, i am no longer willing to share ideas, expressions, opinions,advice, humour, thoughts, personal things or anything else. :o

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What you see is what you get, unfortunately there are several members and mods out there that dont always like certain styles of posting, so no more posts from me! This is my final post, at least for the time being, i am no longer willing to share ideas, expressions, opinions,advice, humour, thoughts, personal things or  anything else. :o

Thats a shame that Daleyboy.

A loss to the forum I think. Your humour and opinions shall by missed by more than my-self.


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What you see is what you get, unfortunately there are several members and mods out there that dont always like certain styles of posting, so no more posts from me! This is my final post, at least for the time being, i am no longer willing to share ideas, expressions, opinions,advice, humour, thoughts, personal things or  anything else. :D

NOOOOOO don´t go....I like your post and your sense of humor....

It cannot be that bad ( I don´t know for sure just guessing)...relax for a few days...and maybe you change your mind...

We will be missing you...and the dance in your avatar... :o

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What you see is what you get, unfortunately there are several members and mods out there that dont always like certain styles of posting, so no more posts from me! This is my final post, at least for the time being, i am no longer willing to share ideas, expressions, opinions,advice, humour, thoughts, personal things or  anything else. :o

No need to spot the dummy, what's the problem? :D

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If you had what you thought was an unwarrented warning from a Moderator- get over it! Its not like you to throw your toys out of the pram! Is it?

You did not get banned! I had a warning once, didn't like it, but then again if I want to be part of this forum I have to accept the rules.

Don't go, you are a respected poster, (by me and many others as you can see)but if you behave like a cry baby then you are not the person I thought you were , this "I won't be posting for a while" nonsense is just that nonsense.

Now get back here- people like you are needed on this forum


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