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Train Collides Into Pickup Truck; Kills 1, Injures Over 120


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A few things:


There's a railway track near my house. The trains coming through never use their horn when approaching several crossings. Some of the crossings don't have mechanical barricades. At times there is a two-man crew who come down the track using one of those old teeter totter manual pump carts and the light and mechanical crossing arms lower while the two man crew are half a kilometer down the track. It takes them about 10 minute to get to the crossing and another ten minutes for the arms to go back up.


I got my license to drive a few months back, and during the driving test there were me, another foreigner and about 16 Thai women in front of us. The instructors let the Thai ladies test first. Not one of them could parallel park. After several failed in this, the instructor waived them all on through the test and didn't bother to look over his shoulder to see each of them fail the rest of the course test requirements. Myself and the other foreigner noted this oversight (?) as well as the poor driving. During the back up portion (drive in a straight line in reverse between a lane of orange cones without hitting them) almost all of the ladies knocked down about 15 cones. Two simply stopped and froze. One went into the grass and took another 10 minutes getting back on the driving lane and froze.

I did the entire course in about 2 minutes with a perfect score. I and the foreigner had to show our lights and directional indicators on our new cars, whilst the Thai ladies did not.

When I finally got upstairs to get my license, I noted that all the Thai ladies had secured their licenses to kill drive and were proudly showing them around.


A train is restricted to riding on the tracks. The articles is deceivingly captioned as describing the train hitting the vehicle, when in fact it would be more logical to state that the vehicle strayed and collided with the train, since vehicles are not restricted to tracks and seem to have difficulty in any movement due to the inabilities of the operators.

Perhaps if all roads here had tracks, and vehicle were confined to them, then we would only have to worry about rear-enders instead of all the other galactic stupid behaviors that developed minds are subjected to on a daily basis.

There's a saying that goes, "There is no such thing as an accident. It's simply that people aren't paying attention and get what they ask for".

Most developed minds know where the cause is in all of this. The problem is that undeveloped minds are responsible for fixing those items that would significantly reduce the amount of death and damage that goes on. Those include the operators of trains, vehicles as well as the ones who build the roads and tracks and engineer how the twain integrate with each other for the purpose of public safety.

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