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New Weed On The Block

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In nearly 15 years residing here, and being out in fields every day, I've just recently seen an addition to the weed population. Perhaps the weeds were here in prior years, but I didn't notice them. Now they proliferate everywhere. I'm referring to what I call 'mini-daisies.' They grow up to about 80 cm and their most distinguishing feature are their attractive daisy-like flowers, yellow in the middle, white pedals on the outside. At first, I thought to propagate them elsewhere (shops in Thailand don't sell grass seed, nor any other types of ground cover). Then I noticed their small thin black seeds which annoyingly stick to clothing and animal fur. Now, I just mow them down.

Anyone else seen plants in this area, which recently migrated from elsewhere? It could be due to a dlight warming trend here, am not sure.


Weeds usually get carried into new locations, you may have even brought it in yourself, still stuck to your clothes after a trip away.

Animal based fertilisers are another source if they haven't been properly composted.


Yep they appeared around my house and in every place they can find around my yard...tough little buggers too as you have to pull them up by the roots or they grow back in a few days.

It seems every year I get some new weeds that decide to show up but then the next year they are gone.

Wish i could get all my flowers to grow as well as the weeds.


Our farm and garden is swamped with the same weeds. I was wondering for years why someone would try to change the ecology of a place with this pest, then I started reading a book on the Burma Campaign during the second WW. The biographer mentions these flowers (asters) growing in large swathes throughout Burma's jungles.

My assumption is now reversed I guess, earlier colonials must have carried the seeds back to England where they sell every spring.

Maidu-shops around ARE selling grass seed-I have bought it my self.


I once found grass seed in a Chiang Rai pet supply shop, but it didn't sprout.

Have experimented with other types of ground cover, with patchy success.

Two types are v. small ground hugging spreading plants. One I call 'mini miner's lettuce', the other I call 'Siam Clover' which has exploding seed pods. Because the add-photo function doesn't work just now, there are URL's for photos below.





My neighbour bought large bags of seed and also turf squares in Chiang Mai, I went with him and there's a number of garden places behind one of the shopping malls there... Central?

You might need to ask in the Chiang Mai forum.

Edit: The most common groundcover weed around here is the one that closes it's leaves when touched. Fern like leaves and small pink flowers.



When you drive to Mae Sai-I think 4-5 km out of town,on your right hand, there is a very big plant school or shop-not the one whit a restaurant in the drive inn-2 km longer out of town.

  • 3 weeks later...

Edit: The most common groundcover weed around here is the one that closes it's leaves when touched. Fern like leaves and small pink flowers.

I believe that's also colloquially known as the 'sensitive plant.' I don't like 'em, they have thorns all over.


When you drive to Mae Sai-I think 4-5 km out of town,on your right hand, there is a very big plant school or shop-not the one whit a restaurant in the drive inn-2 km longer out of town.

I think I know about where your referring to. I've bought a bunch turf from a place up there, that sounds like the same location. Only a small bit 'took.' I may have not watered the soil enough before it was applied, or perhaps it wasn't a good time of year for that. Plus local weeds are plentiful and aggressive, where it was planted.

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