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Jomtien Bht Bus Rudeness


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The way they treat people there I am surprised they have not started using cattle prods already.

As my report demonstrated, they kind of are.

Better a stun gun than a Taser, knife, baton or gun

Thanks for that comment. Not being a weapons kind of guy, I wasn't even aware of the difference. Yes, they are different. Different voltage and wattage and a taser can be shot at a person in range while a stun gun needs to be used with physical contact, yes, like a cattle prod. Both are classified as less than lethal weapons meaning they can potentially (and do) kill sometimes either because of the way the operator uses them and/or a health condition of the target.
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I will bump this one time because I had thought the fact that the bus queue herders are using STUN GUNS to herd and/or threaten people might inspire some comment. If they are carrying them and showing off their function, surely someday they are going to use them. Stun guns can kill. This is an old thread which I added to but I kind of think the stun gun aspect (and who really knows what other kinds of HIDDEN weapons) is the kind of news worth discussing.


Everywhere they sill stun guns, they sell pepper spray. Buy some and always have it ready in your pocket.

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Foolproof method to avoid being "stunned"

1) Pack yourself into the back of the pick-up truck with your fellow sardines.

2) Don't talk to anyone and especially avoid annoying the stun-gunner.

3) Proceed to your destination.

4) Exit the pick-up truck.

. . . jap.gif

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Foolproof method to avoid being "stunned"

1) Pack yourself into the back of the pick-up truck with your fellow sardines.

2) Don't talk to anyone and especially avoid annoying the stun-gunner.

3) Proceed to your destination.

4) Exit the pick-up truck.

. . . jap.gif

There wasn't space on the trucks. High season shortage and they were milking the taxi potential. You don't use the system, do you? So smug.
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Yes, I use it all the time -- the "formula" works (common sense) -- that's why I posted it.

Pick-up truck full? - Hop on the next one -- only 5 minutes of your valuable time wasted.


That is not the way it was at the time of my report. People were fighting over a very limited amount of space, mostly Russian style, it was totally out of control, and the herders response was rather than to maximize the bus usage, but to push people into taxi fares, making the shortage worse. Edited by Jingthing
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Use the baht busess long enough and you will have a nasty experience. It is a numbers game. Sooner or later and probably sooner you will learn to hate these guys.

Yes I'll agree with you on this one. Hence I bought a motorbike many years ago and am always happy I did. Now it's a matter of not hitting or being hit by a baht bus in traffic.

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The rudeness goes both ways...anyway, it will get less crowded in a month or so. I guess when you throw in a bunch of people from all over the world and cram them into the back of a covered pick-up truck, that's what you get.

When they leave from Pattaya Tai and Second Road they will still cram people in until it is FULL before allowing the baht bus to leave - same problems and rudeness, just a longer wait!!!!

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Use the baht busess long enough and you will have a nasty experience. It is a numbers game. Sooner or later and probably sooner you will learn to hate these guys.

Yes I'll agree with you on this one. Hence I bought a motorbike many years ago and am always happy I did. Now it's a matter of not hitting or being hit by a baht bus in traffic.

Funny thing about that. I think there has NEVER been one post on any of the countless threads about serious motorcycle accidents where someone has posted -- shoulda used the baht buses instead! coffee1.gif
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I think they want to copy Phuket , they need a better income from the stupid tourists.

I will not be suprised if the prices will rise as a rocket soon....

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They can't even pretend to be nice, come off as resentful of their customers and seem to enjoy abusing the farang a bit too much.

Wouldn't it be nice if they hired sweet Thai ladies to run things.

A nice smile, a sawadee ka and a safe journey over the hill.

Edited by pauljones
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Airlines charge people extra if their girth spills over into adjoining seats so I see no reason why they shouldn't pay more on baht busses as well...it's just physics...it uses more expensive energy to accelerate a large mass.

That's nice, but this topic has nothing to do with variant charges.
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To all of you Jomtien residents, you make your bed and you lie on it. Travelling from where I live in Pattaya I have yet to be herded in to a baht bus or even taken the wrong way, but hey I researched before I bought

Before you get too smug, a lot of us bought into Jomtien before the Russian invasion. In Thailand, you just never know. The baht bus queue prison guard thing has really only gotten really bad over the last recent years. Consider the poor souls who overpaid for beach view condos in Jomtien Complex condo (now blocked).

Jing I have zero sympathy for the people whose expensive sea vies are now blocked. They bought in Thailand and there was a huge empty plot of land between them and their sea view, what did they think was going to happen, prior preparation prevents piss poor performance or caveat emptor.

agree with this entirly, dont understand anybody buying here, by in your own country and rent out then rent decent house here. then just up and move as youwish, and as a bonus you own a house 100% legally in your name not wifes, or thai comapany where you dont even own half the shares. Simply move to any area where the songtaows are pleasant. darkside songtaows ok 30baht.

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You're using the transport method of the lowest common denominator in a 3rd world country.

What do you expect ?

Agree, the Cheap Charlie should buy his own car or motorbike. Even the baht-bus system is way superior to the MUNI public transit system in San Francisco.

I think these two accusations/comments (above) are jumping to conclusions. I can afford a car but choose to use the baht system because my company I work for provides me a driver to work (near SriRacha). Why would I purchase a car just to go up and down Beach Road and such? The baht system is easy and (most of the time) convenient. A motor bike??? - All of my friends that have a motor bike have been in an accident (a scratch up to a broken bone) due to "ting tong" drivers. I also know a few retired farang that purposely live near a baht bus route so all they have to do is walk down a soi and hop on. Easy-they don't have to worry about traffic or finding a parking place. This is better than driving on Pattaya streets that is full of bikes weaving in and out, baht buses stopping in front of you, and pedistrians running across the street. More peaceful to exercise by walking and then hopping on a baht bus. The other factor is that the majority of the "farangs" that ride the baht bus from this point are tourists. They are not going to go and rent a car while they stay in Pattaya. Yes, the baht "terminal" (ha ha) next to the school on the corner of south Pattaya is a circus. The drivers pack the people like sardines and their people skills are lacking people skills. It would be helpful if the city could give these rude drivers a workshop on how to handle CUSTOMERS.

Edited by toenail
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I also know a few retired farang that purposely live near a baht bus route so all they have to do is walk down a soi and hop on. Easy-they don't have to worry about traffic or finding a parking place.

I am right on the main Jomtien/Pattaya route and this was my top consideration when choosing which condo building to live in. Even if I had a car (and I'm looking for one at the moment) I would still probably want to live on a main bahtbus route, and within a short walk of convenience stores and Thai food stalls. Cars are a very unsuitable mode of transport in the centre of Pattaya.

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Wow, it's like I'm in an alternate universe.

I'm trying to explain to myself why I've had such a different experience.

I use the baht bus most days, from na jomtien (near ambassador) to the other side of jomtien, sometimes to pattaya nua.

Always I've had really nice drivers, really nice passengers. Never seen these queues!

Last week, the bus was really packed and I had the end seat. A cute russian was sitting on my knee and I was holding a really cute thai in, by her waist because her hand hold was a little tenuous.

The other thais were laughing about it and telling me how nice I was to be so helpful. It was certainly my pleasure...

All I can say is, maybe these nice drivers avoid the queue places too, as we all should.

I just pop out onto sukhumvit, after a long hot walk from beach road and then keep walking, look over my shoulder for a bus.

Always thank the driver, always smile at your fellow passengers, always try to get on the shady side. Get up for little old ladies, cripples and kids.

And walk while you wait for the bus. It's good for you. If a little hot.

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You mean the white buses. Different system.

So why would anyone use this system they are talking about? to save 10 baht?

I use the white bus to go from sri racha to sattahip. It's extensive and happy.

Sure it costs more to get off sukhumvit... but not a lot.

I also use the bankok rayong bus sometimes, slow, cheap, but still happy.

I can see no reason to brave queues and stun guns...

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Are you joking? People use the baht bus queue because OBVIOUSLY they happen to be in South Pattaya and they happen to need to go to the Jomtien beach road area (or Pratamnak Hill). DUH!

Edited by Jingthing
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Are you joking? People use the baht bus queue because OBVIOUSLY they happen to be in South Pattaya and they happen to need to go to the Jomtien beach road area (or Pratamnak Hill). DUH!

Well, when I am in south pattaya and want to go to the jomtien beach road area, I take a white bus along sukhumvit. I take a healthy walk to get to the white bus.

I think that the thais have a point about fatness. If the farang is too fat and lazy to go for a 30 minute saunter along one of the sois to Sukhumvit, thereby avoiding queues and stun guns, and a LOT of grief from the sounds of it, then he should put up with the aggro.

Also, for another 20 baht, if you are feeling fat and lazy, you can take one of the many blue buses that travel from the beaches to sukhumvit. On average every 10 minutes.

If the straight line between 2 places sucks, go around it.

There are other choices....

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