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Iran test fires missiles during war games


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Iran test fires missiles during war games

2012-01-02 09:58:37 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEHRAN (BNO NEWS) -- The Iranian Navy on Sunday test fired a medium range missile which is designed to evade radars, state-run media reported. It comes a day after Iran test fired long range missiles.

The missile tests, which were announced earlier this week, are part of a 10-day naval exercise which began on December 24. The war games are reportedly being held in an attempt by the Iranian government to prove its ability to respond to any foreign attack.

During Sunday's games, described as the 'power phase', the Iranian Navy test fired what it said is its first domestically-built, medium-range anti-radar missile. Few details about the test were provided, but state-run media said the surface-to-air missile was launched in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

Rear Admiral Mahmoud Mousavi, the spokesman for the war games which were dubbed 'Velayat 90', told Iran's Press TV that the missile launched on Sunday was designed and manufactured by Iranian experts. He said it is equipped with modern technology and a system which enables it to target radio emission sources and thwart jammes.

On Saturday, the Iranian Navy test fired long-range missiles in the Sea of Oman. More missiles are expected to be launched on Monday as the war games continue.

On Tuesday, Iran said the missiles would be tested in order to prepare for possibly having to confront an enemy in a war situation. They said they would test short-range, mid-range and long-range missiles, as well as torpedoes before the end of the games.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-01-02

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Not long now.


On the last day of 2011, US President Barack Obama Saturday signed into law measures penalizing foreign financial institutions doing business with Iran's central bank, Bank Markazi - the toughest sanctions imposed yet over Iran's development of a nuclear weapon. In recent weeks Tehran has repeatedly warned that it would deem the signing of this measure an act of war and respond with drastic steps including the closure of the Strait of Hormuz.

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As it was established in an other thread: Only the Chinaman cares about the oil and the Americans have now economic interests whatsoever in the region and its specially not about the oil at all.

So the the closure of the Strait of Hormuz cannot be real a pressure tool by the Iranians against Barack Obama signing some laws penalizing foreign financial institutions for doing business.

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As it was established in an other thread: Only the Chinaman cares about the oil and the Americans have now economic interests whatsoever in the region and its specially not about the oil at all.

So the the closure of the Strait of Hormuz cannot be real a pressure tool by the Iranians against Barack Obama signing some laws penalizing foreign financial institutions for doing business.

Translation, please?

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Iran is playing a dangerous game of one-upmanship.

Of the four major flashpoints which may trigger the next big war, Iran just graduated up a couple notches. Here's how I now see it:

1. Iran / Israel

2. China / Taiwan

3. India / Pakistan

4. N.Korea / its neighbors

note; the list is 'flashpoints,' not necessarily which countries will be drawn in to conflict soon after. The US, China, Russia, Nato, other European countries, and others - would likely be drawn in also - if any of those flashpoints got triggered.

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Iran is playing a dangerous game of one-upmanship.

Perhaps but the game only exists because certain groups push for it.

They ( Iran ) would not feel the need to flex if they did not feel threatened.

Not everything revolves around American foreign policy. Iran would still want to be the dominant power in their region with or without the West being involved there. The Shia Persians aren't buddy buddy with the Sunni Gulf Arabs and I'm sure if not for the US 5th Fleet nearby the Iranians would have been flexing long ago with conventional weapons.

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Iran is playing a dangerous game of one-upmanship.

Perhaps but the game only exists because certain groups push for it.

They ( Iran ) would not feel the need to flex if they did not feel threatened.

They would not feel threatened if they were not trying to develop nuclear weapons in violation of treaties that they have signed.

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Iran is playing a dangerous game of one-upmanship.

Perhaps but the game only exists because certain groups push for it.

They ( Iran ) would not feel the need to flex if they did not feel threatened.

They would not feel threatened if they were not trying to develop nuclear weapons in violation of treaties that they have signed.

is there any proof? Israel has illegal nukes and are just as likely to use them as iran. But as with everything else Israel does illegally it is ok with the west. Why should iran not test weapons? What right has the US got to have a carrier off iran's shores? Pure hypocrisy.

We go to war with oil producing nations, not for oil, but to secure the oil supply by putting a puppet in power. If we go to war with iran it is because the west wants regime change.

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Iran is playing a dangerous game of one-upmanship.

Perhaps but the game only exists because certain groups push for it.

They ( Iran ) would not feel the need to flex if they did not feel threatened.

They would not feel threatened if they were not trying to develop nuclear weapons in violation of treaties that they have signed.

Israel has illegal nukes and are just as likely to use them as iran.

Horse manure. rolleyes.gif

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Iran is playing a dangerous game of one-upmanship.

Perhaps but the game only exists because certain groups push for it.

They ( Iran ) would not feel the need to flex if they did not feel threatened.

They flex because they know they can. They know Obama will do nothing unless they directly attack a US asset and this they will not do, at least not on purpose

The flexing is to impress the Sunni Arab nations with their so called Shiite power.

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They would not feel threatened if they were not trying to develop nuclear weapons in violation of treaties that they have signed.

is there any proof? Israel has illegal nukes and are just as likely to use them as iran. But as with everything else Israel does illegally it is ok with the west. Why should iran not test weapons? What right has the US got to have a carrier off iran's shores? Pure hypocrisy.

We go to war with oil producing nations, not for oil, but to secure the oil supply by putting a puppet in power. If we go to war with iran it is because the west wants regime change.

Do you have any 'proof' that Israel has nuclear weapons?

The US, and any other nation, has the right to navigate the international waters of the Arabian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.

I believe it is called using 70,000 tons of diplomacy.

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It seems Iran is feeling the heat. When will the wonderful Iranian PEOPLE revolt against their real oppressors, their own regime!

But in Tehran, people said they were bleeding money. Currency traders stopped writing exchange rates on the whiteboards propped against their shop windows as residents were trying to buy foreign currency.


Edited by Jingthing
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It seems Iran is feeling the heat. When will the wonderful Iranian PEOPLE revolt against their real oppressors, their own regime!

But in Tehran, people said they were bleeding money. Currency traders stopped writing exchange rates on the whiteboards propped against their shop windows as residents were trying to buy foreign currency.


It's a shame your man ducked the issue when there was a golden opportunity in the aftermath of Iran's last fraudulent elections.


Barack Obama, the US president, is refusing to "meddle" in the disputed Iranian elections, despite mass protests over the result which returned President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power.

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It's a shame your man ducked the issue when there was a golden opportunity in the aftermath of Iran's last fraudulent elections.

Who really knows if that would have helped or actually backfired? If he had all the protesters would have been labeled American agents. Its easy in retrospect to wish that he had tried ... sure.
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Do you have any 'proof' that Israel has nuclear weapons?

Mordechai Vanu had the proof and he was locked away 18 years

He sounds a bit like a mercenary nutcase:


In July 2004 Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Not saying Israel doesn't have a "secret" nuclear weapons program as I have thought that it is common knowledge that they do.

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Do you have any 'proof' that Israel has nuclear weapons?

Come on chukd, you can do better than that. Israel HAS nuclear weapons.

Test firing missiles is just willy waving and we should welcome it more as it helps gather vital intelligence about Iranian weaponry and rocket systems. Every time they launch gives us vital data on how to defeat their systems. Iran should keep launching, as it is making the game of defeating them in the event of a conflict so much easier.

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Do you have any 'proof' that Israel has nuclear weapons?

Mordechai Vanu had the proof and he was locked away 18 years

He sounds a bit like a mercenary nutcase:


In July 2004 Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Not saying Israel doesn't have a "secret" nuclear weapons program as I have thought that it is common knowledge that they do.

if he was a nutcase then why did they need to ban this book in USA?

the land of free speech huh !


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Some info from a site that is not a holocaust denier. Wiki and also Jane's Intelligence Review, a world-wide respected Defence intelligence service.

As early as 1976, the CIA believed that Israel possessed 10 to 20 nuclear weapons.[3] By 2002 it was estimated that the number had increased to between 75 and 200 thermonuclear weapons, each in the multiple-megaton range.[4] Kenneth S. Brower has estimated as many as 400 nuclear weapons.[5]

note 3: In March 1976 the CIA accidentally publicly admitted that Israel had 10-20 nuclear weapons "ready to use." Arthur Kranish, "CIA: Israel Has 10-20 A-Weapons," The Washington Post, March 15, 1976, p. 2 and David Binder, "Information Abstracts," The New York Times, March 16, 1976, p. 1.

note 5: Kenneth S. Brower, “A Propensity for Conflict: Potential Scenarios and Outcomes of War in the Middle East,” Jane's Intelligence Review, Special Report no. 14, (February 1997), 14-15.

In 2002, the Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece by Louisiana State University professor David Perlmutter in which he wrote:

"Israel has been building nuclear weapons for 30 years. The Jews understand what passive and powerless acceptance of doom has meant for them in the past, and they have ensured against it.Masada was not an example to follow — it hurt the Romans not a whit, but Samson in Gaza? What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away--unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans--have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?"[18]

Have a look at some serious media outlets on their thoughts concerning the 'Samson Option'. Be concerned, be very concerned!

The Walls are not the way ahead. they don't stop rockets being lobbed over them. They intimidate and wreck the lives of ordinary people living in their shadows. Everyone says the Berlin walls were the act of an aggressor, but the wall's in Israel are ok as it has the right to defend itself !!

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You're promoting a book by a holocaust denier? Classic. I like people to be out of the closet. You win a prize!


Where is it said that he was a Holocaust denier? He was one of Israel's top Nuclear Technicians who objected to weapons of mass destruction. After releasing details of Israels nuclear weapons program to the British press, he was lured to Italy by a Mossad agent, drugged, kidnapped and transported to Israel where he served 18 years in Jail, 11 of which were in solitary confinement. After being released in 2004 this man who you say is a nutjob and a mercenary clearly has Israel worried because to this day he still lives under the following conditions and is jailed everytime he breaches them.


A number of prohibitions were placed upon Vanunu after his release from jail and are still in force, in particular:
  • he shall not be able to have contacts with citizens of other countries but Israel
  • he shall not use phones
  • he shall not own cellullar phones
  • he shall not have access to the Internet
  • he shall not approach or enter embassies and consulates
  • he shall not come within 500 metres of any international border crossing
  • he shall not visit any port of entry and airport
  • he shall not leave the State of Israel

Israeli authorities state that their reason of these forbiddances and liberties restrictions is fear of his spreading further state secrets and that he is still bound by his non-disclosure agreement.

Note the last sentence. Israel is concerned he gives away state secrets. Not a nut job or mercenary at all. A man in possession of the facts more like.

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Reread the thread, snookums. I was talking about the anti-semitic so called "banned" author that Midas was promoting, not the whistle blowing dude. Please be more careful in your posting as this has become annoying. The mercenary whistle blowing dude may be correct about Israel's program (very old news really) but I reckon anyone saying Israel was behind the assassination of JFK is insane.

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Do you have any 'proof' that Israel has nuclear weapons?

Come on chukd, you can do better than that. Israel HAS nuclear weapons.

Test firing missiles is just willy waving and we should welcome it more as it helps gather vital intelligence about Iranian weaponry and rocket systems. Every time they launch gives us vital data on how to defeat their systems. Iran should keep launching, as it is making the game of defeating them in the event of a conflict so much easier.

You asked UG if he had any proof the Iranians were developing nuclear weapons, yet stated positively the Israeli's had them.

UG doesn't have any proof and you don't have any proof and you knew it when you asked him the question, just as I did when I asked you the same stupid question.

Both of us could probably have done a better job of posing the question.

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