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2012 - Am I Alone In Beginning To Wonder?


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She stopped saying any of those things a year or two before they came true.

Which brings us to an interesting point - no doubt the end of the world will be unprophesied, and perhaps prophetable only in hindsight.


If it's the end of the world, I don't think many will be looking at in hindsight.

As far as it being predicted, some one is sure to get it right ... eventually. I'm sure someone can interpret Nostradamus' writings to show that he predicted it too.

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There's an old colander in my wife's kitchen that looks like it might not survive 2555.

Off the record, you understand.

You'll be needing that, if you don't have a tin foil hat.


No need - the monks are coming to make good luck tomorrow morning.

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Keep to your original plan, common sense

catastrophies are easy for people to know about these days due to huge coverage worlwide, a 100 years ago you would not have heard of almost any of the "natural" events that you hear of now.

It was still all happening but only known about locally. Why even the next village often knew nothing of what was happening with its neighbours a few miles away.

The world will end but we wont end it.

So here is my prediction the world will not end in 2o12

That was always my argument when my mother (a Jehovah's Witness rolleyes.gif ) kept saying that the 'end of the world' was 'nigh'....

But, it seems to me that things are getting worse. Weather around the world is v unpredictable nowadays and the 'superpowers' (USA and Europe) financial economies are collapsing.

I have NO belief in any 'god', but I think things are changing - and for the worse.

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If you really want to know when the earth is going to end there is an easy way to find out. Step 1, construct a cone shaped tin foil hat. Step 2, glue copper wire on top in a palm shaped manner (10 or so should do it). Step 3, on the next full moon put your hat on and aim it straight to the moon (thats where they keep their antennas). By revealing this i have put myself in great danger and must now go into hiding...

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I think weather events (cyclones, flooding, heat, etc) are much more common and severe than say a decade ago. The amount of meteroelogy records set in recent times attest to that.

Tsunamis, of course, are related to eathquakes and there is strong evidence they are increasing in frequency and severity all the time. See chart:


Trends since 1986

For example, between 1986 and 1996 (incl), a period of 11 years, there were "just" 15 earthquakes listed by USGS of magnitude 7.0 or greater. This is not markedly different (albeit a slight decrease) from previous (similar periods) of 20th century, where an average of about 18 might be expected.

But between 1997 and 2007 (incl), a period of only 11 years, there were 99 earthquakes with magnitude 7.0 or greater : This is more than a six-fold increase on the previous similar period - and is a stark increase on any earlier decades in 20th century too.

See complete article here:


Something is building up and it could be bad news for all of us!

Not even data for the blink of an eye, can you give us data for the last say 100 million years??

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Keep to your original plan, common sense

catastrophies are easy for people to know about these days due to huge coverage worlwide, a 100 years ago you would not have heard of almost any of the "natural" events that you hear of now.

It was still all happening but only known about locally. Why even the next village often knew nothing of what was happening with its neighbours a few miles away.

The world will end but we wont end it.

So here is my prediction the world will not end in 2o12

That was always my argument when my mother (a Jehovah's Witness rolleyes.gif ) kept saying that the 'end of the world' was 'nigh'....

But, it seems to me that things are getting worse. Weather around the world is v unpredictable nowadays and the 'superpowers' (USA and Europe) financial economies are collapsing.

I have NO belief in any 'god', but I think things are changing - and for the worse.

Slap yerself around the face and snap out of it man!!!!

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Not sure about the end of the world but did anyone tell the Thai's that it's the end of the holidays? I went out to get some fittings for the exploding toilet and bugger me if every c*nt and his dog are out shopping too. The car wash wash chock full as well. Big-C was a zoo.

I guess it's an indicator that the end is nigh if Thailand now has mega New Year sales just like the civilised west.

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OP you're not singular in your observations regarding the seeming increase in world wide catastrophes, weather oddities & violence and it's a cause for concern but, really what can we do? especially in the short amount of time predicted so the best to do is live your life to it's fullest and what happens happens but not to dwell and let it direct the course of your life as it's in the hands of the unknown and out of our control.

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We're just not having wars like we used to anymore. We've eradicated most of the deadly diseases. Birthrates are multiplying on an industrial scale. Humans are currently 10,000 times more common than we should be through nature alone. The sun's energy (the only natural energy source) can only sustain about half a billion people. It's only our use of artificial energy (oil, gas etc) that has allowed our population to expand so rapidly.

The world is cracking beneath our feet. It simply can't sustain us all.

Nature has ways of controlling of the populations of many life forms. What makes us think we're any different? Do we think nature somehow overlooks us all-powerful humans?

The "end of the world" is not ancient mythology based on a man made way of depicting time.

It's simply nature doing what nature does.

And it's due.

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We're just not having wars like we used to anymore. We've eradicated most of the deadly diseases. Birthrates are multiplying on an industrial scale. Humans are currently 10,000 times more common than we should be through nature alone. The sun's energy (the only natural energy source) can only sustain about half a billion people. It's only our use of artificial energy (oil, gas etc) that has allowed our population to expand so rapidly.

The world is cracking beneath our feet. It simply can't sustain us all.

Nature has ways of controlling of the populations of many life forms. What makes us think we're any different? Do we think nature somehow overlooks us all-powerful humans?

The "end of the world" is not ancient mythology based on a man made way of depicting time.

It's simply nature doing what nature does.

And it's due.

LOL! OK, for sustainability, we have to apply the following changes:

1. Have more wars.

2. Stop eradicating diseases, let people die.

3. Stop birthrates. (Actually, population control does make some sense.)

4. Make humans less common? How do you want to achieve that: More amok runs?

5. Stop using fossil (not: "artificial") energy. (In fact, many people will agree with you on this one.)

What makes us think that we are different? The answer is easy: because we are. I don't know any other species on earth that has developed such technology, do you?

But I agree that "the end of the world" is not the end of the world. It might be the end of humankind if we continue the way the last roughly 150 years (a very short time in the life of earth) have been headed, but I strongly believe that humankind will have evolved by the end of this century and be back in harmony with nature.

The 20th and probably the 21st century will go down in history as "the dirty centuries", with all the pollution and the exploitation of nature.

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Keep to your original plan, common sense

catastrophies are easy for people to know about these days due to huge coverage worlwide, a 100 years ago you would not have heard of almost any of the "natural" events that you hear of now.

It was still all happening but only known about locally. Why even the next village often knew nothing of what was happening with its neighbours a few miles away.

The world will end but we wont end it.

So here is my prediction the world will not end in 2o12

That was always my argument when my mother (a Jehovah's Witness rolleyes.gif ) kept saying that the 'end of the world' was 'nigh'....

But, it seems to me that things are getting worse. Weather around the world is v unpredictable nowadays and the 'superpowers' (USA and Europe) financial economies are collapsing.

I have NO belief in any 'god', but I think things are changing - and for the worse.

As we get older, does anything ever improve? Maybe we’ve seen the best of it and now the world is in a general decline.

Personally, I don`t give a rat’s behind if the world ends, providing it happens quick and there is limited suffering before we go.

I sometimes try to imagine what it must have been like living during the last 2 world wars, especially in the occupied countries and what the world was like for our ancestors in the past? At least these days’ things are pretty cushy considering what life was like long ago.

Whatever will be, will be and there is no point in worrying until it happens. At my time of life, I’m more concerned whether or not I will get some horrible disease such as cancer or become terribly injured in an accident or end up broke and destitute somewhere.

Take things as they come on a day-to-day basis; none of us know what’s waiting around the corner and to be honest, who really what’s to know?

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We're just not having wars like we used to anymore. We've eradicated most of the deadly diseases. Birthrates are multiplying on an industrial scale. Humans are currently 10,000 times more common than we should be through nature alone. The sun's energy (the only natural energy source) can only sustain about half a billion people. It's only our use of artificial energy (oil, gas etc) that has allowed our population to expand so rapidly.

The world is cracking beneath our feet. It simply can't sustain us all.

Nature has ways of controlling of the populations of many life forms. What makes us think we're any different? Do we think nature somehow overlooks us all-powerful humans?

The "end of the world" is not ancient mythology based on a man made way of depicting time.

It's simply nature doing what nature does.

And it's due.

LOL! OK, for sustainability, we have to apply the following changes:

1. Have more wars.

2. Stop eradicating diseases, let people die.

3. Stop birthrates. (Actually, population control does make some sense.)

4. Make humans less common? How do you want to achieve that: More amok runs?

5. Stop using fossil (not: "artificial") energy. (In fact, many people will agree with you on this one.)

What makes us think that we are different? The answer is easy: because we are. I don't know any other species on earth that has developed such technology, do you?

But I agree that "the end of the world" is not the end of the world. It might be the end of humankind if we continue the way the last roughly 150 years (a very short time in the life of earth) have been headed, but I strongly believe that humankind will have evolved by the end of this century and be back in harmony with nature.

The 20th and probably the 21st century will go down in history as "the dirty centuries", with all the pollution and the exploitation of nature.

My general point was that nature always finds a way of keeping population control in check for the benefit of the earth as a whole. We are not separate from the planet or nature. We are part of it. But that's just it. We're a part of it, not the sum of it's parts. In the past, our stupidity, (wars) ignorance, (disease) and reliance on natural energy (the sun) did the trick but we are now at a point where none of that works anymore, but that doesn't mean nature will just shrug it's shoulders and say "ok, you win". It'll bite back at some point....

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I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I'm employed to say things are fine as well.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Let's wait until we KNOW FOR SURE we've got a problem; say, when we lose Bangladesh completely... or when we forget wherever it was....


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I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I'm employed to say things are fine as well.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Let's wait until we KNOW FOR SURE we've got a problem; say, when we lose Bangladesh completely... or when we forget wherever it was....


I remember as a kid sending money to bangladesh 40 years ago for flooding, it is of course ina massive flood plain anyway, easier for them to all move out no way will the flooding stop!

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This has been ongoing for 1000s of years whenever a cute-looking date approaches. That the world would end to some arbitrary, made up thing - ie, the Gregorian, or any other, calendar - is typical of human arrogance/ignorance. Same same, religion. What a bunch of lemmings we are. I wish it would happen, though lets have some nice virus to take us out and leave the chickens out of it. wink.png

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Yes it is the END !!!!

Or...a new beginning.

Alternative to the end.

We tend to be instinctively negative without pause to consider something else.

I have heard that. That the mayans said it was the beginning of a new conscious. I also heard that it was the end of time, that is time travel is possible. All sounds nuts I know. The one thing that hinges what is possible, is whether there is a consciousness field or ether. I would have said before that that was nuts, but now I like to dream. So let's assume there is a consciousness field, the planet is directly affected by the thoughts and emotions of the people. The more stress we feel, the more the planet has to let off steam as it were. The new consciousness of the planet has to match the accumulated consciousness of the people. If we are moving in to a 'golden age', then we will continue to experience earth changes until the vibrations align. That is the theory any way. No one can prove anything.

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I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I would need to know where your 72 y.o. father lives.

Even in my own life-time, us UK kids could all count on enough snow 3-4 times per winter to find a hill and go sledding.

Nowadays the UK winters are far milder. Yes, there may be enough snow for sledding (if they're lucky), once a year - but certainly no more.

Edited by F1fanatic
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I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I would need to know where your 72 y.o. father lives.

Even in my own life-time, us UK kids could all count on enough snow 3-4 times per winter to find a hill and go sledding.

Nowadays the UK winters are far milder. Yes, there may be enough snow for sledding (if they're lucky), once a year - but certainly no more.

last year Scotland had the best skiing since the 70s.

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I'm a realist that believes nothing unless 1) it is proven or 2) I have personal experience that makes me believe it is true.

Therefore... I treated all the 2012 'end of the world' theories as laughable - but lately I'm beginning to wonder....

There can be little doubt that every country is experiencing 'odd' weather over the last year or so.

I would be interested to hear others' thoughts - but not those who for whatever reason have always taken the 'imminent end of the world' seriously.

When I talked to my 72yo father about the wierd weather, he said it is just as it was fifty years ago, a lot of science is financed to prove global warming, I have heard more than once that much of the science isn't submitted for peer scrutiny before being reported on, and any scientists who bring forward evidence to the contrary are shouted down.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I would need to know where your 72 y.o. father lives.

Even in my own life-time, us UK kids could all count on enough snow 3-4 times per winter to find a hill and go sledding.

Nowadays the UK winters are far milder. Yes, there may be enough snow for sledding (if they're lucky), once a year - but certainly no more.

last year Scotland had the best skiing since the 70s.

I'm not sure I could count on 3 - 4 sledging days every winter. But maybe I was just not committed enough.

Last year my wee boy was quite distraught that we'd not gone back for Christmas, as the snow fall was quite substantial - my dear old mother's car was stuck on the drive for several days. He doesn't remember that in 2003 there was quite a snow fall around Christmas, so we had to pull the pictures up on the computer.

I don't think I would rely on anecdotal evidence to conclude that the world was getting warmer, or snowier, or rounder, but even if it is, its not exactly the end of the world. Similarly nor is the worst recession for eighty years. Let's wait for the nuclear holocaust or being destroyed by a rogue comet before we start with the old "end is nigh" stuff. Its not as if they're going to cancel the Challenge Cup Final or anything!


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