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Yingluck's No-Show Raises Democrat Ire In House


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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

As opposed from a horse's posterior which is what many of the negative comments in this thread reflect. Can some common sense take hold please. Does anyone not remember that the event was postponed from November because of the flooding? At the time promises were made that the government would provide its utmost support for the exhibitors and the Thai companies that would have to reschedule. This event became even more important because it was the first major commercial exhibition to occur since the floods. The presence of the PM sent a strong message of support to the business sector and kept her promise to be there for the opening. The event serves provides an effective means to reach a broad diverse group of investors and the market all at one time. Note that the event was attended by important investment and trade groups from the EU, Japan, India and China. Can people not be pragmatic instead of hateful? In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches. Her presence in the house was not needed for the speeches. She was present for the budget presentation and that was all that was required. I draw your attention to the fact that PMs in Australia, Canada, the UK etc. are rarely present for the full budget debate. That's the responsibility of finance ministers that present the budgets. I suppose it is easier for some of you to complain than it is to think. As an aside, Mr. Abhisit did not attend all of the budget speeches either when he was PM, but I suppose he gets a pass on that right?

In respect to the meeting with the head of the armed forces, do you think he just pops round because he wants to bask in the glorious beauty of the PM? He had to see her asap and the most convenient time slot was at noon. Both these people are busy and don't look for extra meetings. If the General said he needed to meet with the PM, then take him at his word. Note too that some media outlets in Thailand appear to carry a grudge against the man because he told them off. Although the media with a grudge are still intimidated by the military, it doesn't prevent them from trying to embarrass or annoy the man. Adults see this as pettiness. In any case, I am surprised that some of you are not more supportive of the military in this matter, as many of you are proponents of another military coup.

Sorry GK but I got a little way into your post and realized that you think international investors will invest if she panders to them rather than seeing to a over 2 trillion Baht budget and actively doing some thing to prepare for future flood possibilities.

I am sure they were impressed when she turned down the Dutch offer to send water management experts in.

To be honest with you they would be much more impressed if Thailand had a PM actively governing the nation and not trying to do business.

They are in a different category than you. they listen to her and then check to see what she does. You on the other hand make excuses for her. I applaud you for that as I am very sure it is a thankless job.

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Sorry GK but I got a little way into your post and realized that you think international investors will invest if she panders to them rather than seeing to a over 2 trillion Baht budget and actively doing some thing to prepare for future flood possibilities.

I am sure they were impressed when she turned down the Dutch offer to send water management experts in.

To be honest with you they would be much more impressed if Thailand had a PM actively governing the nation and not trying to do business.

They are in a different category than you. they listen to her and then check to see what she does. You on the other hand make excuses for her. I applaud you for that as I am very sure it is a thankless job.

I wonder at your business experience in Asia, or anywhere for that matter, no way do you ignore potential and current investors to oversee your financial team on a walk through debate

Of course I accept I may be wrong and you could be the successful CEO of a major global corporate

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Sorry GK but I got a little way into your post and realized that you think international investors will invest if she panders to them rather than seeing to a over 2 trillion Baht budget and actively doing some thing to prepare for future flood possibilities.

I am sure they were impressed when she turned down the Dutch offer to send water management experts in.

To be honest with you they would be much more impressed if Thailand had a PM actively governing the nation and not trying to do business.

They are in a different category than you. they listen to her and then check to see what she does. You on the other hand make excuses for her. I applaud you for that as I am very sure it is a thankless job.

I wonder at your business experience in Asia, or anywhere for that matter, no way do you ignore potential and current investors to oversee your financial team on a walk through debate

Of course I accept I may be wrong and you could be the successful CEO of a major global corporate

I doubt it as he rarely displays an sociopath/psychopathic tendencies.

Leaders Are More Likely To Be Sociopaths | Paul Lawrence | Big Think

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Your and others inability to absorb and adapt to the information that her services may have been more suitably utilised elsewhere is rather obvious, as per my comment further up the thread.......childish?...well how would you put it?......blind ignorance.....perhaps?

They may have been better utilised, they may not have been. I'm ready to admit i don't know sufficient about what she could have contributed of use had she gone to the debate, nor what she did contribute by going to the Fair, to answer that one.

My question is, as both the budget debate and the BOI Fair were not suddenly sprung upon her, why did she state her reasoning for not going to visit people in the south, as being her commitment to attend the debate, when that plainly was not true?

As for blind ignorance, what i'm seeing a lot more of right now is blind love.

In my book someone who promises one thing knowing they will not do what they promised is called a liar

There are many who are saying this period of Government has all be lies since the beginning

As cats do not change their spots it seems this is now the future of Thailand as long as this government is in power

Funny you get what you ask for

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In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches.

A friend of mine who attended the BOI fair saw Yingluck on the day that she was there and said that she looked beautiful, but didn't do anything, not even a speech. I doubt that she accomplished much with her presence.

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In the few hours spent meeting with local and foreign trade reps, with foreign ambassadors and trade secretaries, along with key sector CEOs, the PM accomplished much more for the Thai economy than she would have had she been sitting in the house listening to empty speeches.

A friend of mine who attended the BOI fair saw Yingluck on the day that she was there and said that she looked beautiful, but didn't do anything, not even a speech. I doubt that she accomplished much with her presence.

It was probably smile to horny investors or make a fool of her self in Parliament.

473geo I am not CEO in any company nor am I a sex starved person of any kind willing to accept any thing from a good looking women who smiles at me.

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In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

Unless you are sleeping with her (and by sleeping with her, i don't mean have a poster on the wall above your bed), how could you possibly know what she loses sleep over, and what she doesn't?

As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

Ah, where would a GK post be without the usual snide, you are all poor peasants married to prostitutes, your opinions mean nothing, whereas i am a respected professional, of high social standing, whose opinion means an awful lot, snobbish rubbish that totally goes against the, all are equal, pro lower class rights, anti-elite stand you jokingly claim to be behind.

Fetch my slippers and be quick about it. hit-the-fan.gif

Neatly and surgically done, Rix.



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In my book someone who promises one thing knowing they will not do what they promised is called a liar

There are many who are saying this period of Government has all be lies since the beginning

As cats do not change their spots it seems this is now the future of Thailand as long as this government is in power

Funny you get what you ask for

Does your book have big colourful pictures?

Would you be so kind as to give some examples of these "many".

And btw, the correct expression is " A leopard does not change its spots".

Thanking you in advance to your attention to this request,

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In my book someone who promises one thing knowing they will not do what they promised is called a liar

There are many who are saying this period of Government has all be lies since the beginning

As cats do not change their spots it seems this is now the future of Thailand as long as this government is in power

Funny you get what you ask for

Does your book have big colourful pictures?

Would you be so kind as to give some examples of these "many".

And btw, the correct expression is " A leopard does not change its spots".

Thanking you in advance to your attention to this request,

No need to quote examples, you can trip yourself up at every turn with well documented and publicized events and statements.

And by the way g'kid, if you wanna make statements like "Thanking you in advance to your attention to this request,", then perhaps you could lead the way and respond to the many questions put to you!

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