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Post Office Failing To Daily Deliver

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Are we alone in not getting mail?

Live in Kathu,normally have received about fifty Christmas cards in past years.

This year got 4 in first week of December,then nothing 'till 21st when a bundle of ten came.

Interestingly this lot ,all from Europe,had varying dates as post marks spread over the first ten days of december...but all arrived same day


None received since 21st.

Anyone else had similar problems?


its usualy during this time that post office workers and neighbors steal letters and packages.. I know for a fact since 2 xmas ago someone stole all the xmas stuff and dumped it into my mailbox when i was in a condo, thinking no 1 was renting this unit by mistake..

took all the stuff thinking it was mine and left the province before opening.. Made good money and received some nice expensives clothes and got myself some dam_n ugly kiddy artwork by the dozen.. sad for those people i would of returned all of it but im not driving 12hrs for this


When i lived in Kathu i receive little or no mail posted to me

I told people not to send any thing in the mail to me

The few items i received had a small tear in the top where the contents had been checked

Not had the same problem in Kata, Chalong or Rawai


Had the same problem in Patong. The letter carrier was stealing any personal looking mail. I now get all mail sent to me Post Restante. You have to go down to the PO to pick it up, but it's reliable. Go and ask your local PO about post restante. They'll give you the proper address. Remember to bring picture ID when picking up your mail. Also, they charge 2 Baht per piece when you pick up your mail. Another option is to get a box at the PO. Haven't done this myself so I can't comment on it. Good luck.


Unfortunately does it seems as the postal system in Phuket is in a downward trend. I personally received Post more punctually 15 years ago than what I do today but are on the same address!

This year we received the Christmas Cards and parcels sent from Europe last Thursday and the Christmas cards and parcels sent from here first week of December arrived in Europe between 30. December and 4. January. Happy Postal New Year.


A PO Box is only 500 baht a year.

I would never have anything of great value posted over to me, or any credit cards, but for regular documents from back home that need signing, they have all made it to me and in reasonable time. As far as I could tell, none of my mail had been tempered with.

If you decide to get a PO Box, all you need is your passport.


made a complain to Kata Karon post office a few weeks ago, No mail in 6 weeks. a week later I recieved CC invoices for November and Decemebr on same day

in same time frame mail from majors like Tanachart, Krungsri Ayudhua, Post EMS themself and several others have not been recieved


Received the grand total of three Christmas cards in the post this year. Maybe I have just become unpopular.

Just today received the internet bill due to be paid on 25th December.

It is the worst I can remember. Blame the Bangkok floods.


Received the grand total of three Christmas cards in the post this year. Maybe I have just become unpopular.

Just today received the internet bill due to be paid on 25th December.

It is the worst I can remember. Blame the Bangkok floods.

cant blame the BKK floods

a huge box from Chiang Rai needs 3 days to EMS central in Phuket. But the 2 x 2 pickupcards they claim to have sendt me in Kata (from Phuket town I assume) never arrived

same house, adress, postbox and name since 2007


Our TOT phone bills have been very erratic these last 2 months. TTT bills arrive just fine. I just assume it's disruption from the floods in BKK. Cards from the UK arrive almost on time.


I personally don’t believe that delayed or lost post to Christmas have anything to do with the flood at all. It’s been erratic to long. This is nothing else than mismanagement.


Got a fourth Christmas card today.

Had our 'phone line cut off for a TOT bill of 389bht. Which had never been delivered

No warning,no courtesy,just cut and bugger you attitude when we paid the bill.

Still no parcel from France,still no cards from England .

No True Move programme .


Had our 'phone line cut off for a TOT bill of 389bht. Which had never been delivered

No warning,no courtesy,just cut and bugger you attitude when we paid the bill.

Still no parcel from France,still no cards from England .

No True Move programme .

Can't really blame TOT, after all you know you have to pay each month. If no bill then I just go into TOT and tell them my number. And pay.


Had our 'phone line cut off for a TOT bill of 389bht. Which had never been delivered

No warning,no courtesy,just cut and bugger you attitude when we paid the bill.

Still no parcel from France,still no cards from England .

No True Move programme .

Can't really blame TOT, after all you know you have to pay each month. If no bill then I just go into TOT and tell them my number. And pay.

They don't normally cancel services after one month non-payment as well. I am sometimes behind because I recieve the invoice late (or not) and don't always check I have received it, and simply pay 2 invoice at the same time. No problems at all.


Had our 'phone line cut off for a TOT bill of 389bht. Which had never been delivered

No warning,no courtesy,just cut and bugger you attitude when we paid the bill.

Still no parcel from France,still no cards from England .

No True Move programme .

Can't really blame TOT, after all you know you have to pay each month. If no bill then I just go into TOT and tell them my number. And pay.

True,I accept that,but at our age we do sometimes get a bit vague and feel the cut off,no warning,is excessive and unnecessary.

And such a small amount!


I had said (before the system failure) that with the holidays and days off for them, plus the overload of mail for those holidays, along with the flood problems earlier has most likely overwhelmed the system. EMS seems to be okay, but I still haven't gotten my 3BB bill that comes near the first of the month. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the postman at all this month!

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