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Where Have All The Diet Coke And Coke Zeros Gone?


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Does anyone know where I can find Coke zero around Sukhumvit? I have looked in 7/11, Tops, Gourmet Market, Villa, Boots, every restaurant I´ve been to, Foodland, Family Mart.. whats going on?Running out, banned or something else?

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but they still contain calories ...and often processed added sugar as well...

reports regarding aspartame and other fake sugars being bad for ur health...in the 30 years they've been around, are anecdotal at best...ie..BS

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

but they still contain calories ...and often processed added sugar as well...

reports regarding aspartame and other fake sugars being bad for ur health...in the 30 years they've been around, are anecdotal at best...ie..BS

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I will agree that fruit juice should be taken sparingly, and only first thing in the morning especially if the fibre has been removed. (When the liver has been depleted of it's readily available energy reserves overnight.)

As for anecdotal being the equivalent of BS, history is full of dead sailors that ignored the anecdotal evidence that Vitamin C could prevent scurvy. And they did it for a lot longer than 30 years.

I'm afraid history is repeating itself with some of the supplements now entering the markets. Here is the progression of reactions to new ideas.

1. Ridicule

2. Violent attack

3. Universal acceptance

Obviously not every new idea makes it to stage 3, but if the artificial sweeteners are ever proven to be as dangerous as some of us suspect, I think you are still at stage 1. Best to have an open mind in my view.

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Gave up Diet Coke last year after drinking it for many years. Came to realize it was just a habit/addiction with no nutritional benefit and possible health detriments.

These big food corporations have trained consumers to require constant oral stimulation. Americans are particularly well conditioned not to be content without something in their (our) mouths, even if just gum. And a shop/restaurant/kiosk is never more than two steps away to satisfy that need (7-Eleven a prime example).

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First, about OP's question: I must admit Coke Zero seems pretty rare, although I'm not actively looking for it.

I mean, if you care for the calories, then why not simply drink water? This is what we drink in my country with our meals. Coke, sodas and others are considered as a fancy treat.

@kennalder: Does the fact that people use ridicule make your argument valid? Not really.

Maybe happysanook didn't really use the best justifications to back up his opinion, but neither did you. You even tried to tell us that anecdotal evidence is worth more than long lasting studies. Note that scurvy and its remedy were found at a time where science was almost inexistant, and people only had anecdotal evidence to rely on. That's the reason why it took them centuries to figure out what was causing scurvy.

There's been a lot of debate around aspartame, and there were partial studies pointing to a potential risk. At that time, caution was reasonable until further study was done. Now those studies over long time effects are available, and they all agree that, so far, none of the claims about aspartame dangerosity could be observed when observed under extensive study.

Here's a pretty good article listing these claims and the answers that were given to them.

There will be some that will argue that this is part of the "conspiracy" of the traditional medicine and whatever lobby. Well, you can't argue with that. The conspiracy card is unbeatable as any contradiction, valid or not, is just labeled as "part of the conspiracy".

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We had this problem in Chiang Mai as well but now it seems to be recovering. There is a topic about this in the general forum as well - the answer is because of the floods. In CM Coke zero can now be found pretty easily, but Diet Coke is still rare.

Can someone update me on the situation in BKK? I am going to be there soon for a visit and I would like to know if I need to bring my own Coke Light.


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We had this problem in Chiang Mai as well but now it seems to be recovering. There is a topic about this in the general forum as well - the answer is because of the floods. In CM Coke zero can now be found pretty easily, but Diet Coke is still rare.

Can someone update me on the situation in BKK? I am going to be there soon for a visit and I would like to know if I need to bring my own Coke Light.


I haven't seen Coke Light in Bangkok for a couple of months. It might be available in some areas or for a short time, but there doesn't seem to be much of it around. Coke Zero was finally available a few days ago in one of the supermarkets that I go to.

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What happened to Leo beer cases. None in Macro or Tesco for ages..If you find it ,it will be subject to price gouging. As high as 565 baht .How much does it cost to produce a case of beer in Thailand ? Almost nothing. The rich families in Thailand simply get richer and richer at everyones cost.

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What happened to Leo beer cases. None in Macro or Tesco for ages..If you find it ,it will be subject to price gouging. As high as 565 baht .How much does it cost to produce a case of beer in Thailand ? Almost nothing. The rich families in Thailand simply get richer and richer at everyones cost.

Leo was about the only "beer" I could get through most of the floods. I went without.

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Why not try the numerous fresh and delicious fruit juices, ie passion fruit orange etc. These contain vit C also unlike the crap found in the multi national drinks . Less harmful and healthy.

Dont be a whimp.... Single Malt is plentiful , who wants Diet coke..?

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Simple question: where to get Coke Zero or Diet Coke?

TV posters answers: Drink water, drink fruit juice, why drink that crap anyways....

A bunch of smart@sses, aren't we?

I am diabethic, f.e.!

Fruit juice: not good!

Water: boring ALL the time!

Ingrediences in Diet Coke harmfull...maybe...in the future: well...I have the choice of dieing tomorrow, with high blood sugar ....or maybe in 30 years with cancer!

I guess, I take my chances!

Thanks for the concern and now: where do I find Coke Zero, Pepsi Max or Diet Coke again???

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Can't speak to stores, but in Sukhumvit (say between Nana and Phrom Pong), I have been to plenty of restaurants that have cans Coke Zero on hand. Can't speak to Coke Light though as it seems to be much less popular regardless of the flooding.

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Sukhumvit Rd. - where is Sukhumvit ? I have gone both ways on this road and never found it. I ask the locals and I get a blank look. My GF says "Mai Roo Kha'

By the way - remind me again what was this thread all about ? soft drinks I think ?

Why do you need a place for a road name? Some roads are named after people or things, or just made up.

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Simple question: where to get Coke Zero or Diet Coke?

TV posters answers: Drink water, drink fruit juice, why drink that crap anyways....

A bunch of smart@sses, aren't we?

I am diabethic, f.e.!

Fruit juice: not good!

Water: boring ALL the time!

Ingrediences in Diet Coke harmfull...maybe...in the future: well...I have the choice of dieing tomorrow, with high blood sugar ....or maybe in 30 years with cancer!

I guess, I take my chances!

Thanks for the concern and now: where do I find Coke Zero, Pepsi Max or Diet Coke again???


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Simple question: where to get Coke Zero or Diet Coke?

TV posters answers: Drink water, drink fruit juice, why drink that crap anyways....

A bunch of smart@sses, aren't we?

I am diabethic, f.e.!

Fruit juice: not good!

Water: boring ALL the time!

Ingrediences in Diet Coke harmfull...maybe...in the future: well...I have the choice of dieing tomorrow, with high blood sugar ....or maybe in 30 years with cancer!

I guess, I take my chances!

Thanks for the concern and now: where do I find Coke Zero, Pepsi Max or Diet Coke again???

this was basically my point...not saying fruit juices are bad for most...but assumed op was either dieting or diabetic..

also im not saying artificial sweeteners aren't bad for u either, but in the 30+ years aspartame and other widely used a.s. have been around, there's been no evidence other than anecdotal that they're harmful in any way...ie no scientific evidence. and trust that it's been put to the test innumerable times.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I get my Coke Zero fix at McDonalds or Burger King. I prefer the fountain variety anyway. Not all McDonald's have Coke Zero, but most of them seem to, especially in tourist areas. All Burger King's I've been to in BKK seem to have Coke Zero.

I love the street vendor fruit juices, but can't take the sugar, like several other posters.

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The Lipton Lemon Ice tea in Cans seemed to vanish when I was in Pattaya in December. All the stores had the Peach flavor.

On a lighter note, I cringe when I go to a restaurant and they serve coke in glass bottles. That coke always seems to taste like it was bottled on the copyright data shown on the side of the bottle, AKA the vietnam war era!

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In Bangkok, I seem to have better luck in MaxValu rather than Big C or Tesco.

Even got the 1.25l bottles this week where I'd only seen cans since November.

If you're in Pattaya, I had more luck at Makro or at the small shops when I was there during the flooding than at the main supermarkets.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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