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Pakistani Taliban leader possibly killed in U.S. drone strike


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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Having spent over 30 years of my life working closely with Muslims in the Middle East, I would bet you are wrong, again.

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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


We're gonna need more drones.

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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Which Muslims were bombed that led to 9/11? Or the US Embassy bombings in Africa back in the 90's? The list goes on. Muslim extremists don't need the West to do anything to motivate them to kill.

Edited by koheesti
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A side issue to the many problems afflicting the Middle East is tourism, and its lessening numbers. On the one hand, there's no doubt parts of the Middle East are fascinating in terms of history, architecture, natural phenomena (caves, canyons, trek routes, beaches, etc). Yet the relatively small numbers of tourists (compared to Europe or US or Asia) are going to lessen. Take Egypt, for example. SInce their uprisings, tourist numbers have plummeted.

In sum, a region with no forests, over-fished seas, and basically one natural resource (oil, which has a finite supply), has yet more reasons to slip in to the sands of misery.

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. Muslim extremists don't need the West to do anything to motivate them to kill.

Seems OBL's manifesto listed complaints as to why they were motivated

Did he mention all the bombing?

Sorry I thought my reply was to the statement I quoted above.........Oh wait a minute it was ;)

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. Muslim extremists don't need the West to do anything to motivate them to kill.

Seems OBL's manifesto listed complaints as to why they were motivated

Did he mention all the bombing?

Sorry I thought my reply was to the statement I quoted above.........Oh wait a minute it was wink.png

Oh, taking my post out of context? I think someone accused me of that just yesterday. :)

Anyway, as someone pointed out, no bombing by Western infidels has been needed in Nigeria. No bombings were needed for al Qaeda for them to bomb the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Before 9/11 bin Laden was upset the infidels (US) had bases on the "holy land of Medina and Mecca" (Saudi Arabia). Those bases were gone prior to 9/11 but they still attacked us. Osama wasn't motivated by any bombing done by the USA.He as just an extremist nut job. Apparently he is a bundle of well wrapped fish food in the bottom of the Indian Ocean but I hope instead that he is tucked away in one of those nasty "secret torture prisons" that I read about here on the forum.

Edited by koheesti
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Before 9/11 bin Laden was upset the infidels (US) had bases on the "holy land of Medina and Mecca" (Saudi Arabia). Those bases were gone prior to 9/11 but they still attacked us.

Actually 2 years after the attack....Not saying it was a good reason ...but it was the one given +

On April 29, 2003, Donald Rumsfeld announced that he would be withdrawing US troops from the country stating that the Iraq War no longer required the support. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz had earlier said that the continuing US presence in the kingdom was putting American lives in danger. The announcement came one day after the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) was shifted from Prince Sultan Air Base to Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.

The move was controversial, as some said that it was a needless contingent that only enraged Muslim populations, while others said that the United States were caving to the demands of Osama bin Laden, whose key demand throughout on-going al-Qaeda attacks was that the US must withdraw its forces from the region.

U.S. officials transferred control of portions of Prince Sultan Air Base to Saudi officials at a ceremony on August 26, 2003. The base had been home to about 60,000 US personnel over time.

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i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Last I looked the west dropped precisely zero bombs on Nigeria, but the radicals racked up 256 dead bodies in the space of a few hours. The left wing apologists are yet again barking up the wrong tree.

drop bombs on one muslim country and they all are pissed off. The same as every other race.

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. Muslim extremists don't need the West to do anything to motivate them to kill.

Seems OBL's manifesto listed complaints as to why they were motivated

Said manifesto also cited western intervention preventing the Islamization genocide in East Timor (The bloody cheek angry.png ). Of course it's your call whether or not you choose to believe any pretext given by OBL, however I'm curious to know whether there is any terrorist group or totalitarian regime you actually believe less than your own government.

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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Having spent over 30 years of my life working closely with Muslims in the Middle East, I would bet you are wrong, again.

you see what you expect to see.

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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


We're gonna need more drones.

of course if the west really wanted peace they would stop supporting the apartheid in Israel. Bush said as much in his memoirs.

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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Which Muslims were bombed that led to 9/11? Or the US Embassy bombings in Africa back in the 90's? The list goes on. Muslim extremists don't need the West to do anything to motivate them to kill.

over throwing the democracy in iran and putting in the shah and many more of the same.

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Anyway, as someone pointed out, no bombing by Western infidels has been needed in Nigeria. No bombings were needed for al Qaeda for them to bomb the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Before 9/11 bin Laden was upset the infidels (US) had bases on the "holy land of Medina and Mecca" (Saudi Arabia). Those bases were gone prior to 9/11 but they still attacked us. Osama wasn't motivated by any bombing done by the USA.He as just an extremist nut job. Apparently he is a bundle of well wrapped fish food in the bottom of the Indian Ocean but I hope instead that he is tucked away in one of those nasty "secret torture prisons" that I read about here on the forum.

don't forget that obl was a CIA man in the 80's. As were saddam and polpot.

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however I'm curious to know whether there is any terrorist group or totalitarian regime you actually believe less than your own government.

No I would say it is obvious they lie equally well......But that has never been my complaint.

Mine is based solely on what our government does in our name & how it is done...

Lastly the price we ultimately pay for it in lives, rights & liberties & dollars in that order

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over throwing the democracy in iran and putting in the shah and many more of the same.

saai.gif Ok, I'll humor you for a second. Actually said Shah replaced his own father in 1941, so the change was not so radical as you might have been led to believe. Now quite what events in a Shiite Country 70 years ago mean to a 20 year old Sunni jihadist from Pakistan God only knows. You would be telling a more believable yarn if you mentioned the British colonial rule, but as with the Palestine red herring the logic collapses with even the slightest bit of investigation. At least the blood libel and conspiracy theories from those you support are a little more inventive, yet they don't even try to paper over their hatred with a veneer of plausibility, which can be somewhat embarrassing if you try to make moral arguments to justify their behaviour.

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i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Last I looked the west dropped precisely zero bombs on Nigeria, but the radicals racked up 256 dead bodies in the space of a few hours. The left wing apologists are yet again barking up the wrong tree.

drop bombs on one muslim country and they all are pissed off. The same as every other race.

Muslims do not constitute a 'race'.

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i would bet that if the west stopped bombing muslims then 99%would want ipads etc, ie westernize. The wars FEED extremism.

Last I looked the west dropped precisely zero bombs on Nigeria, but the radicals racked up 256 dead bodies in the space of a few hours. The left wing apologists are yet again barking up the wrong tree.

drop bombs on one muslim country and they all are pissed off. The same as every other race.

Muslims do not constitute a 'race'.

they get pissed off all the same.

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Let's look at another angle regarding the 1.6 billion Muslims that want to destroy the western world.

The Pew Research Center performed a survey in 2011 in the US asking about support for Islamic extremism. Their published report had this statement...

"A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community."

So assuming that 6% of the American Muslim community supports Muslim extremism a 'great deal' and, further assuming one could extend this percentage across the board worldwide (perhaps too high in Iceland but a teensy bit low in Pakistan), that means out of a total population of 1.6 billion Muslims, something around 96,000,000 favor or support Islamic Extremism.

A rather sizable army of extremists out to spread the message.


If you measure the actual damage to the world on a per capita basis, the number would be pretty small at least as compared to a small country with a population of less than 10 million.

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the way I see it we are all agreed that many muslims are brain washed in to having varying degrees of distrust and dislike of the west, but where we differ is that I don't think war is ever going to change that. Left to their own devices, like we see in the Arab spring, they are going to revolt against oppression because the youth want a western lifestyle. Killing people because they are uneducated and brainwashed is insane. And the argument that we are protecting ourselves is flawed because all the terrorists in the west are born in the west. In the UK anyway.

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of course if the west really wanted peace they would stop supporting the apartheid in Israel. Bush said as much in his memoirs.

If we really want peace we must acquiesce to your demands?

How about if the US really want's peace...we will sit peacefully in our office buildings, like we were doing. There wasn't a single US unit on a combat footing in the Middle east on Sep 10th 2001.

Sooner or later we all have to pick sides. To think the world can live in peace and harmony is delusional. I am happy to openly admit what side I am on. It's funny how there is so much talk about dialogue over war, but when we try to discuss it, all we get from the other side is "You're wrong, stop speaking"

Edited by Scott
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of course if the west really wanted peace they would stop supporting the apartheid in Israel. Bush said as much in his memoirs.

How about supplying some proof of what "Bush" suposedly said - as in a link ?

I am guessing that this is as inaccurate as most of your other accusations about all and sundry. rolleyes.gif

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of course if the west really wanted peace they would stop supporting the apartheid in Israel. Bush said as much in his memoirs.

I know you're trying to goad responses with that statement, and I shouldn't get sucked in to responding. But, Israel doesn't have apartheid. You can probably get a lot of (mostly younger) people to believe that if you declare it often enough, but it's simply not true. Israel has its challenges, but as a society, it's way more egalitarian, decent and democratic than any of its neighbors.

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