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Bad Farang Pub Service In Bangkok?

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What some of you seem to be missing is that it is not just the rude and sullen waitress that has stopped me and my mates going to this pub but that the management hasn't bothered to reply to a complaint and just ignored it. They have lost income, not much business sense there. If they can't be bothered then I won't bother spending my money there, that simple.

They seemingly don't care...so why waste so much energy caring yourself? Plenty of alternatives about.

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What some of you seem to be missing is that it is not just the rude and sullen waitress that has stopped me and my mates going to this pub but that the management hasn't bothered to reply to a complaint and just ignored it. They have lost income, not much business sense there. If they can't be bothered then I won't bother spending my money there, that simple.

They seemingly don't care...so why waste so much energy caring yourself? Plenty of alternatives about.

Make you right. Just hoping the owners or management get wind of it and rectify the problem, that place has the best breakfast at that price and is convenient for me that's all. I've not got much on anyway and it's quite interesting to see some of these comments. Rather surprised that some posters obviously don't care if a waitress is rude to them when they are a paying customer.

I was also hoping that someone would forward a way of letting the owners know that they have lost some paying customers over one waitress who can't be bothered to even say hello to their customers. Maybe manager just lazy and hasn't bothered to check the emails, who knows. Maybe owners don't care, but I doubt it, probably don't know.

Edited by VictorMeldrewBKK
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Put it down to culture shock. Seriously no one gives a monkeys how the other person feels in a F&B joint in Thailand, they just want something to eat. Nothing rude there at all. Maybe back home it is, but not in downtown Bangkok. Get real.

Not sure if you mean the customer doesn't give a monkeys or the owners? What do you mean by get real?

Edited by VictorMeldrewBKK
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KRS1: Without being too mean, nature wasn't very kind to the waitress in question and so I don't think she has many, if any, rude sexmaniac farangs to deal with ever, unless late at night and very drunk.

Genuine smiles and a look in the eyes like you aren't trying to bone her never worked with this one.

LOL.... gotcha....Been leaving her a tip? Try buying a smile with a 40 baht tip, works for me.

Maybe she's just shy or trying to avoid English conversation because her speaking ability isn't very good. Why don't you try speaking Thai to her to break the ice?

And please dont give me : "im in an English establishment, she should be speaking English."

Edited by KRS1
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KRS1: Without being too mean, nature wasn't very kind to the waitress in question and so I don't think she has many, if any, rude sexmaniac farangs to deal with ever, unless late at night and very drunk.

Genuine smiles and a look in the eyes like you aren't trying to bone her never worked with this one.

LOL.... gotcha....Been leaving her a tip? Try buying a smile with a 40 baht tip, works for me.

Maybe she's just shy or trying to avoid English conversation because her speaking ability isn't very good. Why don't you try speaking Thai to her to break the ice?

And please dont give me : "im in an English establishment, she should be speaking English."

Her English is good and my Thai is crap but I do try. One of my friends is almost fluent and that didn't help either. Truth is, this waitress is just rude and doesn't give a shit. Her own words were "That's how I am"... The only good thing that came out of her was this post because some of it has made me smile. I'm 50 years old, well traveled and have run bars, restaurants and night clubs in my younger days and know a sullen rude ---- when I meet one. This girl shouldn't be let near a paying customer and that's not just my opinion, its shared by others who have witnessed it. We tried all sorts, be polite, be nice, talk Thai, always leave a tip, tried everything and then gave up. It's the pub's and our loss but there you go.

I tried this forum just to see if it could be an effective tool for customers to not just vent their frustrations but maybe get through to owners of such establishments who are losing customers and money but so far it's just brought out an array of strange and good comments and no results. Never mind, it's better than my true visions cable tv and Chelsea FC's performance at the moment. Thank you for participating so far.

Edited by VictorMeldrewBKK
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So she resisted his come-on? Is that it? If the waitress is half-attractive, I'm sure she gets that all day long. If I was her boss, I'd say that it was not part of her JD to kiss-up to every paying customer who was hitting on her. Why is it necessary to even greet her, ask her how are you, etc.? The girl just wants to take your order.

Anyways, just giving a counter-point.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Some guys have probably just gotten too used to women here sucking up to them. Try being a western woman in Thailand. The waitresses generally don't try to kiss our asses, so we're sometimes lucky to get service at all. The type of service described in the OP isn't "bad service" to me. It's "normal service." smile.png

I really think the OP might be a little sensitive than he should be. Even petty in his pursuits.

zzaa09: How is it petty to expect a bit of common courtesy and a polite reply to a simple hello good morning from a paid employee who's job it is to serve paying customers? It is their job not to be rude, its not an option.

Sensitive, me? LOL if only you knew.

Berkshire says, "Why is it necessary to even greet her, ask her how are you, etc.?"

Agreed, I never hear Thais greeting and enquiring about the health of a dek serf.

"How is it petty to expect a bit of common courtesy and a polite reply to a simple hello good morning from a paid employee who's job it is to serve paying customers?"

Correct its her job to serve, no more no less, did she cock up the order, was she inefficient?

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KRS1: Without being too mean, nature wasn't very kind to the waitress in question and so I don't think she has many, if any, rude sexmaniac farangs to deal with ever, unless late at night and very drunk.

Genuine smiles and a look in the eyes like you aren't trying to bone her never worked with this one.

LOL.... gotcha....Been leaving her a tip? Try buying a smile with a 40 baht tip, works for me.

Maybe she's just shy or trying to avoid English conversation because her speaking ability isn't very good. Why don't you try speaking Thai to her to break the ice?

And please dont give me : "im in an English establishment, she should be speaking English."

Her English is good and my Thai is crap but I do try. One of my friends is almost fluent and that didn't help either. Truth is, this waitress is just rude and doesn't give a shit. Her own words were "That's how I am"... The only good thing that came out of her was this post because some of it has made me smile. I'm 50 years old, well traveled and have run bars, restaurants and night clubs in my younger days and know a sullen rude ---- when I meet one. This girl shouldn't be let near a paying customer and that's not just my opinion, its shared by others who have witnessed it. We tried all sorts, be polite, be nice, talk Thai, always leave a tip, tried everything and then gave up. It's the pub's and our loss but there you go.

I tried this forum just to see if it could be an effective tool for customers to not just vent their frustrations but maybe get through to owners of such establishments who are losing customers and money but so far it's just brought out an array of strange and good comments and no results. Never mind, it's better than my true visions cable tv and Chelsea FC's performance at the moment. Thank you for participating so far.

ok, in that case down with the witch !
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rgs2001uk: did she cock up the order, was she inefficient?

No. Just rude and unfriendly. And if you think that's OK and usually enjoy spending your time and money with such people and don't expect more then hurrah for you. That sort of service is usually found in sad and lowly dives and their prices and clientele usually reflect such low expectation. Me? I like efficient, friendly, polite and courteous service as well as good F&B. If a waitress's job was just job to serve, no more no less a, then why do ALL fine establishments all over the world train their staff otherwise and expect those that represent them to be friendly, polite and courteous as well efficient?

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I would rather have efficent service over the ever so fake, Hi my name is Lek and in order for you to enjoy your dining experience (whaterver that actually means) I will be helping you to choose from our extensive menu (as if the staff have personally eaten and can vouch for every item on the menu).

Then we have the,"enjoy your meal sir",where does all this crap come from?

I dont usually frequent that part of town, but the type of service you mentioned is exactly what I want, efficient and no small talk from staff whose only purpose is to take my order, not over familiarise themselves with me.

Thanks for pointing this place out, I will put it on my to visit list next time I end up in that part of town.

I tend to frequent places based on, food quality and price, not on the attractive or otherwise qualities of the staff.

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Put it down to culture shock. Seriously no one gives a monkeys how the other person feels in a F&B joint in Thailand, they just want something to eat. Nothing rude there at all. Maybe back home it is, but not in downtown Bangkok. Get real.

Indeed. Victor seems to be obsessed by the whole trivial situation. Allowing the bad experience to control.

1] Do not allow one dispassioned character wear you down.

2] There are tonnes of English-style pubs throughout Bangkok metro. Find one that suites your over sensitive and reactionary needs.

3] Change your medication.

Edited by zzaa09
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I don't blame you for finding impolite service objectionable...

So, next time you are in there and she comes over to your table, simply send her back and ask for the Manager. Explain to him/her that you are a repeat customer (he/she should recognise you as a repeat customer if you are). Explain your predicament; that you expect polite service and that waitress in particular does not provide, simple and polite service. Therefor you are requesting an alternative waitress (if there are any).

Gauge your response and policy to return to this venue on the response of the manager to your direct request...

Also note: This is Thailand - No one responds to complaint unless they are made face to face.

Edited by richard_smith237
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I don't blame you for finding impolite service objectionable...

So, next time you are in there and she comes over to your table, simply send her back and ask for the Manager. Explain to him/her that you are a repeat customer (he/she should recognise you as a repeat customer if you are). Explain your predicament; that you expect polite service and that waitress in particular does not provide, simple and polite service. Therefor you are requesting an alternative waitress (if there are any).

Gauge your response and policy to return to this venue on the response of the manager to your direct request...

Also note: This is Thailand - No one responds to complaint unless they are made face to face.

What if the said manager sides with his/her employee?

Per chance, what if he/she appears to have gathered the same snarky and indifferent emotional state towards the said disgruntled customer?giggle.gif

Worries! Worries! What do we do then?

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If you bothered to read all, I have found an alternative though not as good a breakfast at that price and this place was convenient as in walking distance so not having to traipse around Bangkok metro. Over sensitive? Not in the slightest or I'd be reeled in by troll bait such as yours. And as for my reactionary needs, if I can get rid of the rude one or get her attitude changed by doing this then I have won my breakfast place back. Change my medication? Doing fine on mine mate.

Edited by VictorMeldrewBKK
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I don't blame you for finding impolite service objectionable...

So, next time you are in there and she comes over to your table, simply send her back and ask for the Manager. Explain to him/her that you are a repeat customer (he/she should recognise you as a repeat customer if you are). Explain your predicament; that you expect polite service and that waitress in particular does not provide, simple and polite service. Therefor you are requesting an alternative waitress (if there are any).

Gauge your response and policy to return to this venue on the response of the manager to your direct request...

Also note: This is Thailand - No one responds to complaint unless they are made face to face.

What if the said manager sides with his/her employee?

Per chance, what if he/she appears to have gathered the same snarky and indifferent emotional state towards the said disgruntled customer?giggle.gif

Worries! Worries! What do we do then?

Simple. Vote with your feet and go some place else, hence my comment: 'Gauge your response and policy to return to this venue on the response of the manager'

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Thank you so much for your post. But I would worry that if I did that, I would never ever be able to eat their food again knowing that the rude one or maybe her friends could be spitting in my baked beans or worse. So I will just give up on the place until the 'friendly one' is gone.

On that note I wind up my partake and abandon this post but thank all involved; those that enjoy friendly, polite and courteous service as well as good F&B and those that would prefer otherwise and enjoy rude attitude and be treated with no respect as a paying customer and last but not least, the trolls.

Bye Bye cruel forum LOL

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Just wondering, how your table places your orders. By a set name or by individual menu items. I've seen farangotangs give orders to waitresses that would make a native speaker want to cry, total chaos and constantly changing their minds. The waitress has to pay for any mistakes in the order, it comes out of their pocket...

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Actually the OP should expect common courtesy with his breakfast. I find not only service staff but quite a few long time residents here extremely deficient in their etiquette. Look-kah bpen yai = the customer is king is still a saying in Thailand and manners cost nothing. Every time you ignore this you personally unravel the very fabric of the universe.

I've taken a note of the posters who have agreed that her surly demeanor is acceptable and will expect no complaint if we have a meeting for which I turn up late, offer no greeting (or excuse) and then depart after meeting without so much as a have a nice day. If you think this isn't the same thing then that's the real BS as its then only a matter of where you personally draw the line.

Don't erode my universe, be polite, and call others on their rudeness

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I prefer to have prompt but impersonal Service anywhere rather than the irritating attitude common in U.S. and other Western countries :

"Hi there, my name is Cathy and I will be your Server today. Oh - I do like that shirt, where did you get it? I'd like to buy one for my boyfriend - he's such a slob when it comes to clothes" etc. etc..

My attitude is - I came here to eat not gossip. You are not my friend, I have enough friends already, nor am I in the least interested in your personal opinions about anything - much less my wardrobe. Just take my Order and bring it in reasonable time and you will get a tip.


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What exactly is it that Ronald McDonald is doing in your avatar?

it would appear he has no stomach for his product

ah...i see, so thats where the big mac's secret sauce comes from.
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I prefer to have prompt but impersonal Service anywhere rather than the irritating attitude common in U.S. and other Western countries :

"Hi there, my name is Cathy and I will be your Server today. Oh - I do like that shirt, where did you get it? I'd like to buy one for my boyfriend - he's such a slob when it comes to clothes" etc. etc..

My attitude is - I came here to eat not gossip. You are not my friend, I have enough friends already, nor am I in the least interested in your personal opinions about anything - much less my wardrobe. Just take my Order and bring it in reasonable time and you will get a tip.


Thank you ever so much, exactly the point I was trying to make earlier.

Maybe Mr F&B will take this onboard and implement this style of service back home wherever that may be.

"Too Long In Exile" as Van Morrison once sang.

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I prefer to have prompt but impersonal Service anywhere rather than the irritating attitude common in U.S. and other Western countries :

"Hi there, my name is Cathy and I will be your Server today. Oh - I do like that shirt, where did you get it? I'd like to buy one for my boyfriend - he's such a slob when it comes to clothes" etc. etc..

My attitude is - I came here to eat not gossip. You are not my friend, I have enough friends already, nor am I in the least interested in your personal opinions about anything - much less my wardrobe. Just take my Order and bring it in reasonable time and you will get a tip.


Thank you ever so much, exactly the point I was trying to make earlier.

Maybe Mr F&B will take this onboard and implement this style of service back home wherever that may be.

I doubt it. As many expect everything to mirror life as it is "back home". And then create a justified angst and wonder as to why it isn't. This comparative and superative ideal is almost predictabe.

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While I'm sympathetic to the OP and his frustration, I'm at somewhat of a loss to understand why he would be so upset at such a minor thing. To me, service is number one. The OP clearly states that the waitress was "efficient" in that regard. But this is what upsets him:

"When we greet her with a friendly hello, how are you etc, she hasn't even the courtesy to reply but just gives a

sullen look and walks off."

So she resisted his come-on? Is that it? If the waitress is half-attractive, I'm sure she gets that all day long. If I was her boss, I'd say that it was not part of her JD to kiss-up to every paying customer who was hitting on her. Why is it necessary to even greet her, ask her how are you, etc.? The girl just wants to take your order.

Anyways, just giving a counter-point. Super member. Yes, you are so right. Just give her a smile when she comes to take your order, I'm sure she will just smile back and that's it Possum1931

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While I'm sympathetic to the OP and his frustration, I'm at somewhat of a loss to understand why he would be so upset at such a minor thing. To me, service is number one. The OP clearly states that the waitress was "efficient" in that regard. But this is what upsets him:

"When we greet her with a friendly hello, how are you etc, she hasn't even the courtesy to reply but just gives a

sullen look and walks off."

So she resisted his come-on? Is that it? If the waitress is half-attractive, I'm sure she gets that all day long. If I was her boss, I'd say that it was not part of her JD to kiss-up to every paying customer who was hitting on her. Why is it necessary to even greet her, ask her how are you, etc.? The girl just wants to take your order.

Anyways, just giving a counter-point.

I think you miss the point he is trying to make, the girl is RUDE, of coarse it is part of her duty to be friendly and polite.

She should be pulled into line before they lose more customers.



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I too do not go to The Queen Victoria on Suk 23.

I ate there quite often for 3 years and the service and the staff were great as was the food.

But then they changed staff and the place really went down hill from there, most of the staff seem uninterested in their job and are not friendly and polite, i have not eaten there for 6 months or more.

There are plenty other places to go( one is just opposite called The Ship inn) good food and service.


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While I'm sympathetic to the OP and his frustration, I'm at somewhat of a loss to understand why he would be so upset at such a minor thing. To me, service is number one. The OP clearly states that the waitress was "efficient" in that regard. But this is what upsets him:

"When we greet her with a friendly hello, how are you etc, she hasn't even the courtesy to reply but just gives a

sullen look and walks off."

So she resisted his come-on? Is that it? If the waitress is half-attractive, I'm sure she gets that all day long. If I was her boss, I'd say that it was not part of her JD to kiss-up to every paying customer who was hitting on her. Why is it necessary to even greet her, ask her how are you, etc.? The girl just wants to take your order.

Anyways, just giving a counter-point.

I think you miss the point he is trying to make, the girl is RUDE, of coarse it is part of her duty to be friendly and polite.

She should be pulled into line before they lose more customers.



Exactly my point. The girl is rude. I too am not looking for over the top; "hello my name is Blah blah bla and I will be your server today" but I don't expect someone to rude to me or my friends or clients that I have taken there to share the pub's great breakfast.

Some might not like to be treated like a regular but I do, and when I say hello to anyone in the service industry, I expect a hello back.

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I too do not go to The Queen Victoria on Suk 23.

I ate there quite often for 3 years and the service and the staff were great as was the food.

But then they changed staff and the place really went down hill from there, most of the staff seem uninterested in their job and are not friendly and polite, i have not eaten there for 6 months or more.

There are plenty other places to go( one is just opposite called The Ship inn) good food and service.


Concur. I only made this post just in the hope that maybe the owners would get to know and find out they are losing customers and money and would rectify the situation.

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