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Livinglos, youve only being trying the service for 1 month or have you been trying it longer???

i usually stop reading straight away when i see a site like the 2 examples you gave because they are typical scam format, but youve been getting good advice so far so it dosent seem to be a scam its just id be wary of such things, i dont know a whole lot about this type of gambling but from the small bit ive read it looks as though your whole bank could be wiped out in a day, this is something i would avoid.

I remember i used to get free lays from a guy who put me on a free 3 month trial after 2 months his record was simply brilliant, hes a well established tipster, so i went for broke and threw a couple of grand in the pot, had a good start and then things went belly up, had a couple of large winners (not good when your laying horses) and lost a couple of grand, now i dont blame the tipster it was just bad luck but this type of large risk betting is so unpredictable i just wouldnt recommend it, i guess i learned the hard way.

I always think when it comes to tipsters,arb alerts etc why on earth if their service is so good would they bother opening a tipster service, theres alot of work involved such as setting up the website and then maintaining it, answering emails and constantly updating and calculating results. If they regularly pick winners and are successful why dont they just double their stakes and they would make much more money. This is why im never too quick to pay for such services.

Ive also tried arb's and its a hel_l of a lot of work for the small money made unless youve a massive bank because you need to keep a couple of hundred in maybe 20 different bookmakers and also keep notes of which bookies have staking limits. Also if you do get a bit of sucess they will start to limit your stakes further,ive got into a situation where i played the first bet at one bookies and when i went to complete the arb the other bookie would only take a tiny stake because i had been successul with a previous arb and he reduced my staking limit significantly without any notice and i got stuck with an uncovered bet and had to cover my bet at not such a good price with another bookie to minimize my losses. Then theres all the problems with withdrawing the money, fees involved, some only post cheques which can take a couple of weeks and this can reduce your bank somewhat, very unpredictible, i dont recommend and i didnt make a profit just gave myself a headache and another lesson learned.

But im not trying to put anyone off livinglos idea because after all hes already made a nice profit but im just saying it sounds risky to me, maybe i dont understand how it works fully and if so maybe livinglos can explain a bit more and thanks for adding to the thread and offering me ideas.

I have to say so far the most appealing idea is simon43's premium sms and whatever route ill go down ill keep ye updated and if i find something lucrative ill let you know, as long as the markets big enough to absorb the whole of TV members.

I have one other idea but i dont know much about how to get it working and maybe its a bit too extravagant with too many legal issues involved!


I fully understand your skepticism.. That was exactly me also but the 100% money back free trial thing made me think I would have a look.. I have dealt with this company (the selling company not the tipster) with other financial alerts and info services and always found them good to thier word on refunding no questions asked.

Financial betting is less like sports gambling than it is like futures trading.. Would you be as suspicious if I said there was a futures broker providing futures tips (bets) via email for a subscription fee ??

At this point having had 7 straight wins (another 500 GBP highly likely to collect tonight) I could have a few losing bets and still have the cost of course and my initial stake.. In all truth I am expecting some losing bets soon as no trader is right every time.. I am just going to stick to the staking plan and allow my profits to be my bankroll.. I have been doing this for somewhere around 2 - 2.5 months.. It feels like theres a tip approx weekly but there was a slow period and also 3 in a 10 day period.. Its also important to notice these are not long odds bets, these are generally a 20 - 40% return and its not like the bookie is losing out as they simply lay off the other side of the bet into the market and make the spread each time, thier profits are built into the bet..

I in no way intend to encourage or discourage anyone, I have no vested interest either way and nothing to prove.. I started this as a interesting diversion sort of thing and a way of making me focus on the markets a little bit more.. I am happily surprised to see the return I have recieved.

I agree arb trading looks like a lot of workload for low return.. After investigation I decided to put a higher value on my time..

The sports betting I am still very undecided apon.. I am highly tempted to try the sport4profit tip services as thier track records look appealing. Quite honestly I would never have considered tipster services or gambling / betting a few months ago, its only recent events that have started me looking at this as a low workload pin money kind of thing..

If you have anything specific you want to know I am happy to answer.. Obviously I will have a much better picture in 6 months or so with more time using these systems under my belt.

I have one other idea but i dont know much about how to get it working and maybe its a bit too extravagant with too many legal issues involved!

Human trafficking is still illegal...even on the net! :o:D


You sound so confident with your posts...but I can read right through it.

Didn't you know, the only people who ever benefited/profited from gambling is the guys at the top...i.e. casino owners...and that's at the loss of thousands of other addicted gimps.

Gambling is an addiction, and from your last three long justification posts, sounds like your addicted. I think, you're bound for a huge crash, and don't be surprised if you don't see a penny of this virtual stake, they already got you by the tail...You can't predict the outcome of every sporting event/match, etc.

You say your self, you haven't touched a pence of these virtual winnings. Though, you've admitted investing a load already from your own pocket...

These online guys got you easily, why? Cause they know the addiction of gambling is not something that its victims can walk away from. Even, if you proved me wrong and withdrew this 5000 quid in half a year (i highly doubt it), you ain't gonna walk away, you're gonna make another bet. And you think you can win forever? I don't care how you think you want to justify it, the bottom line is-- Money don't grow off trees. For you (or anyone) to win money, someone's got to be losing. And don't be shocked when you're on the losing end...cause that's a definate certainty in the field of gambling.

It reminds me of the psychic lady who knows your lucky lotto numbers. :D:D If she knew everyone's lucky lotto numbers, than why doesn't she just play the lotto and retire??

There's no business in betting. On the contrary, there is business in scamming those addicted to betting...

Misery loves company, and you all got to ask yourself why livinlos sounds so happy/dandy about his 'easy' and 'successful' business...If he was absolutely sure about his future wealth in such a trade, he would have kept it to himself.

I advise anyone reading who hasn't yet tried gambling, to save your money and invest in something legit...Common sense.


Well if you consider 850 GBP a load then up to you.. This is just a diversion for beer tokens, my real gambling (read investments) pulled in about 1 mil baht a week for the last 2 months (200k USD +-) so 850 GBP is hardly a worry...

Also you have not read my posts at all.. I am not betting on sporting events.. I am betting on currency prices, stock market variables, etc.. If you say no forex trader, futures trader, or stock picker ever made any money than thats your opinion.. I personally think some people can and do beat the street..

You seem fail see the basis of my bets (financial tips) and assuming I am making my own guesswork.. Also I have already got my full stake back which I will now not touch. Worst case scenario is I go back to even money.

I have no need to keep anything secret as its not like I lose or benefit either way.. Someone was asking for how to make money online and I have posted a simple low workload system thats so far made me a handsome return, its an aveneue I hadnt looked at in the past and one that many like yourself shun, so be it..

If I had suggested investing with a futures or options trader who was giving good results (essentially what this service is) like TWaves or other service would you have such a negative reaction ??

I fully understand your skepticism.. That was exactly me also but the 100% money back free trial thing made me think I would have a look.. I have dealt with this company (the selling company not the tipster) with other financial alerts and info services and always found them good to thier word on refunding no questions asked.

I'd be willing to bet :o that no one's lost in their trial period..They're reeling you in for the jackpot...once you can't back out

Financial betting is less like sports gambling than it is like futures trading.. Would you be as suspicious if I said there was a futures broker providing futures tips (bets) via email for a subscription fee ??
Whatever you want to call it...Gambling is gambling.
At this point having had 7 straight wins (another 500 GBP highly likely to collect tonight) I could have a few losing bets and still have the cost of course and my initial stake.. In all truth I am expecting some losing bets soon as no trader is right every time.. I am just going to stick to the staking plan and allow my profits to be my bankroll.. I have been doing this for somewhere around 2 - 2.5 months.. It feels like theres a tip approx weekly but there was a slow period and also 3 in a 10 day period.. Its also important to notice these are not long odds bets, these are generally a 20 - 40% return and its not like the bookie is losing out as they simply lay off the other side of the bet into the market and make the spread each time, thier profits are built into the bet..

Winning lotto numbers for sale!!! Win/Win

I in no way intend to encourage or discourage anyone, I have no vested interest either way and nothing to prove.. I started this as a interesting diversion sort of thing and a way of making me focus on the markets a little bit more.. I am happily surprised to see the return I have recieved.
Translated as :

I want everyone to believe me on this one, and join in on it...That way if I lose out, I won't be alone. I started this out of curiousity, now I'm addicted...Look at thre bright side, I'm gaining marketing skills. Anyway, I'm still addicted

I agree arb trading looks like a lot of workload for low return.. After investigation I decided to put a higher value on my time..

The sports betting I am still very undecided apon.. I am highly tempted to try the sport4profit tip services as thier track records look appealing. Quite honestly I would never have considered tipster services or gambling / betting a few months ago, its only recent events that have started me looking at this as a low workload pin money kind of thing..

Is it only recently that you noticed your addiction? Addiction usually follows with the craving and desire for more of what it is the person is addicted to. In your case, internet gambling/betting. i.e. more website services, clubs, etc.

If you have anything specific you want to know I am happy to answer.. Obviously I will have a much better picture in 6 months or so with more time using these systems under my belt.

No questions...Just some advice. Get out while you still can. Even if you win/lose in six months, you can't make a life on such. Do you have children? Will you have children?

Apologies if I'm coming off hard. It's easy to spot addicts, especially for gambling. What gets me is when I see intelligent people fall into the vacuum. You seem like you have a brain between your ear-lobes, so why not use it.

Gambling robs from the poor and gives to the rich. I've seen too many people get sucked in and lose out, which is garunteed in the long run...unless ofcourse you open a casino. Anyway, the wealth of such individuals has a high cost to society... crime and poverty


OK whatever..

You seem to feel that a few hundred quid is a big deal.. I do worry all day long about the markets and direction.. I have 7 figures USD riding on my real gambles in stocks and precious metals..

You can feel what you wish.. Personally a couple of futures trades for a few 100 quid is not something thats got my adrenaline pumping..

I'd be willing to bet ohmy.gif that no one's lost in their trial period..They're reeling you in for the jackpot...once you can't back out

You seem to think these guys can predict the future enough to know when to win and when to lose.. If only market timing was so easy.. You also seem to associate the tipster with the bookie, as though the tipster gains from the bets themselves rather than the information..

I have had money back from services this selling company have provided in the past.. That side of the money back I trust..

Anyway you can believe that no trader / broker or tipster ever beats the street.. I will believe there can be money in careful trades.

Well if you consider 850 GBP a load then up to you.. This is just a diversion for beer tokens, my real gambling (read investments) pulled in about 1 mil baht a week for the last 2 months (200k USD +-) so 850 GBP is hardly a worry...

850 GBP is a lot of beer in Thailand. I'm not familiar with these read investments your talking about so can't comment either way. :o sounds like a lot...what was the initial investment? Hi gains obviously have high risks too...lets hope you know what your doing not only financially, but ethically...that's all we need is another multi-millionaire expat developer building casinos, condos, and shopping malls in LOS.

Also you have not read my posts at all.. I am not betting on sporting events.. I am betting on currency prices, stock market variables, etc.. If you say no forex trader, futures trader, or stock picker ever made any money than thats your opinion.. I personally think some people can and do beat the street..
Betting on the economy is even more unpredictable than any sporting events...But, it is true, some investors have a better eye for it than others...and can make a fortune. Take the 97 economic crash in Asia. How many got rich off the millions who plundered. Yes, it is possible, I'll admit. No economist/financial adviser here, but I simply find all gambling unethical and wouldn't advise it to people surfing the net looking for easy ways to make $$ online, as it comes to the cost of A. Loss of concience and B. lifetime addiction

...which doesn't really make a difference if you lose out and are poor cause you don't harm much others than yourself. However, it's the few lucky (or smart) rich who have built their wealth with such gambling/business ethics that are dangerous for the world and society.

You seem fail see the basis of my bets (financial tips) and assuming I am making my own guesswork.. Also I have already got my full stake back which I will now not touch. Worst case scenario is I go back to even money.

I'm not just addressing the potential of financial decay (and benefits), I'm addressing the ethical decay that comes along with the addiction of gambling. However, everyone to their own. As you said, you're just providing an extra online option, whether I or any others might not agree/see the value is irrelevant to the OP's own ambitions.

There is lot of escort sights that sell sexual services online--kids, animals, human waste, whatever. This is/can be a profitable business...Whatever your ethics/beliefs are as far as human traffiking/sex trade/strange fetishes will dictate whether you would endorse/pursue such an online business or not..all depends on how much you value money IMO anyway..

In regards to the OP, he was asking about web designing anyway, and not a get rich scheme, so I think your 'betting' is irrelevant, unless ofcourse, his true ambition is to make wealth, and not simply have income to live off of while in LOS...which by the way, 40,000 baht is a lot of money to simply 'live off of' in LOS.


Sorry but comparing making financial trades / bets / guesses / gambles to child sex , human trafficking, and fetishes is pretty pathetic...

It is true for every winning bet in the market there is an equal losing bet.. People play the markets for someone to buy a stock someone else must sell it...

Let me show the most recent elart I recieved on the 2nd.. Its been a fairly large gap since that one but there were 2 trades in it instead of one.. I hope the tipster doesnt mind me posting this as the trades are no not vaild and I am after all singing his praises..

Fixed Odds Trader

Alert no: 020

2 December 2005


Well done on the last FTSE trade! It should now have

expired for full profit – another great result in

the bag... Drop me a line to let me know how you got

on if you get a moment.

We still have the German Dax trade open, but that looks

fine to expire good also on Wednesday, or if you placed

late, then Thursday. 

But let’s look to the future. Right now I’m giving you

another chance to capitalise from another two sources.

Let's get those trades on!



1st New Trade to Place:


Market we are trading: Indices 


Bet Type: Barrier Range


Duration:  17 Days (If you cannot place by 4.30pm

today, then still OK to place on Monday for 15 days.

But if missed then, please leave and wait for a

new trade...)


Index: GDAX Frankfurt

Triggers:  Yes - to find and place triggers, simply log

into your portfolio AFTER you've bought the trade. You

will see three rectangular boxes. Click on the middle one,

called ‘Triggers'. Then enter the appropriate levels

into the boxes provided. The top box is for the Low

Barrier and the bottom box is for the High Barrier.

Low Barrier: 5115 (Set Trigger at 5130)

High Barrier: 5540 (Set Trigger at 5520)

Return: Your return should be in the range of 30%-42%

- that's what it reads at this precise time. If you

make the trade slightly later or Monday, please be

aware that percentage return may differ slightly from

what I have stated. If you're slightly outside the

range e.g. 27% or 45% it's still absolutely fine to

place the bet. 


Stake: Do not stake more than 20% of your trading pot.

If you have a thousand pounds in your portfolio, stake

no more than £200. 


Technical Reasons:


Here's the chart:


As you can see, I have matched up the Lowest Low of

05 for the Dax (Brown Line) and the Highest Low

(Green Line).

These lines confirm my anticipation for further range

trading for the Dax, but with slightly more upside


If the graph could show a higher figure than it's

showing price-wise, you would see that the green line

stretches to around 5500. But there will be days where

the Dax will take a breather and reverse, hopefully not

too far, however. But there are many levels of support

for this to be safe enough. e.g. 5,200 - because that

was the last major resistance line.



2nd New Trade to place:


Market we are trading: Forex

Bet Type: No Touch

Duration: 10 Days. You can place this trade up until

midnight on Friday. If missed then you can still place

on Monday, but ONLY for 7 DAYS, and be aware that odds

may reduce if placing Monday just for 7 days.



Triggers: No Triggers for this currency trade


No Touch Level -  1.147


Return:  Your return should be in the range of 15-

30%. Please remember that odds are likely to change due

to market fluctuations. These odds are apparent at time

of writing.

Stake:  Do not stake more than 20% of your trading

pot. If you have a thousand pounds in your portfolio,

stake no more than £200.



Technical Reasons:


None, except it there is great support set at 1.16, and

when touched the other week, rebounded sharply.


Economic News affecting this trade:


The ECB, in a widely expected move, on Thursday raised

its key rate a quarter point to 2.25 percent, the first

change since June 2003, when it was lowered to 2 percent.

Typically, raising interest rates makes a nation's

currency more attractive by increasing the return on

investments. However, ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet

claimed the ECB was not embarking on a series of rate

cuts, countering forecasts that rates will go higher.

Now that Mr Trichet's comments have been factored into

the market (the last two losing sessions for Euro), the

Euro can re-adjust and search for support around

current levels.  Even if the Federal Open Market

Committee decide to raise rates again, this could help

the dollar, but this will not happen until the 13th,

when we would have been in and out of our trade. Also,

if there is the slightest whiff of talk that the Fed

will not raise rates, for any reason, the dollar would

lose a lot of ground. _______________________________________________________

That's it for now.  Place both trades by Close of

Trading (Dax - 4.30pm  / Euro/Usd - 8.00pm)

If you miss the Dax you can still place Monday for

15 Days.


If you miss Euro/USD trade, you can still place Monday,

but just for 7 days.


Will be in touch with an update.  Let's keep the

accounts rolling!

God Bless

Matt $haw

The forex trade expires midnight tonight.. I could seel the bet now (early) and cash about 95% of the full price bet (fixed odds betting is unlike other bookie gambling.. You can sell your bet back at any time before the close of the trade, if its looking like the odds are in your favour you can cash out early for a profit also) but I am confident that will be safe and thats another 500 GBP to the bank..

The GDAX trade is still a good 7 days from completion but is smack in the middle of its barrier range and could be sold for a profit.. Unless the german markets get volatile its looking healthy..

Now does that really look like something to equate to human trafficking and child sex slavery ??

Market trading is gambling I admit.. however judgement can be apllied..

Didn't you know, the only people who ever benefited/profited from gambling is the guys at the top...i.e. casino owners...and that's at the loss of thousands of other addicted gimps.

You are completely wrong. I have been making my living by betting on sports for almost 1 year now.

Well if you consider 850 GBP a load then up to you.. This is just a diversion for beer tokens, my real gambling (read investments) pulled in about 1 mil baht a week for the last 2 months (200k USD +-) so 850 GBP is hardly a worry...

I've learned to take such claims with a pinch of salt, especially when found on internet boards... not that I doubt the veracity of this particular poster you understand... :o


Here's an observation though. My website takes about ten hours a week of my time, it makes me pocket money. Any income from the internet is going to take a lot of input hours, you'll wind up sitting infront of a PC rather than at the job you are doing now.

The other point to make is, internet business can be done from almost everywhere, so the place to start is from home before taking two risks - giving up work for a start-up and moving to Thailand. Start from home and see how it goes.

And finally, internet businesses that rely on use of the mail work very well in the west (the Royal Mail in the UK attribute a 30% rise in parcel post to E-bay!!). However, using the mail in Thailand is not such an easy option, taxes/back-handers and theft can put a huge dent in proffits.


A quick comment re my premium sms services and gambling. I also take the view that the owner of the casino is the only winner! So much so that I am just finishing off a mobile phone 'Blackjack' application which allows the player to stake/win/lose real money'. I'll launch this in the UK to start with and see how it goes....


Didn't you know, the only people who ever benefited/profited from gambling is the guys at the top...i.e. casino owners...and that's at the loss of thousands of other addicted gimps.

You are completely wrong. I have been making my living by betting on sports for almost 1 year now.

I agree, you are completely wrong greenwanderer. It's certainly not for everyone, the majority of people lose money, and it should not be viewed as an easy option for anyone who is new to it, but there are many professional gamblers out there. When done properly, betting on sports is akin to investing. I make the majority of my income from gambling/trading on the betting exchanges, and i can choose to live comfortably in any country in the world where i can get online. You're right about casino's though, there's only one winner there because of the house advantage built into the games.


I think greenwanderer needs help him/herself. I agree that gambling has ruined many lives and can be an addiction.

Greenwanderer seems to have the blinkers on regarding that all gamblers will lose and that it is evil etc. Greenwanderer, are you a preacher or from Gamblers Anonymous, we are all entitled to our views and i agree in free speech, but you seem to be the one with the problem about gambing or gamblers.

Maybe you should seek help, only my opinion of course.

Cheers 8ball :o

A friend of mine make a lot of does on the internet pokertable.....

This is actually a good possibility, but it's not as "easy" as it might seem. I've spent several years now playing and seriously studying the game. You can't just play and get better. In addition to experience, you have to read, reread and take notes from the best authors and discuss the game with the best players either in person or on the good poker message boards. The recent American boom in televised poker tournaments brings a LOT of dead, stupid money to the table and in the long run, every mistake they make is $ in your pocket.

If you're good, you will definitely make more than an English teacher.


I have heard of online poker players doing ok..

I am not sure I have the time and patience to study.. I agree that in casino type situations the house has the odds in thier favour.. Market trading appeals more..

I just had another email and placed 2 more bets tonight..

You're asking a question that has been asked a million times over by many people with the same idea.  No one here, if they have this great idea, are going to tell you what it is.  Why would they want to increase their competition?  If you have a good money-making idea, keep it to yourself like everyone else does.  Sorry but I dont see you getting much help here.  :o

I have to agree! The niche market for foreigners wanting to earn coin out here without slaving away in the dive industry or teaching english is extremely narrow indeed and theres so many fcking people wanting to do this its riduiculous. Too many guys not enough work.!

The only way I've made it out here is through who I know and not what I know. My advice is to is get amongst the expat network and become accepted by them, if you have the skills they need then you'll start to get the work to come your way, but it won't be easy....

You're right about casino's though, there's only one winner there because of the house advantage built into the games.

This statement I have heard often. Maybe someone can enlighten me, but I thought the house advantage is an overall advantage, so the same applies as in any other betting, including stocks and poker. Some win, some lose. The house skims.


The house takes it margin but unlike games of pure chance markets do have some predicatable patterns... Betting on red or black in roulette with one or two O green zones allows the house to have a margin in a random market, betting on the price of gold or a currency rising or falling can be effected by many outside effects such as inflation, deficits, interest rates etc that give some small measure of predictablity..

Pulled in another 750 GBP last night.. If the dollar stays put I should have do OK on a 500 GBP (didnt like the odds so scaled back the bet) for midnight GMT on the 22nd.. Thats 9 straight wins in a row, fingers crossed for 10..


Yea.. know all about the markets, used to be a trader... The house also skims a % :o

My problem is understanding those that say the house cannot be beaten in games of chance. Sure, overall (as in the sum of players, not as in over the long term) the house cannot be beaten, but individually...


Greetings all, just found this board.

For those wanting to make money online, it isn't really all that hard. Just like in reality, you've got the option to buy or to build.

If you've got a bit saved up, it's very easy to buy a website or two for about what it nets in one year to a year and a half - 80-100% return.

So if you need $2000/mo to live on, it will cost you ~$24000-$30000. Not a bad return at all. These deals come up all the time - last week I had the opportunity to buy a poker affiliate revenue stream.

Second option is to build. This will be the harder, but potentially more rewarding.

There's a third option - the one I'm considering right now. Thailand has the distinction of being 12 hours away from the Eastern timezone. One can be the "overnight" shift for any company over there, during the day.

Here, the employer's total cost of employment (health, taxes, office space, etc) is roughly 40-50% above the salary. With that 40-50%, I can start a company, hire three Thais to do the majority of what I do, training them in the process. My workload goes down, my disposable income rises dramatically (I live in one of the most expensive economies in the world), my employer gets better coverage (12 hrs vs 8) and I add to the employment of Thailand. Triple win.

I suggest reading Guy Kawasaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series. One or two books is enough - he gets very repetitive. The key is to NOT get paid per hour for your work. You need to get either time or labour leverage.

Hopefully this rant was a little helpful.


If you've got a bit saved up, it's very easy to buy a website or two for about what it nets in one year to a year and a half - 80-100% return.

So if you need $2000/mo to live on, it will cost you ~$24000-$30000.  Not a bad return at all. These deals come up all the time - last week I had the opportunity to buy a poker affiliate revenue stream.

Interesting suggestion, and trying to be positive, i want to imagine to be agree with your ideas.

You can be more concrete showing a possible path:

Where can i buy a website that make me earn 300$/month? that can cost about 3000$ (or less)? (black jack, poker, roulette, or other games can be ok)

It could be my little first step to try first to expat. :o

If you've got a bit saved up, it's very easy to buy a website or two for about what it nets in one year to a year and a half - 80-100% return.

So if you need $2000/mo to live on, it will cost you ~$24000-$30000.  Not a bad return at all. These deals come up all the time - last week I had the opportunity to buy a poker affiliate revenue stream.

Interesting suggestion, and trying to be positive, i want to imagine to be agree with your ideas.

You can be more concrete showing a possible path:

Where can i buy a website that make me earn 300$/month? that can cost about 3000$ (or less)? (black jack, poker, roulette, or other games can be ok)

It could be my little first step to try first to expat. :o

A quick search online will show you some possibilities - also try forums dedicated to webmasters.

I know of 3 websites personally without looking, if you can't even find the places to buy them then you definitely lack the expertise to run them.


Well, this is one of the most interesting thread i have ever read on this forum, and something tells me that between the lines there is the key for the rebus.

Yesterday night i thought a lot about every post and i have thought how to realize something that really works, writing a path. I cannot reveal the exact idea, i tell you that is gaming online related with online gamblers.

To complete my project i want to ask you how to solve 2 obstacles :

1: where can i host the website? as you know gambling sites are illegal in many countries also in Thailand (can u suggest some link?)

2: paypal can not be used for money exchange coming from gambling, there are other but they require as well high setup fees and a substantial % of your winnings (a friend told me).

Can you suggest me ho to solve that and some useful link?

thanks to everyone :o

Well, this is one of the most interesting thread i have ever read on this forum, and something tells me that between the lines there is the key for the rebus.

Yesterday night i thought a lot about every post and i have thought how to realize something that really works, writing a path. I cannot reveal the exact idea, i tell you that is gaming online related with online gamblers.

To complete my project i want to ask you how to solve 2 obstacles :

1: where can i host the website? as you know gambling sites are illegal in many countries also in Thailand (can u suggest some link?)

2: paypal can not be used for money exchange coming from gambling, there are other but they require as well high setup fees and a substantial % of your winnings (a friend told me).

Can you suggest me ho to solve that and some useful link?

thanks to everyone  :o

Not trying to be nasty, but I would suggest that if you cannot find these answers in a few hours via the Great God Google, you certainly don't posess the expertise to make any money from this.

I would seriously suggest you spend at least a few weeks reading online. It's all there, all the answers, and the questions too.

Making money on-line certainly is an option. The fact that the entry barriers are so low makes for a very competitive environment, numerically. Quality of competition on the whole is pretty low however, so if you spend time, a lot of time, learning the skills in the many applicable areas, you stand a very good chance of success.

It's an investment in time that can pay off in the long run. E-commerce and the net can only grow.

Well, this is one of the most interesting thread i have ever read on this forum, and something tells me that between the lines there is the key for the rebus.

Yesterday night i thought a lot about every post and i have thought how to realize something that really works, writing a path. I cannot reveal the exact idea, i tell you that is gaming online related with online gamblers.

To complete my project i want to ask you how to solve 2 obstacles :

1: where can i host the website? as you know gambling sites are illegal in many countries also in Thailand (can u suggest some link?)

2: paypal can not be used for money exchange coming from gambling, there are other but they require as well high setup fees and a substantial % of your winnings (a friend told me).

Can you suggest me ho to solve that and some useful link?

thanks to everyone  :D

Not trying to be nasty, but I would suggest that if you cannot find these answers in a few hours via the Great God Google, you certainly don't posess the expertise to make any money from this.

I would seriously suggest you spend at least a few weeks reading online. It's all there, all the answers, and the questions too.

Making money on-line certainly is an option. The fact that the entry barriers are so low makes for a very competitive environment, numerically. Quality of competition on the whole is pretty low however, so if you spend time, a lot of time, learning the skills in the many applicable areas, you stand a very good chance of success.

It's an investment in time that can pay off in the long run. E-commerce and the net can only grow.

Well said Ol Red Eyes, ALL the answer's are out there on the net, BUT some people maybe have'nt the patience to develop business's from scratch. ONE possible short cut is to look at ready made business's where you maybe only have to become competent in certain areas of the business process , ei marketing. I'm working on a couple of ideas that are giving me some encouraging results. I also think that Fully Portable is the way forward , If your biz is on your Laptop, well it goes where you go and you still make money. :o

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