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Is Thai beer preserved with formaldehyde......or is this just urban myth?

Guy today tells me that a random alcohol check in beers here revealed a range of between four and fourteen percent for beers marketed as between five and six plus.

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Is Thai beer preserved with formaldehyde......or is this just urban myth?

Guy today tells me that a random alcohol check in beers here revealed a range of between four and fourteen percent for beers marketed as between five and six plus.

Urban myth. A friend of mine runs an environmental testing lab in BKK and they tested some random samples of Singha and found no formaldehyde at all....

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Has he tested the Chang yet?

Thai Whyskey certainly failed the methanol tests conducted in the UK, scotching Scottish and Newcastle's plan to import the stuff (pun intended).

There is definately something added to Chang that doesn't agree with my system.

Even if I have just 2 bottles i will wake up the next day with a roaring headache. Other brands are no where near as bad.

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I test the Chang daily and as farlk lksdnl;' l  lsd;  nvlvjk;sd. . km ;klns

Could you please translate that.

I understood it pfre.. uhh perfrec.. uhh, oh h3ll I know what he means. :o

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Recent comment refering to the F word in Chinese beers.

Thai brewers would of course never stoop that low...would they.... :o

China says its beer is low in formaldehyde

Modern Brewery Age, July 25, 2005

Chinese government and beer industry spokespeople this week defended its brewing industry from charges of loading beers with potentially cancer-causing formaldehyde, saying domestic beer contained about the same amount of the chemical as imported beers.

"China-made beer is safe to drink," the official Xinhua News Agency said, quoting a recent report from the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.

Xinhua said administration tests on scores of different beer brands showed that Chinese domestic brews contained up to 0.56 parts per million of formaldehyde, compared to up to 0.61 parts per million for imports. "Chinese beer is safe to drink as its one-liter formaldehyde content is much lower than the standard set by the World Heath Organization," Xinhua cited the report as saying.

The report didn't say which imports had been tested, but said the domestic brands tested included best-selling Tsingtao and Yanjing.

Xinhua reported Thursday that one liter of Chinese beer contained, on average, less formaldehyde than one kilogram of chicken, fish or fruit, citing a report from the same government body. :D


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Well I used to drink far too much....really alcoholic at times, and I mean off to hospital binges.

And you know when a person gets soused in alcohol they get a certain smell about them. This smell is formaldehyde....it's some kind of breakdown product although I'm not sure of the chain of metabolites as its a more complicated molecule than ethyl alcohol I believe.

I might add I drink very little now and don't recommend it really.

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no chemical shit added.

Most countries, including Thailand, have food labelling laws that require the ingredients list on the label. Has anyone ever wondered why all over the world alcoholic beverages are exempted from this requirement?

I think it’s because the governments collect a high excise tax on alcohol and fear that consumption might drop it the ingredients were listed.

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Has he tested the Chang yet?

Thai Whyskey certainly failed the methanol tests conducted in the UK, scotching Scottish and Newcastle's plan to import the stuff (pun intended).

There is definately something added to Chang that doesn't agree with my system.

Even if I have just 2 bottles i will wake up the next day with a roaring headache. Other brands are no where near as bad.

Impurities cause hangovers. Thats why the clear liquours dont have the hangover dark liqours do.

I read the other day that some Vodka companies are working on liqour so clean that it apparently will not have any hangover.

Of course there is Alcohol poisoning , and clean or not you will feel bad from that, but thats different from a hangover.

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Has he tested the Chang yet?

Thai Whyskey certainly failed the methanol tests conducted in the UK, scotching Scottish and Newcastle's plan to import the stuff (pun intended).

There is definately something added to Chang that doesn't agree with my system.

Even if I have just 2 bottles i will wake up the next day with a roaring headache. Other brands are no where near as bad.

Sounds like the dreaded Changover there Tiz Me

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Impurities cause hangovers.  Thats why the clear liquours dont have the hangover dark liqours do.

I read the other day that some Vodka companies are working on liqour so clean that it apparently will not have any hangover.

Of course there is Alcohol poisoning , and clean or not you will feel bad from that, but thats different from a hangover.

Why don't you knock back a bottle of medically pure alc and tell us how you'll do on the hang-over front? :o

A number of factors cause hangovers, including dehydration and depletion of salts. :D

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Impurities cause hangovers.  Thats why the clear liquours dont have the hangover dark liqours do.

I read the other day that some Vodka companies are working on liqour so clean that it apparently will not have any hangover.

Of course there is Alcohol poisoning , and clean or not you will feel bad from that, but thats different from a hangover.

Why don't you knock back a bottle of medically pure alc and tell us how you'll do on the hang-over front? :o

A number of factors cause hangovers, including dehydration and depletion of salts. :D

Like I said that wouldnt be a hangover, that would be alcohol poisoning. A hangover can be caused by one glass of BAD wine.

OK, now you wanna Bill Nye The Science Guy, shouldnt you be out shopping for shoes?

Its fact that the more pure as in free off impurities/conginers? the alcohol the less chance of hangover.

But before I start pounding vodka, let me provide a little background on Skyy's assertion. The story, as is oft told by the San Francisco-based distiller, goes that the company's founder, Maurice Kanbar, scientifically engineered Skyy to be consistently free of congener content. Congeners, bits of amyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and other impurities, naturally come along for the ride through the distillation process (ethyl alcohol is what actually gets you drunk). In this effort Skyy is distilled a whopping four times at various temperatures to remove specific congeners, and purified three times to remove others. For comparison, Smirnoff vodka -- another common domestic brand -- is distilled twice.

Skyy's congener story does have a basis in fact, according to Jordan Friedman, director of health education at Columbia University. Congeners, Friedman explains, do contribute to the headache aspect of a hangover. Liquors such as rum and whiskey tend to be high in congeners and yield bigger headaches, while liquors such as vodka and gin tend to be lower in congeners, producing smaller headaches.

Thats why they go out and hunt icebergs, the water is the purest in the world.

But thanks for the petty post.

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When I used to drink Singha beer I would always feel like I had been poisoned the next morning if I had had more than 2 bottles, I'd get sudden shooting pains in the stomach.

I mentioned this to a Thai friend, he told me the brewers put formaldehyde in to preserve the beer upcountry, for they may deliver the beer only once a week and the store refrigerator could only handle a few bottles at a time so the rest is kept at room temperature in the corridor. The formaldehyde is to preserve it.

Oh well, I guess I won't go off so quickly once I กลับบ้านเก่า shred off this mortal coil.

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Why don't you knock back a bottle of medically pure alc and tell us how you'll do on the hang-over front? :o

When I was young and foolish I drank a pint of Everclear (95% or 190 proof). It burned my lips when I started, when I finished I couldn't feel my hands. :D Hangover or poisened? Oh yeah! Never again... :D

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Why don't you knock back a bottle of medically pure alc and tell us how you'll do on the hang-over front? :o

When I was young and foolish I drank a pint of Everclear (95% or 190 proof). It burned my lips when I started, when I finished I couldn't feel my hands. :D Hangover or poisened? Oh yeah! Never again... :D

Your avatar cracks me up...who got you the Everclear....was it the kitty. :D

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Why don't you knock back a bottle of medically pure alc and tell us how you'll do on the hang-over front? :o

When I was young and foolish I drank a pint of Everclear (95% or 190 proof). It burned my lips when I started, when I finished I couldn't feel my hands. :D Hangover or poisened? Oh yeah! Never again... :D

Your avatar cracks me up...who got you the Everclear....was it the kitty. :D

Nah, that's a root beer - don't drink much anymore. :D

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I used to work for a beer company and of course that doesnt make me a expert on beer but what the brewmeisters told me was that formaldehyde is a natural byproduct of the brewing process of certain types of beers... from what I remember PORTERS are one of them...

not 100 perent certain of this... just what I remember from beer school! :D

Oh, they also mentioned that formaldehyde will give you a slight headache when ingested in small quantities.

greg :o

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