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Hind Sight Is 20 /20


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To be honest, if I'd stayed awake for the game, it would not have made such a good story, so I think it went as well as could reasonably be hoped.


I think I would try to avoid surmising "Things could not get any worse..."

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Maybe this should be in buddism forum. Sounds like an abstract question leaning on spiritual matters

Too abstract. As absolutes connect less with a cyclical order.

Who might say what was, what is, and what is to come.

As every situation and event will not be the same as the next.

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Simple and straight forward question.

Easy answer I would never have started smoking.

It ruled my social life in my pre teen and early teen years it also permanently damaged my health a burden I still carry even after 27 years of not smoking.

Not to mention the money.

That really dosen't count as I would have probably wasted it another way.

This is information based on what I experienced. In my school years I sought out other smokers and cut my self off from other activities that I could have partaken in but I was out under the grand stand smoking. What would have happened I don't know but I do know I would have been a more rounded individual when I ventured out into society.

For those who have to know the results of a change. I will play the if game. If I

I probably would have gone on to be a decorated war hero who got elected president after marrying a Miss America from a mega rich family.

From that platform I would have gone on to create world peace after I elimanated starvation and 90% of the worlds deadly diseases.

The wonderful game of if

For those who don't have to know the results. I don't know but I am sure it would have been better.

Edited by hellodolly
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No. If everything had gone to plan, I would have nothing to talk about down the pub

Your plans are obviously more straightforward than mine...


EDIT: Surely, if the plan had worked out everyone would have something to talk about down the pub?

Edited by StreetCowboy
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