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Thailand Welcomes Twitter Censorship Tool


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Censoring is easily avoided by changing your DNS (google is your friend) or the use of the many free Proxy servers available.

You dont want censorship ? Use your brain.

The problem here is that using a proxy or vpn is against the law in Thailand - it's is part of the new internet law that is intended to censor the internet and hence prevent its circumvention. So be careful of the ICT ministry.

I use a vpn every day. And I know many companies in Thailand that have vpns set up. I'd like to see where it says it's against the law.

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I use a vpn every day. And I know many companies in Thailand that have vpns set up. I'd like to see where it says it's against the law.

To clarify, note these:

9) Not to discuss proxies or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.

My pinned topic on VPNs that spells it out, Proxie,s VPN & Other Information This includes details of the Thailand Computer Crime Act which I have read closely.

VPNs as a technology is not illegal but how it is used can be. So no, it it not illegal in itself. This applies to anonymous proxies also. Note I specifically stated anonymous proxies as there are many different types as I spell out in my topic. So saying 'proxies' are illegal is wrong at several levels.

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Thailand must have been viewing the Arab Spring with a certain amount of nervousness. Since most of the communication that allowed it to occur was with the help of social media, clearly Thailand has to be looking askance at the concept of Thai citizens freely communicating with each.

This has little or nothing to do with the LM laws, that is just a front in order to ram this through.

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In the Kingdom of Thailand, you are here as a guest, and so you behave with respect for the King or go, .. or if you insult the Royal family, or promote ideas which undermine the dignity of the Royal family, or mouth off with opinions which are an affront to His Majesty's values, you deserve everything you get. This is not the USA, neither is it the UK, nor Australia, nor anywhere else. Take note: It is the Kingdom of Thailand.

I have two daughters with my Thai wife born here. They are Thai citizens. I want them to grow up with the concepts and abilities of free people.

Not only is freedom of speech a human right (note the word HUMAN, not Thai, or American or British...) but promotion of equality, humanity, and fairness takes diligence that requires the ability to express yourself and hear a variety of opinions from others. Sometimes it also requires challenging accepted truths.

Call me a guest all you want but I will teach my children to be free, open minded and to ask the question "why?" every now and then.

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A sad day for Twitter allowing governments to dictate to them what is acceptable on their website.

I wonder if you would prefer that governments sue Twitter each time one of its users breaks the law.

I would prefer if freedom of expression was respected,in that case there would be no reason for having a sensoring tool.
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In the Kingdom of Thailand, you are here as a guest, and so you behave with respect for the King or go, .. or if you insult the Royal family, or promote ideas which undermine the dignity of the Royal family, or mouth off with opinions which are an affront to His Majesty's values, you deserve everything you get. This is not the USA, neither is it the UK, nor Australia, nor anywhere else. Take note: It is the Kingdom of Thailand.

Now explain to me what taking up your right of freedom of speech has to do with disrespect.
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A post with reference to HM the King has been removed. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.

Another post discussing illegal activities (like how to bypass MICT) has been removed:

9) Not to discuss proxies or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.

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It could be the beginning of the end for Twitter as hopefully it will give rise to a new message service without this restriction. Twitter caving in to the demand of kleptocracies and military dictatorships around the world, and giving them the right to abuse who sends and receives what in electronic messaging, augurs poorly for the freedom of speech and individual liberty. It's a sad day.

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Must keep em quiet and unable to speak out. drunk.gif So sad if the world was to see something for what it truly is. One may wonder what they will do if someone spent 5 years here researching, exposing, documenting and return home to flip on the light switch?violin.gif

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... - so I wouldn't complain about Twitter - it's mild compared to this. ...

Does twitter have rules about what you can tweet? Thaivisa has rules about what you can post. You agreed to them when you registered.


(Notice that these often change over times...so one usually signed up with something else expressively stated.)

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IMO companies providing communication platforms should not be enabling censorship. Period.

This forum is censored. How do you feel about that?

Are you saying that State Intelligence publication should not be censored? Terrorist information? Illegal acts?

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"and so you behave with respect for the King or go,"

Where exactly should citizens go?

Where should they go?

I was not happy living in America, and so I came here.

If one is not happy with the laws of one country, each person can choose another country where the laws are more in line with that person's philosophy.

A lot of people don't have the means to just get up and leave their home country.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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IMO companies providing communication platforms should not be enabling censorship. Period.

This forum is censored. How do you feel about that?

Are you saying that State Intelligence publication should not be censored? Terrorist information? Illegal acts?

Twitter is not a forum. It is a tool for communicating.

If someone writes something that is illegal - no matter how, defamation, LM, etc, then the laws in a country can be applied towards that person. If it is done via a book, a newspaper, on TV, radio, Facebook, Twitter, TVF, or by speaking in public does not matter.

Nazi literature is banned in Germany. I don't agree with that, nor do I agree with the LM laws in Thailand. But those are the laws in Germany and Thailand respectively.

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IMO companies providing communication platforms should not be enabling censorship. Period.

This forum is censored. How do you feel about that?

Are you saying that State Intelligence publication should not be censored? Terrorist information? Illegal acts?

Twitter is not a forum. It is a tool for communicating.

If someone writes something that is illegal - no matter how, defamation, LM, etc, then the laws in a country can be applied towards that person. If it is done via a book, a newspaper, on TV, radio, Facebook, Twitter, TVF, or by speaking in public does not matter.

Nazi literature is banned in Germany. I don't agree with that, nor do I agree with the LM laws in Thailand. But those are the laws in Germany and Thailand respectively.

Are you sure that you can write anything on a TV forum and it doesn't matter. I believe that's absolutely not true.

Why does this forum have moderators? Several reasons, just one is to ensure that comments written by TV members are not libellous / to remove libellous somments quickly. Why, becaue the forum owner can be prosecuted if libellous comments are left on the webboard.

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It could be the beginning of the end for Twitter as hopefully it will give rise to a new message service without this restriction. Twitter caving in to the demand of kleptocracies and military dictatorships around the world, and giving them the right to abuse who sends and receives what in electronic messaging, augurs poorly for the freedom of speech and individual liberty. It's a sad day.

And that new company too will go through the cycle of innovative startup -> nerd freedom symbol ->counterculture icon -> commercial success -> Talk of IPO -> Compliance Housecleaning to allow IPO or Corporate Takeover.

It's a predictable path.

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Google told the Chinese to hose themselves; if twitter had any cojones they would do the same to Thailand. I HATE censorship in ANY form!!!

I may be wrong, but after redirecting to it's HK servers Google in the end went back to China with censorship in place.

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IMO companies providing communication platforms should not be enabling censorship. Period.

This forum is censored. How do you feel about that?

Are you saying that State Intelligence publication should not be censored? Terrorist information? Illegal acts?

Twitter is not a forum. It is a tool for communicating.

If someone writes something that is illegal - no matter how, defamation, LM, etc, then the laws in a country can be applied towards that person. If it is done via a book, a newspaper, on TV, radio, Facebook, Twitter, TVF, or by speaking in public does not matter.

Nazi literature is banned in Germany. I don't agree with that, nor do I agree with the LM laws in Thailand. But those are the laws in Germany and Thailand respectively.

Are you sure that you can write anything on a TV forum and it doesn't matter. I believe that's absolutely not true.

Why does this forum have moderators? Several reasons, just one is to ensure that comments written by TV members are not libellous / to remove libellous somments quickly. Why, becaue the forum owner can be prosecuted if libellous comments are left on the webboard.

You need to re-read Tom's post a bit more carefully.

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I'm a bit late to the arty but here are a few things about the "Twitter censorship" subject that were overlooked by media... and that might end up being an actual improvement for freedom of speech.

First, this move of Twitter is done mostly because they are opening offices in various countries (mostly in Europe so far) and therefore must abide by the laws over there. Some of these countries have restriction about what can be expressed publicly (neo-nazi speech in Germany for example), and if they want to keep their office opened over there, they will need to remove such content when notified.

To minimize the impact, they started this new system of "country-based" removal. Meaning that rather than deleting definitely a post, its access will be restricted in certain zones... but still visible in the rest of the world. The user will be informed that this particular post was flagged by this particular government.

This is where I feel many governments trip over themselves and will probably be bitten back... Because accessing twitter through proxies or VPNs are not rocket science, and such flagged tweets will garner more attention than if they weren't flagged.

In the case of Thailand (remember, this will happen only if Twitter opens an office in the country), we would finally have a chance to have clear examples of what is regarded as "lese-majeste".... Because that's the probleme here:"X is accused of saying "something". Well, we can't tell you what that something is, but you should trust us, it's bad". So much for making your own opinion.

All in all, it looks like this move will actually improve things.

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to tweet, or not to tweet -- that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

Edited by z12
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