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Yingluck Faces Ombudsman's Probe Over Appointments Of Nalinee And Natthawut


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Yingluck faces ombudsman's probe

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Office of Ombudsman is checking into the ethical standard related to the appointments of PM's Office Minister Nalinee Taveesin and Deputy Agriculture Minister Natthawut Saikua.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Cabinet secretary general Amphon Kittiampon will have 15 days to defend the two appointments, ombudsman Siracha Charoenpanij said on Thursday.

"The probe will proceed to conclusion without being derailed by pressure," he said.

Siracha said his office was empowered by the Constitution to examine the ethical aspect of the ministerial line-up.

Should a foul play involving Yingluck be suspected, the impeachment proceedings will be activated.

An advocacy group, Green Politics, initiated the ombudsman's probe on suspicion that Yingluck made unethical choices.

Nalinee is facing the US Treasury sanction for business deals with American nationals or companies. Her sanction is based on her ties with Zimbawe's President Robert Mugabe.

Natthawut is a prime suspect on myriad criminal charges, including terrorism, in connection with the political disturbances in 2010.


-- The Nation 2012-02-02

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Based on the law...

If, in the opinion of the Ombudsman, a law, regulation, or action of an individual is in violation of the Constitution, the Ombudsman shall refer the case to either Constitutional Court or an Administrative Court, as appropriate, for further review.

I anticipate a referral onward regarding these 2 fiasco appointments.


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Yingluck unaware of Nalinee's sanction

The Nation

BANGKOK:--Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday insisted she had been unaware of the US Treasury sanction against PM's Office Minister Nalinee Taveesin prior to bringing her into the Cabinet.

"I did not know (about Nalinee being sanctioned) and the checks on Nalinee's records found everything in order," she said.

Yingluck said after she had learned about the sanction, the relevant authorities advised her that the Nalinee's appointment was in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

The sanction was an individual issue which Nalinee was in process to rectify by appealing to the US Treasury Department, she said.

Pending a resolution of the sanction and a valid objection on Nalinee's legal qualification to hold office, she was obliged to give her minister a chance to work.

She vowed to reconsider her decision if relevant authorities drew conclusion that Nalinee was not qualified for the job.

She was speaking at the question-and-answer session at the House. Democrat MP Ratchada Dhnadirek posed a query on Nalinee's qualifications.


-- The Nation 2012-02-02

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I received this from our US based supplier:

Please be advised that we will no longer be able to process any orders.

Please see the notification we have received and this basically has tied our hands regarding any shipments made. We truly regret informing you of our action, however we do hope that you understand; and once Ms. Nalinee Taveesin is no longer involved with the government or removed from the SDN list, we can resume working together.

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I received this from our US based supplier:

Please be advised that we will no longer be able to process any orders.

Please see the notification we have received and this basically has tied our hands regarding any shipments made. We truly regret informing you of our action, however we do hope that you understand; and once Ms. Nalinee Taveesin is no longer involved with the government or removed from the SDN list, we can resume working together.

So you're suggesting that an American company can't do business with Thailand specifically because of Nalinee? I find that very hard to believe.

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Can the same logic be applied to helping red shirts avoid prosecution by putting them on the PTP party list? In any other country, that a candidate was facing serious criminal charges would be grounds for omission In thailand it is grounds foer inclusion.

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Must have been one of those 'the radar does not work at night ' days, thus she missed the nomination/confirm meeting.

The promise " you will be wealthy in 6 months" seems to be kind of selective in the choices of potential recieptants.

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Ombudsman to Investigate Appointment of Ministers

The ombudsman says the Prime Minister and the Cabinet's Secretary-General could face impeachment if they are found guilty of violating the Constitution's code of ethics with the appointment of Natthawut Saikua and Nalinee Taveesin to ministerial posts.

Ombudsman Sriracha Charoenpanich said his office has issued a summons for the Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of the Cabinet to provide clarification on the alleged breach of the Constitution's code of ethics in the appointment of Natthawut Saikua and Nalinee Taveesin as ministers.

The Office of the Ombudsman earlier received a petition for an inquiry to be launched into the alleged misconduct of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, the Cabinet's Secretary-General Amphon Kitti-amphon, Natthawut and Nalinee.

Sriracha said if the prime minister is found guilty, his office will file for her impeachment with the Senate.

For Amphon, the office has yet to check regulations concerning civil servants on what kind of punishment he may receive.

He noted that if no clarification is received within 15 days, he will exercise his right to take legal action for criminal offenses against the four.

The ombudsman affirmed transparency in the inquiry.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-02


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I received this from our US based supplier:

Please be advised that we will no longer be able to process any orders.

Please see the notification we have received and this basically has tied our hands regarding any shipments made. We truly regret informing you of our action, however we do hope that you understand; and once Ms. Nalinee Taveesin is no longer involved with the government or removed from the SDN list, we can resume working together.

So you're suggesting that an American company can't do business with Thailand specifically because of Nalinee? I find that very hard to believe.

Our company deals on some projects directly with the Government and these are currently on hold because of this issue... Some US companies are just too scared if her name appears in any documents they will be prosecuted ...

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PM Defends Appointment of US-Blacklisted Minister

BANGKOK: -- The prime minister maintains her appointment of the US-blacklisted minister is constitutional.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra showed up for the House meeting today to answer the query posed by the Democrat Party about her appointment of US-blacklisted Nalinee Taveesin as Prime Minister's Office minister.

Yingluck told the MPs the appointment was based on Nalinee's capability and no complaint was filed against her qualifications during the selection process.

An opposition MP then questioned the premier if she was aware that Nalinee is blacklisted by the United States.

Yingluck replied she is ready to launch a probe into the issue before referring the question about details of the blacklist to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobumrung.

Meanwhile, in her meeting with media representatives before the Parliament session, Yingluck insisted she did not cry after being questioned by the press over the opposition’s petition asking for the Constitution Court's ruling on the legality of the four financial executive decrees.

Yingluck said her voice coincidentally sounded brittle while answering the question but insisted she was not on the verge of tears.

Yingluck denied commenting on the Ombudsman's demand that she clarify in 15 days the appointments of Nalinee and Pheu Thai red-shirt MP Natthawut Saikua as ministers which the Ombudsman claimed violate the Constitution's ethical code for political post holders.

If found guilty, the Ombudsman will launch an impeachment motion against Yingluck with the Senate.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-02


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Not sure which I am most surprised about - that Thai politicians are supposed to have ethics or that a US naughty list holds a power of veto over both Thai law and a Royal endorsement.

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She'll appoint a committee to look into it n ka.

Actually, Nalinee was previously a govt appointed trade representative from what I understand so I find it funny that this did not become an issue earlier when she tried to do business with Americans. I'm guessing, if she's the international businesswomen she's made out to be, and the US sanctions are serious, she would have known ages ago, which means Peua Thai should have known. It's such a joke. Btw; it was a South African journalist who first spotted this and brought it to our attention. So, chances are, no one here might have known.

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"I did not know (about Nalinee being sanctioned) and the checks on Nalinee's records found everything in order," she said.

Just unbelievable for the PM to say above...especially when the nomination list came out all the newspapers and opposition parties screamed about it....and then it was another week or so before the nomination was approved. Just unbelievable.

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PM Defends Appointment of US-Blacklisted Minister

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra showed up for the House meeting today to answer the query posed by the Democrat Party about her appointment of US-blacklisted Nalinee Taveesin as Prime Minister's Office minister.

A positive step in just simply showing up to work this time.


accompanying photo to the OP article

Edited by Buchholz
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PM Defends Appointment of US-Blacklisted Minister

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra showed up for the House meeting today to answer the query posed by the Democrat Party about her appointment of US-blacklisted Nalinee Taveesin as Prime Minister's Office minister.

A positive step in just simply showing up to work this time.


accompanying photo to the OP article

That photo is begging for a caption. Chalerm "I know where you've been."

I'm sure ther is better than that.

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