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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

Yep, have to agree. We should adopt the Thai system; make it really easy to live here!

Every country has different immigration laws, and even though said in jest above, maybe UK should look at how Thailand controls things.

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I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

It's the same in Canada. Damm that bloody crumbling empire!

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Funny how she and others don't want to uphold their end of a marriage contract, yet want to be paid off as if they did.

She wants scotty ATM to pay the bills, and takes all the lovers on the side for the thrills.

She obviously has not heard about the 'thrifty Scott'.

Edited by z12
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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

I think this is a perfect analysis of the situation. PS. Never marry a drama queen.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

nonsense Thai immigration rules are perfectly fair provided you can support yourself. Its time UK and other places concentrated on real issues which are basically if she or her husband have enough money and income to support themselves then the Uk should allow them to live in UK rather than allowing all those from eastern europe fee entry and immediate access to all social services.

I am sickened by the way western countries treat Thai visitors. Ive been married to a Thai for over 16 years and even after all that time we still have to go through ridiculous hoops to get her visas for some countries. This is even though she has in her own name 12 properties here a flat in UK (we never tell UK visa people this in case they see it as a reason she might stay in UK. She has in her own name over 10 million baht in Hong Kong and about same in Singapore as well as a property in USA. Yet in a recent application to a western country for a visa they treated her assets in Hong Kong Singapore and property, shares here were not relevant and they only considered money she had in a Thai savings account. As it happens she uses a checking account for most things here and one of those accounts had over 1 million baht in it. They said they only wanted to see savings accounts here and stated visa might be refused. So we went to bank transferred 1 million baht to a savings account she had and went back and got the visa. It makes me very angry especially since over last 16+ years she me and our 2 children go twice yearly to Europe, Australia, Japan or other countries and here last 3 passports are full of visas.

Id like the Thai immigration to treat forangs as badly as western countries treat Thai wives. In fact id be happy if they charged say 30,000 baht + for a 1 year visa and also happy if places we visited did the same. Ive also over years known quite wealthy forangs have visas refused for their Thai wives and although they always got them in the end they were amazed at how their wives were treated. It is not the point weather their wives are gold diggers or not it should simply be done (which it is not) on ability to support the wife without need of government funds.

One solution would be to insist on say a deposit of 2 million baht (only 40k GBP) which will be held with interest paid for say 5 years against any claims on government money and then returned after 5 years with interest. If someone has not got the money then which is not so much then it is unlikely they can truly support their wives. It could also be secured for example on a property without having to give actual cash or secured by a friend or family member on their property.

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IF anyone checked out the video - 1:26 "I have a good life in thailand"

BUT - i want to go to UK to fight a case (even if it takes selling my house and car)

BUT - I want to showup and cause traffic at sathorn road to come at a standstill

BUT - I want to kill myself with a knife

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I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

Did your spouse get refused a visa? In terms of comparison with the Thai system and rights of abode, the UK is far far more liberal than Thailand in terms of rights of foreign spouses. I would like it very much if Thailand would adopt the British stance on immigration for spouses, by now thousands of long staying expats would have permenant right of abode in Thailand and not have to jump through the yearly stupidity of the system here.

The Brits might not own the world, but they own the UK at least, so the rules are set as they are.

I am not a Brit. I am a German and I say Amen to that! -

Just think a Thai wife or husband to an European is not required to have 10.000 Euros sitting on their Account in Europe nor do the have hindernises in the law. Perhaps thats why this lovely bride has lost it here. True marriage in Thailand is an industry that has a partner paying into the system over 15000 Euros a year. Visa runs, Legal fees, Late fees, small friendly tips and all that goes on in living in Thailand. This is all possible as a working person...but as a pensioner..... you are screwed! Love is truly blind.

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I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

Did your spouse get refused a visa? In terms of comparison with the Thai system and rights of abode, the UK is far far more liberal than Thailand in terms of rights of foreign spouses. I would like it very much if Thailand would adopt the British stance on immigration for spouses, by now thousands of long staying expats would have permenant right of abode in Thailand and not have to jump through the yearly stupidity of the system here.

The Brits might not own the world, but they own the UK at least, so the rules are set as they are.

I am not a Brit. I am a German and I say Amen to that! -

Just think a Thai wife or husband to an European is not required to have 10.000 Euros sitting on their Account in Europe nor do the have hindernises in the law. Perhaps thats why this lovely bride has lost it here. True marriage in Thailand is an industry that has a partner paying into the system over 15000 Euros a year. Visa runs, Legal fees, Late fees, small friendly tips and all that goes on in living in Thailand. This is all possible as a working person...but as a pensioner..... you are screwed! Love is truly blind.

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It's all too messy for me to understand, perhaps she was no saint, perhaps he wanted an easy out and had lots to loose froma UK divorce, it does seem however that the BA ought to let her in in order to fight the matter in the divorce courts.

Once she's in the UK they'll never be able to get her out again...

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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

I think this is a perfect analysis of the situation. PS. Never marry a drama queen.

....A drama queen who can look forreward to spending the rest of her life alone. Enjoy the loot!

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i want to fight my divorce in uk, she means geting big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

she loves thailand, so she can stay here smile.png

yes oh YESSSS!!!!! - BIG MONEY!

I am proud of the immigration system of Scotland. Why keep a person to fight one of its citizens on tax payers money, when the person who has been cheated out of love at that age. She is only aiming to empty the koffers and come back. Yes she truly loves Thailand she should trust the system here to defend her - the place where she pays her taxes into.

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Divorcee or widower - I suspect he would be happy with either situation. I am in a similar situation (though I live in Thailand most of the year) with a wife who demands B1 million (slightly less than she had already stolen) to agree to a divorce, and I am quietly waiting for the alternative.

In case that sounds harsh, after my wife and I separated, I continued to pay school and other expenses for my stepdaughters and there was always food available in my house if they were hungry. I also continued to pay bi-monthly expenses for my wife's treatment for her serious medical condition - expenses which rose by B1000 every trip until I demanded (in advance) a receipt. When she claimed to have lost the receipt, I told her to "make love elsewhere". (BTW her actions I classify as "terminal stupidity"). I wait the inevitable.

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It's all too messy for me to understand, perhaps she was no saint, perhaps he wanted an easy out and had lots to loose froma UK divorce, it does seem however that the BA ought to let her in in order to fight the matter in the divorce courts.

Once she's in the UK they'll never be able to get her out again...

yes its all the humanitarian agencies and do gooders that have made that country like that - Save the dog, save the whale and its very laws interpreted by those who havent a clue of its origins and its purposes. This women if let into the UK will have more luck in Courts that at the roulette table in L.A.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Well said!!!

What nonsense. I wish Thai immigration would treat forangs as badly as UK and rest treat Thai wives. Ive been married to a Thai for over 16 years and even though she has 12 properties here 1 in USA and 1 in Uk together with around 10 million baht of shares and gold in Hong Kong and about same in Singapore all in her name she still gets ridiculous problems getting visas for western countries. Our 2 children have Thai and Uk nationality. Just recently we went to get her a visa for a western country and they were not interested in her assets in Hong Kong Singapore or her property. They wanted to see money in Av Thai bank savings account. We explained she mostly uses checking accounts and showed them last 6 months statements for one of those accounts which had over 1 million baht in it and showed income stream of around 200,000 baht a month. They said they only considered savings accounts and might refuse a visa since she only had around 100,000 in a savings account (ignoring the proof of 10 million etc in Hong Kong and property etc). So we went to the bank and transferred 1 million baht from her checking account into a savings account went back and got the visa. In 16+ years we with our 2 children usually have 2 holidays a year in Europe, UK or other western countries and yet we still have nonsense about her visa. USA is worst and weve given up visiting their even though she has an investment property in Frorida.

Id welcome the day Thai immigration act as stupidly with forangs and would welcome say a 30,000 baht yearly fee for yearly visas here. I would not mind if west did same at least then it would be fair.

Instead UK allows hordes of EEC immigrants who immediately have access to social services and rest. The only criteria should be weather wife or her husband can demonstrate they have enough money to support themselves without government funds.

A solution would be for UK to say ask for a deposit or guarantee of say 2 million baht (its only 40k gbp after all) which could be held against any claims on government money. After say 5 years it could be returned with interest at RPI. If someone does not have that money then it is unlikely they can support themselves and their wife. They could give security such as property or a friend give security secured on property or a family member to solve problem where someone has a good salary but limited capital.

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Divorcee or widower - I suspect he would be happy with either situation. I am in a similar situation (though I live in Thailand most of the year) with a wife who demands B1 million (slightly less than she had already stolen) to agree to a divorce, and I am quietly waiting for the alternative.

In case that sounds harsh, after my wife and I separated, I continued to pay school and other expenses for my stepdaughters and there was always food available in my house if they were hungry. I also continued to pay bi-monthly expenses for my wife's treatment for her serious medical condition - expenses which rose by B1000 every trip until I demanded (in advance) a receipt. When she claimed to have lost the receipt, I told her to "make love elsewhere". (BTW her actions I classify as "terminal stupidity"). I wait the inevitable.

Sorry to hear it, and all too common, all for the love of money.

"Women! You can't live with them, you can't do most positions without them." - Dan Fielding "Night Court"

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If she kills herself (which she will not) it will solve 2 problems. 1. she won't need a visa and 2. she won't need a divorce.

....it may solve 2 problems as you state, but now that I have reread this entire thread, I find that most people are missing the really important points in their comments.....

I am sure it is important to her to carry on with her cause, but really killing herself in front of the UK Emb, could create new problems...... if she went thru with it, I do think that she would be charged surely, with 1] improper disposal of a cadaver, and maybe even 2] littering.... you don't dispose of anything on the street in Bkk.... not even a cig butt....?????

She'd have real problems then...

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IF anyone checked out the video - 1:26 "I have a good life in thailand"

BUT - i want to go to UK to fight a case (even if it takes selling my house and car)

BUT - I want to showup and cause traffic at sathorn road to come at a standstill

BUT - I want to kill myself with a knife

Wanting to kill herself certainly shows that the woman has some serious psych issues. We have all heard the stories of farangs who have come to grief after having relationships with such thai women. This unstable woman definately has a grieviance with the ex/husband in the U.K and I believe she has shot herself in the foot. The U.K now has a duty of care to the ex and who knows what this woman could do if allowed into the country where she will have contact with the ex.

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Stay in Thailand, the UK does not need any more crazy immigrants. happy Valentines day.

Stay in Thailand, the UK does not need any more crazy immigrants. happy Valentines day.

and i wish people like you would stay in UK or leave Thailand does not need more low life forangs than they already have

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