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The More She Speaks, The Worse Things Get: Thai Opinion


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The More She Speaks, the Worse Things Get

OPINION PIECE from Manager.co.th

BANGKOK: -- The image and competency of Thailand's first female prime minister are once again under fire after less than an impressive number of business leaders bothered to turn up to hear her speech on Thailand's economy in 2012. Some even say, the more she speaks the less confident investors become.

It could be the spillover effect from her less than stunning performance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. On the world stage, in front of political and business leaders, the premier had failed to restore confidence in Thailand after its economy was devastated by one of the worst flood crises in decades. In fact, one could even go as far as saying her performance did the opposite. Her delivery of the speech had garnered a lot of negative opinions from the public, especially those who do not favor her brother Thaksin Shinawatra or the Pheu Thai Party.

The anti-Yingluck camp said her speech was impossible to understand even when it was translated in to Thai. Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.

If you look at her past performances, the dismal responses she garnered from Davos and the 2012 economic forum at home should not have come as a surprise. Yingluck's surface value is a product of 'speculative trading' by her brother, Thaksin. Her brother had painted such a wonderful picture of Yingluck, creating false perception of her professionalism and made it possible for her to be elected to Thailand's top political position.

Public speech blunders are nothing new for Yingluck. There were incidents when she mispronounced key Thai words which had distorted the entire sentence's meaning. Once, she pronounced concrete as "con-nok-rete." Online VDO clips of the PM's public speech debacles have garnered hundreds of thousand of hits.

Her political opponents are pointing to the VDO evidence and embarrassing responses to the premier's public addresses as solid proof that she is merely a puppet on strings. She was given the moniker of "parrot" by Government House beat reporters, referring to her tendency to repeat whatever she's been 'taught' to say.

During her 6 months in office, the premier had failed to instill confidence or pride in Thailand. Her poorly assigned Cabinet has failed to server the country's interest, focusing more on their own. The cost of living skyrockets during the term of the Yingluck government. The state is now trying hard to rein in the steep food prices including the price of the popular read-to-eat dish of stir-fried Thai basil chicken or pork with rice.

The government could also face a major backlash if the Constitution Court ruled against its endorsement of the executive bills dealing with the 1.14 trillion baht debt of the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) and the Finance Ministry's ability to take out 350 billion baht loan to spend on projects that will supposedly prevent a repeat of 2011's flood crisis.

All of the above are reflections of the prime minister's poor performance. Not to mention the biggest debacle of all, the attempt to amend the 2001 Constitution. The public has become impatient as the embattled premier faces more tough questions as her political opponents weave a wicked web to link her name, and Pheu Thai's, to the movement that aims to amend Article 112 of the Criminal Code, that deals with lese majeste law, by the Nitirat group.

Translated from www.manager.co.th

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local media and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-03


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Interesting that TAN publishes this laughably skewed trash from Manager, organ of Sondhi and the quasi fascist PAD.Perhaps they also publish articles from the Redshirt propaganda sheets - but I haven't seen them

Try in the comic section.

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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Can most people really disagree with this sentiment? I mean the part that she is a pretty show puppet with no there there in the brain department?

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.
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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Can most people really disagree with this sentiment? I mean the part that she is a pretty show puppet with no there there in the brain department?

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.

She may or may not be an airhead, at least she is a democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand, with what's more, an absolute majority. A lot more than most PM's over the last 25 years in Thailand.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of democracy, and whilst Thailand appears to worry about the "image" of their politicians on the world stage, don't they realise that as a rule, the international business community in Davos, really doesn't figure Thailand at the top of its priorities because as I said on a previous message, there is NOTHING NEW for her to announce to them to attract any interest.

Does anyone really think that the international community believes anything she (or most other previous PM's) says about controlling the floods, being open for business, attracting foreign business , liberalising the economy, changing tax rates, when they have heard the same story for the last 20 years. Thailand has attracted as much foreign business as it wants to allow the Thai-Chinese business and a select few essential monopoly over vast tracts of industry here, and NO ONE is going to be allowed to change this.

No one cares what she is saying because they have heard it all before.

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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

Someone as shockingly unqualified as her with no hidden talent could have never emerged in any mature democracy, that's for sure.
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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

Someone as shockingly unqualified as her with no hidden talent could have never emerged in any mature democracy, that's for sure.

That's true enough, but then mature democracies don't resort to coups to effect governmental change every few years. Seems to me that the establishment like Thai politics, and the legal system as immature and flexible as it can be, so you can't exactly blame it on the immaturity of the system if the army keeps exploiting this immaturity, but someone comes along and exploits it too.

There is the illusion of democracy and the rule of law here, don't complain if after 70 odd years of coups, a few politicians have learnt how to really exploit it for their own ends.

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Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

You really find it quite hard to grasp a point sometimes.Of course Yingluck should be satirised and her weaknesses -there are lots - should be exposed.However the wretched Manager piece purports to be serious journalism whereas it is in fact dishonest and misleading, scarcely surprising given its source.It is neither amusing nor accurate - just the predictable bile from Sondhi's organ.

Incidentally if one is talking about the need for serious piss taking in Thailand, Private Eye style perhaps, there are plenty of eligible candidates and Yingluck is very far from being top of the list

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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Can most people really disagree with this sentiment? I mean the part that she is a pretty show puppet with no there there in the brain department?

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.

She may or may not be an airhead, at least she is a democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand, with what's more, an absolute majority. A lot more than most PM's over the last 25 years in Thailand.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of democracy, and whilst Thailand appears to worry about the "image" of their politicians on the world stage, don't they realise that as a rule, the international business community in Davos, really doesn't figure Thailand at the top of its priorities because as I said on a previous message, there is NOTHING NEW for her to announce to them to attract any interest.

Does anyone really think that the international community believes anything she (or most other previous PM's) says about controlling the floods, being open for business, attracting foreign business , liberalising the economy, changing tax rates, when they have heard the same story for the last 20 years. Thailand has attracted as much foreign business as it wants to allow the Thai-Chinese business and a select few essential monopoly over vast tracts of industry here, and NO ONE is going to be allowed to change this.

No one cares what she is saying because they have heard it all before.

Regarding your terms: “she is a democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand”

Forgot about the common practice of vote buying and making false promises?

You wrote “this is the nature of democracy”. I don’t see much of a democracy in the country.

However, maybe it’s because I lack a little bit of faith in “influential persons” as I also don’t believe all these little cameras are for your safety…

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Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

You really find it quite hard to grasp a point sometimes.Of course Yingluck should be satirised and her weaknesses -there are lots - should be exposed.However the wretched Manager piece purports to be serious journalism whereas it is in fact dishonest and misleading, scarcely surprising given its source.It is neither amusing nor accurate - just the predictable bile from Sondhi's organ.

Incidentally if one is talking about the need for serious piss taking in Thailand, Private Eye style perhaps, there are plenty of eligible candidates and Yingluck is very far from being top of the list

Oh dear, the lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I agree that it fails in terms of humour, but in terms of accuracy, i don't think it is really that far from the truth. A bit of exaggeration, a bit of artistic license, sure, but i'm confident the more educated readers out there are able to recognise those elements.

Your problem seems to be as much, if not more, to do with the messenger than the message.

As for Yingluck being far from the top of list of eligible candidates for Private Eye style piss take, i would say simply the fact that she is top of the political tree marks her out for closer scrutiny and crosser examination than others in the herd, without even taking into account her aforementioned many weaknesses, so climb down from that white steed and take off that shiny armour. I'm sure Mr Anusorn is able to defend his common law wife's good name by himself.

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Whilst I wouldn't blame manager.co.th from pointing out that she may not be up to the job, it is very strange what they expect the "Prime Minister" of Thailand to be able to achieve. She single handedly will handle restoring confidence, and single handedly head up the anti-flood agency etc etc. Where are the finance ministers, the commerce ministers, the foreign ministers, the trade ministers coming up with some kind of hard plans to change anything?

Nowhere to be seen. This isn't limited to the current bunch, although Korn was obviously quite competent, meanwhile everyone just shuts up in the background and expect PM Yingluck to perform cartwheels in Davos and "restore" the image of the country? What is the recent image of the country?

Floods,riots, coups, bird flu and going back far enough, tsunamis. Has there been a single improvement in one policy in the country to make it more attractive to foreign businesses in the last 10 years? Nope. Visas same, BOI same, taxes same, 51;49 same, restricted industries same, land ownership same, corruption same, cronyism same,

Is it any wonder that no one is wowed by the investment potential for Thailand. There is absolutely NOTHING NEW in any policies for a very long time, so why bother to give it any thought at all.

Mmmmmm... sorry mate, But She is the Premier.... its her job to convince investors... she is the Big Cheese... The Buck STOPS with her..! Oh Brother...!!

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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

Someone as shockingly unqualified as her with no hidden talent could have never emerged in any mature democracy, that's for sure.

But Sarah!

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As for Yingluck being far from the top of list of eligible candidates for Private Eye style piss take, i would say simply the fact that she is top of the political tree marks her out for closer scrutiny and crosser examination than others in the herd, without even taking into account her aforementioned many weaknesses, so climb down from that white steed and take off that shiny armour. I'm sure Mr Anusorn is able to defend his common law wife's good name by himself.

No educated person would take Manager's nonsense seriously.If you want to I shall refrain from comment.

As to Private Eye style targets in Thailand I don't think Ian Hislop would agree with your suggestion.Yingluck's weaknesses are rather obvious and the subject of much comment in the Thai press and social media.True satire takes aim at the pompous, hypocritical and arrogant:there are many such people in Thailand who are hardly ever criticised or mocked.

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Does anyone really think that the international community believes anything she (or most other previous PM's) says about controlling the floods, being open for business, attracting foreign business , liberalising the economy, changing tax rates



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No educated person would take Manager's nonsense seriously.If you want to I shall refrain from comment.

Nonsense? As i say, it really isn't that far from the truth, and i think you know that, it's just the strength of your feelings for the source prevent you from admitting as much.

As to Private Eye style targets in Thailand I don't think Ian Hislop would agree with your suggestion.Yingluck's weaknesses are rather obvious and the subject of much comment in the Thai press and social media.True satire takes aim at the pompous, hypocritical and arrogant:there are many such people in Thailand who are hardly ever criticised or mocked.

I'm sure Hislop would find there not enough hours in the day to do his job here, and Yingluck would be doing nothing to lighten his workload.

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"The anti-Yingluck camp said......"

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying

Her political opponents are pointing to

Refuting all the negatives heaped on Ms. Y. in this article would make for a very lengthy Post, but refuting them would be easy.

Those whose opinions were being projected as per quotes above, clearly colour this article for what it is.

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Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

You really find it quite hard to grasp a point sometimes.Of course Yingluck should be satirised and her weaknesses -there are lots - should be exposed.However the wretched Manager piece purports to be serious journalism whereas it is in fact dishonest and misleading, scarcely surprising given its source.It is neither amusing nor accurate - just the predictable bile from Sondhi's organ.

Incidentally if one is talking about the need for serious piss taking in Thailand, Private Eye style perhaps, there are plenty of eligible candidates and Yingluck is very far from being top of the list

Well perhaps you could ask jatuporn to provide some honesty in his wretched outbursts, and lead the way.

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Yes it is propaganda but there is some truth in it.

Can most people really disagree with this sentiment? I mean the part that she is a pretty show puppet with no there there in the brain department?

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying she was better equipped to participate in a fashion show rather than sharing her vision.

She may or may not be an airhead, at least she is a democratically elected Prime Minister of Thailand, with what's more, an absolute majority. A lot more than most PM's over the last 25 years in Thailand.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of democracy, and whilst Thailand appears to worry about the "image" of their politicians on the world stage, don't they realise that as a rule, the international business community in Davos, really doesn't figure Thailand at the top of its priorities because as I said on a previous message, there is NOTHING NEW for her to announce to them to attract any interest.

Does anyone really think that the international community believes anything she (or most other previous PM's) says about controlling the floods, being open for business, attracting foreign business , liberalising the economy, changing tax rates, when they have heard the same story for the last 20 years. Thailand has attracted as much foreign business as it wants to allow the Thai-Chinese business and a select few essential monopoly over vast tracts of industry here, and NO ONE is going to be allowed to change this.

No one cares what she is saying because they have heard it all before.

With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?
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"The anti-Yingluck camp said......"

Her speech was so poorly received with her political opponents saying

Her political opponents are pointing to

Refuting all the negatives heaped on Ms. Y. in this article would make for a very lengthy Post, but refuting them would be easy.

Those whose opinions were being projected as per quotes above, clearly colour this article for what it is.

Judging from the responses, including yours, refuting the content of the article would not be easy, so we have turned to ridiculing the source.

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Yingluck, oh, Yingluck.

I think we can mostly agree her party won the last election and she was democratically, such as it is, put into power as the Thai PM. Also that the voters in voting for PTP knew they were voting for a Thaksin controlled party.

That all assumed, seriously, don't you think it's about time PTP themselves replace Yingluck with a more credible PM for the sake of both their party and the country? She's had her time. She is flopping, yes?

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With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?

As much or as less as her predecessor. rolleyes.gif

If you want to talk mandates, sure, Yingluck has more going for her than Abhisit, but if you want to talk control and decision making, i don't think she has anything like the involvement that he did. She is purely 100% figurehead, i don't think Abhisit was - not that there weren't strings of course.

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With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?

As much or as less as her predecessor. rolleyes.gif

If you want to talk mandates, sure, Yingluck has more going for her than Abhisit, but if you want to talk control and decision making, i don't think she has anything like the involvement that he did. She is purely 100% figurehead, i don't think Abhisit was - not that there weren't strings of course.

At least she has blood ties to her puppeteer. rolleyes.gif

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With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?

As much or as less as her predecessor. rolleyes.gif

If you want to talk mandates, sure, Yingluck has more going for her than Abhisit, but if you want to talk control and decision making, i don't think she has anything like the involvement that he did. She is purely 100% figurehead, i don't think Abhisit was - not that there weren't strings of course.

At least she has blood ties to her puppeteer. rolleyes.gif

Yes that does make all the difference.rolleyes.gif

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