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The More She Speaks, The Worse Things Get: Thai Opinion


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Well perhaps you could ask jatuporn to provide some honesty in his wretched outbursts, and lead the way.

What an absurd comment.Why should I be in touch with anyone?

If Thai Asean Network started publishing blatant Red propaganda, whether from Jatuporn or A.N Other as an legitimate source of news I am sure the usual suspects would be whining and complaining (to be fair - they would have good reason).

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Yingluck, oh, Yingluck.

I think we can mostly agree her party won the last election and she was democratically, such as it is, put into power as the Thai PM. Also that the voters in voting for PTP knew they were voting for a Thaksin controlled party.

That all assumed, seriously, don't you think it's about time PTP themselves replace Yingluck with a more credible PM for the sake of both their party and the country? She's had her time. She is flopping, yes?

Brother Payup Shinawatra is ready and willing to step in.


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Well perhaps you could ask jatuporn to provide some honesty in his wretched outbursts, and lead the way.

What an absurd comment.Why should I be in touch with anyone?

If Thai Asean Network started publishing blatant Red propaganda, whether from Jatuporn or A.N Other as an legitimate source of news I am sure the usual suspects would be whining and complaining (to be fair - they would have good reason).

Need to be in touch with reality mostly means being in touch with some if only by reading what they write or listening to what they say.

Of course some can judge from their ivory tower

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oh, as long as the policians blame the flood on the weather and not the mismanagement of the realse of water of the dams, what is to be expected?

you see on bloomberg all the japanese companies who are losing billions in Q4 of 2011 thanks to that mismanagement

i would not be surprised those companies will seek in the future to relocate to less questionable political regions

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Every nation gets the government is deserves. If against, fight , as they did in all Eastern Europe, Lybia and now Syria.

Could not anybody, who was willing the get the info, know the present prime minister had ZERO experience ?

Still the Thais massively voted for her and her party.

So, be stuck with this government and prime minister till the end of the by YOU = voters, given mandate.

Vote buying: sorry, still YOU = voter, who was so stupid to SELL, without thinking why a potential member of parliament was willing to invest so much to get that position, without ever thinking he/she might be completely incompetent and only willing to do so as then to have a chance to steal more tax payers money back.

Therefore I have ZERO and I mean: ZERO pity with any Thai at all.

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Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

You really find it quite hard to grasp a point sometimes.Of course Yingluck should be satirised and her weaknesses -there are lots - should be exposed.However the wretched Manager piece purports to be serious journalism whereas it is in fact dishonest and misleading, scarcely surprising given its source.It is neither amusing nor accurate - just the predictable bile from Sondhi's organ.

Incidentally if one is talking about the need for serious piss taking in Thailand, Private Eye style perhaps, there are plenty of eligible candidates and Yingluck is very far from being top of the list

What I miss in Thai English-language news is decent investigative reporting. Maybe it exists in Thai?

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Being critical doesn't make something propaganda. Where i come from political satirists would have someone like Yingluck for breakfast - she would absolutely get torn apart - would make the above look very tame. Nobody would call it propaganda, just a healthy bit of political piss-taking.

You really find it quite hard to grasp a point sometimes.Of course Yingluck should be satirised and her weaknesses -there are lots - should be exposed.However the wretched Manager piece purports to be serious journalism whereas it is in fact dishonest and misleading, scarcely surprising given its source.It is neither amusing nor accurate - just the predictable bile from Sondhi's organ.

Incidentally if one is talking about the need for serious piss taking in Thailand, Private Eye style perhaps, there are plenty of eligible candidates and Yingluck is very far from being top of the list

What I miss in Thai English-language news is decent investigative reporting. Maybe it exists in Thai?

I doubt it would even be fully legal in Thailand.
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I was not a fan of hers, but wanted to give her a chance. Abhisit was smart, but he was bought and paid for. Controlled by the army, and the super rich. But, after giving her a chance it is shocking to see just how inept she has turned out to be. In a land where incompetence is expected, she has taken it to a whole new level. Was that sarcasm when they said fewer than expected showed up? I heard not one business leader showed up. Not one. They filled the room with hotel employees to avoid embarrassment in the press. Was that a statement by the business community on the way she handled the floods?

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I actually expected her to be this incompetent based on obvious clues in the way her campaign was run (for her).

Yeah and the end result of all that incompetence was a decisive election victory.I expect Oboma. Sarkozy etc would like to know the secret of all that incompetence.

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I actually expected her to be this incompetent based on obvious clues in the way her campaign was run (for her).

Yeah and the end result of all that incompetence was a decisive election victory.I expect Oboma. Sarkozy etc would like to know the secret of all that incompetence.

False promises and bribes at local levels would do the trick but in America why bother bribing the public when you can pay lobbyists to do your dirty work amongst those who make the policies. At least in Thailand they play both ends of the spectrum and reward all and sundry for services rendered.


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Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

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I actually expected her to be this incompetent based on obvious clues in the way her campaign was run (for her).

Yeah and the end result of all that incompetence was a decisive election victory.I expect Oboma. Sarkozy etc would like to know the secret of all that incompetence.

No great secret, but Obama or Sarkozy wouldn't be allowed to get away this sort of practice:


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Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

Does he now since this is his puppet, selected because of family( less likely to turn on dear brother), lack of political experience, and selected really who knows why.

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Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

What you?! Making a case for Thaksin?! I'm shocked! Right out of left field that one.

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Whilst I wouldn't blame manager.co.th from pointing out that she may not be up to the job, it is very strange what they expect the "Prime Minister" of Thailand to be able to achieve. She single handedly will handle restoring confidence, and single handedly head up the anti-flood agency etc etc. Where are the finance ministers, the commerce ministers, the foreign ministers, the trade ministers coming up with some kind of hard plans to change anything?

Nowhere to be seen. This isn't limited to the current bunch, although Korn was obviously quite competent, meanwhile everyone just shuts up in the background and expect PM Yingluck to perform cartwheels in Davos and "restore" the image of the country? What is the recent image of the country?

Floods,riots, coups, bird flu and going back far enough, tsunamis. Has there been a single improvement in one policy in the country to make it more attractive to foreign businesses in the last 10 years? Nope. Visas same, BOI same, taxes same, 51;49 same, restricted industries same, land ownership same, corruption same, cronyism same,

Is it any wonder that no one is wowed by the investment potential for Thailand. There is absolutely NOTHING NEW in any policies for a very long time, so why bother to give it any thought at all.

Yes, putting fresh paint on a rotting barn,

doesn't get a better price when you sell the farm.

Because any intelligent purchaser would see

the barn is about to 'buy the farm'.

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I actually expected her to be this incompetent based on obvious clues in the way her campaign was run (for her).

Yeah and the end result of all that incompetence was a decisive election victory.I expect Oboma. Sarkozy etc would like to know the secret of all that incompetence.

No great secret, but Obama or Sarkozy wouldn't be allowed to get away this sort of practice:



All election claims are instantly fact checked from several angles,

and if found wanting the media is removed from use.

Not so PTP.

Someone calls them on faux political advertising

and they threaten to sue the accuser.

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But than again the more "The Managers" you buy the better your cat likes it. It is always a great time when she has a shit on "the manager" owned by the crooked and failed former media mongkul Sondhi... I must admit when I see Sondhi's or Sonthi's picture in the Nation I get the same urge as the cat. Anyone caught red handed in my office reading "the manager" will no longer be "a manager" and gets fired.

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Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

What you?! Making a case for Thaksin?! I'm shocked! Right out of left field that one.

Note my use of the word "even". Basically whilst I accept Yingluck's faults, I cannot see anyone better, in any party. Actually I am permanently puzzled as to how so many patently incompetent people can be so successfully corrupt.

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Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

What you?! Making a case for Thaksin?! I'm shocked! Right out of left field that one.

Note my use of the word "even". Basically whilst I accept Yingluck's faults, I cannot see anyone better, in any party. Actually I am permanently puzzled as to how so many patently incompetent people can be so successfully corrupt.

Anything better? Thats the word Wells Fargo used for quite a while when they employed the "PONY EXPRESS" of course we have learned quite bit since then ain't we , no doubt Ludditeman may well agree with you !giggle.gif
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With respect ,Do you REALLY think she is running the Country?

As much or as less as her predecessor. rolleyes.gif

So in your opinion who exactly are running the Country?

Spend some more time here and you'll find out.

Obviously avoiding the simple question ,I have spent over 12 years in Thailand and been living here full time since Nov 03 as my passport will readily testify ,and some people can learn more in a week than it takes others a life time to achieve the sameviolin.gif
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Whilst I am used by now to the ridicule that some members of this forum constantly direct at Yingluck, some of which is deserved, some is simply because this is Thailand and that's how things happen in Thailand. What bothers me is what are the alternatives, Abhisit is a failure, Sondhi is a joke, you could even make a case for the return of Thaksin, he at least knew his head from his feet.

I would agree that there is a shortage of alternatives, I think many who might serve their country are put off by the current standards, and thus the dinosaur-era feudal-politicians continue to have way too much influence. Only time will take care of their generation.

But I can't agree that "Abhisit is a failure", I think he showed that coalition-governments force compromises, and did quite well given the constraints he had to work under. Yingluck has the same opportunity to perform right now, and with a small overall-majority of PTP MPs, more might be looked-for from her. Perhaps she'll grow into the job, if she's allowed to, the signs aren't that good IMO.

Thaksin showed that old-fashioned 'Asian values' are still alive & kicking, and wasted a terrific opportunity a decade ago, but did make the votes of the poor more-important. I don't think any party would now hope to govern, without at least promising to help the poor, which is probably progress, however we're seeing currently that "only election promises" need to be matched afterwards by effective-actions.

I don't see how the return of Thaksin now could represent progress, the world has moved-on from the early-2000s, and so must Thailand, hopefully new leaders will foster this delicate-democracy & improve freedom-of-speech, perhaps the poor will be allowed to earn (not be given) a better standard-of-living. If not then other ASEAN countries will continue to surge past Thailand.

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