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The Key To A Thai Woman'S Heart?


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Chris, come on mate………..’The key to a Thai woman’s heart?’ That’s easy……..It’s the same key you use to any other woman’s heart, anywhere in the world……….Any wiser? I didn’t think so…………………………………………Welcome to the club!

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Chris, come on mate………..’The key to a Thai woman’s heart?’ That’s easy……..It’s the same key you use to any other woman’s heart, anywhere in the world……….Any wiser? I didn’t think so…………………………………………Welcome to the club!

Educated woman with a career gave up thinking about her heart a long time ago. So you ain't gonna find the key to that bike.

Thanks for reply. ATB. KDc

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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

Quite possibly the opposite is true.

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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

Quite possibly the opposite is true.

Simply because all situations and people are different.

Regardless of what some might insist upon

These scholarly derived ideals that: "basically, all the people of the world are one and the same" <deleted>.

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The key to a woman's heart is a moving target. No two are alike and the rules are constantly changing. A paradox, wrapped in an enigma, a riddle that has confounded men for a millennia. Everyone knows the answer to the ultimate question is 42, but what is the question. That is a woman.

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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

Quite possibly the opposite is true.

Simply because all situations and people are different.

Regardless of what some might insist upon

These scholarly derived ideals that: "basically, all the people of the world are one and the same" <deleted>.

This trope that the academics the world over have a cuddly, sweet, equality-is-inherent view of the world seems to pervade ThaiVisa and helpfully ties in with the working class anti-intellectualism of many users.... but it ain't true.

I posted a peer-reviewed academic journal article here and the thread was closed down. My post was not removed-- that would be the equivalent of attacking the entire Western Enlightenment-- but instead the danger of scandalous comments based around the article continung the thread led the thread to being closed. It is there to be found if you look.It is on the same topic. The article's position is light years away from what you are thinking.

Edited by metisdead
30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.
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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

I think this is so very true. It is one of the tricks of domestic bliss.

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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

I think this is so very true. It is one of the tricks of domestic bliss.

Wouldn't have worked in my case. My Mrs Mother died several years before I met her. Next idea please !

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Her mother.......

If her mother loves you then you can do no wrong........

The converse is also true.........

Now then gentleman, it is safe to say that women are the same the world over, but it is not normal for Western mothers to hold the same influence over their daughters as Thai mothers do over theirs......true?

I think in the west, its if her 'father' hates you then you can do no wrong :P

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