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Thailand Falters As Its Neighbors Rise Rapidly


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Sparebox 2.

Your self delusion knows no bounds and you obviously epitomise the whole problem with Thailand. By the way I don't expect many farangs would ever want to become Thais, we advocate forward looking and thinking unlike the Thai people.

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sparbox2, you really need to stop whatever it is you are smoking, drinking or sticking into your veins and come back to the real world. But let's look at your latest inane comment for a minute.

Vietnamese father is on a motorbike, wearing a helmet, has an accident, and thanks to the helmet he survives, much to the joy of his family.

"Brave Thai" father is on a motorbike, NOT wearng a helmet, has an accident and dies, or requires long term medical treatment, thereby becoming a burden to the family he can no longer take care of. And if he dies, which is usually the case, he leaves behind a wife and children who now have no husband/father to provide for them.

And as for the "brave warrior decent", get real! If you bother to read REAL Thai history, and not the myths they teach in Thai schools, the only people the Thai have ever really fought and defeated were the Burmese. And if they are such "brave warriors", why did they meekly let the Japanese simply walk in and take over during WW II without putting up even a token resistance.

During the Thai - Lao War, Thai troops took over and occupied a small city in Lao. That night it only took a few dozen Lao troops to drive out the entire Thai Company and reclaim the city.

No, Thai not wearing helmets has nothing to do with "brave warrior class", and everything to do with stupdiity.

Edited by Scott
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Thai and Thailand have no fear.

We are number 1 in ASEAN.

Number 2 in ASIA, after Japan.

We have plenty of rice in our field, and much fish in our water.

And above all, we have a great king, to much envy of all other countires in the whole universe.

Great head in the sand attitude..... Pssst....Indonesia is in ASEAN, and has an economy that is TWICE as large as Thailand. Get your facts straight. I think the well known Thai saying about the rice and the fish was probably made a long time ago when Thailand was primarily an agrarian country. Does not really apply to factory workers in the present age.

I don't know where you get your incorrect information from.

But my information is certified by Thai government, from Thai school.

All Thai student must be able to recite what I have said. So it must be a fact. The true fact.

most likely a shill, so I wont even get into the argument, but just so you get the facts straight, the Indonesian GDP is twice that of Thailand, and if you do a few other searches you may see that Malaysia and Singapore have possibly passed LOS in the last few years as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ASEAN_countries_by_GDP_%28nominal%29

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I don't know where you get your incorrect information from.

But my information is certified by Thai government, from Thai school.

All Thai student must be able to recite what I have said. So it must be a fact. The true fact.

Reading this post is indicating to me this poster isn't really an over the top Thai nationalist, but rather posting satire or taking the piss. Well done! But I think you're busted now so you can stop the act. Edited by Jingthing
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Let's look at something more to the point here. Just one point, but quite relevant. I lecture in a very good MBA program in Hanoi and in Ho Chi Mien city. The MBA is specifically a CEO - MBA program (obviously in English) the students are all Vietnamese and all working CEOs.

Their desire to learn is impressive, their discusion in the lecture room is impressive. Always polite but no heistation to introduce different points of view etc. The team case study work and independant study work they hand in is impressive, and often full of interesting innovation, and in most cases handed in well before deadline time.

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As always a great biased analyses from the Nation. Than Shwe is about to part, something that cannot be said from Prayuth. Prayuth and Than Shwe are much alike. They do not care at all about their citizens they even order their soldiers to shoot on them. Whereas Burma is releasing political prisoners, Thailand are making them in significant numbers under the absurd article 112. An article that comes straight out of the dark ages.

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Yes, as someone wrote it desrves merit but only in addressing Burna's changing character and it's internal politics.

Thailand is faltering - statistics from the IMF show Thailands Gross National Product at $ 318,908 GDP (millions) and a world ranking of 30, Vietnam # 58, Lao #137, Korea # 15, USA #1, China # 2. Thailands GDP growth in 2011 was 4 %, down from 2010 but still in line with the world average is 4.08 %. On top of that it's Thai and so a very interesting place with great potential that will be developed at it's own pace.

Sorry for any mis spelled words, it's not that I don't care but I can't get a spell checker.

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Not wearing helmets is actually one of the unannounced population control programs.

The decline of Thailand's "leadership" in this area started long before the Yingluck government was elected. Vietnam has now surpassed Thailand in rice exports. That didn't happen overnight, but over a period of years due to the mismanagement in the Agriculture and Political structure of Thailand.

Lao, who's entire population is about the same as Bangkok, has had 3G service for well over a year, while Thailand has just recently approved it, and even then, only in limited areas.

Vietnam enacted a "Helmet Law", and with the aid of a Police Force that actually does their job, now over 90% of the population that ride motorbikes wear helmets. In Thailand it's more like 90% DON'T. But then, Thailand police aren't actually interested in enforcing the law unless their is something to be gained by it, which usually means money.

14 of the 38 (36.8%) of the companies affected by the flood have closed down down their facilities and moved them to other countries - Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia. How many more will do the same if they are flooded again this year, which has a very strong likelihood of happening.

Malaysia has a government sponsored program called "Make Malaysia My Second Home", encouraging foreigners to come and live there, with favorable laws passed to encourage that. Thailand, on the other hand, seems to do everything they can to discourage foreigners from living here. The joke in the expat community is that what Thailand wants is our money, but not us, and would be happy to have us come, drop off our ATM cards and pin numbers, as well as anything else of value, then get back on the plane and go home.

When ASEAN kicks in, Thailand will quickly find itself at a serious disadvantage due to the lack of English language skills, and slip even farther down the social & economic structure that ASEAN will provide.

Thailand was once the "diamond" of S.E. Asia. Now it is more like a cubic zirconia, and it's "value" is continuing to decline.

Vietnamese were helmut becasue they are coward afarid to die.

Thai people are brave people from brave warriors decent.

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I like your comments.

Guys, can you not see that sparebox2 is deliberately "winding you up."

Keeping it coming Sparebox. Very entertaining.

But the true true humor may be that Sparebox is speaking his mind...... :-) Sort of like when ThaiVisa winds everybody up on April Fools Day, by putting out a bizarre story, but when when you live in a bizarre country there is always a slight possibility it could be true. Half the fun of being here !!

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Finally, an article that actually warrants some merit. Seeing the line-up of Davos politicians that met with Yingluck was an important indicator of this phenomenon. Thailand barely earns a mention in the geopolitical importance department and that would likely be because of highly unpredictable government dynamics and proxy-leadership. It is entertaining to read articles like this in which confusion (and especially colonial-tinged paranoia) over the Western courtship of Burma reigns supreme. That Western leaders are bending over backwards to pat Myanmar on the back should come as no surprise. Not only is China containment a significant consideration but the Burmese have massive unexploited environmental potential. Penny-pinching Western leaders are looking hungrily at cheap natural resources.

In addition to rampant grammatical errors, this article also fails to explore the 'why' (surprise, surprise) for Thailand's recent downgrades in geopolitical and economic importance. I'm sure, if anyone pressed, that the answer would be 'floods and unpredictable weather'. If only that were the whole story.

An interesting comment, particularly regarding the loss of thread in some parts and poor spelling and gramar.

Many have commented adversely regarding Thailand's many faults as a developing Country. Whilst the Visa system is a pain, but hey-ho so is the Brtish and European Visa systems for Thai Citizens. I speak from personal experience of obtaining them for my Thai Wife. As for expecting there to be no corruption (or a lot less) in Cambodia, Lao and Burma, I think many of your correspondents are seeing things through "rose tinted glasses" . Cambodia is still trying to recover from the Pol Pot horrors and the eradication of anyone who had any sort of education. It will take time to replace these leaders and academics and who knows what scars it has left on the Nation? Laos is still a Communist Country and from my observations, is still trying to come to terms with developing some sort of Business Strategy that will be financially beneficial to the Country. I would say they are 20 years or more behind Thailand. Whilst Burma might be the new "Darling of the Far East", do people actually think that the Country is not rampant with corruption and has immense Regional socio/political hurdles to overcome, which are far worse than Thailand is currently experiencing. Whilst it is very bonding to join the "whispering hoards" knocking Thailand for being inward looking, corrupt, inconvenient house purchase and Visa laws, I would suggest that the grass is not greener on the other side viz-a-viz Burma, Cambodia and Lao!

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Hmm let's see. Burma has a population of about 60 million people who are hard working, and have generally strong English speaking skills. Then couple that with the fact that Singapore is now teaching them how to develop a corruption free economy. Yeah if I was Thailand, I would be a bit nervous too. With weak neighbors, Thailand could fairly easily portray itself as the best business choice of the area. And that you would simply have to accept the corruption and governmental lunacy as part of the deal. But now as better choices start appearing, Thailand will have to make some serious changes. But this will not happen of course, because for the elite people who own Thailand, change is the very last thing they want.

Who will build the buildings in Thailand if there are no Burmese workers to exploit? And god forbid, what if Burma takes a look at Thailand, and decides that a well developed sex industry is nice little income earner ???

Well said.

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Vietnamese were helmut becasue they are coward afarid to die.

Thai people are brave people from brave warriors decent.

sparbox2, you really need to stop whatever it is you are smoking, drinking or sticking into your veins and come back to the real world. But let's look at your latest inane comment for a minute.

Vietnamese father is on a motorbike, wearing a helmet, has an accident, and thanks to the helmet he survives, much to the joy of his family.

"Brave Thai" father is on a motorbike, NOT wearng a helmet, has an accident and dies, or requires long term medical treatment, thereby becoming a burden to the family he can no longer take care of. And if he dies, which is usually the case, he leaves behind a wife and children who now have no husband/father to provide for them.

And as for the "brave warrior decent", get real! If you bother to read REAL Thai history, and not the myths they teach in Thai schools, the only people the Thai have ever really fought and defeated were the Burmese. And if they are such "brave warriors", why did they meekly let the Japanese simply walk in and take over during WW II without putting up even a token resistance.

During the Thai - Lao War, Thai troops took over and occupied a small city in Lao. That night it only took a few dozen Lao troops to drive out the entire Thai Company and reclaim the city.

No, Thai not wearing helmets has nothing to do with "brave warrior class", and everything to do with stupdiity.

Vietnamese were helmut becasue they are coward afarid to die.

Thai people are brave people from brave warriors decent.

sparbox2, you really need to stop whatever it is you are smoking, drinking or sticking into your veins and come back to the real world. But let's look at your latest inane comment for a minute.

Vietnamese father is on a motorbike, wearing a helmet, has an accident, and thanks to the helmet he survives, much to the joy of his family.

"Brave Thai" father is on a motorbike, NOT wearng a helmet, has an accident and dies, or requires long term medical treatment, thereby becoming a burden to the family he can no longer take care of. And if he dies, which is usually the case, he leaves behind a wife and children who now have no husband/father to provide for them.

And as for the "brave warrior decent", get real! If you bother to read REAL Thai history, and not the myths they teach in Thai schools, the only people the Thai have ever really fought and defeated were the Burmese. And if they are such "brave warriors", why did they meekly let the Japanese simply walk in and take over during WW II without putting up even a token resistance.

During the Thai - Lao War, Thai troops took over and occupied a small city in Lao. That night it only took a few dozen Lao troops to drive out the entire Thai Company and reclaim the city.

No, Thai not wearing helmets has nothing to do with "brave warrior class", and everything to do with stupdiity.

well i would not live anywhere else and even though our children have dual nationality if we had to choose one only for them it would be Thai. Thailand has all thats needed noone is in total severe poverty although many are ery poor. Plenty of food, plenty of fish plenty of rice for all and who needs sweat shops and factories when most can just go back to their villages grow a bit of rice and a few chickens. Compared with 80% of deluded slaves in west their standard of living is ten times better even for the poor. Its west that is mad sweating to give themselves and their own cars, villas holidays and rest compared with average Thai who manages to get bye on a few hours at most work a day still have food and drink and not much of a care in the world and no worry about where money is coming from to pay mortgage and rest. Give me here anytime and let rest of world continue its madness. It will be good for Thailand to be rid of all those factories and rest.

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i'm not sure what the hubbub is about here. if anything, thailand is getting too big for it's britches as it is. everywhere i look i see expansion, renovation, things transforming and becoming increasingly modern in front of my eyes. even in the little town i live in, the rate of change is insane.

True but the political environment is like last year clothes on a fast growing teenager, hampering the movements, blocking the growth.

Some want to isolate Thailand from the rest of the world through muddy "self sufficiency" policies. History taught us, Japan and China spring to mind, that isolation doesn't work.

In a fast changing world Thailand lost 6 years, really lost because nothing constructive happened during the past 6 years, dreaming about a mythical Thailand that never really existed.

Yesteryear Thailand is over, gone for ever. It's time people realize that or we will take the the same path as the Philippines. In the 70's the Philippines was one of the most developed nation in SE Asia, now it is at the bottom. Is that the future people want for Thailand ?

And why did the Philippines stagnate, a power hungry leader, Marcos who sold and stole the country blind. Similar to someone trying to and controlling Thailand from Dubai. After they kicked marcos out some really dumb decisions were made that have only made the situation worse. Corruption in the Philippines worse than in Thailand.

What nonsense,the guy in dubai tried to change things,why do you think he had to go?He tried to take power from establishment,from khun hiso in bkk,from army,those are the ones who hijack thailand,as long they are in power,thailand can't move on
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Thailands strength has always been the weakness of its neighbours. Once they all start developing, lazy Thailand will be left behind.Burma has

hundredsof magnificent little islands presumably far more pristine than over commercialised Phuket. Great for eco tourism.

Laos is coming up albeit slowly and Cambodia should be ready to rejoin the human race within 10 years.

Biggest problem in Thailand is the country is owned by the top 100 or so richest Thai and Chinese Thai families. They want to keep the status quo. Tobacco monopoly, alcohol /beverages monopoly, pseudo monopolies created by shutting out competition using huge import duties and appalling corruption at the docks and airports.

You're right. In Burma, Cambodia, and Laos their countries are owned by only the top 12 richest families controlling everything. Thailand very bad!

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Letitbe, I'm betting you were a big Pol Pot fan. Yeah, that's the ticket, let's scrap education, health issues, factories and all go back to being farmers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Thailand even today, reminds me of Mexico back in the 50's and 60's.

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Thailand was it its top, regionally speaking, in 2005.

At this time, we could imagine Bangkok to compete with Shanghai, Singapore and Hong Kong. It was Thaksin obsession, maybe for his own ego, not for the good sake of Thailand. He forgot to watch what was happening home and to follow simple rules of common sense. He felt.

2006 - 2011, the army - yellow - Dem's gave up the foreign policy to focus only on interior struggles. Thailand was ridiculous. And even worst they tried to incite a full war with Cambodia. It was the Thai suicide.

The current PM lacks probably a long term view about the foreign policy but, at least, if she does not make the same childish mistakes than her predecessor, Thailand, little by little, could regain its rank. If she has time... It, eventually, depends on the army - yellow - Dem's to allow her to work.

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As always a great biased analyses from the Nation. Than Shwe is about to part, something that cannot be said from Prayuth. Prayuth and Than Shwe are much alike. They do not care at all about their citizens they even order their soldiers to shoot on them. Whereas Burma is releasing political prisoners, Thailand are making them in significant numbers under the absurd article 112. An article that comes straight out of the dark ages.

Than Shwe has always been a master strategist - it must be those fortune tellers. But seriously, it was never as bad as it was made out to be by the foreign media and the dissidents - they never assassinated ASSK for example. The country is bursting with potential, location, resources natural & human. But its downside is that like Thailand, a lot of businesses are controlled by a very small group. I visited for many years and every year noticed it changing - more foreigners living there now for sure - but still a long way from the comfort of Thailand.

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I started in 1994 to import especially food products from Thailand. Thanks to COMPLETELY ignore demands and possibilities from at least Western Europe, over 2/3 of the Thai vbusiness already went to the couintries around, especially southern China.

When now alos the tourist industry will see the by far more beautiful ancient architecture in Birma, 30 % of "Thai despoination" tourists will disappear.

How the Thai's react ? As usual: continue dreaming how important / vital Thailand is for the woirld. N O T !

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I like your comments.

Guys, can you not see that sparebox2 is deliberately "winding you up."

Keeping it coming Sparebox. Very entertaining.

Sparebox is my favorite troll on this site. Especially since no one seems to notice

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My cousin has been making a mint out of Burma for a decade already.

He's been on at me for ages to "get in on the ground floor" as it were.

So have multinationals, shamelessly....only they choose to keep very quiet about it.

I have read articles of the regime forcing people to work in these multinational factories, raiding villages and such. I find it all disgusting, they may as well open factories in N Korea in their death camps that are worse than the NAZI camps. I call it BLOOD products / like BLOOD diamonds. The world turns a blind eye to this, while these local thugs with the international corps enslave the locals in sweatshops and pollute the environment locally and globally.

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Thailand was it its top, regionally speaking, in 2005.

At this time, we could imagine Bangkok to compete with Shanghai, Singapore and Hong Kong. It was Thaksin obsession, maybe for his own ego, not for the good sake of Thailand. He forgot to watch what was happening home and to follow simple rules of common sense. He felt.

2006 - 2011, the army - yellow - Dem's gave up the foreign policy to focus only on interior struggles. Thailand was ridiculous. And even worst they tried to incite a full war with Cambodia. It was the Thai suicide.

The current PM lacks probably a long term view about the foreign policy but, at least, if she does not make the same childish mistakes than her predecessor, Thailand, little by little, could regain its rank. If she has time... It, eventually, depends on the army - yellow - Dem's to allow her to work.

I agree with you, from personal experience.

In 2005, for various reasons, a number of international companies were (strongly !) considering Bangkok as a regional centre for their SE Asia operation.

Then came the coup. These international companies opted for a wait and see attitude. Then came the occupation of the international airport. It was the straw that broke the camel back. If a country can't assure international communication, this country has no place on an international map. And I pass on the various "person in charge" attitude at the time, both in the army and in the democrat camp. To appoint a PAD leader as foreign minister was akin to spit in the face of the international community.

Now the Shinawatra camp and their associates are trying to repair the damages done but it's going to take sometime for the foreign business community to forget what happened during the past few years.

Edited by JurgenG
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