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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old British National On Child Abuse Charges


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Another piece of filth off the streets.

Yeah, its very good but the problem is still have thousands more... Would be nice if some expat ex-policemen or who have some power or courage (Balls) make some group to catch this crazy people and give them some lessons.....

Just setup a young girl's fake profile on Thaifriendly.com and let see how they feel then if they meet some body builder instead of the young girls... Maybe will teach lessons for the rest guys too a leaked video about the kindly threatment...

No offense, just an idea, definitly will reduce the number of pedophiles very very quickly and they can organize with the local police after or take the guy to immigration.

Wow?? Love your idea Keep it up and thank a million. It is about time..the Bad and Ugly have to live in jail for a long long time..My take and opinion..

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I hope some guy in the prison he will end up in has a child and makes sure this sick man can never abuse a child again.

Now just take it a few steps step further...

1. find out how he got access to the kids, and once that is accomplished

2. Have a look at the back-alley brothels with under age kids being raised to become pros in the bars later, which are frequented by Thais pretty much exclusively.

It's always easy to point a finger at an Internationally known and wanted child abuser, is still doesn't change the fact that child abuse is a regular thing here.

Sorry for bashing... but this topic really gets under my skin.

No need to be sorry ,I reckon its quite a normal reaction from a normal person when writing about these low life's .

Child abused and Human Trafficking are the Main issues around the World. Wake up and smell our coffee..( it is not just Thailand )

Poor people should get help and be educated instead of let them be by pushing and abusing them over and over again..Time for an action in the area we are living..

If we think it is a Norm then it will be a Norm. No one cares because..Money talks. Time for wealthy foreigners to help the poor souls,.. You all can alert Thai authority and international agency. It is not an easy task but, we educated foreigners should come up with a solution...going somewhere...in a positive note. Make our difference every day.

At the same token this English-Indian guy can take DNA test to prove his innocent. The Kit only costs about $500 and it works very well. He can orders through the Internet and ship overnight Fed-Ex..

By the way, every 2-3 minutes the women in America will get rape and no one will know..this is a fact, I try to educate every woman I meet. We have more then 100,000 Porn sites in the wide wide webs. 97% of men in jail while 3% of women commit crimes. I am standing tall.

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Rather disgusting that some would hope that the accused is raped or otherwise made the victim of a crime. There is a court system. It is the court system that will pass judgement and that will decide on the penalty. Fortunately, law and order will prevail. I am not particularly comfortable with mob "justice". I often think that some of the most violent reactions come from those that repress hidden desires.

All that matters is that an abuser is removed from society and people are protected. He was able to what he did because along the way he had enablers. w\Whether it was the people that supplied the victims, or the places where the victims were abused, or that looked the other way. Those people are just as guilty, and yet no one says anything about them.

Unfortunately this subject always brings out the "lynch mob" mentality on TVF.

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have you ever seen American Beauty? I wont spoil it but you remember the deal with the the guy who was the raging homophobe...

by the way the age of consent in Japan is 13. I guess we should round all of those people up too and send them away to rot in prison.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

Somebody tell me I misread that

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What is the age of the minor? I find it rather odd that the over the top that the hang them high crowd is flexing their ropes without that vital item of information. I guess its a kind of therapy for them. Does it make a difference, age 17 or age 7? You bet your life it does. The former is illegal and a serious crime in many countries but is by no stretch of the imagination pedophilia.

If I am mistaken and the age of the minor has been mentioned, sorry for the error. For all I know, this perp may be the King of Pedos, but based on the news item, not sure how we would know.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think the issue of consent is complicated. Minors sometimes DO give consent and in some cases may even be sexually aggressive, but are not legally able to give consent. So in many countries including Thailand even though consent MAY have been given, the crimes are legally labeled RAPE because the minors are not legally able to ever give consent. Meaning the legal use of the word rape is not only physically forced sex. The emotional reactions about this class of crimes are of course understandable.

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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

how can you feel sorry for somebody who has been a sexual pest interfering with under age children_children need protected.....

---------------------therfor my question to yourself.........what if he sexually interfeared with your children?

My boy would simply say NO to him.

But there are plenty of kids who say yes, it is a fact that most of the sex between adults and underage kids is consensual and a very tiny percentage can be classed as non-statutory rape. its actually a matter of education.

Not sure about this. Are you taking the piss? Or are you a complete drip?

"it is a fact that most of the sex between adults and underage kids is consensual" - What complete and utter crap. Consent happens between equals, adult to adult. My daughter is 10 and basically trusts people. If some grub talked her into some "consensual" sex I'd take him out.

story last week in pattaya one, of a cambodian mother trying to sell her 14 year old daughter for 80.000 baht, but would any normal person consider it???


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I hope some guy in the prison he will end up in has a child and makes sure this sick man can never abuse a child again.

Now just take it a few steps step further...

1. find out how he got access to the kids, and once that is accomplished

2. Have a look at the back-alley brothels with under age kids being raised to become pros in the bars later, which are frequented by Thais pretty much exclusively.

It's always easy to point a finger at an Internationally known and wanted child abuser, is still doesn't change the fact that child abuse is a regular thing here.

Sorry for bashing... but this topic really gets under my skin.

very good points mate ..was in pagsanjan falls with my gfe 20 years ago and whilst sitting at the hotel bar was offered under age kids .......the whole business was blatant these turds r supplied .its one thing i just cant condone kids r kids cheers
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"charges of statutory rape of a minor". I notice the minor's age is not mentioned. Now several writers have said they enjoy sex with young, but legal age girls. This is where the problems start, statutory rape means the girl consents but is deemed in law to be too young to exercise her consent. This age is usually referred to as the "Age of consent". Now in the UK it is 16 years old, in Spain it is 13 years old.

Here is a full list http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm

As laws have to black and white, never grey, this age is rather arbitrary, as can be clearly seen from the table .

So whilst everyone can agree that with a 9 year old it is statutory rape (except in many Arabic countries), with a 15 or 16 year old it depends where you are and how the law is interpreted, now in the article, "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

Similarly in India, "India's age of consent for heterosexual sex is 16 except in Manipur, where it is 14."

So Just what age were these minors in India and Thailand? I am always reluctant to join in the TV witch hunt that always erupts in these cases without knowing more details.

Very wise words and very well written, i guess it is just a question of morals, and education, now back track if the Thai and Indian police are looking for this guy, then it must be something more international, the saying no smoke without fire comes to mind, but the law is stupid in most western civilised countrys, i had a problem when i was 15 had a girlfriend who was 17, but then it was seen as the education of a young man, but my mother thought differently,

Edited by Rusty2009
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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

how can you feel sorry for somebody who has been a sexual pest interfering with under age children_children need protected.....

---------------------therfor my question to yourself.........what if he sexually interfeared with your children?

I wouldn't let him interfere with my children. It's called parenting.
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I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

It was just a matter of time before all the pro pedophilles lobbyists came out.

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Rather disgusting that some would hope that the accused is raped or otherwise made the victim of a crime. There is a court system. It is the court system that will pass judgement and that will decide on the penalty. Fortunately, law and order will prevail. I am not particularly comfortable with mob "justice". I often think that some of the most violent reactions come from those that repress hidden desires.

All that matters is that an abuser is removed from society and people are protected. He was able to what he did because along the way he had enablers. w\Whether it was the people that supplied the victims, or the places where the victims were abused, or that looked the other way. Those people are just as guilty, and yet no one says anything about them.

Unfortunately this subject always brings out the "lynch mob" mentality on TVF.

Lynch mob?, I would say Mutual agreement on this distasteful practice ,I would hardly think that there are many Gary Glitter fans on TV !
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I think the issue of consent is complicated. Minors sometimes DO give consent and in some cases may even be sexually aggressive, but are not legally able to give consent. So in many countries including Thailand even though consent MAY have been given, the crimes are legally labeled RAPE because the minors are not legally able to ever give consent. Meaning the legal use of the word rape is not only physically forced sex. The emotional reactions about this class of crimes are of course understandable.

You might want to re word that.....I think a lot of people view the word 'minor' as quite young.....say under 10yo.

I think and hope you are using minor in relation to 13, 14, 15 etc.

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i hope this 65 year old nonce gets beaten and raped i have no respect for people who sexually abuse children!!! -well done to the thai authorities who captured this evil man.....also wanted in the uk and india_why has it taken so long "why has he evaded capture for so long".

I agree with your statement, but the police like to parade a foreigner around when possible while completely overlooking the thousands of thai fathers having sex with their daughters. I went to my wife's home province this past week and heard many stories about thai fathers abusing their daughters even with complaints to the police. Nothing happened.

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Keep your posts civil. Obscene and rude replies will be removed.

It seems that whenever this subject is bought up we are in the world of the new 'witchcraft' - the 'burn them at the stake' mob come out and wave their flags. It seems to bring out the worst in people. I'm afraid that there may be underlying reasons why pedophilia is attractive to some people (mainly men) but it is something that you'll find has been part of society since the dawn of history. Why? I don't know. But I feel very uncomfortable with the 'hang 'em high' brigade simply because it just seems so archaic where mob prejudice takes over from rational thought. It brings out the worst in people - usually in the UK (eg The Sun readers or those that like the Daily Express and Mail). The sad thing to me is its OK for these people to enjoy their pornography with 18 (barely legal) or even 29 years olds dressed as schoolgirls - so they just fantasize that they are with kids (this includes Page 3 of the Sun which over the years has had plenty of schoolgirl look-alike models). I think many people may be encouraged to overstep the mark after seeing all this schoolgirl type modelling: It could actually encourage people to go after the real thing. So some rational discussion would be welcomed.

There are boundaries. That is NOT open to discussion in my book. This guy has frequently stepped over the boundary.

I have enjoyed several fantasies with 20 odd year old Pattaya girls dressing in uniforms etc. I have NEVER broken the law and I would NEVER suggest that such legal activities would ever encourage any right-minded person to cross line.

To suggest otherwise puts someone in the same category as the scumbag Andrews

you have never broken the law. (quote)

sleeping with a prostitute in thailand is illegal. are you not aware of this. also did you check her ID ?

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I did my graduate work at a psych department that is the centre of research on sex aberrations in Canada (primarily because the national prison for sex offenders was in town). I didn't do research in the area myself, but some of my friends did (including a cute petite woman who was apparently expert on the use of the penile plethysmograph). Anyway, the thing is that for most offenders, this a compulsion that they cannot fight. Re-offending rates are apparently the highest among offense categories, and 'treatment' usually fails (short of chemical castration). And yes, it's probably a mix of genetics and environment (being abused oneself as a child). That doesn't remove responsibility from these people, but should make us uncomfortable with the "beat and burn" solution that many here are suggesting... sometimes it just comes across like each of us are trying to look more outraged than the last.

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Another piece of filth off the streets.

Yeah, its very good but the problem is still have thousands more... Would be nice if some expat ex-policemen or who have some power or courage (Balls) make some group to catch this crazy people and give them some lessons.....

Just setup a young girl's fake profile on Thaifriendly.com and let see how they feel then if they meet some body builder instead of the young girls... Maybe will teach lessons for the rest guys too a leaked video about the kindly threatment...

No offense, just an idea, definitly will reduce the number of pedophiles very very quickly and they can organize with the local police after or take the guy to immigration.

So you think the Thai police are inadequate and some form of expat vigilante group should be set up?

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i hope this 65 year old nonce gets beaten and raped i have no respect for people who sexually abuse children!!! -well done to the thai authorities who captured this evil man.....also wanted in the uk and india_why has it taken so long "why has he evaded capture for so long".

I agree with your statement, but the police like to parade a foreigner around when possible while completely overlooking the thousands of thai fathers having sex with their daughters. I went to my wife's home province this past week and heard many stories about thai fathers abusing their daughters even with complaints to the police. Nothing happened.

I am assuming that you are using Thailand as an example and not selecting them as unique. All countries have this peado problem, so before bashing, learn about where you come from.

Taking UK, the police have specialized units being given huge resources to try and tackle the organized groups of like-minded perverts. I congratulate them on their endeavours and applaud every arrest made. If you are fortunate enough to have never seen any of the media confiscated through these actions, be thankfull and stay ignorant!

Reading some of the comments on this thread, it looks like a lot of people are getting mixed up with underage sex and paedophilia. There is a world of difference between "jail-bait", where the teenager disguises their age and the attraction towards children, which is the proper defination of paedophillia.

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Keep your posts civil. Obscene and rude replies will be removed.

It seems that whenever this subject is bought up we are in the world of the new 'witchcraft' - the 'burn them at the stake' mob come out and wave their flags. It seems to bring out the worst in people. I'm afraid that there may be underlying reasons why pedophilia is attractive to some people (mainly men) but it is something that you'll find has been part of society since the dawn of history. Why? I don't know. But I feel very uncomfortable with the 'hang 'em high' brigade simply because it just seems so archaic where mob prejudice takes over from rational thought. It brings out the worst in people - usually in the UK (eg The Sun readers or those that like the Daily Express and Mail). The sad thing to me is its OK for these people to enjoy their pornography with 18 (barely legal) or even 29 years olds dressed as schoolgirls - so they just fantasize that they are with kids (this includes Page 3 of the Sun which over the years has had plenty of schoolgirl look-alike models). I think many people may be encouraged to overstep the mark after seeing all this schoolgirl type modelling: It could actually encourage people to go after the real thing. So some rational discussion would be welcomed.

There are boundaries. That is NOT open to discussion in my book. This guy has frequently stepped over the boundary.

I have enjoyed several fantasies with 20 odd year old Pattaya girls dressing in uniforms etc. I have NEVER broken the law and I would NEVER suggest that such legal activities would ever encourage any right-minded person to cross line.

To suggest otherwise puts someone in the same category as the scumbag Andrews

you have never broken the law. (quote)

sleeping with a prostitute in thailand is illegal. are you not aware of this. also did you check her ID ?

1. There are no prostitutes in Thailand

2. I don't sleep with them, I shag them and

3 I always check ID

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i had another post removed, but had 4 people who liked it?? can anybody remeber the film a clock work orange, i suggest the same the cure then send him down soi cowboy with a few thousand baht in his shirt pocket.

Perhaps we need a "don't like" button then you may have a less postive judgement of your posts

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i had another post removed, but had 4 people who liked it?? can anybody remeber the film a clock work orange, i suggest the same the cure then send him down soi cowboy with a few thousand baht in his shirt pocket.

Perhaps we need a "don't like" button then you may have a less postive judgement of your posts

You already have 2 options 1. click for like and 2. Do not click for dislike.

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I find it interesting that he is held within the detention cells of the British Embassy. They no doubt instructed the Thai Police in the matter and were involved in his detention. Put simply, if it weren't for the BE involvement he'd still be a free man.

That is the reality.

The Thai Police don't see paedophilia as the problem we in the West do.

Whatever their protestations, the fact is, that his country makes sexual provisions for the worlds perverts and has industrialised prostitution as an institution and even managed to produce free lance prostitutes on a National Scale.

The truth is that you can order a prostitute 24-7 anywhere in Thailand. Add to that this strange phoenomona of the transexual and their acceptance in society, a back ward society in many respects, and yet far more liberal and accepting than probably all the first world.

I question just why that is. Crudely put I believe it is a further example of the sexual predilictions of the Thais themselves.

The birth rate in Thailand is most healthy. However, the main reason being that as soon as a girl can ovulate she is to be made pregant. This is not by way of some teenage engagement in a misguided exploraation of sex. It is mainly due to some far older [ 20 years plus] male who may well be a member of her own family taking advantage of her.

Hence girls barely in their teens have babies by males who bare no responsibilty and abandon both children; the mother and the baby.

That is a major societal problem that Thailand refuses to address.

Then we have the tourist paedophiles. Hardly surprising as the Thai police are a backward institution devoid of modernisation, resources or the desire to improve.

Offenders simply move unknown amongst us and commit their crimes under the radar. Although their first preference will be young children, including babies, should they be committed to Thai prisons they can remain at liberty to offend.

The sexual activity amongst men is disproportionately high due to the bi-sexual tendencies of Thai men, the numbers of homosexuals and the transexuals. Both groups are willing participants with foreign paedophiles.

In contrast, a sentence in a UK based segregation unit is a sobering experience. The tracking of released offenders on the sex offenders register combined with travel restrictions makes for a much reduced personal freedom after release.

Furthermore, there is a high chance of attack from main stream offenders while in prison. It is the norm that all prisoners are compelled by threat of violence to themselves by others, thata should they have contact with any sex offender they must inflict grievous violence upon them.

We do have a problem with paedophilia in society. However, I would argue that we have a problem with prostitution, the exploitation of women and the attitude of men towards women. This is amplified in countries like Thailand where we see extreme examples enacted in the most graphic, basic and disgusting form.

Thai society has degenerated to a level where sex in your face permeates all stratum of society. If there were state brothels and the recognition of prostitution and regulation in order to ensure the safety of women and women it would not negate the street, back street and home abuse that is rampant across the whole of Thailand.

You have to question your own behaviour, sexual relations and reasons for being in Thailand as a presence there is contributory to the problem in many instances. Supporting prostituion is exploiting women. The paedophile exploited children.

Glass house dwelling and stone throwing was never the wisest of occupations.

Well said !!!

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