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Is Your Current Partner The "Love Of Your Life"?



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No. She was at one time, but after 25 years she is more like a favorite piece of furniture. Something taken for granted while it is there, but would be missed if it disappeared.

and at the point she disappeared there's a good chance you'd realise again that she was the love of your...


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But remember relationships rarely last (especially in Thailand).

The sort that dont last in Thailand are the sort where your 50 go into a bar fall in love with a 20 year old ,marry her in haste and repent at leisure ,the same as ones anywhere in the world , but if you marry an ordinary woman from the same sort of background as yourself ,then chances are it will be the same as marrying a woman anywhere in the world and the chances of it lasting are the same ,not rocket science.

You have no evidence to support that theory.

I have no desire to live with an 'ordinary woman' and would quickly tire of one.

Chances are that marrying anyone will result in divorce, so why choose someone dull.

I looked and I can't find any statistical information to support Thaimate either. I did find the following;

1. If both you and your partner have had previous marriages, you're 90 percent more likely to get divorced than if this had been the first marriage for both of you.

2. If you're a woman two or more years older than your husband, your marriage is 53 percent more likely to end in divorce than if he was one year younger to three years older.

3. If you're of "below average" intelligence, you're 50 percent more likely to be divorced than those of "above average" intelligence.

4. If you have twins or triplets, your marriage is 17 percent more likely to end in divorce than if your children are not multiple births.

5. If you're a female serial cohabiter—a woman who has lived with more than one partner before your first marriage—then you're 40 percent more likely to get divorced than women who have never done so.

6. If you're in a male same-sex marriage, it's 50 percent more likely to end in divorce than a heterosexual marriage. If you're in a female same-sex marriage, this figure soars to 167 percent.

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^No big surprises there... we don't have the same legal encumbrances or social encouragements that put more pressure on straight couples to try harder or at least grin and bear it.

I don't think I've met the 'love of my life' yet. I sure do hope there may be one, but I know that it doesn't work out that way for everyone.

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^No big surprises there... we don't have the same legal encumbrances or social encouragements that put more pressure on straight couples to try harder or at least grin and bear it.

I don't think I've met the 'love of my life' yet. I sure do hope there may be one, but I know that it doesn't work out that way for everyone.

Looking for statistical information that has to be a joke when it comes to personal relationships.

You sure hope there may be one, well sitting on a fence without any real commitment on your part ain't goner get you there.

Taking chances in relationships with someone you feel is someone you are comfortable with isn't that hard, everything in a relationship has to start from somewhere.jap.gif

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But remember relationships rarely last (especially in Thailand).

The sort that dont last in Thailand are the sort where your 50 go into a bar fall in love with a 20 year old ,marry her in haste and repent at leisure ,the same as ones anywhere in the world , but if you marry an ordinary woman from the same sort of background as yourself ,then chances are it will be the same as marrying a woman anywhere in the world and the chances of it lasting are the same ,not rocket science.

You have no evidence to support that theory.

I have no desire to live with an 'ordinary woman' and would quickly tire of one.

Chances are that marrying anyone will result in divorce, so why choose someone dull.

When i said "ordinary" i was not refering to "boring" but to a woman who was of the same sort of intelect to yourself ,while having nothing whatsoever against bar girls ,i have sampled many and i loved them all(short time) i meant that a marriage was much more likely to last if you and your wife had the same sort of interests and were happy to be in each others company ,as apposed to coming to Thailand as a middle aged man going down walking street and quickly marrying a young woman because the sex was fantastic(at least for you)

Although my wife is Thai and younger than myself we met thriugh buisness ,went out for about a year and lived together in the UK for 6 months before getting married ,so we were prety certain that we were combatable before tying the knot ,and it seems to have worked out.

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But remember relationships rarely last (especially in Thailand).

The sort that dont last in Thailand are the sort where your 50 go into a bar fall in love with a 20 year old ,marry her in haste and repent at leisure ,the same as ones anywhere in the world , but if you marry an ordinary woman from the same sort of background as yourself ,then chances are it will be the same as marrying a woman anywhere in the world and the chances of it lasting are the same ,not rocket science.

You have no evidence to support that theory.

I have no desire to live with an 'ordinary woman' and would quickly tire of one.

Chances are that marrying anyone will result in divorce, so why choose someone dull.

When i said "ordinary" i was not refering to "boring" but to a woman who was of the same sort of intelect to yourself ,while having nothing whatsoever against bar girls ,i have sampled many and i loved them all(short time) i meant that a marriage was much more likely to last if you and your wife had the same sort of interests and were happy to be in each others company ,as apposed to coming to Thailand as a middle aged man going down walking street and quickly marrying a young woman because the sex was fantastic(at least for you)

Although my wife is Thai and younger than myself we met thriugh buisness ,went out for about a year and lived together in the UK for 6 months before getting married ,so we were prety certain that we were combatable before tying the knot ,and it seems to have worked out.

Sounds ordinary .

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Longest relationship here in Thailand was 2 years. Started off great until the demands and scheming for more money began. That has to make my answer NO.

At 36 she is not exactly a youngster. Not a b/g either.

If I pay the rent, electric, water and food + nights out with some financial support for her when she was not working, I do not like demands. When stress is added to any relationship I am in, I will remain firm in my beliefs and whatever financial outlay I am making

I think in many cases it is difficult to establish a good long term relationship with a woman here. Due in many cases to peer pressure.

On the other hand, I am pleased for those who do have a good and long lasting relationship. Love is hard to find and harder to keep :)

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^No big surprises there... we don't have the same legal encumbrances or social encouragements that put more pressure on straight couples to try harder or at least grin and bear it.

I don't think I've met the 'love of my life' yet. I sure do hope there may be one, but I know that it doesn't work out that way for everyone.

Looking for statistical information that has to be a joke when it comes to personal relationships.

You sure hope there may be one, well sitting on a fence without any real commitment on your part ain't goner get you there.

Taking chances in relationships with someone you feel is someone you are comfortable with isn't that hard, everything in a relationship has to start from somewhere.jap.gif

Thanks, seems like good direct advice- now I just gotta find someone I'm comfortable with! :P:D

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Love of your life is not measured by length of relationship but by intensity of feelings I would have thought.

But I could be wrong, I know little about these things. smile.png

That sums it up for me. I've had many relationships and two marriages (both in Canada). My first wife who I spent 20 years with I never really loved at all. We were just two people who wanted to get married and we fit fairly well together and raised two children to adulthood. My second marriage was the love of my life, but it also ended after only 7 years. In both cases I was not responsible for the break up. I've had many pretty girl friends in Thailand, but none that I was truly smitten with. It has to go both ways for me to fall in love, and I'm too old to ask some beautiful young woman to love me passionately. If it was a marriage now it would only be a marriage of convenience... which isn't too bad considering the alternatives.

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...while having nothing whatsoever against bar girls ,i have sampled many and i loved them all (short time)...

So you HAVE had something against them... short time.

... so we were prety certain that we were combatable before tying the knot ,and it seems to have worked out.

Another Freudian?

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But remember relationships rarely last (especially in Thailand).

The sort that dont last in Thailand are the sort where your 50 go into a bar fall in love with a 20 year old ,marry her in haste and repent at leisure ,the same as ones anywhere in the world , but if you marry an ordinary woman from the same sort of background as yourself ,then chances are it will be the same as marrying a woman anywhere in the world and the chances of it lasting are the same ,not rocket science.

You have no evidence to support that theory.

I have no desire to live with an 'ordinary woman' and would quickly tire of one.

Chances are that marrying anyone will result in divorce, so why choose someone dull.

How's the thing with the dog going?

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But remember relationships rarely last (especially in Thailand).

The sort that dont last in Thailand are the sort where your 50 go into a bar fall in love with a 20 year old ,marry her in haste and repent at leisure ,the same as ones anywhere in the world , but if you marry an ordinary woman from the same sort of background as yourself ,then chances are it will be the same as marrying a woman anywhere in the world and the chances of it lasting are the same ,not rocket science.

You have no evidence to support that theory.

I have no desire to live with an 'ordinary woman' and would quickly tire of one.

Chances are that marrying anyone will result in divorce, so why choose someone dull.

When i said "ordinary" i was not refering to "boring" but to a woman who was of the same sort of intelect to yourself , .......

Unfortunately I am at the extreme top of that scale, and unlikely to meet that sort of person anywhere in the world.

(Those I did meet were more arrogant and unbearable than myself, it would never have worked)

For the average person, you may well be right.

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Some marriages are like arollor coaster ride ,exciting untill the end ,others are comfortable and there are ones like the one this guy has,

he rang the emergency services and said ,"i think my wife is dead" how do you know said the operator" well he replied ,the sex is the same but the ironing is piling up"

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Yes definitely. 14 years married plus 2 years courting and 2 great kids. We still talk to eachother, we still joke, we still hold hands and do all the things we did when we were newly weds. We have, of course, had are ups and downs over the years, but I would say the last 3 years have been as good as the first 3 were - and we are still happy together and very much in love. I have never cheated on y wife, nor would I. I am 40 and she is early 30's, so still a long time to go together (I hope!).

I was married before - I was very young (the divorce took longer than we were married for!) - 2 years end to end. I was engaged at least 3 other times - but each time I knew/learned they were not the one. I have had a partner my whole life - from about 5 years old on - and never been alone. I had loves (and lusts) before and made plenty of mistakes, but my current wife is so much my soul partner. There have been times when I was the major wage earner, and times when she was - neither of us carry the other, we are a family and sacrifice like a family does (although she does have more shoes and handbags than Emelda Marcos - lol!).

I wish everyone as much luck in love as I have been blessed with!

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3+ years together, We are not thrilled with each other, but I haven't cheated. We'll probably split in 1-2 years.

Happy Valentines Day tongue.png

That is probably quite normal. But, just look at the alternatives. I keep stressing that if you can have a few good years with a women without it costing you everything you own, then it's a pretty good deal. The few bad times are usually more than compensated for by the good times.

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Yes, absolute "Love of my life"! Been married before in west, lots of quite serious relations in west and a couple of serious relations here in Thailand. But now after 7 years with the lady/girl that is now my wife, she is the one.

The one that I have most fun with, the one that respect me 100% and I respect her 100%, we be together 90 % of the time, we work together, we travel together, we sleep together. And she is never tired of taking care of me 110%. And she is the best Tahi cook!


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love of your life mean the sweet young thing that gave you the best sex you ever had.

Hahaha .. that is "sex of your life" obviously. Love is love sex is sex, lust is lust, relationship is relationship. I think these are customarily mixed. Greatest love is also not the "greatest depth of feelings, or strongest feelings" because we often experience these as a result of rejection or otherwise loss. And suffering is also not love. For the love of your life to happen one, actually the two, must be capable of selflessness and wishing to bestow love to each other. - Dr. Love ;-)

PS. You can ask me what's love next time .. keke. Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone!

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No and never will be here, love's of my life came from the West (Farang ladies) so guess i am going to be a sad lonley old man. violin.giflicklips.gif . Got so many friends who have loves of their lives who came from bars, just dont get that, still if folks are happy with that up to them.

Yep !! that is sad, get yourself up, dust yourself off and find that companion unless your happy being on your own.

that was a long time ago, and forgotten. Happy being on my "own" now, as in not a regular relationship.

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Swindon Town FC has always been the love of my life. We've had our rough patches, like when we were relegated last season, but still the relationship is as strong as it ever has been.

The wife's pretty cool as well.

This reflects exactly my feelings about Wrexham F.C.

My marriage to them has lasted 60 years this Easter. They can send me into orgasmic delight or into contemplation of suicide.

Just like a woman.

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When these forums are often full of negatives about life here in Thailand, it's good to read of so many positive relationships.

I married a teacher here in 2006. Married her after just 4 months ... something I'd never have done in the west, and if you'd told me I'd do such a thing, before coming here, I'd have said, 'no way'! But it was about feeling this was the right woman. And that's the way it's worked out, so far. I've learned more from my wife about being a good husband, friend, lover, person than I have from any previous relationship. I've never been unfaithful to her. Never wanted to. Every day is a joy to wake up to. If it's possible to be blessed ... I have been!


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