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Terrorist Warning Will Stay, But People Not Stopped From Visiting Thailand: US Ambassador


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Warning will stay, but people not stopped from visiting

Gee thanks........The Day the US Nanny State starts telling its citizens it cannot visit a country of their choice is the

day they can start spelling America as amerika

One word: Cuba

Among several others, Burma, Iran, Somalia and North Korea

The U.S. government doesn't stop Americans from traveling to Burma.
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I trust my own evaluation before that of any country, US, Thai, China, or Israel.

So you have your own staff of secret agents then?coffee1.gif

Yes indeed, they live just behind my eyes and between my ears! :D

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Gee thanks........The Day the US Nanny State starts telling its citizens it cannot visit a country of their choice is the

day they can start spelling America as amerika

One word: Cuba

Among several others, Burma, Iran, Somalia and North Korea

The U.S. government doesn't stop Americans from traveling to Burma.

Or North Korea.

economic sanctions are not the same as travel restrictions.

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Typical politicians and Ambassadors

There are a lot of people on this forum that are asking, what is she saying.

Yeah these people know how to talk and most of it is purely jargon and no one understands.

Well true of politicians everywhere, just lining their purse at the expense of the tax payer.

What a cushy little number right.

i thought her answer were straight forward.

I found it hilarious that the interviewer didn't like the answer so asked the same question 4 times!

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Maybe the Ambassador should issue a travel warning on New York City or Washington DC which together bring a 1000 murders a year to the game. Or how about 50,000 yearly US gun fatalities? In fact, where would you rather be at midnight - DC or Bangkok? The Ambassador knows full well.

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"we have high-level visitors and I've just finished inviting family and friends to come here"

someone should remind Kristie Kenney she is a public servant and her sh*t stinks too. what is a "high level" visitor? another "public servant" with an inflated sense of purpose?

High level visitors include ... oh screw it!

If you think everyone is equal in society/government, you should get your brain out of your ass, and your ass out of your mouth.

Does that mean his brain is in fact still in his head? Sorry the 360* turn confused me

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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

Hmmmm, I reread your own comments several times and still don't know what you are trying to say. Can you please tell me what YOU are on about without the confused/confusing innuendo?

If would suspect he is smoking the good stuff, again.

someone should tell you that your facts of life are distorted. in reality, no one is higher than another. its only in the ego driven world one would pretend to be "higher". the emperor has no clothes and beware of false prophets.

Yes comrade, we are all equal in life. Now back to your plow lest we throw you in the Gulag.

From the sounds of her remarks, it sounds like the ambassador is not 100% in favor of the warning remaining. It may be a decision that is made by others higher up in the food chain.

Diplomats do not make foreign policy. They are merely the mouthpiece of their government, feet on the ground to provide assessments of the current situation to their governments and to convey "official" policy. Not to make off-hand comments that can be misconstrued .

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Maybe the Ambassador should issue a travel warning on New York City or Washington DC which together bring a 1000 murders a year to the game. Or how about 50,000 yearly US gun fatalities? In fact, where would you rather be at midnight - DC or Bangkok? The Ambassador knows full well.

Nonsense as that is not the job for the US Ambassador to Thailand. Besides, you have missed the point. The travel advisory was not for US citizens to fear Thais, but to be forewarned about intel that terrorists were sent to Thailand to attack Israeli interests. Is that so hard to understand or are you just obtuse?

why giving her so much space?

What about the Iranian ambassador? Why the newspapers are not writing about his ideas?

I understand he was invited, but declined as he was felching a goat.

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Travel restrictions by the U.S. Government are specific, qualified and limited as one can read in the statement below taken from the Department of State passport website. The most common reason a United States person may be restricted in travel to a foreign country - a specifically named foreign country - is to run afoul of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Department of the Treasury, pursuant to an Executive Order of the president. We recall that by Executive Orders 12727 and 13469 respectively, which deal specifically with Zimbabwe, no "United States person" may interact with a Zimbabwiean or any other foreign person who by Executive Order are placed on the Designated Nationals List of the OFAC. We also know from a recent instance in Thailand of a new PM's Office advisor being placed on a Designated Nationals List in 2008, that no United States person may either do business with or provide any form of assistance to the PM Office's new minister whose name appears in the DNL of Executive Order 13469 concerning, inter alia, a fraudulent election in Zimbabwe.

More from the State Department Passport Restrictions website:

"Travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens is restricted. You must obtain permission to do so from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Contact OFAC directly for more information at:

Phone: 1.800.540.6322 or 1.202.622.2480

Department of the Treasury

Office of Foreign Assets Control

Treasury Annex

1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington DC 20220

"The Cuban Sanctions Violation hotline is 1.786.845.2829.

"President Barack Obama directed the Secretaries of Commerce, State, and Treasury to begin easing some of these restrictions, and make changes in U.S. policies towards Cuba. The changes made by the directive include lifting travel restrictions for U.S. citizens with relatives in Cuba, and on money sent by them to their relatives on the island (remittances). You will find additional information in the Country Specific Information (CSI) document on Cuba published by the U.S. Department of State (DOS).

"Contact one of the following offices of the Cuban government for current information on Cuban entry and customs requirements:

Phone: 1.202.797.8518

Fax: 1.202.797.8521

Cuban Interests Section

2630 16th Street NW

Washington DC 20009

Phone: 1.202.797.8609/8610/8615

Fax: 1.202.986.7283

Consular Section

2639 16th Street NW

Washington DC 20009"

Kindly note the word "prohibited" is never used in the matter of restrictions on US citizens in our use of our government's passport which is issued to us in our name.

As in the instance of a country friendly to the Untied States, Taiwan, but which, as in the Case of a sanctioned government, Cuba, does not have formal diplomatic relations with the US, the foreign governments do maintain an "Interests" office and often unofficial "consular sections" in Washington. During my years in Washington I had occasion to make "informal" visits to both the Cuban "Interests" office and to the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office. (The Cuban Interests Office is about six blocks from the White House, across from the Spanish Embassy.)

US citizens can and do travel to Iran, which is another of the four countries with which the US hasn't any diplomatic relations. Iranian citizens can and do travel to and in the United States. US interests in Iran are transacted through the Swiss Embassy in Tehran while Iranian interestes in the United States are conducted through the Embassy of Pakistan. The fourth OFAC country, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is on another planet.

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On what condition do you think this warning can be withdrawn?

Our advice is actually good forever because our advice is very prudent advice to any traveller, whether they go to Thailand or elsewhere

So its kinda just a "Don't eat the yellow snow" kind of an advice rather than a warning that good American tourists will be blown into million pieces with urine urea fertilizer?

Some people got that totally wrong.

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On what condition do you think this warning can be withdrawn?

Our advice is actually good forever because our advice is very prudent advice to any traveller, whether they go to Thailand or elsewhere

So its kinda just a "Don't eat the yellow snow" kind of an advice rather than a warning that good American tourists will be blown into million pieces with urine urea fertilizer?

Some people got that totally wrong.

Nope. It's diplomat-speak for don't even think about telling the American government what to put on our embassy website.
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On what condition do you think this warning can be withdrawn?

Our advice is actually good forever because our advice is very prudent advice to any traveller, whether they go to Thailand or elsewhere

So its kinda just a "Don't eat the yellow snow" kind of an advice rather than a warning that good American tourists will be blown into million pieces with urine urea fertilizer?

Some people got that totally wrong.

Nope. It's diplomat-speak for don't even think about telling the American government what to put on our embassy website.

As long you don't insist that i should care what the American embassy put on their website they can put on their website whatever they want.

Don't eat the yellow snow, my friend.

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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

Can we have a bigger and better close up please...Ridiculous at best...
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As long you don't insist that i should care what the American embassy put on their website they can put on their website whatever they want.

You don't have to care what they put up there.

I however care when Thai government officials lie about what is up there.

A lost in translation case maybe?

Thai govt official calls American Embassy.

Thai govt official: Please stop saying that it is not safe to come and travel to Thailand for American tourists because of the terrorists.

US Ambassador: I said, we did not say do not come to Thailand, just the opposite - we have high-level visitors and I've just finished inviting family and friends to come here ...

^^ Now explain that to the press and let the press made an article out of it without getting to complicated.

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Simple. A terror warning is not the same thing as a do not travel warning. The threat of Hezbollah terrorists in Thailand targeting western targets in light of the somewhat likely bombing of Iran by Israel remains real.

Things have to get REALLY BAD in a country for there to be do not travel/get out now alerts. Like in Syria now.

Edited by Jingthing
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It would be a waste of time to terrorize Yanks in Thailand. There is not enough of them. There are vastly more Brits, Scandanavians, Aussies & Canadians in Thailand, than Americans. At least that is my experience all over Thailand. I wonder if the USA obtained "reliable" information from a water boarded 65 year old Afghanny @ Guantanamo; or some some computer jock working @ NSA's San Francisco "Switch", which reviews all the world's electronic info ... i/c yours typed here in thai Visa.


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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

Hmmmm, I reread your own comments several times and still don't know what you are trying to say. Can you please tell me what YOU are on about without the confused/confusing innuendo?

Me too. Very confusing and convoluted.

I third that opinion. Can you translate into Thai or sthg? My English is no good. It's only my first language, please use simpler words..

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Simple. A terror warning is not the same thing as a do not travel warning. The threat of Hezbollah terrorists in Thailand targeting western targets in light of the somewhat likely bombing of Iran by Israel remains real.

Things have to get REALLY BAD in a country for there to be do not travel/get out now alerts. Like in Syria now.

Schmember, almost 30 thousand quotes.! TV must be your life! Will there be a celebration?

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As long you don't insist that i should care what the American embassy put on their website they can put on their website whatever they want.

You don't have to care what they put up there.

I however care when Thai government officials lie about what is up there.

It's all about the baht and it is clearly evident that they will do anything to get it. It is also very clear that the lies, deceptions and scams start at the very top and filter all the way down to the jetski operators and the like. If you are going to lie then be good at it and don't lie about something that you clearly going to be found out about geez even 2 yr olds are better at it.

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It would be a waste of time to terrorize Yanks in Thailand. There is not enough of them. There are vastly more Brits, Scandanavians, Aussies & Canadians in Thailand, than Americans. At least that is my experience all over Thailand. I wonder if the USA obtained "reliable" information from a water boarded 65 year old Afghanny @ Guantanamo; or some some computer jock working @ NSA's San Francisco "Switch", which reviews all the world's electronic info ... i/c yours typed here in thai Visa.


There are more Americans in Thailand than Australians. 7 yrs in Chiangmai and I have never bumped into another Aussie. Expat Aussies in Thailand are like hens teeth.

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As long you don't insist that i should care what the American embassy put on their website they can put on their website whatever they want.

You don't have to care what they put up there.

I however care when Thai government officials lie about what is up there.

It's all about the baht and it is clearly evident that they will do anything to get it. It is also very clear that the lies, deceptions and scams start at the very top and filter all the way down to the jetski operators and the like. If you are going to lie then be good at it and don't lie about something that you clearly going to be found out about geez even 2 yr olds are better at it.

They feel they do not have to lie well, since they know they will get away with it no matter how lame the lie.

They are never helf accountable.

Edited by z12
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