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Thai Man Mauled To Death By Four Pitbull Terriers


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Oh dear, it seems the irony was wasted on you. If a guy leaves his presumably frail and aged mother alone at home with a pit bull, he is either an idiot or has a motive. Btw its called projection, and your attribution of my motives and my dog-keeping activities was an act of projection. ;-)

...BTW, who will get the restaurant?...

They say people rationalise other people's behaviour and attribute motives to them that they themselves are capable of. Maybe you would bump your own mother off for the inheritance (if she had any) lol

PS I take it that you're one of the tattooed pit bull owners mentioned earlier.

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I was riding my bicycle in a rural area of Oregon in America. I noticed a farmhouse ahead set back from the road. I then noticed three dogs come out of the house at an angle and cut me off from riding past on the road. At first I thought no big deal, then as they got closer I realized it was three pit bulls hunting me. I then knew I was about to enter a fight for my life. I stopped the bike before they reached me, and in essence used it as a shield to sort of push them back as they attacked. I would scream at them, lunge forward holding the bike in front of me, and then work up the road a few feet at a time. I knew things were really turning bad when they started hunting as a pack by having one of the dogs break away and try to circle behind me.......In what seemed like an eternity, I just kept working up the road fending off the dogs. Finally at some exact distance from the farmhouse , they broke off the attack and trotted back to the house.

I reached my friend's house later that day, and asked to borrow a gun to go back and shoot the owner. ...... Sadly my friend declined ..Only a lifetime of tough situations gave me the presence of mind to be able to survive.

My sympathies to the Thai man, as I know exactly what went though his mind until just before they started biting him. I cannot imagine a more horrible death, and feel lucky I just missed it.

Having a pit bull in your house, and telling everybody what a great dog it is, is a bit like having a shark in your backyard swimming pool, and telling everybody what a nice shark it is ......

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Pitbulls were bred to be aggressive a few decades ago but, times have changed and its only a tiny minority (of dog fighting enthusiasts) nowadays who do so. As always, its down to the owner...

For those of you who are convinced that all pitbulls are 'psychotic' and will 'attack on a trigger' - watch the Dog Whisperer.

As I said in an earlier post, I would not adopt one myself as I know I am not authoritive enough.

Most terriers (especially bull terriers) need a stong, dominating personality to take charge. Personally, I have enough problems with my whippet's behaviour giggle.gif ! He is not at all 'dominant' and doesn't seem to understand the concept (!) BUT, I have problems enough distracting him from hunting small animals.

I understand your point that there may be fewer dog-fighting enthusiasts (although I am not convinced that there is still not an underground subculture where it exists) and as a result fewer pitbulls trained to be psychotic killers. The Dog Whisperer and his 30-minute shows are all very impressive but I am sure that even Cesar would not recommend these animals to be regarded in the same way as your average pet. I am not suggesting compulsory euthanasia, merely reversing the selective breeding that produced them by removing them from the canine gene pool
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Pitbulls were bred to be aggressive a few decades ago but, times have changed and its only a tiny minority (of dog fighting enthusiasts) nowadays who do so. As always, its down to the owner...

For those of you who are convinced that all pitbulls are 'psychotic' and will 'attack on a trigger' - watch the Dog Whisperer.

As I said in an earlier post, I would not adopt one myself as I know I am not authoritive enough.

Most terriers (especially bull terriers) need a stong, dominating personality to take charge. Personally, I have enough problems with my whippet's behaviour giggle.gif ! He is not at all 'dominant' and doesn't seem to understand the concept (!) BUT, I have problems enough distracting him from hunting small animals.

I understand your point that there may be fewer dog-fighting enthusiasts (although I am not convinced that there is still not an underground subculture where it exists) and as a result fewer pitbulls trained to be psychotic killers. The Dog Whisperer and his 30-minute shows are all very impressive but I am sure that even Cesar would not recommend these animals to be regarded in the same way as your average pet. I am not suggesting compulsory euthanasia, merely reversing the selective breeding that produced them by removing them from the canine gene pool

Do not know much about the dog whisperer, but I do know that 59% of dog fatal attacks in America are done by pit bulls. Rottweilers tag far behind at 14%. Not really sure of the solution from a breeding standpoint, but I always take precautions when I see a pit bull.....

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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...If a guy leaves his presumably frail and aged mother alone at home with a pit bull, he is either an idiot or has a motive...

There's quite a bit more to that story. If you'd been following it in the Thai press you would be able to answer your question.

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I can't bear those dogs. There's invariably a sense of menace about them. And their owners for that matter. The whole breed, along with their tattooed owners should be placed in a giant industrial mincer, ground to a pulp, and eradicated.

Couldn't agree with you more. Horrible breed, Horrible people.

PS - I'm sure there are exceptions though just to keep everyone happy here.

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  • 1 month later...
...If a guy leaves his presumably frail and aged mother alone at home with a pit bull, he is either an idiot or has a motive...

There's quite a bit more to that story. If you'd been following it in the Thai press you would be able to answer your question.

I cannot read Thai, please enlighten.

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I've to admit: I'm a dog hater. It's probably because I don't understand the creatures or why they are even existing.

I'll not judge the dogs neither will I judge the owners, because it is like kicking in an open door.

I just feel sad, that those creatures even got the chance to attack and kill.

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While pit bulls are as dangerous as they are ugly, this pales in comparison to angering their owners which can even bring one of the biggest fast food companies down on its knees, at least in "God's Own Country".

LOS ANGELES -- McDonald's has apologized and pulled an ad that came back to bite it.

The ad said eating a Chicken McBite was less risky than petting a stray pit bull, shaving your head, naming your son Sue or giving friends your Facebook password. It enraged pit bull owners and their supporters.


You might even be ordered to:

"promote positive pit bull imagery." (Rachele Lizarraga, social media coordinator for Chako Pit Bull Rescue)

At most they paid off a nuisance suit from a shady lawyer to make it all go away.

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Sorry, all pit bulls suck. I clerked for a Supreme Court Justice out of law school and we reviewed a famous case in my State where an older female lady was mauled to death by 2. People passing by could not get out of their cars to help. They could only honk, call 911 and watch helplessly.

The issue we addressed was whether the owner was criminally liable. We concluded yes and affirmed his conviction.

The pictures of her wounds that were admitted into evidence were shocking and I have seen high powered gun shot wounds, heads blown off, arms blown off, and body mutilations in an effort to destroy evidence of murder. These dogs had ripped large plugs of flesh out that went down to the bone. The flesh was ripped from her arms to the point of exposing large foot long portions skeleton.

Every pit bull I have been around goes for the neck even when just playing or when getting excited. Even docile, well behaved pits go for the neck when playing. These dogs eventually turn as they get older or just one day snap without any warning.

I had an Akida that I had to put down because it got very aggressive toward other people the older it got no matter how sweet we were to it. It was 125 pounds and was going to seriously hurt someone one day. Hard to do, but had to be done.

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Latest Pit Bull killing in US was a 4 Year old in Victoria county, TX


Owners need to be held responsible same as they pulled a trigger on a gun to murder the victim.

Owners can be held criminally and civilly liable even if there has not been a prior attack. One bite rule is typically inapplicable if the breed is classified as "dangerous" as codified in State code.

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Sorry, all pit bulls suck. I clerked for a Supreme Court Justice out of law school and we reviewed a famous case in my State where an older female lady was mauled to death by 2. People passing by could not get out of their cars to help. They could only honk, call 911 and watch helplessly.

The issue we addressed was whether the owner was criminally liable. We concluded yes and affirmed his conviction.

The pictures of her wounds that were admitted into evidence were shocking and I have seen high powered gun shot wounds, heads blown off, arms blown off, and body mutilations in an effort to destroy evidence of murder. These dogs had ripped large plugs of flesh out that went down to the bone. The flesh was ripped from her arms to the point of exposing large foot long portions skeleton.

Every pit bull I have been around goes for the neck even when just playing or when getting excited. Even docile, well behaved pits go for the neck when playing. These dogs eventually turn as they get older or just one day snap without any warning.

I had an Akida that I had to put down because it got very aggressive toward other people the older it got no matter how sweet we were to it. It was 125 pounds and was going to seriously hurt someone one day. Hard to do, but had to be done.

That's interesting, I have read and heard people saying pit bulls are sweet dogs and then they end up attacking and killing people like flipping a light switch on. So, I guess older pit dogs are even more dangerous (I didn't know dogs get more aggressive as they age), but I don't trust any pit bull and wish the breed were illegal.

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I do agree that in general pit-bulls were bread as fighting dogs years ago and are dangerous in the wrong hands (one who lets them run free outside of their property) however I still believe that it can be bread OUT of them with the proper owners and responsibilities.

Guns are safe when kept in a locked environment as are pit-bulls.

I'm not defending pitbulls, just animals in general. They all have a right to live.

In this case the owner failed to keep his guns locked up there for he is liable.

Animals have a right to live, but not THE right. And their right to live is up to a point.

I am describing animals in the wild and animals that are domesticated.

I am also describing the third kind of animal that exists in developing minds (hence developing countries - and to imply that the minds are not yet fully developed to the standard across the world). This is the kind of animal that is wild and it dwells amongst man in man's environment.

The animal in the wild does not have a right to live because you are not there to plead your idiotic ideals in its case of being mauled by the lion or trampled by an elephant in a stampede. It is a creature far removed from you fancies that exists in a food chain, and they only survive to perpetuate themselves. It is really very simple without adding all the anthropomorphic diatribe that humans are so fond of doing so humans can feel good about themselves and have merit in their hearts!

The animal that has been domesticated has a right to live as deemed by its legal and lawful owner. The key word here is legal and lawful; something the Thais and many bleeding heart foreigners ignore and break the law by not purchasing a license and getting the necessary vaccinations for said wild animal. They turn it loose in man's society to avoid responsibility and fine and jail-time for not complying with the law. Now you are crossing my line because I have the right to live in man's society and make it safe for my son to also live.

Take you feral pooch that you refuse to take into your home and purchase a license and get it its vaccinations - and instead turn loose on the street and casually feed every day - and put that pooch ahead of and above the rights of me and my own in MY environment (not theirs), and I guarantee if anything happens to me or my own on account of you "Feeding the Animals" then the dog will only be the first to go.

The animal that is feral and even wild and is allowed to roam amongst man in man's environment is predominant in Thailand and is a crime against man for the reasons given above; failure to comply with the law and protect the rights of your human neighbor.

In the zoo we see signs that say Do Not Feed the Animals. Why is that? In the sois the Thais feed the wild animals. Oh, yes, they are wild because no one can prove to me that they have a license and their vaccinations and are solely owned by the bleeding heart liberal accusing me of being a cold-hearted creature that deserves death for wanting to mop up the streets.

It does not matter whether the un-owned animal acts tame or not. It is not legally and lawfully owned then it is therefore either a stray that is abandoned, wild, or feral.

And by that token, it is not against the law (according to Royal Thai Law) to "round up strays".

We do not live in the wild, and therefore you cannot say to me that animals have a right to live right here in the middle of a society set up by man and for man's convenience alone. Man's society has laws, and since animals have no respect for intangible things like laws, then it is the responsibility of humans to make sure that those animals are suited to exist in man's environment in a manner that is safe for all humans who dwell therein.

No, I think you err in your simple assertion that animals have a right to live. They do not, unless you can prove that the animal is yours by the law as it is written. Try going into the wild and telling the lion you have a right to live while you are being mauled. You are in his environment, and therefore must live by his rules or become a part of the food chain.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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  • 7 months later...

Pitbulls were bred to be aggressive a few decades ago but, times have changed and its only a tiny minority (of dog fighting enthusiasts) nowadays who do so. As always, its down to the owner...

For those of you who are convinced that all pitbulls are 'psychotic' and will 'attack on a trigger' - watch the Dog Whisperer.

As I said in an earlier post, I would not adopt one myself as I know I am not authoritive enough.

Most terriers (especially bull terriers) need a stong, dominating personality to take charge. Personally, I have enough problems with my whippet's behaviour giggle.gif ! He is not at all 'dominant' and doesn't seem to understand the concept (!) BUT, I have problems enough distracting him from hunting small animals.

I understand your point that there may be fewer dog-fighting enthusiasts (although I am not convinced that there is still not an underground subculture where it exists) and as a result fewer pitbulls trained to be psychotic killers. The Dog Whisperer and his 30-minute shows are all very impressive but I am sure that even Cesar would not recommend these animals to be regarded in the same way as your average pet. I am not suggesting compulsory euthanasia, merely reversing the selective breeding that produced them by removing them from the canine gene pool

Do not know much about the dog whisperer, but I do know that 59% of dog fatal attacks in America are done by pit bulls. Rottweilers tag far behind at 14%. Not really sure of the solution from a breeding standpoint, but I always take precautions when I see a pit bull.....

haha...you made these numbers up right ? the APBT is a very specific breed. i might believe these figures if they came with the caveat "but then, i dont really know what a pit bull (sic) is !"

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I can't bear those dogs. There's invariably a sense of menace about them. And their owners for that matter. The whole breed, along with their tattooed owners should be placed in a giant industrial mincer, ground to a pulp, and eradicated.

Pls. Can you read your comment again-are you suggesting man slaughter???some of your dudes should get a little bit familiar with the history of Pitt bulls.I totally agree that those kind of dogs are lethal weapons in the hand of the wrong master.responsibility and iron discipline/training are the way to handle them.correct trained they can be the most loyal dogs you can get.but to let them run around not monitored and without any training in social behavior is really mad and the owner should be held responsible.
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I know a guy in Thailand that has 2 of these, their heads are massive, at least 12 inches across.

he says they are very gentle and he trusts them, he also has 2 little kids.

I would never go around there again because of the dogs and my own kids. I went the first time not knowing he had them.

One day.

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That what happens when you're actually dumber then the dog you would like to pet. I hope this is not going to turn into a pitbull hate thread. It's not their fault their master is dumber than a drunken chicken.

Just as I thought, haters already jumping in...bet you the only animals you can put up with are your wife's or gf's stupid cats

So cat discrimination is permitted?

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I know a guy in Thailand that has 2 of these, their heads are massive, at least 12 inches across.

he says they are very gentle and he trusts them, he also has 2 little kids.

I would never go around there again because of the dogs and my own kids. I went the first time not knowing he had them.

One day.

in that case, what you saw wasn't a Pitbull and shouldn't be in this thread.

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What an awful way to go.

My deepest condolences to Mr Khamchan's family and friends.

Where did it mention in the article that the pitbull owners nationality?

Why the Thai bashings on a news item like this?

It is sickening indeed to read 'hate posts' in a majority of posts - proves a lot of 'sick in mind' are around.

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I know a guy in Thailand that has 2 of these, their heads are massive, at least 12 inches across.

he says they are very gentle and he trusts them, he also has 2 little kids.

I would never go around there again because of the dogs and my own kids. I went the first time not knowing he had them.

One day.

in that case, what you saw wasn't a Pitbull and shouldn't be in this thread.

Oh I'm sorry....guess you saw what I saw so you must know then....so sorry about that.

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I know a guy in Thailand that has 2 of these, their heads are massive, at least 12 inches across.

he says they are very gentle and he trusts them, he also has 2 little kids.

I would never go around there again because of the dogs and my own kids. I went the first time not knowing he had them.

One day.

in that case, what you saw wasn't a Pitbull and shouldn't be in this thread.

Oh I'm sorry....guess you saw what I saw so you must know then....so sorry about that.

over developed bodies and head are not a characteristic of the APBT. the APBT is a medium sized dog, desirable weight for a mature male in good condition is between 35 and 60 pounds. the ever popular lab/golden retriever will weigh in between 70 and 80.

im sure what youre describing is a dog...what breed remains a mystery.

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I know a guy in Thailand that has 2 of these, their heads are massive, at least 12 inches across.

he says they are very gentle and he trusts them, he also has 2 little kids.

I would never go around there again because of the dogs and my own kids. I went the first time not knowing he had them.

One day.

in that case, what you saw wasn't a Pitbull and shouldn't be in this thread.

Oh I'm sorry....guess you saw what I saw so you must know then....so sorry about that.

over developed bodies and head are not a characteristic of the APBT. the APBT is a medium sized dog, desirable weight for a mature male in good condition is between 35 and 60 pounds. the ever popular lab/golden retriever will weigh in between 70 and 80.

im sure what youre describing is a dog...what breed remains a mystery.

I could describe the desirable weight for a human too....but

Not a mystery to me....nor their owner.

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