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dam_n My Hangovers Are Getting Worse!


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<p>When I was young I could drink until the cows came home & then start again. The last bender I had was several years ago & it took me two days to get over it. On the rare occasions now that I imbibe I aim to get pleasantly mellow & then stop. If I go a couple of drinks beyond that a hangover starts setting in which is pretty weird but I guess my brain%2

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Hate to be a party pooper, but the latest advice is the maximum number of standard drinks is 4 per day with 2 clear days per week. For men.

For women it is 2, again, with 2 clear days per week. Very recebt research indicates that there is NO safe level of alcohol intake in pregnancy.

In my youth (and I was always a cheap drunk) I used to drink 2 glasses of water & take a multi B pill before falling into bed & never had a hangover.

If you binge drink you run the real and increasing risk of acute pancreatitis each time you binge, with eventual insulin-dependent diabetes as well as a host of other physical effects.

One of the first signs of alcohol related brain damage is difficulty in organising yourself. That's a higher order function. After that comes the short term memory loss, which is permanent as well. The only thing you can do is train yourself early to take your memory book, your glasses & a pen everywhere with you.

Is it worth it?

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Recommendation: Move this thread to the "I drink too much" sub-Forum.

(The Phuket TV regulars need more to think about than this, if they want to live up to their self-image.)

I didn't say anything about drinking too much..... In fact quite the opposite..

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(The Phuket TV regulars need more to think about than this, if they want to live up to their self-image.)

I'll assume thats humor. Because if it is, it's funny, almost pissed myself. If not, I would suggest having several beers.biggrin.png

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