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Is Google Now Blocked ?


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No problem has been reported with logging into Google services.

The addresses you're giving are the search engines. Wherever you are attempting to log in, there shouldn't be any differences. Does it gives you an error message? If yes, which is it?

Check that things like "CAPS LOCK" or "NUM LOCK" are not activated when you type your password.

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l also was having problems with google.com.with or without the /ncr. Usually with page load timeouts. But google.co.th worked fine so I used that. I'm using TOT. The problem has since corrected itself. I suspect google was making changes to it's servers.

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and the fact you have to accept the new privacy policy else no google.

You don't have to do anything accept these new privacy policy. They sent the users an email stating that after march 1st, continuing to use google services meant you accept the new policies. It's in no way related to OP's problems.

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This happens to me regularly. Sometimes, if google.com does not work, I can switch to google.co.th, sometimes not.

If it does not work I can use proxy service, but only for search. I avoid those for anything where I have to login.

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Last night the google search engine stopped working for me for about 5 minutes. I mean you would type in a search word(s) in your google search window/browser window and you would get a page not found error. Had no problem surfing any other sites....just couldn't search with google. Then after about 5 minutes the problem was gone. Must have been a temporary problem. I'm on True cable internet.

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Tonight, all Google services (google.com, plus.google.com, gmail..) do not work for me (for about 2 hours). Only google.co.th works. I'm using TOT.

I have experienced this exact same issue for the last 3 consecutive nights, also TOT. Every other site works normally and this issue has never happened in the past. What I did next was to VPN to the US and this allowed google and gmail to work.

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I think the MICT is blocking something. Since last night, many websites like tagged.com, subscene.com etc. don't work as usual anymore, in between the browser accesses MICT.CO.TH (the well-known censoring domain) and then the page times out or is broken.

Since many websites are using the free AJAX scripts provided by Google these days, it might indeed be that this is the reason. It just reflects the stupidity of censoring in Thailand.

ISP: Sophon Cable Internet

Edited by pepi2005
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Maybe the source is TOT. I'm also on TOT and have had general connection problems since mid-December with this specific problem not being able to access Gmail for the past several days (usually in the early evening and also right now 8pm Thurs). Usually google itself works, if not the main site, then one of the alternatives. But Gmail or any attempt to access google accounts, no dice.

My previous connectivity issue started when TOT jacked my speed up to 7m from the 4m I pay for, for no reason I can think of, in the middle of December. This resulted in virtually constant instability. Last week they lowered the speed back down to where it used to be and things stabilized for a while, except for google now timing out.

Since most people reporting this are on TOT and TOT has clearly been screwing around with their network since the beginning of the year, my money's on them.

Sure am happy they got the concession for mobile...

But seriously, I am happy, because I'm leaving Thailand for the awesome internet nirvana of S Korea. Well, there has to be sth to look forward to in Korea...

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