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Is Pattaya City Too Over Whelming To Manage?


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With clogged drains which creates flooding when there is a normal downpour, garbage on abandoned roadsides and lots, not enough garbage bins, the decay and neglect of Beach Road promenade, and the erosion of Pattaya Bay Beach, and the jet skis scams is the city too unmanageable for the elected city officals to run? Since I have worked/ lived in Pattaya for 7 years, this "fun city on the sea"is being neglected. Doesn't the city council and members ever walk around or even live in the city? True, Pattaya has a dense popuation since it is a tourist town, but it also rakes in more revenue than most surrounding cities - It has the baht, it just needs the care and attention.

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Toenail.., you hit the nail right on the head with your last statement.

They have baht.. whilst they have steady flow of monies coming in why change anything.

Dont expect them to be proactive.. same situation as Phuket with bus tour operators... no need to enact stricter safety and maintenance standards.. ohh big bus crash bad press .. tourism could be affected.. better do something.

What you are proposing here is forethought and planning for the future.. unfortunately in a society which operates by the day at best it wont happen unless their is possibility or actuality of 'lesser baht".

Great example of this can be found just inside soi 7.... large pile of rubbish next a shop which hasn't been cleaned up for months right smack bang in tourist area ... its just slowly decomposing.... you might think that shop next door might be proactive and say " we should clean that up".. but no it obviously hasnt effected business so it doesn't get cleaned up. You think health official, tourist officials would want to get rid of this.. no it hasn't affected business and we have received no complaints so no need to act.

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I do not know what happens behind the closed doors of City Hall, but it seems to me that there really is no planning other than "growth, growth, growth and more growth." I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but any country/city built on the foundation of total corruption is doomed to destroy itself from within. And on a happier note, there was a slight breeze blowing in from the sea today :)

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I do not think that the "elected" officials really care as long as the total tourist numbers keep increasing , which I believe they are (demographics are changing though).

Pattaya has a dense population
(my edit for spelling) are you referring to the local or foreign residents ??
]I do not know what happens behind the closed doors of City Hall,[/i]
Its quite easy ..."1 for you , 1 for me " repeat until budget is all allocated !!
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Has anyone else seen the pictures on the hoarding around the new multi storey car park at Bali Hai? It's not going to be a normal car park. It's going to be a long term, gantry operated, car storage facility. I'll give it about a year before the gantry breaks down and there's no money set aside to fix it.

This is the kind of insanity you get when brown envelopes rule over common sense.



Edited by Spalpeen
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Has anyone else seen the pictures on the hoarding around the new multi storey car park at Bali Hai? It's not going to be a normal car park. It's going to be a long term, gantry operated, car storage facility. I'll give it about a year before the gantry breaks down and there's no money set aside to fix it.

This is the kind of insanity you get when brown envelopes rule over common sense.

So they destroyed a nice little park in an area where it was needed and used to build a crappy, un necessary, bound to fail monstrocity. Still, as long as the usual pockets get filled, what do they care. The buses loaded with Chinese tourists continue to roll in, so that's all right then!

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

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you could put the blame for all the mess towards many factors...but one I think is not so obvious - Gated Communities - out of site out of mind...who cares if outside the world is a stinking crap hole of clogged drains and scams. Ivory towers are another (condos) - never look down - just look out to sea or the mountains with your Rose Tinted glasses and the problems disappear.

Only when you get out at about on foot or on a Bicycle like I do are your senses blasted with the mess. I thought Sub Saharan Africa was bad . Well Pattaya and Jomtien are getting worse. At least the Africans have massive storm drains that wash the rubbish and dead bodies out to sea. The Thais seem to want to just clog their small pipes with plastic bags and cooking oil.

The Thai bodies get their photo on Television with the nasty bits blurred out....

Strangely, you do not have to travel far out of town and the road side mess decreases. I travel the back lanes and roads of the dark side and there are miles of rubbish free roads...so it seems when it comes to dumping crap...its a town/city thing...Maybe the drug users / abusers / pushers / scam merchants and ne'er do wells should be put on hard labour cleaning up the streets. Instead of making more money in the jails....selling drugs...only in LOS...

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The city is exploited, not managed.

Grab the money, scorch the earth and let the next guy worry about it.

Sad but true, well said.

They keep on building condo's all over the place and moo baan's further out (East Pattaya). I don't know how its gonna end, many streets were build many years ago and in order to allow more cars into the city they will have to redraw big parts of the city and tear down buildings to make roads much wider, but I can't see that happen.

Many upper class BKK Thais got a big scare last year with the flooding so many of them are buying here as a sort of back-up resident and they come here in the weekend too.

When we go out in the car, we are almost stuck every day in traffic jams and much worse during weekends and holidays. During the last fire works festival the city was one big jam and motor bike was only option to get around.

It would be nice to see a 10-15 year plan from city hall regarding how to manage flood/drain & traffic problems, but I don't think they have one, they are properly busy issuing building permits, he-he.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

If you're his buddy, can you ask him to provide a fleet of REAL Bangkok style taxi meters in Pattaya and also demand the baht bus cooperative run a baht bus line on 3rd road?
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It's true that things could be managed a lot better, and it's not hard to cite examples. But bear in mind that Pattaya has grown from nothing to it's present size in just 50 years. Imagine what the infrastructure in London or New York was like when they were 50 years old.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Yes, I have also met the mayor at a social function. True, this young mayor is very easy to talk to (his English is good) and has good communications skills with the public. But I am not arguing over ones "communication skills", I am pointing out the lack of action to get things done that are not "dream-projects" (such as a mono-rail system or a multi-story car park) or another music or firework festival) but BASIC maintenance that would be priority at any city around the world that had Pattaya's tax revenue income. I do not think people who live here like myself would not complain if construction was being done on improving the sewage system (if it didn't take 5 years) or if the walkway along Beach Road was being maintained.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

If you're his buddy, can you ask him to provide a fleet of REAL Bangkok style taxi meters in Pattaya and also demand the baht bus cooperative run a baht bus line on 3rd road?

Do you have legs? Do you know where City Hall is?

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Yes, I have also met the mayor at a social function. True, this young mayor is very easy to talk to (his English is good) and has good communications skills with the public. But I am not arguing over ones "communication skills", I am pointing out the lack of action to get things done that are not "dream-projects" (such as a mono-rail system or a multi-story car park) or another music or firework festival) but BASIC maintenance that would be priority at any city around the world that had Pattaya's tax revenue income. I do not think people who live here like myself would not complain if construction was being done on improving the sewage system (if it didn't take 5 years) or if the walkway along Beach Road was being maintained.

I am not trying to be cynical here but I see maintenance being done all around Pattaya daily to be honest.

The problem (as stupid as it may seem) is that they can't really do sewer work in the rainy season, then of course they can't be ripping up the roads in high season with all the tourists. That only leaves hot season and that's when you notice more being done.

Yes it would be nice to see improvements for sure and the drainage the way it is not is even dangerous when the heavy rains are upon us. Just last week I saw on SSCC during it's river rage, one of the square steel covers (you all know the ones) being risen about 18" off of the road and kind of floating on a 25 0 angle but still under the water/river when as fait would have it a poor motorcycle taxi drove into it and was ejected.

If I was a Civil Engineer I would stay clear of any job in Pattaya because it's like pulling a buffalo through a needle eye.

I can honestly say that anyone can make an appointment with the mayor "Ittipol" and if you have any suggestions that would actually help he would probably be thankful.

I'm not a huge fan of government officials but I must say he is a decent one given the Zoo he looks after.

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every day and night hundreds of tourists walk along the beach prominade, it would take about a day to fix up all the potholes and protruding drain covers that people continualy trip and injure themselves on, but its never been done, and as for the jetski scams, it seems that simple small cheap jobs are beyond their mentality

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every day and night hundreds of tourists walk along the beach prominade, it would take about a day to fix up all the potholes and protruding drain covers that people continualy trip and injure themselves on, but its never been done, and as for the jetski scams, it seems that simple small cheap jobs are beyond their mentality

The time, energy, and money that it took for the city to hire someone (relative?) to set up those Pattaya Valentine displays (which included custom made heart shaped lights from some shop) along Beach Road could have been directed to a more basic, needed project such as filling in the pot holes and replacing the lost tiles along the walkways.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

I remember when they dug up Beach Rd 3 years in a row to put bigger drains in, so it would seem justified to have complained then, as they should have known how big the drains needed to be the first time.

Other road works takes years because it is abandoned half way. I doubt people would complain if they knew that works were properly planned and would be completed as soon as possible.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Digging up roads in a timely manner are the key words. Not dig up roads that take 5 years to complete.

But roads have nothing to do with trash everywhere, mafia everywhere, scams everywhere, drugs everywhere, dirty beaches, corroding beaches, and the long list of other things that have nothing to do with digging up roads.

How difficult is it to keep the place clean? Why is it allowed for anyone to use any soi as a trash dump? Why would a beach tourist city allow their beaches to become filthy and erode? How could any tourist city allow the tourists to be assaulted DAILY by thugs on the beach with weapons and do NOTHING about it? How can a city allow "metered taxis" to ride the streets who refuse to use their meter? Why do they keep arresting FAKE police every 3 days yet still have police uniform and gear sales to the general public in the parking lot of the police station? And so on and so forth.

"Corruption" is the only answer to every problem in Pattaya. How nice and approachable someone may be is irrelevant.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Maybe you can point us to anything he has realised ,other than cutting ribbons and receiving enveloppes, during his term in office.
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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Maybe you can point us to anything he has realised ,other than cutting ribbons and receiving enveloppes, during his term in office.

Did you see his huge list of things he promised when he ran for election before? I don't think he came through on a single promise. A perfect politician.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Maybe you can point us to anything he has realised ,other than cutting ribbons and receiving enveloppes, during his term in office.

Did you see his huge list of things he promised when he ran for election before? I don't think he came through on a single promise. A perfect politician.


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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Maybe you can point us to anything he has realised ,other than cutting ribbons and receiving enveloppes, during his term in office.

Did you see his huge list of things he promised when he ran for election before? I don't think he came through on a single promise. A perfect politician.


Since Pattaya is now a "green city" so long as it's a "green" monorail I'm all for it. clap2.gif

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Since Pattaya is now a "green city" so long as it's a "green" monorail I'm all for it. clap2.gif

You guys need to keep up....that pie in the sky idea has long since been abandoned.

Instead the will built under and overpasses around sukumvit - fine by me.

The best thing i heard was an airport rail link. (bkk - post ) (last week)) that's bkk in an hour!

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

If they didn't do the job half-arsed in the first place, it would not have taken 3, 4, 5 years to complete a simply road widening or install sewer lines. How many YEARS has it taken to widening of Thap Phraya Rd?

Truth be told they don't get a ratz arse and it's all about the payola. As long as the pockets are lined for the powers that be, then <deleted> off, not my problem.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

If they didn't do the job half-arsed in the first place, it would not have taken 3, 4, 5 years to complete a simply road widening or install sewer lines. How many YEARS has it taken to widening of Thap Phraya Rd?

Truth be told they don't get a ratz arse and it's all about the payola. As long as the pockets are lined for the powers that be, then <deleted> off, not my problem.

The beauty on the airport link is: this is big klong kountry - so let's see

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