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Blasts Rattle Bangkok As Israel Accuses Iran


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When you think logically it is impossible that Iranians are involved. First of all Iran never attacked an other country, besides what interest would there be to make a terrorist attack in Bangkok. And the next question is, who can prove it were Iranians, some people may remember the Mossad assassination in Dubai, where they used falsified passports. Then there is the fact, that in the beginning of this year, Thailand acknowledged the state of Palestine, for which the Zionist jews in Israël will sure be very angry. Other countries doing the same, were victims of terrorist attacks as well, viz. Russia and Norway. So in my opinion the attack in Bangkok is part of a plot to harm Iran again.

"First of all Iran never attacked an other country,"

Well other than IRAQ for 7 years.....

And using their proxies to attack dozens of nations citizens.

Iran is agressive don't imagine otherwise.

That is under the current name. Before that, and under the name "Persia", it had attacked many other countries

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"Terrorism" applies to specific kinds of attacks, and it seems these fellows would have gotten around to those kind of attacks eventually, but the explosions today don't fit the criteria.

Does conspiracy to commit terrorist acts go down better? blink.png

Look back at the original post I was quoting. They were shocked that the police said the incident yesterday wasn't considered terrorism. I was just arguing that what the police said was technically correct. I'm sure there will be terrorism/conspiracy charges that come out of what was found in the home, but what the police spokesman said about the specific events of yesterday does make sense in regards to those specific events not being terrorism.

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Well he wont be walking to Soi Muslim to screw a Ladyboy anymore............

In poor taste and not funny.

I don't know if you are suggesting we should feel sorry for this animal, but he wouldn't have thought twice about blowing the legs off children or innocent passers by, so he deserves everything he got.

Glad to clarify. I was not suggesting that anyone should feel sorry for the suspect. I believe any comment which shows disrespect to any religion is objectionable. Further, that the poster attempted to make fun of a ladyboy in this context was also unnecessary.

You sound like a real barrel of laughs to live with Mr shorts.

So muslim's desire to convert the whole world to muslim, including you and me, at any cost, is not objectional then. Glad we got that clear.

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How many more days before the legless terrorist escapes Thailand?

It's according how much money he can come up with. Directly related.

He is of no value to Iran now and is actually a liability. If he ever gets out of Bangkwang just give him a tin cup and send him down to soi 3.

A tin cup and a skateboard.

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Israel calls itself the democratic and westernized country in the middle east. Any country that aspires to be like that just cannot kill foreign civilians or scientists. Also, in the case Iran is developing nuclear weapons they are in their right to do so. What a double standards that US, Israel, etc can have this kind of shit but Iran cannot.

Wrong. They are not "in their right to do so". Iran is the only one of these countries that signed a treaty that they WOULD NOT develop nuclear weapons and they are lying about doing so and therefore need to be stopped. There are no double standards - just some enablers trying to spin it that way.


The Israeli secret police has every right to judge whether or not Iran's nuclear program is for civilian or military purposes.

And they even have a greater right to then execute scientists who they believe are involved in such program.


Is that not terrorism???

Is that not murder sanctioned by government???

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It is very, very convenient for Israel to blame Iran for anything at this point.

And it is very, very, even more convenient for Iran to be blamed by Israel. This is why many Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated recently by the Iranian Government - in order to give Iran an excuse to use their nuclear weapons against Israel as soon as they are ready. This is why Iran want's to provoke Israel into an attack - so Iran can claim to be acting in self-defense when they nuke Israel.

Sorry but I don't understand what you are saying. How can Iran use nuclear weapons if they are killing thier own people who are suppose to be making them. Would it not be easier to protect the people who make them so they have them ready to use if they wish. I thought it would be more logical for the otherside to do the assasinations. What your saying is like a game of football and both sides are kicking to the same end.

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I think the Iranian regime is in deep trouble if the men caught in Thailand say that they were acting under the orders of the Iranian regime. The following days will be very interesting.


Indeed they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

In one report he already tried to cut his own throat with glass.......... possibly not going to cooperate with questioning by the RTP.

That's what the car battery and electric cables are for. The RTP have an uncanny knack of extracting confessions from criminals. I would think they would be very keen to ply their trade in this case as it has caused them to lose face.

One thing certain and two things sure, even if they had carried out their plan to (possibly) assassinate an Israeli diplomat, if would have been reported as a murder and not a terrorist act.

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Is that not terrorism???

Is that not murder sanctioned by government???

I think you're right. If bombing Israeli diplomats is terrorism, bombing Iranian scientists is also terrorism. However, keep in mind I think Israel is justified in bombing Iran's nuclear facilities. If they do, that would be an act of war and not terrorism. If Israel is behind the nuclear scientist killings which is of course likely/probable, etc I personally think that was a mistaken tactic. While I support the right of Zionist Israel to exist as the world's only Jewish state (no, Boca Raton doesn't count!), which the Iranian regime does not, that doesn't mean I agree with every policy decision of their government. Edited by Jingthing
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The essence of terrorism is its unpredictability.

Usually all the measures that are taken in the face of it amount to "locking the stable door after the horse is stolen". They deter future terrorists from using exactly the same method in the same place.

Not effective, but they give the public, who sees these measures and thinks that at least something is being done about it, a certain amount of consolation. Rest assured that the authorities are doing the best they can.

Now the thought that the authorities are doing the best they can scares me if denial is the best they can come up with.

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The essence of terrorism is its unpredictability.

Usually all the measures that are taken in the face of it amount to "locking the stable door after the horse is stolen". They deter future terrorists from using exactly the same method in the same place.

Not effective, but they give the public, who sees these measures and thinks that at least something is being done about it, a certain amount of consolation. Rest assured that the authorities are doing the best they can.

Now the thought that the authorities are doing the best they can scares me if denial is the best they can come up with.

Yes, the best here is the best they can, according to the local way.
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"It's funny how all 1.6 billion Muslims are co-opted into being offended by disrespect towards a terrorist and would be murderer. One would have thought most would wish to disassociate themselves with such an individual and therefore afford him no respect or consideration whatsoever".

Birds of a feather..........

Edited by pimay11
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The reaction by the Thai government to this ordeal just seems surreal to me. Is this really happening? Are they really saying this is just a normal crime? That the Iranians were arguing with each other and then started blowing things up? I'm so confused by their statements and I've no doubt that the Thai population that is hearing all this on the news is equally confused.

I just hope that all this confusion they are creating doesn't give more terrorists another opportunity to cause more causalities to innocent people of all races.

No one is blaming the Thais for this but I wish they would stop playing dumb and start acting more responsibly.

apparently its the norm. just came off skype with an iranian friend of mine. he explained while yanks give the bird if the taxi wont stop or the brits and other europen nationalities shout some kind of swear word, in iran they throw a bomb. really. however he says that they normally fire an RPG but because these guys are on their hols, the extra weight of taking it with them would put them over 30 kg,s and its not allowed on as hand luggage. wont fit in the overhead apparently.


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Thank goodness the Iranian "wanna be" was an amateur and his mission wasn't totally carried through. I realize my Western thinking is different than the governments, but you would think the govenment would take this as a "wake up call" and get serious instead of acting like nothing serious is happening in the capital city. Also, don't they realize countries today have terrorists problems of some sort and tourists are (usually) not scared off - it has happened in London, Paris, New York, Madrid, Jakarta...the list goes on and these cities are still receiving tourists. What will scare people off is the government's denial of "evil doers" and not taking any pro-action about it.

I don't think that the government has said what they are doing, nor what their security services. What they have said is that they don't want the general populace to do anything, nor to panic.

I don't have a good view of everything the thai security forces do, but if I was a senior officer therein, I'd be making sure that the next 'normal crime' didn't occur on my patch...


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@Steely Dan

Unfortunately for the average peace-loving Muslim on the street, Muslim leaders have never drawn a clear line between the peaceful and the warlike members of the community. Things are kept fudged on purpose.

Ask your best muslim peaceful friend what they would if you tore a page out of the quran. I lived in KL for a year and had what I considered a peaceful friend. He was 25 years old, intelligent, well educated and an IT expert. I asked him If we were friends and he said yes you are one of my best friends. Then I asked him what he would do if I tore a page out of the quran. His answer was "I would kill you". Another average peace-loving muslim on the street.

Edited by pimay11
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"It's funny how all 1.6 billion Muslims are co-opted into being offended by disrespect towards a terrorist and would be murderer. One would have thought most would wish to disassociate themselves with such an individual and therefore afford him no respect or consideration whatsoever".

Birds of a feather..........

In fact not, I know many Muslims who would like to disassociate themselves with the violent image. But their leaders are scurrilous and have never provided peace-loving Muslims with a platform or a flag around which to rally. I went to a press conference yesterday here in Bangkok; the speaker was Anwar Ibrahim, former Malaysian minister and Islamic youth leader. I asked him a question precisely about this, but was disappointed by the answer, he said that if Muslims get a bad name it is mainly because of islamophobia, thus placing the onus on the West.

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@Steely Dan

Unfortunately for the average peace-loving Muslim on the street, Muslim leaders have never drawn a clear line between the peaceful and the warlike members of the community. Things are kept fudged on purpose.

Many Muslin leaders do just that. Draw the line.

Some are killed for their troubles,

others just don't make enough noise to be heard.

Edited by animatic
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"It's funny how all 1.6 billion Muslims are co-opted into being offended by disrespect towards a terrorist and would be murderer. One would have thought most would wish to disassociate themselves with such an individual and therefore afford him no respect or consideration whatsoever".

Birds of a feather..........

In fact not, I know many Muslims who would like to disassociate themselves with the violent image. But their leaders are scurrilous and have never provided peace-loving Muslims with a platform or a flag around which to rally.I went to a press conference yesterday here in Bangkok; the speaker was Anwar Ibrahim, former Malaysian minister and Islamic youth leader. I asked him a question precisely about this, but was disappointed by the answer, he said that if Muslims get a bad name it is mainly because of islamophobia, thus placing the onus on the West.

Quite so, the blanket use of the word Islamophobia is simply a mechanism to avoid debate and disguise truth, and there are some ugly and unpalatable truths which our governments are in denial about. That said I'm sure many Muslims are intelligent peace loving people, but put it this way - Would you be a vocal and outspoken critic of the Mafia if you lived in Sicily during the peak of their power?

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What a load of load rubbish, the Jews are building a case for an invasion or an attack, pure and simple. Does it seem likely that Iran, with all it's resources, would send one lone incompetent terrorist to attack the Jewish policemen in Thailand. It's laughable, but then so were the WMD and 9/11 stories.

If they do attack Iran, it will be interesting to see what the Chinese do, when their economy comes under attack as a result, the Russians and Indians too. We may see the US trying to distance themselves from Israel, at long last.

I have no doubt Iran are after a bomb, they learned only too well, from the invasion of their neighbour, that the best thing to do when you are being threatened with invasion, or regime change, is to get a nuclear deterrent..

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I asked him a question precisely about this, but was disappointed by the answer, he said that if Muslims get a bad name it is mainly because of islamophobia, thus placing the onus on the West.

Of course, *everything* is our fault!

They have a bad name because some of their followers are zealots for sure, but in my mind the whole religion is whack; arranged marriages, misogyny, racism, intolerance, holy wars, etc, etc.....

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While Thitima denied the incidents were acts of terrorism, and were not sabotage or travel advisory related [as police now know where the suspect is?], Foreign Ministry spokesman Thanee Thongphakdee said an official conclusion on the incidents would be made soon to determine the specific nature of the crimes, and not to jump to the conclusion that it was an act of terrorism.

The advice about not jumping to conclusions, Khun Thitima, applies, in particular, to government spokes[wo]men, who, as we all know, are extremely prone to doing just that . . . especially where security issues and the country's image are involved.

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Does anybody really believe any of this krap? The US arguably the greatest war criminals of all want a slice of Iran and Obama needs votes. Next up a terror attack on the US but this time by people who have some idea of what they are doing...

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Does anybody really believe any of this krap? The US arguably the greatest war criminals of all want a slice of Iran and Obama needs votes. Next up a terror attack on the US but this time by people who have some idea of what they are doing...

You're not using logic. The US economy is improving, jobs are coming back, the stock market has rallied, and polls show Obama EASILY beating all his potential right wing opponents, even though they accuse him of being soft on Iran. The LAST thing Obama wants or needs politically is a war with Iran.

Also, Obama's anti-terrorism cred is stellar. Osama was killed under Obama, not under Bush. Obama ran on closing Gitmo and now he hasn't; now the opinion polls overwhelmingly show Americans are OK with that now.

Edited by Jingthing
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