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Blasts Rattle Bangkok As Israel Accuses Iran


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The essence of terrorism is its unpredictability.

Usually all the measures that are taken in the face of it amount to "locking the stable door after the horse is stolen". They deter future terrorists from using exactly the same method in the same place.

Not effective, but they give the public, who sees these measures and thinks that at least something is being done about it, a certain amount of consolation. Rest assured that the authorities are doing the best they can.

I have rested.

Hope you're feeling better now JS wink.png

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I see an opportunity here, (But not one I'll take up myself)

Forget the horses and football pools, how about laying bets on seeing who kills more this year, the van/mimi-bus drivers, or Iranian bombers. Or should we include all Muslims with explosives? What's the count so far? .. if we include the mad-arse seperatists in the South. ...

Indeed. Before everyone starts panicking and thinking with their brainstem it is worth remembering that you are more likely to die in a traffic accident than by a terrorist - by many orders of magnitude.

Mark the date. Totally agreed. These recent events in Georgia, Thailand, and India are more about what they say about the march to war between Israel and Iran and how that may or may not get globalized rather than our personal risk of being a victim of Hezbollah in Thailand. Which is small indeed.
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Thitima denied the incidents were acts of terrorism, saying: "This is not sabotage or related to the travel advisories issued [after last month's terrorism scare] by many countries. Police now know where the [suspect is].

"Intelligence analysis said [the suspects] were arguing with one another, and the incidents are being treated as normal crimes."

are they for real?

C4 and houses exploding is normal for crimes in most locals in their experience. Of course my guess is the perps were arguing about which and what and where to blow up with the bombs and the argument got out of hand. If I get 88 virgins for every infidle then I want a body count, some others may want a building to make a statement; I'd guess it was the virgin thing they were arguing about when the whole plan went TITs up.

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Thitima denied the incidents were acts of terrorism, saying: "This is not sabotage or related to the travel advisories issued [after last month's terrorism scare] by many countries. Police now know where the [suspect is].

"Intelligence analysis said [the suspects] were arguing with one another, and the incidents are being treated as normal crimes."

are they for real?

C4 and houses exploding is normal for crimes in most locals in their experience. Of course my guess is the perps were arguing about which and what and where to blow up with the bombs and the argument got out of hand. If I get 88 virgins for every infidle then I want a body count, some others may want a building to make a statement; I'd guess it was the virgin thing they were arguing about when the whole plan went TITs up.

I think it was the virgin thing to do ... omg clap2.gif

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An everyday occurrence that Foreign people throw grenades at taxis and police? That is how the Thai authorities seem to paint this picture. Then I would be even more worried !!

It is Thailands newest tourest draw, Terrorist Tourism.

Maybe they can get stumpy to reenact it 3 times a day for the tourists.

Edited by z12
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Sorry, gotta disagree with this also....religion is the cause of most wars and a lot of the misery in the world, and ALL the car bombings, suicide bombings, foolish "holy wars", misogyny, IED's, not to mention intolerance towards anyone who doesn't believe in "their" own particular type of religions nonsense. People talking to their imaginary friends who tell them to go blow up innocent people, or priests who are supposed to be trustworthy but instead abuse and rape little boys deserve our respect? Sorry, not from me.

Do away with all organized religions and this world is a much better place!

It appears that inadvertently I have created an off-topic sub-topic.

I believe that you have made sweeping generalizations.

I wonder if we did away with all organized religions if you would replace them with anything else.

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Buh....and I already was thinking there are terror acts in Thailand....

I'm really relieved that it was just an argumentation between some Thalibanskys...oh sorry Iranians.

You have to go with the flow....no arguments....just C4!

Bombastic future...

Edited by metisdead
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You sound like a real barrel of laughs to live with Mr shorts.

So muslim's desire to convert the whole world to muslim, including you and me, at any cost, is not objectional then. Glad we got that clear.

Many, if not all, religions would like to convert the whole world. I am unclear where you found the "at any cost" idea.

I am considered by some to be quite the "life of the party" with a dry wit and try very hard to bring joy into this world.

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It's funny how all 1.6 billion Muslims are co-opted into being offended by disrespect towards a terrorist and would be murderer. One would have thought most would wish to disassociate themselves with such an individual and therefore afford him no respect or consideration whatsoever.

I did not co-opt anyone. I was only speaking for myself. I found the "joke" to be in poor taste and the idea of poking fun at a ladyboy not funny.
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I asked him a question precisely about this, but was disappointed by the answer, he said that if Muslims get a bad name it is mainly because of islamophobia, thus placing the onus on the West.

Of course, *everything* is our fault!

They have a bad name because some of their followers are zealots for sure, but in my mind the whole religion is whack; arranged marriages, misogyny, racism, intolerance, holy wars, etc, etc.....

Don't forget genital mutilation for girls, "honour" killings of daughters, stonings, public beheadings, etc, etc. Peace and free love it ain't.

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You sound like a real barrel of laughs to live with Mr shorts.

So muslim's desire to convert the whole world to muslim, including you and me, at any cost, is not objectional then. Glad we got that clear.

Many, if not all, religions would like to convert the whole world. I am unclear where you found the "at any cost" idea.

I am considered by some to be quite the "life of the party" with a dry wit and try very hard to bring joy into this world.

If I'm not wrong, Islam is specifically tolerant of other religions. However, it is not tolerant of apostasy.

I can't comment on Mr Shorts' humour, other than to concur with Oscar Wilde: brevity is the soul of wit.


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"Terrorism" applies to specific kinds of attacks, and it seems these fellows would have gotten around to those kind of attacks eventually, but the explosions today don't fit the criteria.

Does conspiracy to commit terrorist acts go down better? blink.png

Does botched "targeted assasination" go down better? It seems that there are many countries that implicitly condone the assassination of their enemies (military, paramilitary or civilian) on the soil of third party countries.

Edited by Neurath
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I thinking, are the announcements of the Thai Goverment after that incident, or the Wannabe Terrorists with their stunt of blowing the own feet away,

more crazy and silly (insane)?ohmy.png

Are the Thai spokesmen now completely bonkers? The Iranians tried to commit a terrorist act, but an accidental explosion at a rented house confused them and they ran amok. That's what was happening. If the suspects argued about how or whether to do the terrorist attack at all, that is not of importance.

Edited by ALFREDO
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You sound like a real barrel of laughs to live with Mr shorts.

So muslim's desire to convert the whole world to muslim, including you and me, at any cost, is not objectional then. Glad we got that clear.

Many, if not all, religions would like to convert the whole world. I am unclear where you found the "at any cost" idea.

I am considered by some to be quite the "life of the party" with a dry wit and try very hard to bring joy into this world.

If I'm not wrong, Islam is specifically tolerant of other religions. However, it is not tolerant of apostasy.

I can't comment on Mr Shorts' humour, other than to concur with Oscar Wilde: brevity is the soul of wit.


How wrong you are. Christian churches are being burnt and destroyed and Christians persecuted all through certain African countries and also Egypt, hardly what I would call tolerance. Just Google "burning of Christian churches".

Edited by giddyup
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An everyday occurrence that Foreign people throw grenades at taxis and police? That is how the Thai authorities seem to paint this picture. Then I would be even more worried !!

It is Thailands newest tourest draw, Terrorist Tourism.

Maybe they can get stumpy to reenact it 3 times a day for the tourists.

Ha ha, I just had a vision of a Tombstone Arizona gun fight re-enactment type of touist attraction for Thailand.

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So one Iranian guy looses his legs, six innocent people are injured, and another Iranian got arrested. Why would the average person in Thailand care about this? We believe anything we see, hear or read in the news, but what is the point when 80% of it is all lies and propaganda. I guess it is just a cheap way from Isreal or the US to get Thailand involved in the up coming war with Iran, I mean why would the Iranians attack "Thailand"?

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So one Iranian guy looses his legs, six innocent people are injured, and another Iranian got arrested. Why would the average person in Thailand care about this? We believe anything we see, hear or read in the news, but what is the point when 80% of it is all lies and propaganda. I guess it is just a cheap way from Isreal or the US to get Thailand involved in the up coming war with Iran, I mean why would the Iranians attack "Thailand"?

What makes you think the target was Thailnd, most likely foreign interests/citizens in Thailand.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I wonder when the gala thank you party will be held honoring the great work of the Thai intelligence community and foreign ministry keeping terrorists out of Thailand? Don't laugh, they honored froc for their great success in controlling the flood.

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It is quite frightening when the Thai authorities are not facing the reality with this terrorist act. What else is happening that they consider "normal"? By sticking their stupid heads in the sand they will unfortunately cause further innocent casualties.

It is NOT an ordinary spit between criminals. I believe they were out to bomb the Israeli or American embassies or God forbid they were after nearby targets frequented by tourists.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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The same old story... some Iranians have suddenly found out to deposit some bombs in Thailand. Now, when the teansion is developing between the usa/israel and Iran. No secret sevices were involved from the previouos side .... of course not ... innocent israel and devil Iran, and everyone, they actually don't like ... Oh, yes ......

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